Refreshing token with on-behalf-of flow (single-sign-on with Teams) - azure-active-directory

I have a single-sign-on scenario with Microsoft Teams. See full description in the documentation:
I am getting an access token by "trading" the "teams" token for an access token.
My question is, how do I refresh this access token? In single-sign-on scenario the "refrehs_token" is not returned (?), so normal OAuth2 refresh flow does not seem to be possible.
Imagine I traded it once, and got the access token that expires in say 2 hours. I use it to access graph API (or whatever), and then the token expires.
What should I do to get a new access token? Can I just ask Teams for a fresh "teams" token and trade it again in case the old one expired? Teams App takes care of refreshing its own tokens, right? When should I do this (when I get "access denied", or just if I see that the token has expired?

Looks like I found the reason - you must pass offline_access as scope request then you get back the refresh_token. That was my issue actually, and it is documented, I just did not read carefully:
refresh_token The refresh token for the requested access token. The calling service can use this token to request another access token after the current access token expires. The refresh token is only provided if the offline_access scope was requested.


Access Tokens, Refresh Tokens, And User Data

I am using a JWT authentication scheme for my app. I did some research about how to store and use access and refresh tokens, and I have several questions that I couldn't really find an answer to. For the app, I am using React for the frontend and .NET 6 Web API for the backened.
Question 1: Storing what where?
Based on the research I did, local storage is not a good place to store a jwt token for security reasons. So probably the second best alternative would be HttpOnly cookie for the jwt token and local storage for the refresh token. However I did read some articles where jwt token is stored in local storage while the refresh token is stored as HttpOnly cookie. Which approach is better, and the pros and cons of each. P.S I will be rotating the tokens, i.e a new access and refresh token will be generated once the old jwt token is refreshed. Or even store it in memory such as redux state
Question 2: When to refresh JWT Token?
Should the jwt token be refreshed just before it expires, such that the backend can verify the token, or is it fine to refresh the token after it expires (by bypassing the verificatoin when refreshing the token only i.e the refresh endpoint). Also should refreshing, be done by setting an timer/interval, or waiting for a request to fail?
Question 3: Accessing User Data and Expiry Date
I am storing some user data, such as username and password in the jwt token so I can acees them in the frontend. The problem is that when setting the jwt token as HttpOnly cookie, since Javascript can't access the token, I won't be able to access user data and the token's data(such as jti and expiry date). For the user data, I could do a seperate request to access user data such as username and email, but for the JWT token's expiry date, how could I obtain it?
I would appreciate answers to these questions or any feedback if someone faced similar issues and how you resolved them
Consider these as discussion rather then guideleines
Question 1: Storing what where?
Storing access tokens in memory is a good choice
But if you have a refresh token, and you need to do a silent login, local storage is the only choice
but you can always encrypt the token before storing
Question 2: When to refresh JWT Token?
if you wait for token to expire and then refresh with refresh token then existing request which failed with expired token need to be queued again.
if you refresh token on regular intervals, if existing token is invalidated with refreshing, then again the same issue failing requests needing to be queued again.
if you are using axios, you can use libraries like axios-auth-refresh, which will queue the failed requests and try then again with a new token.
you can check their source code or may be create your own version if handling failed calls is important.
Question 3: Accessing User Data and Expiry Date
Access token and cookies should not contain sensitive information
its better to make another call to the api to get users info
Question 1: Storing what where?
First, it is never recommended to use refresh tokens if you are not able to store them securely. Consider building a traditional web app instead.
Second, session storage is always recommended over local storage for these types of tokens.
However, I understand the problem and there are ways to get around this with “Secure SameSite Cookies” if both your apps use the same domain name. OWASP has recommendations, have a look at “token side jacking”:
A simplified version below (please read OWASP recommendation and make the necessary adjustments):
During the authentication face (Web API):
create a “user context”, a random string
set access token with “user context”
set refresh token with “user context”
set http response header with a hardened cookie (flags: HttpOnly + Secure + SameSite + cookie prefixes). Value: “user context”
You need to implement validation of “user context” for API requests and for the refresh token flow; if “cookie user context” does not match “token user context”, then respond with proper http error code.
This makes it possible to:
store access token in session storage
store refresh token in local storage
Question 2: When to refresh JWT Token?
Should the jwt token be refreshed just before it expires, such that the backend can verify the token, or is it fine to refresh the token after it expires (by bypassing the verificatoin when refreshing the token only i.e the refresh endpoint).
If access token has expired then try refreshing tokens using your refresh token. If refresh token has expired, then a new authentication is needed. The definition of an expired token is that it is no longer valid and cannot be used.
Also should refreshing, be done by setting an timer/interval, or waiting for a request to fail?
Wait for the request to fail. If both access token and refresh token has expired, then a new authentication is needed.
Question 3: Accessing User Data and Expiry Date
It is not recommended to store sensitive information in access token. The access token should be opaque to the client application. Set access token with some identifier and create a /userinfo endpoint that returns information about the user. Eg, Create an authController with two actions:
/token (used for authentication)
/userinfo (used for retrieving information about the user)

