I'm new to react native and currently struggling with an infinite scroll listview. It's a calendar list that need to change depending on the selected company (given as prop). The thing is: the prop (and also the myCompany state are changed, but in the _loadMoreAsync method both prop.company as well as myCompany do hold their initial value.
import * as React from 'react';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';
import * as Api from '../api/api';
import InfiniteScrollView from 'react-native-infinite-scroll-view';
function CalenderFlatList(props: { company: any }) {
const [myCompany, setMyCompany] = React.useState(null);
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
const [canLoadMore, setCanLoadMore] = React.useState(true);
const [startDate, setStartDate] = React.useState(undefined);
let loading = false;
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [props.company]);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log('set myCompany to ' + (myCompany ? myCompany.name : 'undefined'));
}, [myCompany]);
async function _loadMoreAsync() {
if ( loading )
loading = true;
if ( myCompany == null ) {
console.log('no company selected!');
} else {
console.log('use company: ' + myCompany.name);
Api.fetchCalendar(myCompany, startDate).then((result: any) => {
// code is a little more complex here to keep the already fetched entries in the list...
// to above code also calculates the last day +1 for the next call
loading = false;
const renderItem = ({ item }) => {
// code to render the item
return (
renderScrollComponent={props => <InfiniteScrollView {...props} />}
keyExtractor={(item: any) => '' + item.uid }
onLoadMoreAsync={() => _loadMoreAsync() }
What I don't understand here is why myCompany is not updating at all in _loadMoreAsync while startDate updates correctly and loads exactly the next entries for the calendar.
After the prop company changes, I'd expect the following output:
set myCompany to companyName
use company companyName
But instead i get:
set myCompany to companyName
no company selected!
I tried to reduce the code a bit to strip it down to the most important parts. Any suggestions on this?
Google for useEffect stale closure.
When the function is called from useEffect, it is called from a stale context - this is apparently a javascript feature :) So basically the behavior you are experiencing is expected and you need to find a way to work around it.
One way to go may be to add a (optional) parameter to _loadMoreAsync that you pass from useEffect. If this parameter is undefined (which it will be when called from other places), then use the value from state.
renderScrollComponent={props => <InfiniteScrollView {...props} />}
keyExtractor={(item: any) => '' + item.uid }
onLoadMoreAsync={() => _loadMoreAsync() }
If your FlatList depends on a state variable, you need to pass that variable in to the extraData prop to trigger a re-rendering of your list. More info here
After sleeping two nights over the problem I solved it by myself. The cause was an influence of another piece of code that used React.useCallback(). And since "useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed" (https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecallback) the code worked with the old (or initial) state of the variables.
After creating the whole page new from scratch I found this is the reason for that behavior.
I have an extensive list of items in an application, so it is rendered using a virtual list provided by react-virtuoso. The content of the list itself changes based on API calls made by a separate component. What I am trying to achieve is whenever a new item is added to the list, the list automatically scrolls to that item and then highlights it for a second.
What I managed to come up with is to have the other component place the id of the newly created item inside a context that the virtual list has access to. So the virtual list looks something like this:
function MyList(props) {
const { collection } = props;
const { getLastId } useApiResultsContext();
cosnt highlightIndex = useRef();
const listRef = useRef(null);
const turnHighlightOff = useCallback(() => {
highlighIndex.current = undefined;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const id = getLastId();
// calling this function also resets the lastId inside the context,
// so next time it is called it will return undefined
// unless another item was entered
if (!id) return;
const index = collection.findIndex((item) => item.id === if);
if (index < 0) return;
listRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ index, align: 'start' });
highlightIndex.current = index;
}, [collection, getLastId]);
return (
itemContent={(index, item) => (
I'm using useRef instead of useState here because using a state breaks the whole thing - I guess because Virtuouso doesn't actually re-renders when it scrolls. With useRef everything actually works well. Inside ItemRow the highlight is managed like this:
function ItemRow(props) {
const { content, toHighlight, checkHighligh } = props;
const highlightMe = toHighlight;
useEffect(() => {
toHighlight && checkHighlight && checkHighligh();
return (
<div className={highlightMe ? 'highligh' : undefined}>
// ... The rest of the render
In CSS I defined for the highligh class a 1sec animation with a change in background-color.
Everything so far works exactly as I want it to, except for one issue that I couldn't figure out how to solve: if the list scrolls to a row that was out of frame, the highlight works well because that row gets rendered. However, if the row is already in-frame, react-virtuoso does not need to render it, and so, because I'm using a ref instead of a state, the highlight never gets called into action. As I mentioned above, using useState broke the entire thing so I ended up using useRef, but I don't know how to force a re-render of the needed row when already in view.
