Oracle 11 - 18 enterprise edition installation in Fedora - database

For a college course I'm required to install Oracle Database, I may use any version from 11 to 18 but I need the enterprise edition. I managed to install 18c XE on a Fedora virtual machine following this guide, but I have not found an installation guide for an enterprise edition.

Database Installation Guide for Linux
download the distribution
copy it to your virtual machine
install following the instructions
See also:
Oracle Database Software Downloads
Pre-Built Developer VMs

Oracle Enterprise Edition is not certified for Fedora, so it was not tested on it, that's why it would be much easier to use Pre-Built Developer VMs as already mentioned in the previous answer or use Docker images, for example ready pre-built Oracle EE 12.2:
(in this case you just need installed docker and start it using docker run like this:
$ docker login
$ docker pull store/oracle/database-enterprise:
$ docker run -d --network="bridge" -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 -it --name Oracle_DB_Container store/oracle/database-enterprise:
or built it yourself from


Accessing existing windows postgresql database in WSL

I already have postgresql installed (psql (PostgreSQL) 13.4) and the local server set-up on my windows machine (along with pgAdmin4), and already have some databases in it.
I've recently installed WSL and planning on using it instead of windows+bash going forward. Hence I'm installing postgresql 13 for WSL. I follow for the installation:
# add the repository
> sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list <<END
> deb focal-pgdg main
# get the signing key and import it
> wget sudo apt-key add
> ACCC4CF8.asc
# fetch the metadata from the new repo
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-13
It installed postgres with psql --version = psql (PostgreSQL) 13.4 (Ubuntu 13.4-1.pgdg20.04+1)
Then I start the service with
> sudo service postgresql start
> sudo -u postgres psql
My questions are:
When I check the list of databases I have using \l, I can't see my existing postgres database that I have in my windows machine, why? and how do I connect/import it to the wsl?
How do I make the WSL database/server appears in my existing pgAdmin4 GUI? I have already a server for my windows machine (localhost, port 5432). How can I add database from the WSL server, since it has the same settings? For example, I tried creating new database via WSL psql command line CREATE DATABASE ubuntu;, and the new database appears in the WSL postgres list in terminal, but the pgAdmin GUI only shows database from my windows server. How do I sync both databases in windows and WSL and show them both in pgAdmin?
database list in windows (from pgAdmin4)
database list in WSL
Thanks for the help

How to connect Docker with Azure Data Studio?

I install docker container on mac(OS X) and install Microsoft SQL 2017 image file on docker.So, I try to connect docker with Azure Data Studio but didn't connect it. Can I connect docker with Azure Data Studio and How to configure it? Please help me, thank a lot.
Use,1433 instead of
This syntax is what my ASP.NET Core app uses as syntax so I figured MS liked that format for connection strings and such.
This worked for me. Hope it helps.
I was able to run SQL server on MAC using Docker by running it along with the Azure Data Studio.
In order to connect to a server, you need to go to preferences of your Docker settings and increase the Memory allocation from the default of 2GB to minimum 4GB (as SQL server needs min 3.25GB space). Save and restart the docker.
Once restarted, all you need to do is pull the docker image of the sql server and download it. this can be done by below commands on your terminal . FYI, I am using bash commands below:
Command 1:
sudo docker pull
This will pull the latest vesion docker image and download. Once done, you need to set your SQL authentication on the server for your database. Follow below commands:
Command 2:
sudo docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=<SetYourPasswordHere>' \
-p 1433:1433 --name sql1 \
This sets your password and uses the port 1433 for SQL server (which is the default port). To confirm if the image has been created and the SQL server is running on docker, execute the below command to check log(s).
Command 3:
docker ps
To check all instances in your history of dockers( i.e. if you already had dockers installed before you are attempting this SQL connection/execution), run the below command and it will give you all the logs of all instances you have created
Command 4:
docker ps -a
docker ps -all
Once, you have completed above steps and see that the docker has created SQL instance, you need to go to Azure Data Studio and set the below credentials to access the server that you just created above using Docker.
Server: localhost
Authentication Type: SQL Authentication
Username: sa
Password: <Check Command 2 to see what you entered in the password where it says SetYourPasswordHere>
Hope this helps in your tryst with running SQL server on your MAC. All the Best!
You certainly can connect to a sql server image running in a docker container through azure data studio,
Based on the details mentioned in the question, I'm assuming that you have followed the steps on Microsoft docs for configuring sql server with docker,
The following command is needed to configure and run the SQL Server image docker container:
sudo docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=your-strong-password’ -p 1433:1433 -d;
To quickly verify
check that the image is running by running:
docker ps -a
And checking the status column (with the correct instance name) to be 'UP',
Then launch Azure Data Studio and fill the connection details:
If you have followed all the default settings in setting up the image, this should work for you,
Hope this helps,
I hope first you have installed sql-cli(make sure you have node.js installed in your system),
Then connect to Mssql with command -> mssql -u -p
try to connect/create a database with docker first then connect from Azure Data Studio

