Popmotion end a tween immediately and jump to the end of the tween - popmotion

I've got a simple tween:
const grass = styler(/* some element */)
const from = +grass.get('opacity')
const tweener = tween({from, to: 0, duration: 5000, ease: easing.linear}).start(v => grass.set('opacity', v))
How do I make it jump to the end of the tween and then stop tweening immediately? For example, in this case, jump to 0 opacity and stop tweening? I know I can do:
grass.set('opacity', 0)
but I believe there is a more natural solution. Something like:

Based on https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/introduction-to-popmotion-part-1-tween--cms-30431 I think this is what I want:


Why does 'offset' exist in React Native Panresponder?

TL;DR: I am using the Panresponder code from the React Native docs, and need help understanding why the 'offset' value is used, as opposed to just using the animated value.
Full Question:
The Scenario:
I am using a Panresponder in React Native to drag and drop objects around the screen. I am using standard code from the RN docs.
Basically, the draggable object has an animated position value. When you click the object, the offset on that animated value is set to the animated value, and the animated value is set to zero. As you drag, the animated value is incrementally set to the magnitude of how far it has been dragged in that gesture. When you release the object, the offset is added to the animated value, and the offset is then set to zero.
For example, if the object starts from position 0, then initially both the animated value and the offset are set to 0. If you drag the object by 100px, the animated value gradually increases from 0 to 100 as you drag. When you release, the zero offset is added to the animated value (so nothing happens). If you click the object again, the offset is set to 100, and the animated value is re-set to 0. If you drag the object another 50px, the animated value increases from 0 to 50. When you release the object, the 100 offset is added to the animated value, which becomes 150, and the offset is re-set to zero.
In this way, the animated value always holds the distance dragged in the current gesture, with the offset saving the position that the object was at before the current drag gesture started, and when you release the object, that saved offset value is tacked onto the animated value, so that when the object is at rest, the animated value contains the total distance that the object has been dragged by all gestures combined.
Here's the code I'm using to do this:
this.animatedValue.addListener((value) => this._value = value); // Make this._value hold the value of this.animatedValue (essentially extract the x and y values from the more complex animatedValue)
this.panResponder = PanResponder.create({
onPanResponderGrant: () => { // When user clicks to initiate drag
this.animatedValue.setOffset({ // Save 'distance dragged so far' in offset
x: this._value.x,
y: this._value.y,
this.animatedValue.setValue({ x: 0, y: 0}) // Set this.animatedValue to (0, 0) so that it will hold only 'distance so far in current gesture'
onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([ // As object is dragged, continually update animatedValue
null, { dx: this.animatedValue.x, dy: this.animatedValue.y}
onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) => { // On release, add offset to animatedValue and re-set offset to zero.
My Question:
This code works perfectly well. When I don't understand though, is why do we need the offset? Why do we need to re-set the animated value to zero on every new gesture, save its value in offset, and re-add that to the animated value after it's finished being dragged? When the object is released, it ends up just holding the total distance dragged, so why not just use the animated value and not use the offset? With my example above, why not just increment animated value to 100 when you drag it 100px, then when you click and drag it again, keep updating the animated value?
Possible Solution:
The only advantage I can think of to using the offset is that animatedValue will now allow you to keep track of the 'distance so far in current gesture', as opposed to just 'total distance so far over all gestures combined'. There might be a scenario in which you need the 'distance so far in current gesture' value, so I'm wondering if this is the only reason to ever use the offset, or is there a more fundamental reason I'm missing why we should use it all the time?
Any insight would be great.
Actually the logic isn't right in the example you used because it's just a partial example using flattenOffset that isn't meant to be used for standard drag/drop behaviour (see the bottom paragraph: https://animationbook.codedaily.io/flatten-offset/):
Because we reset our offset and our animated value in the onPanResponderGrant, the call to flattenOffset is unnecessary, here. However, in the case where we want to trigger an animation from the released location to another location, flattenOffset is required.
The whole point of the offset is that you don't need to keep track of the absolute position value in a separate variable. So you were right to doubt the need for the offset given that you where storing the absolute position in this._value.
At the beginning of a drag, the x/y values of the Animated.Value start from [0, 0], so the drag is relative to the starting position:
offset + [0, 0] = absolute position at the beginning of a drag
offset + [x, y] = absolute position at the end of the drag
For the next drag to start at the right position, you just need to add [x, y] to the offset, which is done by extractOffset():
this.panResponder = PanResponder.create({
// Allow dragging
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gesture) => true,
// Update position on move
onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState)=> {
{dx: this.animatedValue.x, dy: this.animatedValue.y},
])(e, gestureState)
// Update offset once we're done moving
onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState)=> {
Thanks to the offset, you don't need this._value anymore to get the proper drag behaviour.
Because it's better to have the entire animated value's state be self-contained, so you can pass its value to a transform. Of course maybe you don't want the "total distance travelled" in which case, well, don't use offsets, but if you do, using AnimatedValue's offset is the best solution.
Let me show you why by coding up an example of tracking the total distance travelled between touches without using the built-in offset:
this.offsetValue = {x: 0, y:0};
this.panResponder = PanResponder.create({
onPanResponderGrant: () => { // When user clicks to initiate drag
this.animatedValue.setValue({ x: 0, y: 0}) // Set this.animatedValue to (0, 0) so that it will hold only 'distance so far in current gesture'
onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([ // As object is dragged, continually update animatedValue
null, { dx: this.animatedValue.x, dy: this.animatedValue.y}
onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) => {
// Set the offset to the current position
this.offsetValue = {x: gestureState.dx, y: gestureState.dy}
// Reset our animatedvalue since the offset is now all good
this.animatedValue.setValue({ x: 0, y: 0})
This works, and it's less code you now have the raw value for the current touch in Animated.Value and if you want the total distance moved you can use this.offsetValue. Except... how do you apply it to get the total distance exactly? You might think you can do this:
transform: [
{ translateX: this.offset.x + this.animatedValue.x },
{ translateY: this.offset.y + this.animatedValue.y },
But this will be an error because animatedValue.x isn't a number obviously. You could use ._value directly but then what's the point of using Animated? The entire idea is that you can pass a single Animated object to a transform property. So that's why you simply use the object's internal offset.

ARSCNView prepare crash when SCNMaterialProperty is SpriteKit scene

I'm experiencing an ARKit/SceneKit crash.
It happens if I do the following:-
Create SCNPlane and set the SCNMaterialProperty to a SpriteKit
Create SCNNode with SCNPlane
Call prepare on ARSCNView and add SCNNode.
It crashes when I call prepare. However, it does not crash if I add the SCNNode without calling prepare or if the SCNMaterialProperty is not a SpriteKit scene.
See code below:-
var exhibitScene = SKScene(fileNamed: spriteName.lowercased())
exhibitScene?.view?.preferredFramesPerSecond = 60
exhibitScene?.view?.ignoresSiblingOrder = true
exhibitScene?.scaleMode = .aspectFit
exhibitScene?.isPaused = false
let exhibitSize = CGSize.init(width: (exhibitScene?.frame.size.width)! / PIXEL_TO_CENTIMETRE, height: (exhibitScene?.frame.size.height)! / PIXEL_TO_CENTIMETRE)
let exhibitPlane = SCNPlane(width: exhibitSize.width/100, height: exhibitSize.height/100)
exhibitPlane.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = exhibitScene
exhibitPlane.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contentsTransform = SCNMatrix4Translate(SCNMatrix4MakeScale(1, -1, 1), 0, 1, 0)
let exhibitNode = SCNNode(geometry: exhibitPlane)
exhibitNode.name = name
exhibitNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = false
exhibitNode.position = SCNVector3(x/100, (y + Float(exhibitSize.height * 0.5))/100, z/100)
self.sceneView.prepare([exhibitNode], completionHandler: { (Bool) in
Not sure how to fix this.
Do I have to set a parameter on the ARSCNView for it to prepare a SCNNode when the SCNMaterialProperty is set to use a SpriteKit scene?
Not sure about your case, but I had a similar crash when the size of SKScene (and consequently SCNPlane) was more than some limit. The actual reason for the crash was that SCNMaterialProperty.contents may not be bigger than some limit (I believe it was about 4000px or something).

Loop in the svg.js

.animate(1000,"<>",0).dmove(-60,0).loop(true, true);
Why (and should it?) does the loop not repeat the entire animation? He skips 2 and the 3 step.
Demonstration: https://codepen.io/Andreslav/pen/BxGygp
A very similar issue was solved here. The solution can be adapted for your problem:
let w = 100,
h = 100,
t = 1000,
draw = SVG('svg').size('100%', '100%').viewbox(0,0,w,h);
function animation() {
It appears the loop only works on the last action.
You can try a different approach to accomplish the same thing by using a path.
E.g: (you'll need to adjust to replicate the same points)
let width = 1000,
height = 100,
draw = SVG('svg').size('100%', '100%').viewbox(0,0,width,height);
// use path to replicate movement
const path = draw.path("M200 0 H 250 H 100 H 120 H 80")
const length = path.length()
path.fill('none').stroke({width:1, color: '#ccc'})
const rect = draw.rect(100, 100)
rect.animate(5000, '<>').during(function(pos, morph, eased){
var p = path.pointAt(eased * length)
rect.center(p.x, p.y)
}).loop(true, true)
(from tutorials)