I kinda solved this issue. My solution is not the best, and in some rare cases doesn't highlight the row as I want, but it's the best I could come up with unless someone here has a better idea.
The core of the solution is in changing the idea behind the getLastId that is exposed by the context. Before it used to reset the id back to undefined as soon as it is drawn by the component in useEffect. Now, instead, the context exposes two functions - one function to get the id and another to reset it. Basically, it throws the responsibility of resetting it to the component. Behind the scenes, getLastId and resetLastId manipulate a ref object, not a state in order to prevent unnecessary renders. So, now, MyList component looks like this:
function MyList(props) {
const { collection } = props;
const { getLastId, resetLastId } useApiResultsContext();
cosnt highlightIndex = useRef();
const listRef = useRef(null);
const turnHighlightOff = useCallback(() => {
highlighIndex.current = undefined;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const id = getLastId();
if (!id) return;
const index = collection.findIndex((item) => item.id === if);
if (index < 0) return;
listRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ index, align: 'start' });
highlightIndex.current = index;
}, [collection, getLastId]);
return (
itemContent={(index, item) => (
toHighlight={highlighIndex.current === index || getLastId() === item.id}
Now, setting the highlightIndex inside useEffect takes care of items outside the viewport, and feeding the getLastId call into the properties of each ItemRow takes care of those already in view.
I'm building a to do list app as part of a coding course, using Firebase Realtime Database and React Native with Expo.
I have no problems rendering the to do list, and in this case clicking a checkbox to indicate whether the task is prioritized or not.
However, each time I click on the checkbox to change the priority of a single task in the to do list, the entire Flatlist re-renders.
Each task object is as follows:
{id: ***, text: ***, priority: ***}
Task Component: (It consists of the text of the to do (task.text), and also a checkbox to indicate whether the task is prioritized or not). I've wrapped this component in React.memo, and the only props passed down from Todolist to Task are the individual task, but it still re-renders every time. (I left out most of the standard imports in the code snippet below)
import { CheckBox } from '#rneui/themed';
const Task = ({
}) => {
const { user } = useContext(AuthContext);
const onPressPriority = async () => {
await update(ref(database, `users/${user}/tasks/${item.id}`), {
priority: !item.priority,
return (
style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', width: '95%' }}
style={{ width: '90%' }}
style={{ width: '10%' }}
export default memo(Task, (prevProps, nextProps) => {
if (prevProps.item !== nextProps.item) {
return true
return false
To Do List parent component: Contains the Flatlist which renders a list of the Task components. It also contains a useEffect to update the tasks state based on changes to the Firebase database, and the function (memoizedOnPressPriority) to update the task.priority value when the Checkbox in the task component is clicked. Since memoizedOnPressPriority is passed a prop to , I've tried to place it in a useCallback, but is still re-rendering all items when the checkbox is clicked. (I left out most of the standard imports in the code snippet below)
export default function Home2() {
const { user } = useContext(AuthContext);
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
return onValue(ref(database, `users/${user}/tasks`), (snapshot) => {
const todos = snapshot.val();
const tasksCopy = [];
for (let id in todos) {
tasksCopy.push({ ...todos[id], id: id });
} else {
}, [user]);
const renderItem = ({ item }) => (
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
Could anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong, and how I can prevent the entire Flatlist from re-rendering each time I invoke the memoizedOnPressPriority function passed down to the Task component from the TodoList parent component? Any help is much appreciated!
The flamegraph for the render is below:
Update: I moved the prioritize function (memoizedOnPressPriority) into the Task component and removed the useCallback - so it's not being passed as a prop anymore. The re-render still happens whenever I press it.
Update 2: I added a key extractor , and also a custom equality function into the memoized task component. Still keeps rendering!
I'm not familiar with Firebase Realtime Database, but if I understand the logic correctly, the whole tasks array is updated when one item changes, and this is what is triggering the list update.
Fixing the memo function
Wrapping the Task component in memo does not work because it performs a shallow comparison of the objects. The objects change each time the data is updated because a new tasks array with new objects is created, so the references of the objects are different.
See this post for more details.
To use memo, we have to pass a custom equality check function, that returns true if the component is the same with new props, like so:
export default memo(Task, (prevProps, nextProps) => {
if (prevProps.item.id === nextProps.item.id && prevProps.item.priority === nextProps.item.priority ) {
return true;
return false;
Note that is the text is modifiable, you'll want to check that too.
Alternative solution : read data from the Task component
This solution is recommended and takes full advantage of Firebase Realtime Database.
