React onClick() doesn't trigger when inside map function - reactjs

I'm building my first react application and I've got an issue.
I want to create a simple app where I can click on a book title in a sidebar, and see a summary of the book. I'm getting the book titles and summaries through an API I've defined locally.
Right now, clicking on a book title doesn't do anything. I get an error in red in the console:
index.js:1 Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
I'm calling my API like so:
const [viewingId, setViewingId] = useState()
const [bookList, setBookList] = useState([])
const [contents, setContents] = useState({})
useEffect(() => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {setBookList(res)})
}, [])
const fetchBookSummary = (id) => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
setContents({...contents, [id]: res[0]})
This is how I'm defining my 'onClick' function:
const seeSummary = (id) => {
And finally, my App renders like this:
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="App-Container">
<div className="BookList">
{ => (
<Node book={book} onClick={() => seeSummary(} />
<div className="SummaryView">
{contents[viewingId]?.content?.map((summaryData => (
<Summary summaryData={summaryData}/>
I used to have just onClick={seeSummary(}, but I got a "too many re-renders" error...I'm not sure I understand what adding () => did.
I'd like to be able to see the Summary when I click on a book. Any help is appreciated!

To resolve the React key warning you just need to provide a valid React key to the elements being mapped.
{ => (
key={} // <-- Add a unique key, the book id is good
onClick={() => seeSummary(}
When you were just onClick={seeSummary(} this was invoking the callback immediately, thus causing the render looping. By adding the "() =>" you are declaring an anonymous function to invoke your seeSummary function and pass the specific book id at-the-time the node is clicked.
I don't see any overt issues with the way you've defined your onClick handler other than the fetching book details will take longer than it will take to update the summary id.
const seeSummary = (id) => {
fetchBookSummary(id); // fetching data
setViewingId(id); // will update first.
I suspect you haven't connected/attached the onClick prop of the Node component to any DOM element, like a button or div, etc... You need to ensure that the onClick prop is actually attached to something a user can interact with.
const Node = ({ book, onClick }) => (
<div onClick={onClick}>
{book.title} - Click me to see summary!


'Maximum update depth exceeded' error when trying to use custom function passed as props in 'onClick' of button

I am trying to use a pass a function as props declared in App.js to handle a state variable in App.js in order to add items to a cart component but get this error as soon as I add the function to the onClick field of the "Add" button in my product component(at the end of post):
Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
My App.js looks like this:
const App = () => {
const [cartItems, setCartItems] = useState([]);
const handleAddProduct = (product) => {
//some logic to add product to cartItems list here
<Box className="App">
<AppRoutes handleAddProduct={handleAddProduct} cartItems={cartItems}/>
Im passing the function and the state variable as props to my routes component so I can access it in my Products page:
const AppRoutes = ({ handleAddProduct, cartItems }) => {
return (
<Route exact path="/alldrip" element={<ProductsPage handleAddProduct={handleAddProduct} />} />
And in my products page the function gets passed as props again to another component:
const ProductsPage = ({ handleAddProduct }) => {
return (
<AllProducts handleAddProduct={handleAddProduct} />
And then I pass the function one last time in AllProducts to an individual Product component: ( I seperated the components this way so it is easier for me to read)
const AllProducts = ({ handleAddProduct }) => {
return (
{ => {
return (
<Product handleAddProduct={handleAddProduct} product={product} />
The products load fine but the app crashes with the error as soon as I add the function to the "Onclick" of the add to cart button:
const Product = ({ handleAddProduct, product }) => {
return (
<Text >{product.material}</Text>
<Text>{product.price} </Text>
<Button onClick={handleAddProduct(product)} >Add to Cart</Button>
If I remove the function the app stays alive !
I'm not understanding why the error states setState is getting called repeatedly.
This should probably only be
onClick={() => handleAddProduct(product)}
otherwise you're calling the handleAddProduct method on render directly and not on click.
You call your handleAddProduct directly in your jsx that re-renders the component that directly call handleAddProduct and so on ...
You can try
onClick={() => handleAddProduct(product)}
A better approach is to avoid anonymous functions so in your Product component
const Product = ({ handleAddProduct, product }) => {
const onAddProduct = (product) => {
return (
<Button onClick={onAddProduct}>Add to Cart</Button>

Is there any pitfall of using ref as conditional statement?

Context: I am trying to scroll view to props.toBeExpandItem item which keeps changing depending on click event in parent component. Every time a user clicks on some button in parent component I want to show them this list and scroll in the clicked item to view port. Also I am trying to avoid adding ref to all the list items.
I am using react ref and want to add it conditionally only once in my component. My code goes as below. In all cases the === props.toBeExpandItem would be truthy only once in loop at any given point of time. I want to understand will it add any overhead if I am adding ref=null for rest of the loop elements?
export const MyComponent = (
) => {
const rootRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.toBeExpandItem && rootRef.current) {
setTimeout(() => {
rootRef.current?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
}, [props.toBeExpandItem]);
return (
{ => (
ref={ === props.toBeExpandItem ? rootRef : null}
Depending upon your recent comment, you can get the target from your click handler event. Will this work according to your ui?
const handleClick = (e) => {
return (
<li onClick={handleClick}>Milk</li>
<li onclick={handleClick}>Cheese </li>

react.js, how to create a search filter from API data?

