Remote connection Azure SQL Server not showing All databases - database

When I connect my Azure SQL Server using Azure portal then it shows me all databases (shown in the screenshot1)
But when I connect to the same server using SSMS inside Azure VM then it shows only one database (shown in the screenshot2)
Please someone help me in this issue

I think you'd better check the Options settings, did you specify the db name. If so, you will only can see specified db, not all.


Error SQL71624: The permission 'CONNECT' is not valid for the target object 'guest' in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12

I have a SQL database created and I am trying to deploy/move that database to the Azure Cloud by using the Deploy Database to SQL Azure Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. But I have ran into an error after trying to deploy it. I am using the SQL Authentication to log in with my credentials. I also tried installing the Data Migration Application.
The error is:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
One or more unsupported elements were found in the schema used as part of a data package.
Error SQL71624: The permission 'CONNECT' is not valid for the target object 'guest' in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12.
I don't understand what this error means and also I don't understand why this error is happening. I looked on the internet for possible solutions but could not find any information. Please help me.
SQL Azure and regular SQL Server aren't entirely compatible.
One of the things that is enabled on regular SQL Server is the guest login. This login allows connection to instance, with a default database of master. Once connected, the user can switch to a different database (use [thedatabase]) if they have the authority to do so.
But in SQL Azure, you connect directly to a single database, and can't switch databases on the connection. So the guest account has no function.
On your source instance (the one you want to migrate), you can revoke this ability so that the wizard won't try to migrate it. Execute revoke connect from guest on your on premise instance.

Unable to connect Excel 2016 to Azure SQL Database even though SSMS connects without issue

I have an Azure SQL Server (native, not inside a VM) that I connect to every day via SSMS on my local machine - Windows 10 Pro.
For the first time, I am trying to connect Excel 2016 via Data-> Get Data-> From Database -> From SQL Server Database.
From there I am asked for the Server name, followed by login credentials, which I use the exact username and password I'm using for SSMS. I get an error message that says We couldn't authenticate with the credentials provided. Please try again.
This doesn't make any sense to me. My SSMS work perfectly, and Excel is under the same IP address as SSMS which is whitelisted. Is there something else inside Excel's settings which I'm missing?
FYI, I tried the server name both with and without 1433 after it just to be sure. Same result.
Screenshots below.
I tried using the data, get data, sql server option. It does not understand azure sql database.
If I use the data, new query, azure sql database option, I have the same screens that you have. I am using Excel 2016.
Here is your issue!
There are two tabs on the second screen. You are filling in the window tab. Therefore, it is trying to log into the database with windows (active directory) authentication. Choose the second option on the left pane, database. Use database credentials.
This should work with no issues.
I tested it out on my local machine.
for azure sql you always need to provide the database name, as you do not have rights to list databases on azure. (so this optional is not that optional for azure :)
I could list tables on azure sql from office 2016 on mac, nevertheless the excel query app shows only the tables but does not show any views. Once i made a table the import was hanging while trying to get the data. making a smaller table (just 60K rows) did not help. The SQL server connectivity seems to be broken/very slow on mac excel 2016.

Accessing sqlserver via Windows Azure

I am trying to access SQLserver database via my Azure account. This is because I didnt find a appropriate Database client for my Mac(Sierra) to connect to the SQLserver DB.
I encounter a firewall error when i try to query the database in the Query editorQuery editor in Azure. Can someone help on this?
*IP is configured to access.
I have reproduce your error:
We should modify SQL SERVER Firewall settings, change Allow assess to Azure services to ON. Then we can use Query Editor.

SSAS Cube deployment error

I was going to process the cube deployment and found the error.
I changed the target server name from 'localhost' to this,and tried different way but in vain.
Here is the snap from my SSMS
You may have multiple issues going on but the first and foremost is you do NOT deploy SSAS Multidimensional [MDX] models to a SQL Database Engine Instance!
Unless you have a very odd configuration ATI-PC\MSSQLSERVER should point to the default MS SQL Server Database Engine Instance NOT an SSAS MDX instance!
The SSMS screen shot you show is for the local host connection you show is for a Database Engine with SQL Server Authentication (SA), which I would assume the instance is called MSSQLSERVER which is the default instance name.
1) What is your SSAS instance name?
2) Does your windows account have permissions? SSAS doesn't allow for SQL server authentication so it must be windows authentication.
3) Is SQL Browser running?
4) Have you configured SQL Browser to allow for the protocols and to allow connections from both Localhost and ATI-PC(InstanceName)?
to connect to Analysis Services Change the Server Type. When first launching SSMS you can do that via changing server type and then modifying the server name to the appropriate name.
If your SSMS is already open you can select "Connect" drop down and choose Analysis Services.
Check on your SQL Browser Configuration by Launching "SQL Server (Version) Configuration Manager" then step through the different areas as far as how to configure it is somewhat self explanatory and because you are deploying an AdeventureWorks cube I would surmise that the configuration would be earlier in you tutorial you are working on.
I am sure that you have 'SQL Browser' service running in services.msc. Still I doubt your account which you logged in has access to SSAS and also to connect to that underlying SQL Server. Try checking both for the access, if you selected deploy as service account check that account has access in SSAS. If still you have issues trying checking the eventvwr if you are getting any more errors. If it is development box try recycling SSAS services and try deploying?

How can I use an Active Directory login in Microsoft Access linked to SQL Server?

We have a client who uses MS Access to manipulate data in their SQL Server DB. I know that we can set up SQL Server to authenticate using Active Directory. If we set this up, can they use their AD logins to connect to SQL Server through Access? How?
I tried Googling this, but to no avail. Any links or direction would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Also, please direct me to the correct place, if I should ask this question elsewhere.
Yes this should be pretty straight forward. You can use Windows Authentication to connect to sql server.
When establishing ODBC connection from your Client, The Wizard for connection configuration to SQL Server takes you to a page which gives you options to choose how you want to connect to SQL SERVER. There you can choose to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. You can choose the Windows Authentication Option.
Now when a client tries to connect to the SQL Server their windows credentials will be used to authenticate the user. And obviously if they are on a network their AD Account will Authenticate them.
See below a snapshot from ODBC Data Source Administrator wizard when configuring connection to sql server.
