Header files for STM32F439 timer interrupts - c

I wrote the following code to program a STM32F439 microcontroller based on the ARM Cortex-M4 processor core. I defined a timer interrupt handler that is triggered every time when TIM7 counts to the end of 1 second so that it executes a specified piece of code every second. The contents of functions InitRCC() (which initialises RCC to enable GPIOs) and ConfGPIO() (which configures GPIO pins) are omitted.
#include "main.h"
#include "stm32f439xx.h"
#include "core_cm4.h"
#include "gpioControl.h"
// Configure Timer 7 and automatically start the timer
void ConfTimer7()
// Reset the peripheral interface
// Wait a minimum of two clock cycles
// Clear the reset bit
// Wait a minimum of two clock cycles
// Disable Timer 7
TIM7->CR1 &= ~(TIM_CR1_CEN);
// Clear the prescaler register of Timer 7
TIM7->PSC &= ~(TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk);
// Set the prescaler value of Timer 7 to 24
TIM7->PSC |= 2499; // Timer 7 frequency = 42*10^6/(2499+1) = 16.8 kHz
// Clear the auto-reload register of Timer 7
TIM7->ARR &= ~(TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk);
// Set the count to 16800 (count to 1s)
TIM7->ARR |= 16800;
// Set Timer 7 to run in "free-run" mode
TIM7->CR1 &= ~(TIM_CR1_OPM);
// Enable timer interrupt for Timer 7
// Enable Timer 7
void TIM7_IRQHandler()
TIM7->SR &= ~(TIM_SR_UIF); // Clear the timer interrupt flag
// Code to be executed every second
int main(void)
// Disable interrupts before configuring the system
// Set the timer interrupt to priority 0
NVIC_SetPriority(TIM7_DAC_IRQn, 0);
// Configure Timer 7
// Enable the global interrupt system
while (1)
When I tried to build the target in Keil µVision 5, the following warnings and errors are shown:
src\main.c(526): warning: #223-D: function "_disable_irq" declared implicitly
src\main.c(529): error: #20: identifier "TIM7_DAC_IRQn" is undefined
NVIC_SetPriority(TIM7_DAC_IRQn, 0);
src\main.c(535): warning: #223-D: function "_enable_irq" declared implicitly
How to fix these errors and warnings? Are there any more header files I need to add so that functions void _enable_irq(void) and void _disable_irq(void) and the identifier "TIM7_DAC_IRQn" are defined? Or is there any alternative to these functions or identifiers in the existing header files?

Never include core_cm4.h or stm32f439xx.h directly.
You need to define the correct part number macro STM32F439xx using a command line flag eg: -DSTM32F439xx.
After that you should only include "stm32f4xx.h". This will include the correct CMSIS headers which define _enable_irq and _disable_irq and all the valid IRQ numbers for the part.
Regarding TIM7_DAC_IRQn, this is incorrect. The DAC shares an interrupt with TIM6, and TIM7 has its own separate one. Chose either TIM6_DAC_IRQn or TIM7_IRQn.

Vector table definitions is in the startup files, not CMSIS. Vector table has to be laced in that particular place in memory so the appropriate linker script is also needed.
To have all of those missed pieces I would rather recommend to use CubeMx, create the project and extract needed files. Linker script, startup files etc etc.