What is refresh token and can we control refreshing the ID and Access token in AADB2C?

My team is working on implementing or rather configuring B2C login for our client's mobile app. We got the configuration setup to a point where the user can login to the app once and the token gets cached in MSAL. And next time onwards, the user is able to directly login without entering his/her credentials. We are following the pattern as described here
Our code first tries to retrieve the token using AcquireTokenSilent and if the token is not present in the MSAL cache, then we retrieve it using AcquireTokenInteractive.
I was trying to understand how the ID and Access tokens are refreshed and found on MS docs here about tokens which says
Refresh tokens are used to acquire new ID tokens and access tokens in
an OAuth 2.0 flow. They provide your application with long-term access to resources on behalf of users without requiring interaction with those users...
This also mentioned that when we redeem the refresh token to get new ID and Access tokens, we also get a new refresh token that replaces the previous refresh token.
Now I tried logging out and log back into my mobile app after 1 hour or more and I was still able to login. When I inspected the claims, the ID and Access token expiry was refreshed to next 1 hour of login.
My question here is:
Since ID token and Access tokens have default expiry to 1 hr, then how is it that even though I was logged out for more than an hour, my token refreshed and I was able to login without entering user credentials.
If this is because refresh token automatically refreshes the ID and Access tokens when they approach their expiry, then does this process go on till the refresh token expires itself.
The MS docs also mentioned that when the ID and Access tokens are regenerated after their expiry, we also get a new refresh token. If this is the case then the refresh token would never expire since the new token will always have new expiry.
Is there a way to control the refresh token so that we can control when to refresh the ID and Access tokens.
I am sorry if I missed anything but I am a little confused on how the refresh token works and is there a way to control when to refresh the tokens and when not.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the refresh token is used to get the new id token and access token, even the id token and access token were expired, as long as the refresh token does not expire, it could use the refresh token to get new id token and access token, meanwhile, a new refresh token will be generated, if you want to configure the token lifetime, you could do that in the portal.
Reference -

How to use refresh token coming from acquiretoken silent in MSAL-browser

I am trying to acquire token by aquiretokensilent after login and then have to do authorization in multiple modules.As documentation of MSAL-browser acquiretokensilent will automatically take care of refresh token.In network tab also i am able to see refresh token.But how to use it, does it automatically replace access token or do i need to do something extra and how i can see that refresh token in the console converting to access token after expiry of access token.I have read lot of documents but not got clearity how to use it.
A refresh token is used for renewing an access token or request access tokens with other scopes.
This official doc indicated that how a refresh token renews/requests a new access token and a new refresh token at the base layer.
And yes, you should call aquiretokensilent before API call, if the access token exists and it is not expired, this function will reply the access token to you from local cache directly, if not, it will request a new access token by refresh token from Azure AD.
For details, see this doc.

