Error: Login error on Sandbox Coinbase Pro - coinbase-api

I am trying to connect to Sandbox Coinbase Pro to test the API but I get the error
We are sorry for the inconvenience, an unexpected error occurred. Please try again and if the problem persists, hard refresh your browser.
Error ID: 8dae9537"
Does anyone know why am I getting this error?
My trading account works without any problem.


Microsoft Graph: Getting 400 Bad Request when trying to fetch mailboxSettings

I have followed this tutorial and have implemented Microsoft login via OAuth and Azure. Also, I have fetched data from Microsoft Graph to store in my database.
Here is a code sample to fetch data using Microsoft Graph:
$graph = new Graph();
$user = $graph->createRequest('GET', '/me?$select=id,displayName,givenName,surName,mail,mobilePhone,jobTitle,userPrincipalName')
The code works fine and I get my desired data.
However, when I change the url from '/me?$select=id,displayName,givenName,surName,mail,mobilePhone,jobTitle,userPrincipalName' to '/me?$select=id,displayName,givenName,surName,mail,mobilePhone,jobTitle,userPrincipalName,mailboxSettings', I am getting this error:-
Error Code:- 400| Error Message:- Client error: `GET$select=id,displayName,givenName,surName,mail,mobilePhone,jobTitle,userPrincipalName,mailboxSettings` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: { "error": { "code": "AuthenticationError", "message": "Error authenticating with resource", "innerErr (truncated...) | Error Location:- Line No. 113 in file C:\xampp7.2\htdocs\kaec\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php
As you can see, I am getting the 400 Bad Request error only when I am adding 'mailboxSetttings' in the query string of the url.
Why am I getting this error? The tutorial itself has used 'mailboxSetttings' in their sample code?
PS: Two days ago, it worked absolutely fine when I used 'mailboxSetttings' in the query. But today, I am getting 400 - Bad Request.
Check if you have MailboxSettings.Read and MailboxSettings.ReadWrite permissions to be able to read, update, create, and delete your mailbox settings.
I agree with #user2250152 answer, at first I used an access token which doesn't with the scope of MailboxSettings.ReadWrite, and I called the api
it returns 403 error(not the same as yours 400), I checked the api document and found that the 'mailboxSettings' property really exists but even I used beta version of the api I still can't find it in response. So I tried to add api permission when generate the access token, finally it worked for me.
I think you can debug your program to check if the access token you used to call the api has the scope of 'MailboxSettings.ReadWrite', just decode the token and you can see it in the claim "scp", because you said that your programs run absolutely fine before. So maybe you've added more other scopes(not belong to graph) when generate access token.

openid general authorization error when trying to log from mobile app

I am getting this openid authernisation error when trying to log into an openid service from a mobile app, could anyone explain to me the possible causes?
Error Domain=org.openid.appauth.general Code=-4
In the documentation it says "general" error, wouldbe good to have more insight on what are the potential causes.
I had the same issue. It is authorisation error and in my case was caused by not setting clientSecret with the request.

Facebook Messenger Webhook weird subscription error

I'm trying to re-subscribe an app to facebook (through graph-api post/me/subscribed-apps). The subscription worked the first time and received {success: true}, however now I'm receiving the following error:
{"message":"(#2) Messaging Subscription Failed for app: <appID>.
Another Subscription Update is in Progress 2",
I tried replacing the token but I'm still getting this.
Has anyone encountered this before? Tried looking for reference but with no luck.
Thanks in advance!

Error: Drupal 7 HybridAuth Social Login

I installed drupal 7 hybridauth I configured the module for Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They are working well except Google. According to the HybridAuth Module instruction I went to Then I created application using "Create new Client Id" button and set all information that I did for others social login.
After that I tried to login using the google auth link but they shows an error "There was an error processing your request!". I was googling more time. But I can't fix that.
Then I went to see my drupal site's logs. I found the following error message -
Location: DOMAIN-COM/drupalsocialauth/hybridauth/window/Google?destination=node&destination_error=node
Message: Exception: User profile request failed! Google returned an invalid response. in** Hybrid_Providers_Google->getUserProfile() (line 87 of /home/pydream/public_html/drupalsocialauth/sites/all/libraries/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Google.php).
Can you help me to fix it?
Thanks for you time.
I resolved this thanks to the last comment here:!topic/hybridauth/dNSUDyWpc5w
Under Your projects at
APIs & auth->APIs
Enable: Contacts API and Google+ API
APIs & auth->Consent Screen
Make sure to complete the consent screen and save
In my situation was not variable hybridauth_provider_Google_scope in variable table. I executed command:
drush vset hybridauth_provider_Google_scope ""
and now Google auth works properly.
P.S. May be with drush vset hybridauth_provider_Google_scope "" also will work properly. I did not inspect this variant.
Try to comment in this file:
The line:
// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $this->curl_useragent );

Internal 500 error for linkedin login on a cake php site

I have this website which uses a Linkedin login. Some users face an internal 500 error when they try to login, not everyone sees this error. I tried to reproduce at my end, but I could only reproduce the error when I deleted my user_profile from the database, and tried to login again (I have to be logged into linkedin when I try that. if I logout from and linkedin, and do a fresh login via linkedin the error is not seen). I read some similar posts which mention changes to htaccess, but couldnt find a solution for specifically my problem. Help would be appreciated.