PIC16F877A timer1 interrupt time is not as expected

Implemented interrupt function on TIMER1 on PIC16F877A MCU on PIC-DIP40 development board. Configured the timer Prescaler to 1 and auto preload value to 55536 so that the interrupt time is 0.01s. Using a counter of 100 to count 1s interval. The Fosc is 4Mhz. So my calculation is :
interrupt time = (4 / Fosc) * (65536 - 55536) = (4/4000000) * (65536 - 55536) = 0.01 s
And used a counter of 100 to generate a 1s interval.
Currently, I have no oscilloscope to test the actual 1s interval so, I am blinking an LED (LED2) on the timer interrupt and another LED (LED1) on the same time interval 1s using __delay_ms(1000); function.
So as expected the two LEDs will blink synchronously (Turn ON and OFF at the same Time). But for some first iterations, they blink synchronously. After some iterations, there is a clear difference in time between their blinking time (Turning ON and OFF time). After several minutes the difference is almost 1s. So the timer interrupt is not working as expected.
So is my calculation wrong for interrupt time or I am missing something in the timer1 configuration?
The overall goal is to generate a 1s time interval and test the validity without using an oscilloscope.
Here is my code :
#pragma config FOSC = HS // Oscillator Selection bits (HS oscillator)
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT disabled)
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT disabled)
#pragma config BOREN = OFF // Brown-out Reset Enable bit (BOR disabled)
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit (RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming)
#pragma config CPD = OFF // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit (Data EEPROM code protection off)
#pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits (Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control)
#pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit (Code protection off)
#include <xc.h>
#include <pic16f877a.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
#define LED1_ON PORTDbits.RD7 = 0
#define LED1_OFF PORTDbits.RD7 = 1
#define LED2_ON PORTDbits.RD6 = 0
#define LED2_OFF PORTDbits.RD6 = 1
#define LED2_TOGGLE PORTDbits.RD6 = ~PORTDbits.RD6
uint16_t preloadValue = 55536 ;
uint16_t counter = 0 ;
uint16_t secCounter1 = 100 ;
void io_config() {
TRISD &= ~((1 << _PORTD_RD7_POSITION) | (1 << _PORTD_RD6_POSITION)) ; //RD7 and RD6 are output LEDs
void timer1_init(){
TMR1 = preloadValue ; //loading the preload value
T1CON &= ~((1 << _T1CON_T1CKPS1_POSN) | (1 << _T1CON_T1CKPS0_POSN) | (1 << _T1CON_TMR1CS_POSN)) ; //prescalar is 1 clock is Fosc
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1 ; //timer 1 is ON
void interrupt_en_configure(){
INTCON |= (1 << _INTCON_GIE_POSITION) | (1 << _INTCON_PEIE_POSITION) ; //global and peripheral interrupt on
PIE1 |= _PIE1_TMR1IE_MASK ; //timer 1 interrupt enable
TMR1IF = 0 ; //clearing interupt flag
void __interrupt() ISR(){
counter ++ ;
if (counter == secCounter1){
counter = 0 ;
TMR1 = preloadValue ;
TMR1IF = 0 ;
void main(void) {
interrupt_en_configure() ;
timer1_init() ;
while (1) {
You should not expect them to operate synchronously for the following reasons:
First you do not know how __delay_ms() is implemented or any "promises" of precision it may make - it is certainly not using TIMER1, because you are controlling that. In fact the documentation gives some implementation details, and you really cannot expect precision.
Secondly, even if __delay_ms() were both accurate and synchronous, you are invoking it in a loop with the software overhead of the loop, function call and whatever you are doing to toggle the LED. That is a few cycles on every iteration that do not affect the interrupt interval which is locked to the hardware, and independent of the software timing.
The issue of precision of __delay_ms() is in fact addressed in this Microchip support article where it starts:
If an accurate delay is required, or if there are other tasks that can be performed during the delay, then using a timer to generate an interrupt is the best way to proceed.
In this case you should trust your code over the library provided delay which is intentionally crude (because it does not use up a valuable H/W timer resource).
__delay_ms() delays by running an empty loop, but it commonly cannot be exact. You would need to look into the actual machine code that is run to calculate the real delay. BTW, this is not rocket science and a great learning task. (Been there, done that.)
Now the rest of your loop (LED switching, looping) adds to this. Therefore, your pure software driven blinker is not exact.
However, your interrupt driven blinker is not, too. You reset the timer at the end of the ISR, after several clock cycles have passed. You need to take this into account, and don't forget the interrupt latency. Even worse, depending on the conditional statement, the reset happens at different times after the timer overflow.
Producing exact timing is difficult, especially with such a simple device.
The solution is to avoid software at all for the reset of the timer. Please read chapter 8 of the data sheet and use the capture/compare/PWM module to reset the timer on the appropriate value.
The worst thing that could still happen is some jitter, just because the ISR might have different latencies. But the timer runs as exactly as your system's crystal. In average your LED will blink correctly.
Anyway, if your timing requirements are not that hard, consider to live with some inaccuracy. Then use the most simple solution you like best.