To update only the component that is updated, you need to pass an array of ids to your flatlist, and delegate the data reading to the child component.
It's a pattern I use with redux very often when I want to update a component without updating the whole flatlist.
I checked the documentation of Firebase Realtime Database, and they indeed encourage you to read data at the lowest level. If you have a large list with many properties, it's not performant to receive the whole list when only one item is updated. Under the hood, the front-end library manages the cache system automatically.
//TodoList parent Component
const [tasksIds, setTasksIds] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
return onValue(ref(database, `users/${user}/tasks`), (snapshot) => {
const todos = snapshot.val();
// Build an array of ids
const tasksIdsFromDb = todos.map((todo) => todo.id);
} else {
}, [user]);
// keep the rest of the code and pass tasksIds instead of tasks to the flatlist
const Task = ({ taskId, memoizedOnPressPriority }) => {
const [task, setTask] = useState(null)
const { user } = useContext(AuthContext);
useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
// retrieve data by id so only the updated component will rerender
// I guess this will be something like this
return onValue(ref(database, `users/${user}/tasks/${taskId}`), (snapshot) => {
const todo = snapshot.val();
} else {
}, [user]);
if (task === null) {
return null
// return the component like before
I'm currently working on the checkout page of an application where a user can purchase up to three items at one of three prices chosen by the user (this is mostly being done as an experiment). When the user chooses a price by clicking a button this triggers a setState and a new price is stored to the state. When doing console.log I see the new state has been set, but upon checkout it appears the state resets to its initial value. I can't tell why and have no idea where to begin on this one. I imagine on initial render paypal is keeping the initial state it was passed and needs to be rerendered when the new state is set, but not sure how to go about this or even if this is the problem. Any help or guidance is appreciated.
I'm using the #paypal/react-paypal-js library for this paypal implementation, but am welcome to alternative suggestions.
Here is the code I'm using but cut down relevant sections:
import React, {useState, useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
import { PayPalButtons, usePayPalScriptReducer } from "#paypal/react-paypal-js";
import PriceButton from './PriceButton.jsx';
import NumberItemButton from './NumberItemButton';
import {priceOptions, amountItems} from './PriceOptions';
const PaymentPage = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [payAmount, setPayAmount] = useState('5.00');
const [itemAmount, setItemAmount] = useState('1');
const payPalOptions = { //Note: This is used in the higher level component PayPalScriptProvider
"client-id": `${process.env.REACT_APP_PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID}`,
currency: "USD",
intent: "capture",
const createOrder = (data, actions) => { //This will show the initial state when triggered
return actions.order.create({
purchase_units : [
amount: {
value: payAmount //This stays at the initial State of '5.00' despite the newState being set
const onApprove = (data, actions) => {
return actions.order.capture().then(function(orderData) {
console.log('Capture result', orderData, JSON.stringify(orderData, null, 2));
let transaction = orderData.purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0];
alert('Transaction '+ transaction.status + ': ' + transaction.id + '\n\nSee console for all available details');
const onError = (error) => {
console.log(payAmount) //Note: This will show the new State
return (
<label> Choose number of items
{amountItems.map((item, index) => {
return <NumberItemButton key={index} setItemAmount={setItemAmount} amount={item.amount} />
<label> Pick a price
{priceOptions.map((item, index) => {
return <PriceButton key={index} itemAmount={itemAmount} setPayAmount={setPayAmount} price={item.price} />
createOrder={(data, actions) => createOrder(data, actions)}
onApprove={(data, actions) => onApprove(data, actions)}
export default PaymentPage;
I'll also add the price button component incase the issue is there
const PriceButton = ({itemAmount, setPayAmount, price}) => { //itemAmount is the amount customer buys, price is the value passed through on the mapping function
const multPrice = (itemAmount * price).toFixed(2);
const withTaxPrice = (parseInt(multPrice) + .5).toFixed(2).toString();
return (
<button onClick={() => setPayAmount(withTaxPrice)}>${multPrice}</button>
export default PriceButton;
Appreciate any help!
I came back to this with a fresh pair of eyes and found the solution (though I'm not sure if it's the best one).
The issue is when the Paypal button renders it pulls in the initial state that is passed through, but it needs to be rerendered when a new state is passed.
My solution to this was to pass a forceReRender={[payAmount]} within the PaypalButtons component. This rerenders the Paypal button upon update to the price state and allows me to pass an updated value.
Hope this helps others!
I found a better solution. Just use useRef and access the ref.current value!
I would like to setup a component react-select to work server-side data and do server-side filtering, but it doesn't work for a plethora of reasons.
