Disable emmett in functions for styled-components - reactjs

I keep getting emmett autocomplete suggestions even inside the template string used with styled/css/createGloablStyle when using styled-components. Is there a way I can get around to disabling emmett inside the function template string or maybe at least push it down the suggestions? It's not a problem per see but I have been exploring vscode and want to know if there's a setting that helps.
Image attached below for reference. The body tag I want to disable in autocomplete suggestions.
PS: I don't want to disable emmett globally or even in the file, just in the function scope.


how to use selectRootElement angular 2 Renderer method

what is the use of selectRootElement , when I tried to use this Renderer function
I am getting only root element but it's child not visible on UI .
May I get one example to understand this renderer method ?
Thanks in advance !
what's wrong with using selectRootElement if I only want to grab the element? It returns the element without its children and nothing changes in the view! Well, you can still use it of course, but you will be defeating its purpose and misusing it just like people do with DynamicComponentLoader#loadAsRoot and subscribing manually to EventEmitter.
See this https://stackoverflow.com/a/36059595/6554634 and here see the question also

Why does finally and done of $animateCSS behave differently in UI Bootstrap Angular JS

I am using UI Bootstrap for collapsing/expanding a div section based on user clicking a button similar to the example shown in the official site - UI Bootstrap-Collapse
I included the latest version of ui-bootstrap(0.14.2) but it was not showing the expected behavior. In particular the collapseDone() and expandDone() callbacks are never called after the $animateCSS is done the animations. (The animations are working properly, presumably because of the css transition property of the class 'collapsing' in twitter bootstrap.)
But when I inspected the UI Bootstrap site, I found that it's working properly as expected. (That's the class 'collapsing' is added during the animation and then removed after animation and then the class 'collapse' is added). So I checked the source code link for collapse collapse source code -github and found that finally is used for $animateCSS promise resolution rather than done in the ui.bootstrap.js code I included.
So could someone please explain the difference between finally and done methods of the $animateCSS function? The documentation [Angular Docs-$animateCSS][3] says that
there is also an additional method available on the runner called .done(callbackFn). The done method works the same as .finally(callbackFn), however, it does not trigger a digest to occur. Therefore, for performance reasons, it's always best to use runner.done(callback) instead of runner.then(), runner.catch() or runner.finally() unless you really need a digest to kick off afterwards.
So it looks like both should behave similarly. Could someone shed light on this, as there seems to be very little resources to learn about $animateCSS. (google search for $animateCss returns results for animate.css which seems to be part of the earler angular js verion (v1.2) - so that doesn't help)
I had forgotten to inject "ngAnimate" to my module. That way the animation by $animateCss was not successful, so the done() was never called. But finally will be called even if the animation is not successful.

How to use AngularJS directive for WURFL img-wit with ng-src?

Want to be able to do something like this:
<img-wit ng-src="{{trustSrc(profile.pic)}}" w="100"/>
The picture isn't rendering however, although the blank space is sized correctly. Is it possible to use angular directive version of img-wit with ng-src?
Determined the easiest way to use img-wit is not to implement angularjs directive at all. Instead, just append appropriate img-wit link prefix inside controller.
Support to ngSrc directive has been added in the 0.9.1 version: https://github.com/WURFL/angular-wurfl-image-tailor/releases/tag/0.9.1.
Syntax like the follow is now supported:
<img-wit ng-src="{{myUrl}}"></img-wit>
where {{myUrl}} is the url of the trusted image to load.
Please check https://github.com/WURFL/angular-wurfl-image-tailor#how-to-use-it for further details.
Disclaimer: I work for ScientiaMobile

Using Moovweb only some of the inline styles are being removed

So I am working in a very old site that is table heavy - everything has been converted to divs, and inside of main.ts I have tried removing the inline styles because the function remove_all_styles() is not working.
#func XMLNode.remove_all_styles() {
I also tried adding remove(".//#style") and still failing to remove the div style="" on half of the page. I am not having much luck finding a solution so any help would be appreciated.
edit - as a temporary solution I used this custom JavaScript I found on CSS tricks -
but I know there is a more appropriate Moovweb solution out there somewhere.
My guess is if you view the source, the inline styles won't be there, which means the styles are added later with JS. Otherwise remove(".//#style") would have worked if you've scoped into the right div.
The only tritium implementation that I can think of is a bit hacky but worked for me on several occasions. You need to reverse engineer the desktop js that adds those inline styles and figure out the selector it uses. Then you can find a workaround by changing the attribute or renaming the node
For example, if the desktop js is something like this
$(".price-table th").css("color", "red");
or like this $(".my-table th").attr("style", "");
You can override the class name in tritium to break the jquery selectors above.
$(".//table[#class='price-table']") {
attributes(class: "new-price-table)

Image crop with AngularJS

I want to let the user crop an image, I found this JQuery plugin - http://deepliquid.com/content/Jcrop.html
I tried to use it with Angular-ui's Jquery passthrough option, adding the ui-jq=Jcrop directive to the <img>
The problem is that If I use ng-src to dynamically change the image it doesn't work and nothing is seen. If I change it to src and put a static url I can see the image and Jcrop.
how can I fix that ?
also, how can I listen to Jcrop's callbacks to know what is the user's selection ?
is there a better / simpler way to add image cropping functionality to AngularJS ?
Here is my solution:
I've written a directive that create img element and apply plugin on it. When src is changed, this img is removed and content that was created by plugin is also destroyed and then re-created new img with new src and again applied plugin on it.
Also provided 'selected' callback to be able to get coordinated that were selected (wrapped in $apply so you can modify your scope values in it).
Check my solution at Plunker
I've built a demo using AngularJS and Jcrop here:
Demo: https://coolaj86.github.com/angular-image-crop
On Github: https://github.com/coolaj86/angular-image-crop
You can leverage ui-event to create an event definition object with the keys being the event names and the values being the callbacks. Or you can simply pass these events as options to Jcrop (according to the documentation)
Finally, there is a new update coming to ui-jq that lets you add ui-refresh which is an expression to be watched to re-trigger the plugin.
Theoretically you should be able to do
<img ui-jq="Jcrop"
ng-src="imgSrc" />
Note: this simply re-fires the passthrough again, and doesn't automatically mean this will fix the problem or that the plugin will behave properly when re-initialized
We're still working on a good way to allow you to trigger different events at different times.