ISR-defining vs checking for TIFR corresponding bit in AVR timer programming

With timers, I want to toggle an LED every one second. I'm using ATMega32 and the clock frequency is 1MHz. I can get to 0.1 second using the 8-bit counter, and for each 10 timer interrupts, I blink the led.
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
typedef unsigned char u8_t;
typedef unsigned short u16_t;
void func();
int main(void)
DDRC = 0x80;
TCCR0 |= (1 << WGM01); // CTC bit.
TCCR0 |= (1 << CS02) | (1 << CS00); // Prescalar = 1024.
OCR0 = 98; // 98 ticks correspond to roughly 0.1 second with 1024 prescaler
TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE0);
TCNT0 = 0;
if (!(TIFR & (1 << OCF0))) {
void func()
static u8_t extra_time = 0;
if (extra_time == 10)
extra_time = 0;
PORTC ^= 0x80;
else extra_time++;
TIFR |= (1 << OCF0);
In the preceding code, I do not define an ISR for the TIMER0_COMP_vect interrupt.
From the datasheet:
The OCF0 bit is set (one) when a compare match occurs between the Timer/Counter0 and the
data in OCR0 – Output Compare Register0. OCF0 is cleared by hardware when executing the
corresponding interrupt handling vector. Alternatively, OCF0 is cleared by writing a logic one to
the flag. When the I-bit in SREG, OCIE0 (Timer/Counter0 Compare Match Interrupt Enable), and
OCF0 are set (one), the Timer/Counter0 Compare Match Interrupt is executed.
emphasis mine.
Therefore, by the emphasized sentence, I can check for the OCF0 bit for being a zero, and if so, I can "handle" the on-compare-match event.
However, the LED blinks much more frequently (not even a tenth second between each blink but I cannot measure of course).
This works fine if I just set an ISR on TIMER0_COMP_vect and check for nothing, but I want to know why is the OCF0 always(?) logic 0, hence "on", even though I set it to high on each func() call. And what's the problem with this method.
Keep reading the next line in the data sheet
When the I-bit in SREG, OCIE0 (Timer/Counter0 Compare Match Interrupt Enable), and OCF0 are set (one), the Timer/Counter0 Compare Match Interrupt is executed.
then take a look at your code
you have Enabled Compare Match Interrupt
TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE0);
you have Enabled the Global interrupt (I-bit in SREG)
so whenever output compare flag OCF0 is set then all the 3 conditions for interrupt have occurred and interrupt is automatically fired
when an interrupt has been fired the program flow of execution will jump to a specific memory location corresponding to this interrupt to execute the code and handle it,
but you did not provide any code for this interrupt (no ISR), so the microcontroller does not know what he can do because you did not tell him, so simply he will RESET
and so on, interrupt with no Handler keep fired makes the microcontroller keep
finally, when you add an empty ISR you Provide a code which tell the microcontroller to do nothing if this interrupt is fired and the micro will not reset because he knows how to handle it
if you want to keep track OCF0 flag by yourself delete this line
TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE0);