Can you explain it and also show working code?
react-select has several examples in the documentation including an entire section dedicated to AsyncSelect which include inline code examples with codesandbox links.
It's worth noting that there are three unique props specific to the AsyncSelect
The primary difference between AsyncSelect and Select is that a Select is reliant on an options prop (an array of options) whereas the AsyncSelect is instead reliant on a loadOptions prop (an async function which provides a callback to set the options from an api).
Often api autocomplete lookups filter results on the server so the callback on the loadOptions does not make assumptions on filtering the results returned which is why they may need to be filtered client-side prior to passing them to the AsyncSelect state.
Here is a simple code example.
import React from 'react';
import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/async';
const filterOptions = (options, inputValue) => {
const candidate = inputValue.toLowerCase();
return options.filter(({ label }) => label.toLowerCase().includes(candidate);
const loadOptions = (inputValue, callback) => {
const url = `www.your-api.com/?inputValue=${inputValue}`;
fetch(url).then(resp => {
const toSelectOption = ({ id, name }) => ({ label: name, value: id });
// map server data to options
const asyncOptions = resp.results.map(toSelectOption);
// Filter options if needed
const filtered = filterOptions(asyncOptions, inputValue);
// Call callback with mapped and filtered options
const AsyncLookup = props => (
export default AsyncLookup
Let's start by me expressing the opinion that react-select seems great, but not very clearly documented. Personally I didn't fall in love with the documentation for the following reasons:
No search
All the props and put on a single page. If I do CTRL+F on something everything lights up. Pretty useless
Most descriptions are minimal and not describing the important edge cases, some are even missing
There are some examples, but not nearly enough to show the different varieties, so you have to do guesswork
And so I will try to help a bit with this article, by giving steps by steps, code and problems + solutions.
Step 1: Simplest form react-select:
const [options, setOptions] = useState([
{ id: 'b72a1060-a472-4355-87d4-4c82a257b8b8', name: 'illy' },
{ id: 'c166c9c8-a245-48f8-abf0-0fa8e8b934d2', name: 'Whiskas' },
{ id: 'cb612d76-a59e-4fba-8085-c9682ba2818c', name: 'KitKat' },
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
It generally works, but you will notice that if I type the letter d which doesn't match any of the choices anywhere, choices stay, instead of showing "no options" as it should.
I will ignore this issue, since it is minor and seems unfixable.
So far so good, we can live with that small issue.
Step 2: Convert static data to server data
Our goal is now to simply swap the static data with server loaded data. Meh, how difficult could it be?
We will first need to swap <Select/> for <AsyncSelect/>. Now how do we load data?
So looking at the documentation there are multiple ways of loading data:
defaultOptions: The default set of options to show before the user starts searching. When set to true, the results for loadOptions('') will be autoloaded.
loadOptions: Function that returns a promise, which is the set of options to be used once the promise resolves.
Reading it carefully you understand defaultOptions needs to be a boolean value true and loadOptions should have a function returning the choices:
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
Looks great, we have remote data loaded. But we want to preset our default value now. We have to match it by Id, rather than choosing the first one. Here comes our first problem:
PROBLEM: You can't set the defaultValue in the very beginning, because you have no data to match it against. And if you try to set the defaultValue after component has loaded, then it doesn't work.
To solve that, we need to load data in advance, match the initial value we have, and once we have both of those, we can initialize the component. A bit ugly but that's the only way I could figure it out given the limitations:
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [initialObject, setInitialObject] = useState(null);
const getInitial = async () => {
// make your request, once you receive data:
// Set initial object
const init= res.data.find((item)=>item.id=ourInitialId);
// Set data so component initializes
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
{data!== null && initialObject !== null ? (
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
// loadOptions={loadData} // we don't need this anymore
) : null}
Since we are loading the data ourselves, we don't need loadOptions so we will take it out. So far so good.
Step 3: Make filter with server-side filtering call
So now we need a callback that we can use for getting data. Let's look back at the documentation:
onChange: (no description, from section "StateManager Props")
onInputChange: Same behaviour as for Select
So we listen to documentation and go back to "Select Props" section to find:
onInputChange: Handle change events on the input`
We see a function types definition that seems to have some clues:
I figured, that string must by my text/query. And apparently it drops in the type of change. Off we go --
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [initialObject, setInitialObject] = useState(null);
const getInitial = async () => {
// make your request, once you receive data:
// Set initial object
const init= res.data.find((item)=>item.id=ourInitialId);
// Set data so component initializes
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const loadData = async (query) => {
// fetch your data, using `query`
return res.data;
return (
{data!== null && initialObject !== null ? (
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
onInputChange={loadData} // +
) : null}
Data gets fetched with the right query, but options don't update as per our server data results. We can't update the defaultOptions since it is only used during initialization, so the only way to go would be to bring back loadOptions. But once we do, we have 2 calls on every keystroke. Blak. By countless hours and miracle of painstaking experimentation, we now figure out that:
USEFUL REVELATION: loadOptions actually fires on inputChange, so we don't actually need onInputChange.