I am trying to create my first search bar in React.js. I am trying to implement search functionality with filter method. I faced a problem with filter method, which gives an error like "filter is not defined". I am stuck on it for 2 days, I have looked several tutorials and endless youtube videos. This is the simpliest approach, I guess. Any help will be appreciated.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Recipe from "./Recipe";
import "./styles.css";
export default function RecipeList() {
const apiURL = "";
const [myRecipes, setRecipes] = useState("");
const [search, setSearch] = useState("");
// fetch recipe from API
function fetchRecipes() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => setRecipes(data.meals))
function onDeleteHandler(index) {
myRecipes.filter((element, filterIndex) => index !== filterIndex)
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const filterRecipes = myRecipe.meal.filter( element => {
{/* filter method above doesn't work */}
return (
<div className="input-group mb-3 cb-search">
placeholder="Search for recipes..."
aria-label="Recipient's username"
onChange = {e => setSearch (}
<div className="input-group-append">
className="btn btn-outline-secondary"
className="btn btn-info cb-button fetch-button"
Fetch Recipe
<br />
{, index) => (
index = {index}
name = {element.strMeal}
{/** name of child component */}
{/** strMeal is the name of Recipe in API object */}
link for code codesandbox
I made some changes on your code updated code
const [myRecipes, setRecipes] = useState([]);
You should declare myRecipes as an array if u intended to use map function.
const filterRecipes = myRecipe.meal.filter( element => {
You have the wrong variable passing through, it should be myRecipes, index) => (
index = {index}
name = {element.strMeal}
3. You should check whether your filterRecipes is not undefined before you use map function.
Lastly, your fetch API return error which unable to setRecipes.
I could not resolve you task completely because of low count of information according the task, but, i think, my answer will be useful for you.
So, tthe first thing I would like to draw attention to is a initial state in the parameter of useState function. In this task it sould be as:
const [myRecipes, setRecipes] = useState({meals: []});
Because, before fetching data, React has a time to run the code, and, when it come to line 32, it see what in the myRecipes (myRecipes, not a myRecipe. Please, pay attention when you write the code) a string except an array.
And in the line 32 i recommend you to add something checking of have you resolved request of data like:
const filterRecipes = myRecipes.meals.length
? myRecipes.meals.filter(element => {
: []
And look in the data which you receive, because, i think, there are no elements with propName like name (
I think, i could help you as possible. If you have any questions, ask in comments. Will answer you as soon as possible. Good luck

Jest: functional component array list not mapping after adding element

I am trying to list person by clicking onClick function to add empty object so that map can loop
over and show div. I see prop onclick function calling works but i map is not looping over it.
a little help would be appreciated.
// functional component
const listing = ({list=[]}) => (
<div id='addPerson' onClick={() => list.push({})}>Add person</div>}
{, index) => (
<div key={index} className='listItems'>
<p>list name</p>
export default listing;
// test case
it('renders list-items', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<listing />);
console.log(wrapper.find('.listItems').length); // showing zero, expected 1
Updating List is not going to cause a re-render in your component. I am not sure where List is coming from, but I am assuming it is coming from a local state in the parent, or probably redux store. From inside your component, you will have to call a function in your parent to update the list array there.
Below is a version of your component, assuming the list in your local state. You will have to adjust the code to update the state in the parent or redux store, but the below should be enough to give you an idea of what to do. Also, don't push the element to array, as it mutates the object and will not contact re-render.
const Listing = ({list = [], addToList}) => {
return <>
<div id='addPerson' onClick={() => addToList({})}>Add person</div>}
{, index) => (
<div key={index} className='listItems'>
<p>list name</p>

Reactjs not updating dom classes after splicing state

Hello I am new to react and have a question with changing classes and animation onClick.
I am trying to move up and down only with css classes that I add or remove to an array that is in my className.
app.js i have this in state
updown: ["containerMG"],
and here is how i render my components in app.js
render() {
return (
<div className="movies-container">
{, index) => {
return <Film
openFilm={() => this.injectFilm(index)}/>
<Gallery />
my component looks like this
const ContainerMG = (props) => {
return (
<div className={props.klasa.join(' ')}>
<img onClick={props.zatvori} src="xxx" alt="close" className="close-popup" />
this is how the div moves up
injectFilm = (filmIndex) => {
const selectedFilm = this.state.filmovi.find((film, index) => index === filmIndex)
this.setState((prevState) => ({
this is how i tried to move it down
closePreview = () => {
i am pretty sure i should not change the state directly, and also when i change it to remove the "position-top" class the dom doesn't reload.
thank you for all the help in advance and if i didn't show something that you need please do write.
You're right, you should never change the state directly like that, but rather, use a setState() method. Doing this.state.updown.push("position-top"); will mutate it. Let's say you want to remove whatever is last from the array, you could do something like:
const {updown} = this.state;
this.setState({updown: updown});
Which would cause a re-render. Treat the state as if it were immutable.