freeRTOS doesn't work properly on atmega32A

I am new to Free RTOS, and I was following some tutorial line by line but things didn't sum up correctly, I used free RTOS to toggle 3 LEDS but it lights just 2 of them without toggling! random 2 LEDs, whatever I change the priorities or the delay time of toggling. random 2 LEDs just switch on and nothing more, I tried the code on proteus simulation and on real hardware and the same problem exists. can someone help me with this?
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
/* FreeRTOS files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "croutine.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
/* Define all the tasks */
static void ledBlinkingtask1(void* pvParameters);
static void ledBlinkingtask2(void* pvParameters);
static void ledBlinkingtask3(void* pvParameters);
int main(void) {
/* Call FreeRTOS APIs to create tasks, all tasks has the same priority "1" with the
same stack size*/
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask1,"LED1",
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask2,"LED2",
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask3,"LED3",
// Start the RTOS kernel
/* Do nothing here and just run infinte loop */
return 0;
static void ledBlinkingtask1(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask1*/
const uint8_t blinkDelay = 100 ;
/* make PB0 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<0); //PB0
/* Start the infinte task 1 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<0); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
static void ledBlinkingtask2(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask2*/
const uint8_t blinkDelay = 100;
/* make PB1 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<1);//PB0
/* Start the infinte task 2 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<1); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
static void ledBlinkingtask3(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask3*/
const uint16_t blinkDelay = 100;
/* make PB2 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<2); //PB2
/* Start the infinte task 3 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<2); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
ps: every task works well alone but not together!
As already mentioned in comments - the major problem seems to be that access to the port register driving the LEDs is neither
PORTB ^= (1<<0); // in task 1
PORTB ^= (1<<1); // in task 2
PORTB ^= (1<<2); // in task 3
protected (by disabling interrupts during access, or by RTOS measures such as a mutex)
deployed to one unique task:
It may be misleading that the access to HW register is performed using a single instruction in the C code every time.
Still, this doesn't help because the compiler generates several assembler instructions (e.g., load previous port value to register, modify that register value, write it back to the port). This way, one task can interrupt another between those assembler/CPU instructions and modify the intermediate value.
Several tasks writing back "their" register value to the port in turn can revert what other task(s) may have just written to the port, so you miss a blinky event (or several, if this happens systematically).
The solution is therefore to protect the assignments against each other.
In the same order as numbered above, this may mean either of the following:
Check if the hardware offers a "set value" or "reset value" register beside the main PORTB port register. If so, writing a single bit to that port would be an atomic way to have the LED toggle.
I'm sorry that I don't know the hardware interface of Atmega. Maybe, this isn't possible, and you have to go on directly to 2. and 3.
a. Disable interrupts before changing the port register, reenable it afterwards. This way, the task scheduler won't run during that period (= critical section) and nobody disturbs the task that accesses the hardware.
c. Use a mutex or similar.
Create a fourth task which waits (blocking) at a mailbox/queue.
Whenever it receives a value from the mailbox, it processes it (e.g., by XOR-ing it to the port register).
The three existing tasks don't access the LED port register themselves, but instead send such a value (= request message) to the new task.
Assign a higher priority to the new task in order to get a smooth blinking pattern.
If option 1. is possible on your controller, it is fastest (but it requires certain features in the hardware platform...). Otherwise, I agree with the hint from #Richard, option 2.b. are fastest (2.a. is as fast, but not as clean because you break the layering of the FreeRTOS lib).
Option 2.c. may introduce a notable overhead, and option 3. is very clean but a complete overkill in your situation: If your question is really only about blinking LEDs, please leave the bulldozer inside the garage and choose option 2.

How to acheive Adafruit Feather M0 Sleep & Wake on External Interrupt using any Pin?