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
// onInputChange={loadData} // remove that
loadOptions={loadData} // add back that
Things look good. Even our d search has automagically been fixed somehow:
Step 4: Update formik or whatever form value you have
To do that we need something that fires on select:
onChange: (no explanation or description)
Insightful...NOT. We have a pretty and colorful definition again to our rescue and we pick up some clues:
So we see the first param (which we don't know what it is can be object, array of array, null, or undefined. And then we have the types of actions. So with some guessing we figure out, it must be passing the selected object:
We will pass setFieldValue function as a prop to the component:
onChange={(selectedItem) => {
setFieldValue(fieldName, selectedItem?.id); // fieldName is also passed as a prop
NOTE: careful, if you clear the select it will pass null for selectedItem and your JS will explode for looking for .id of undefined. Either use optional chaining or as in my case set it conditionally to '' (empty string so formik works).
Step 5: Final code:
And so we are all set with a fully functional reusable Autocomplete dropdown select server-fetching async filtering, clearable thingy.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/async';
export default function AutocompleteComponent({
}) {
const [options, setOptions] = useState(null);
const [initialObject, setInitialObject] = useState(null);
// this function only finds the item from all the data that has the same id
// that comes from the parent component (my case - formik initial)
const findByValue = (fullData, specificValue) => {
return fullData.find((e) => e.id === specificValue);
const loadData = async (query) => {
// load your data using query HERE
return res.data;
const getInitial = async () => {
// load your data using query HERE
const fetchedData = res.data;
// match by id your initial value
const initialItem = findByValue(fetchedData, initialValue);
// Set both initialItem and data options so component is initialized
// Hit this once in the beginning
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
{options !== null && initialObject !== null ? (
getOptionValue={(option) => option.id}
onChange={(selectedItem) => {
const val = (selectedItem === null?'':selectedItem?.id);
setFieldValue(fieldName, val)
) : null}
AutocompleteComponent.propTypes = {
fieldName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
initialValue: PropTypes.string,
setFieldValue: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
getOptionLabel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
queryField: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
AutocompleteComponent.defaultProps = {
initialValue: '',
I hope this saves you some time.
I need to get data that will be used for the page that I'm rendering. I'm currently getting the data in a useEffect hook. I don't think all the data has been loaded before the data is being used in the render. It's giving me an error "property lastName of undefined" when I try to use it in the Chip label.
I'm not sure where or how I should be handling the collection of the data since it's going to be used all throughout the page being rendered. Should I collect the data outside the App function?
const App = (props) => {
const [teams] = useState(["3800", "0200", "0325", "0610", "0750", "0810"]);
const [players, setPlayers] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
teams.forEach(teamId => {
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = authKey;
axios.get(endPoints.roster + teamId)
.then((response) => {
let teamPlayers = response.data.teamPlayers;
teamPlayers.forEach(newPlayer => {
setPlayers(players => [...players, newPlayer]);
.catch((error) => {
}, []);
let numPlayersNode =
return (...
You iterate over a teamPlayers array and add them one at a time, updating state each time, but players is always the same so you don't actually add them to state other than the last newPlayer.
teamPlayers.forEach(newPlayer => {
setPlayers(players => [...players, newPlayer]);
setPlayers(prevPlayers => [...prevPlayers, ...teamPlayers]);
Adds all new players to the previous list of players using a functional state update.
You also have an initial state of an empty array ([]), so on the first render you won't have any data to access. You can use a truthy check (or guard pattern) to protect against access ... of undefined... errors.
let numPlayersNode =
players[1] ? <Chip
/> : null
You should always create a null check or loading before rendering stuff. because initially that key does not exists. For example
label={players.length > 0 && players[1].lastName}
this is an example of a null check
For loading create a loading state.
When functional component is rendered first, useEffect is executed only after function is returned.
and then, if the state is changed inside of useEffect1, the component will be rendered again. Here is a example
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
const A = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
setList([{a : 1}, {a : 2}]);
}, []);
return (() => {
return (
export default A;
if this component is rendered, what happen on the console?
As you can see, the component is rendered before the state is initialized.
In your case, error is happened because players[1] is undefined at first render.
the simple way to fix error, just add null check or optional chaining like players[1]?.lastName.