How to install mssql in ubuntu 14.04

I want to install mssql with 2008/2012.Please suggest proper doc or steps to install.I have try to instaall from but it give me follwoing error -
/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr)
Starting Microsoft SQL Server...
sudo: systemctl: command not found
Error starting Microsoft SQL Server.
while run command -
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
you can't install mssql in ubuntu 14.04..Docs clearly state supported versions
SQL Server vNext CTP 2.0 is supported on the following platforms:
Just to add ,I thought installing docker would support versions less than 16,but from docker file we could see below
Base OS layer: Latest Ubuntu LTS.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
which means it needs ubuntu:16.04 versions to be present
For a workaround, you can use run a Docker container (microsoft/mssql-server-linux), e.g.
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=yourStrongPassword!" -p 1433:1433 microsoft/mssql-server-linux
Then connect to localhost:1433 with your SQL client.
It is not possible to instal sql server 2008 or 2012 on any non window platform.
This feature came with 2016 or 2017.
You can't because You must have 16.04+ Ubuntu version to install MSSQL according to documentation.

How to import .bacpac into docker Sqlserver?

I installed Sqlserver on my Mac in a docker container, following the instructions from this article.
I run the container with Kitematic and managed to connect to the server using Navicat Essentials for SQl Server.
The server has four databases and I can create new ones, but, ideally, I would like to import an existing database as .bacpac.
The instructions from this answer have been of use to me in the past. Can I run something similar within the container? Or, more generally, is there a way to import a database in the container?
Hi all! We finally have a preview ready for sqlpackage that is built on dotnet core and is cross-platform! Below are the links to download from. They are evergreen links, i.e. each day a new build is uploaded. This way any checked in bug fix is available the next day. Included in the .zip file is the preview EULA.
Release notes:
The /p:CommandTimeout parameter is hardcoded to 120
Build and deployment contributors are not supported
a. Need to move to .NET Core 2.1 where System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll is supported
b. Need to handle case-sensitive paths
SQL CLR UDT types are not supported.
a. This includes SQL Server Types SqlGeography, SqlGeometry, & SqlHierarchyId
Older .dacpac and .bacpac files that use Json serialization are not supported
Referenced .dacpacs (e.g. master.dacpac) may not resolve due to issues with case-sensitive file systems
For lack of a better method, please provide any feedback you have here on this GitHub issue.
Thanks for giving it a try and letting us know how it goes!
EDIT: I've made you a Docker image for this
Example of setting up a container, creating a database, copying a .bacpac file over, and importing it into aforementioned database:
docker run -d -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' -p 1433:1433 --name sqlfts0 samuelmarks/mssql-server-fts-sqlpackage-linux
docker exec -it sqlfts0 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' -Q 'CREATE DATABASE MyDb0'
docker cp ~/Downloads/foo.bacpac sqlfts0:/opt/downloads/foo.bacpac
docker exec -it sqlfts0 dotnet /opt/sqlpackage/sqlpackage.dll /tsn:localhost /tu:SA /tp:'<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' /A:Import /tdn:MyDb0 /sf:foo.bacpac
It looks like Microsoft has implemented support of this on sqlpackage, with documentation!
You will have to add sqlpackage to your container.
You can download it here. (optionally, direct link to linux package here, hopefully doesn't change)
The following are instructions for running this from a windows machine -- obviously it's the bare minimum to get it working. Please change passwords, and probably put this in a docker-compose.yml for re-use.
I unzip the above package into a folder 'c:\sqlpackage' (my windows docker run doesn't allow relative paths), and then mount that into the container with the bacpac, like such:
docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Asdf1234" -v c:\sqlpackage:/opt/sqlpackage -v c:\yourdb.bacpac:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac -p 1433:1433 --name mssql-server-example microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
here is what a *nix user could run alternatively:
docker run -d -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Asdf1234' -v ./sqlpackage:/opt/sqlpackage -v ./yourdb.bacpac:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac -p 1433:1433 --name mssql-server-example microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
and finally, attach to your container and run:
/opt/sqlpackage/sqlpackage /a:Import /tsn:. /tdn:targetdbname /tu:sa /tp:Asdf1234 /sf:/tmp/yourdb.bacpac
After this, you should be able to connect with SSMS to localhost, username and password as you provide them above, and see 'targetdbname'! These are mostly notes I wrote for myself but I'm sure others could use them too.
You can use free Azure Data Studio from Microsoft. Once you have it installed, install the extension "Admin Pack for SQL Server" from Microsoft. Then you can import bacpac files with ease.
This is not a supported feature with a LINUX implementation it seems.
See this link.

Setting up PostgreSQL, could not connect to database postgres

I will create a django app on Debian 7 with postgreSQL 9.2.
I created a droplet in digital ocean. I updated and upgraded the system.
I used the following command
sudo aptitude install postgresql postgresql-contrib
to install postgresql.
When I changed user to postgres and I wanted to create a new db user with createuser -P
I filled all the fields it wanted but it came up with this error:
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I tried same process a few times with new droplets in Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 7.
What should I do?
I want to use Debian 7, so I prefer solutions with Debian.
I am new at this stuff so be explanatory please.
I figured it out with fixing locale problem and reinstall PostgreSQL
How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?
Set up the locale and make a clean installation for postgreSQL.