I am currently working on a low-power project using the Adafruit Feather M0 microprocessor. A requirement of my project is to be able to sleep the CPU and wake it again using an external interrupt triggered from the MPU6050 accelerometer.
I have tested the following code sample from GitHub - it works successfully! The question that I need answering is how to I alter this sample code to work on Pin 13 of the feather, rather than pin 6.
#define interruptPin 6
volatile bool SLEEP_FLAG;
void EIC_ISR(void) {
SLEEP_FLAG ^= true; // toggle SLEEP_FLAG by XORing it against true
//Serial.print("EIC_ISR SLEEP_FLAG = ");
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
delay(3000); // wait for console opening
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), EIC_ISR, CHANGE); // Attach interrupt to pin 6 with an ISR and when the pin state CHANGEs
SYSCTRL->XOSC32K.reg |= (SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_RUNSTDBY | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_ONDEMAND); // set external 32k oscillator to run when idle or sleep mode is chosen
REG_GCLK_CLKCTRL |= GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID(GCM_EIC) | // generic clock multiplexer id for the external interrupt controller
GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK1 | // generic clock 1 which is xosc32k
GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN; // enable it
while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // write protected, wait for sync
EIC->WAKEUP.reg |= EIC_WAKEUP_WAKEUPEN4; // Set External Interrupt Controller to use channel 4 (pin 6)
PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_CPU; // Enable Idle0 mode - sleep CPU clock only
//PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_AHB; // Idle1 - sleep CPU and AHB clocks
//PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_APB; // Idle2 - sleep CPU, AHB, and APB clocks
// It is either Idle mode or Standby mode, not both.
SCB->SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk; // Enable Standby or "deep sleep" mode
SLEEP_FLAG = false; // begin awake
// Built-in LED set to output and high
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].DIRSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // set pin direction to output
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // set pin mode to high
Serial.println("Setup() Run!");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (SLEEP_FLAG == true) {
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTCLR.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // set pin mode to low
Serial.println("I'm going to sleep now.");
__WFI(); // wake from interrupt
SLEEP_FLAG = false;
Serial.println("Ok, I'm awake");
//Serial.print("SLEEP_FLAG = ");
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTTGL.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // toggle output of built-in LED pin
As per the pinout diagram and Atmel datasheet, I am struggling to work out which changes to make to allow pin 13 to operate in the same way as pin 6.
Atmel Datasheet
The obvious solution is to change the following lines...
#define interruptPin 13
EIC->WAKEUP.reg |= EIC_WAKEUP_WAKEUPEN1; // Set External Interrupt Controller to use channel 4 (pin 6)
I suspected channel 1 (WAKEUPEN1) due to the ENINT^1 next to pin 13 on the pinout diagram. But this didn't work, the code pin operation did not exhibit the same behaviour as the pin 6 setup.
I would be very grateful for any suggestion of how to implement this code working on Pin 13. Many thanks for your support.
I'm not an authority here, and your code looks correct to me.
Except, the pin out shows Pin 13 is the built-in LED line, and you manipulate LED_BUILTIN several places in your code. That's almost certainly conflicting with your attempts to use 13 as an interrupt line.

AVR C how to stop interrupt

I am programming a AVR MCU.
It has a POT that reads off an analogue pin. It seems that the interrupt is constantly called, and it must be called during a LCD_display method as it is messing with my LCD.
Is there a way to STOP the inturrupts until after the block is run?
int main(void)
/*Turn on ADC Interrupt */
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);
/*Turn On GLobal Interrupts*/
/* Intalise LCD */
lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); /* initialize display, cursor off */
DDRB &= ~(1 << PINB5); //set input direction
ADC_Init(128, 0); //initalize ADC
while (1)
if (!bit_is_clear(PINB, 5))
if (!pressed)
lcd_puts("test"); //Doesnt work unless I dont comment out the last line of interrupt
pressed = 1;
char adcResult[4];
uint8_t theLowADC = ADCL;
uint16_t theTenBitResults = ADCH<<8 | theLowADC;
itoa(theTenBitResults, adcResult, 10);
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //next conversion *if i comment out this line it works*
If the interrupt handler behaves bad with your code, the reason could be you spend too much time in the interrupt handler. You should only do critical work in the interrupt handler and defer the less critical work in the application code; use a volatile flag shared between the handler and the application code to let the application code know if it has work to do. In your example, you should defer the itoa call in the application code.
Use cli(); to disable interrupts and sei(); to enable them again after you finished the display routine.
Which MCU are you using? You should propably use a timer instead of a delay of 500ms.
I believe, I am little late but still I had the same issue I solved it using the following method,
Interrupts are enabled using two flags
1.A global interrupt flag
2.A module related interrupt flag (in your case ADC)
You can have control over module related flag, in your case in the ADCSRA control register there is a flag named ADIE- ADC Interrupt Enable flag you can use that to control the Interrupts.
For example,
In main function you can enable the flag and in ISR disable the flag.
//enable global flag and ADC flag
//your logic
// enable ADC flag
//disable the ADC flag
I hope this solves the issue you are having.