Microsoft Authentication request additional scope with Access Token

The Microsoft Authentcation is very complex in my eyes. There are so many flows and stuff going!
So what I'm doing currently is
Get a token for a specific scope using the Authorization code flow. I'm using the following scope: (as far as I know I can only request a token for a single scope/audience)
The token works fine. I can access the dynamics admin center with the bearer token I received.
What I'm trying to do now is the following:
I'm trying to access the Microsoft Graph endpoint to read information about the users AAD.
I cannot use the existing token from above, as this one only has the user_importation scope for
I have to request another token with the scope
That's where I'm stuck. How can I use the existing access_token to request an additional scope?
I can use the oauth2/v2.0/token endpoint in combination with the refresh token to request a token for another scope ( This works fine, but I don't want to use the refresh token for this, but instead use the access_token. Is this even possible and makes sense?
Is this even possible and makes sense?
No, you could not use access token to get new access token with addition scope.
As you have said, you could use refresh token to request a new access token for another scope. Refresh tokens do not have specified lifetimes. Typically, the lifetimes of refresh tokens are relatively long. Although refresh tokens aren't revoked when used to acquire new access tokens, you are expected to discard the old refresh token.
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&client_secret=JqQX2PNo9bpM0uEihUPzyrh // NOTE: Only required for web apps
And you could refer to this tutorial.
The scenario that you are looking for is called incremental consent. This is totally doable with MSAL. It would be great to know what platform are you developing by the way.
What you can do is to request an access token for and expects MsalUiRequiredException to be thrown. In its catch, you make an interactive call with as scope. With this approach, you will be implementing the incremental consent. Note that user_impersonation will still be available to use after this, and your token cache will now have both scopes.

OAuth2 grant for interacting between my Angular app and my REST API?

Help me pick the right OAuth2 grant type for my Angular App and my REST API?
UX-wise I want just one login form on my front-end, that would ask for username/pass(no dialog asking for permissions). I think the "Resource Owner(Password) Grant" is the most appropriate for me(since I control front&backend), but I'm not sure how should I handle access token refresh.
Correct me if I wrong about the flow:
When user submits credentials through login form, access token is returned.
I can store this token in LocalStorage to make subsequent Ajax requests with it.
As I understand access tokens should be short-lived. And should be updated with Refresh token. Should the refresh token be returned with the access token after initial login and also stored on the client? If not what is the alternative?
Should there be any session maintained on the server to invoke access token refresh? or I should make calls from front-end to refresh the access token when it is about to expire. But then I need a refresh token on the front-end, right?
As you see there is a mess in my head about refresh token. Would be great to have some clarification or suggestion for another grant implementation.
Backend technology I guess is irrelevant here, but just in case it's Symfony2 with FOSOAuthServerBundle.
When you are calling the TOKEN endpoint (for every grant_type possible) on a OAuth Server, you get an access_token but other information as well (I think there are all here):
access_token: // your short-lived token
expires_in: // number of seconds before the access_token is invalid
token_type: // the type of the access_token
scope: // scopes of the access_token
refresh_token: // long-lived token to get a new access_token
You need, in my opinion, all these information (maybe the scope is unused, but all others will be used later). You have to store the access_token to ba able to make API calls. After seconds, your access_token will not work anymore. You will need to get a new one. You can either ask the user to log in AGAIN or use the refresh_token.
You will have to call the OAuth Server on the TOKEN endpoint but with a grant_type: refresh_token. You will have to provide the refresh_token from the first request (among other information) and in return you will have the same response as above. In fact, I think you will have to do that every time an access_token is expired. In my opinion, the server side does not know anything about sessions or connected users. It knows about valid and invalid access_token.
This is OAuth. If you don't want to have to refresh everytime, you can make a long-lived access_token (by setting the expires_in), I think this is the only solution that makes sens in an OAuth context.
Do you need some clarification about OAuth in general?
