How to host Teams onlinemeeting using MS Graph API from web Apllications - azure-active-directory

In our project we are trying to integrate Microsoft teams with web application.Using MS Graph API i have created Online meeting and obtained id and joinurl of meeting and stored in db,the user will not get to know about meeting url . is there any way to start the MS Teams online meeting from webapplication and after leaving the meeting the person should automatically redirected to same webapplication.
usecase will be to create a onlinemeeting and join the meeting directly from application.
I have implemented this usecase for Zoom Meeting,is there any plugin or some other things available for MS Teams online meeting to implement this useCase in Angular and jsp.


Salesforce Custom App integration without API

I have built a salesforce App using API integration, but the API functionality is limited Enterprise and Unlimited editions or Professional only with an add-on. However, I have clients on Professional that have other apps that share data without API service on their domain (for instance zoominfo and HubSpot). How is this possible? Is there any way to integrate data with an external service skipping the API so it is accessible to more users?
This app takes data captured on another website and adds leads, contacts and actives into Salesforce (currently using the REST API).

Link MS Teams Bot to Azure AD app when creating chatbot in app studio

In the organization where I am trying to deploy a chatbot in MS Teams, because of security posture and separation of responsibilities, the MS Teams' admin team (different from bot developers), cannot create a new Azure AD app when creating a bot in App Studio. The authorization to create Azure AD app is only with AAD team.
To work with this process, we requested and got an application created in AAD via AAD Team. After creation of AAD app, the AAD team also gave us application name, application id and object id ;
Now, the MS Teams' admin team is asking for process/documentation to link chatbot to be created in app studio to AAD app. Can someone share these instructions or point to any existing ones ? (I couldn't find any in my searches).
The short answer is that this needs to go into the "botId" section in the Teams app manifest (see here for refence: Longer answers:
You might not be editing a manifest directly - you are doing it in App Studio, so just go to the Bot section and that's where you capture the Bot ID
It sounds like there is a missing piece in what you are trying to do. You need:
a. an Azure Application (got)
b. a Teams app where you can capture the Azure App ID as bot id (got)
c. a 'Bot' registration in Azure (it's a kind of Azure resource) - have you got this already? If not, someone with Azure access will need to create it.
There is a section in the wizard to use an existing Azure Application - you'd need to select that and enter the Azure application id.
Here's more info on doing the bot registration: For the screenshot in section 6, I recommend choosing "Multi-tenant" as the app type (then you can skip the 'Bot identity information' section later), and for 'Creation Type' is where you want to link to the already-created Azure Application.
Also note the "pricing tier" - by default it's on "standard", but you can change to the "free" tier to see if that's sufficient for you - your bot needs to be handling a lot of message to need to move up to the paid tier.
What I did end up doing was:
Create an app registration in azure with a secret. The secret becomes bot password in teams.
Create a bot using Since my app/bot is single tenant, I needed to be able to create a bot without azure service which requires subscription. I enabled Teams for this bot, besides web chat which is enabled by default.
Create an app using app studio, referencing the azure app and bot from botframework.

Is there any way to get master list of all apps through graph explorer API

In Azure Active Directory Admin Center, I can see almost 200 application under Enterprise Application. How can I get this through Microsoft graph Explorer?
I tried with this:, but it gave me the list of apps under App Registration.
How can I get all the app list under enterprise application through graph explorer?
Microsoft Graph API
I'm sharing these first since you asked specifically about Microsoft Graph APIs in your question.
Please note that List ServicePrincipals api is only available under Beta endpoint. APIs in the beta endpoint are subject to change. Microsoft does NOT recommend that you use them in your production apps. I've shared the alternative API's in the next section.
To get a complete list
In case you need to filter down to only those where "Application Type" is "Enterprise Applications" like Azure portal allows (screenshot below)$filter=tags/any(t:t eq 'WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp')
Azure AD Graph API
Even though in most cases it's advised to use the newer Microsoft Graph API, this particular case is such that Microsoft Graph API v1.0 doesn't support this functionality yet, so for production applications you should make use of Azure AD Graph API. Read here for more info Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph
Complete List
Filtered down to only those where "Application Type" is "Enterprise Applications" like Azure portal allows$filter=tags/any(t:t eq 'WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp')
On a side note, also consider using other query parameters like $top to get only say top 5 and $select to select only those fields which are really needed. Example:$select=appid,appDisplayName&$top=5

Use Office 365 API to create a public read-only calendar Web page on a blog

I am using Office 365 to manage my calendars. I would just like to publish one of my calendars to my blog. Also, I would like to fully control the style of the calendar. I can enter API URLs into the browser and basic authentication to access my own calendars. So, I could do that from the server to build my calendar page using a server side http client. In this case, I don't really need the full power of OAuth2, which is mainly for letting multiple visitors manage their own content on a third-party site.
It would be nice if Microsoft's Office365 libraries would handle this scenario. It could also include a step where I register for a keys similar to the way Google Maps does. Or do they offer this already?
Does anyone know what steps to take so my scenario would work? Also, would I run up against any usage limits for a popular blog?
While the API is supporting Basic at the moment, that will eventually go away. You can definitely make your scenario work using the authorization code grant flow that's in place today, but it sounds like you may be more interested in the client credential flow which we are going to be releasing support for soon. That would allow you as the administrator of your Office 365 organization to authorize an app to access calendars in your organization without requiring user sign-in.
You register for client IDs and client secrets via Azure AD.
Azure AD is included with Office 365, and registering apps doesn't include any additional paid Azure services.
The client IDs and secrets obtained with the Visual Studio tool are permanent, and not just for debugging. Can you point me at the documentation that said otherwise so I can get it corrected? :)

Subscribe to Exchange Server Calendar from within my Web Site

I am trying to build a calendar for my site, which users can use to connect and fetch/subscribe to all the various accounts a user has. I do not wish to get any other information regarding his contacts, etc.
Is there any API available which allows me to import or subscribe to an Exchange server to get just the Calendar of the user?
As yet I have have able to find these 2 resources, but they do not provide a good description of how and what is to be done for web site and DB integration:
For Google Calendar API:
For Outlook Exchange API:
The Outlook Exchange API you pointed to above ( is what we call Mail apps - and they are always hosted in Outlook, so that's not the right technology for publishing to a website. You can get access to a user's calendar programmatically by using Exchange Web Services (EWS), which is SOAP based, or the EWS Managed API, which is a managed wrapper for EWS. More information about EWS vs EWS Managed API is provided here: Specific information about accessing an Exchange Calendar using EWS or the EWS Managed API is provided in this topic and its subtopics: This info does not provide information about website integration though - it's specific to the calendaring API functionality.