Accessing the number of elements in an array and applying gravity behaviour

I'm having issues with getting ALL elements of an array to fall using the Gravity module. I have managed to get the LAST element in the array to fall and then the remaining elements just stay at the top of the screen during testing. Upon debugging
I am using UIKit and want to understand this language thoroughly before using other various engines such as SpriteKit and GameplayKit.
func mainGame()
let cars = ["car5", "car1", "car6", "car3", "car2", "car4"]
var random2 = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(cars.count))) + 1
for i in 1...random2
let image = UIImage(named: cars[i - 1])
let carView = UIImageView(image: image!)
carView.frame = CGRect(x:i * 52, y:0 , width: 40, height: 50)
dynamicAnimator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: self.view)
gravityBehavior = UIDynamicItemBehavior(items: [carView]) //cars falling
collisionBehavior = UICollisionBehavior(items: [carView, mainCar]) //collide
collisionBehavior.translatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary = false
gravityBehavior.addLinearVelocity(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 200), for: carView)
collisionBehavior.addBoundary(withIdentifier: "Barrier" as NSCopying, for: UIBezierPath(rect: mainCar.frame))
With the game so far the last car in the array falls and the main player car that I control has collision behaviour, which is a big step for me!
You are creating a new UIDynamicAnimator with each iteration of the loop and assigning it to dynamicAnimator. That is why only the last element is working, because it is the last one assigned to that variable.
To fix it, just move this line to somewhere that would only be called once.
dynamicAnimator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: self.view)
viewDidLoad is a possible place that should work.
UIKitDynamics is backwards of most similar frameworks. You don't animate the object. You have an animator and attach objects to it. As Clever Error notes, you only want one animator in this case.
The key point is that you don't attach gravity to cars; you attach cars to behaviors (gravity), and then behaviors to the animator. Yes, that's bizarre and backwards.
I haven't tested this, but the correct code would be closer to this:
func mainGame()
let cars = ["car5", "car1", "car6", "car3", "car2", "car4"]
var random2 = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(cars.count))) + 1
var carViews: [UIImageView] = []
dynamicAnimator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: self.view)
// First create all the views
for i in 1...random2
let image = UIImage(named: cars[i - 1])
let carView = UIImageView(image: image!)
carView.frame = CGRect(x:i * 52, y:0 , width: 40, height: 50)
// and then attach those to behaviors:
gravityBehavior = UIGravityBehavior(items: carViews) //cars falling
collisionBehavior = UICollisionBehavior(items: carView + mainCar) //collide
collisionBehavior.translatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary = false
collisionBehavior.addBoundary(withIdentifier: "Barrier" as NSCopying, for: UIBezierPath(rect: mainCar.frame))
// You don't need this; it's built into Gravity
// gravityBehavior.addLinearVelocity(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 200), for: carView)
The main way that UIKitDynamics is different than most animation frameworks is that things that are animated don't know they're being animated. You can't ask a car what behaviors it has, because it doesn't have any. A UIDynamicAnimator basically is a timing loop that updates the center and transform of its targets. There's really not anything fancy about it (in contrast to something like Core Animation which has many fancy things going on). With a little iOS experience, you could probably implement all of UIKitDynamics by hand with a single GCD queue (it probably doesn't even need that, since it runs everything on main....)

Stopping physics body from movement in Corona SDK

I'm learning Corona SDK and I'm making small project in that purpose.
So, my problem is next one:
I managed to create 2 physics objects and make one of them "explode" when it collides with the other one. My question is how to make other object (it has linear impulse applied) stop when it collides? Also, when it stops, it has to be removed from the screen to avoid colliding with other objects...
Here is a part with removing first object on collision:
nloDrop = function()
local nlo = display.newImageRect("nlo.png", 65, 25)
nlo.x = 35 + mRand(410) ; nlo.y = -60
physics.addBody(nlo, "dynamic", {density=1, bounce = 0, friction = 0, filter = {maskBits = 4, categoryBits = 2}})
nlo:applyLinearImpulse(0, 0.8, nlo.x, nlo.y)
nlo.isSensor = true
nlo.collision = nloCollision
nlo:addEventListener("collision", nlo)
nlo.name = "nlo"
And here is 'collision' function:
function nloCollision(self, event)
if ((event.other.myName == "weaponName") then
self:removeEventListener("collision", nlo)
self = nil
if weapon ~= nil then
-- stop moving of weapon
You can make the object bodyActive false and then it will not respond to physics. You cant remove a body from physics within the active screen so its a better option to keep that object out of the screen.
I made it setting the object like local variable and making a function that deletes/removes each variable (object) after some interaction or collision.
1st function contains object creating (that is a local type under function) and applying physics to that object.
2nd function contains deleting (self:removeSelf()) that works because each object is object for itself and when deleting it, physics stuff will continue to work because new local object is going to be created.
function create(event)
local weap1 = display.newImage("weap1.png", 0, 0)
weap1.x = turret.x ; weap1.y = turret.y
weap1.rotation = turret.rotation
weap1.collision = weap1Collision
weap1:addEventListener("collision", weap1)
physics.addBody(weap1, "dynamic", {density = 1, friction = 0, bounce = 0, filter = {maskBits = 2, categoryBits = 4}})
weap1:applyLinearImpulse(forceWeap1*xComp, forceWeap1*yComp, weap1.x, weap1.y)
function weap1Collision(self,event)
if (event.other.name == "collisionObject") then
self:removeEventListener("collision", weap1)
self = nil
local type of variable (object) makes it work.
P.S.: vanshika, thanks for your answer, it's useful ;)
