Why local svg icons not resolve in react.js projects? - reactjs

I have local icons, and I add icons in build folder like screenshot below, then I was import icons like that import {ReactComponent as MyIcon} from "build/icons/my-icon.svg";, but still say "Can't resolve 'build/icons/my-icon.svg'", any idea?

you need to use file-loader
and when you import dont use brackets since its default export just chose the name directly
import myIcon from "build/icons/my-icon.svg";
const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<img src={myIcon} />
Svg tag
second option would be to extract the svg tag and put it directly into you component ,
const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<svg .... // copy the content of your .svg


React -- Mapping specific images to specific cards

Trying to map specific images to specific card components as backgrounds. Problem - When I pass data.bgUrl into style={{ backgroundImage:`url(${data.bgUrl})`}} the result is surrounded by quotes ("img1") instead of just path name (img1). As a result, images won't load. Any insights?
import AthleteData from "../athletes.json";
import img1 from "../assets/img1.png";
import img2 from "../assets/img2.png";
import img3 from "../assets/img3.png";
import img4 from "../assets/img4.png";
import Card from "./Card";
import "./cards.scss";
export default function Cards() {
return (
<div className="cards-container">
<div className="cards">
{AthleteData.map((data, key) => {
return (
backgroundImage: `url(${data.bgUrl})`,
<h3>Load More Cards</h3>
If you used backgroundImage in style, you don't need to import images. Please check your data.bgUrl is the correct path for each image.
also, set the image size through width and height, or backgroundSize in the style. You may need to set backgroundRepeat in the style as well.
I'm assuming that the 'AthleteData' you are importing is an object where one of the properties is called 'bgUrl' and that the value of that property is set to be a string such as 'img1'. The problem with that, if it is the case, is that the line where you are attempting to call that property (of bgURL) is that it still only represents a string, even if you have an imported variable that is called 'img1' as well. In your Athletes.json file you would want to have a dynamic reference to the image location. The problem with this is that .json files don't support import statements.
What I would recommend doing is to make a simple Javascript file where you import all your images as you did above and set them into a single object below them. Set the property 'bgUrl' to the dynamic references that those import statements create, and then you should be good. I will demonstrate below:
//This would be the new athletes.js file. Not a .json file
import img1 from "../assets/img1.png";
import img2 from "../assets/img2.png";
import img3 from "../assets/img3.png";
import img4 from "../assets/img4.png";
const AthleteData =
{name: 'Athlete1', bgUrl:img1, ...},
{name: 'Athlete2', bgUrl:img2, ...},
{name: 'Athlete3', bgUrl:img3, ...}
export default AthleteData
Then when you import this and use it in your jsx it would look like so:
import AthleteData from "../athletes.js";
// No longer importing those image refrences here
import Card from "./Card";
import "./cards.scss";
export default function Cards() {
return (
<div className="cards-container">
<div className="cards">
{AthleteData.map((data, key) => {
return (
backgroundImage: `url(${data.bgUrl})`,
<h3>Load More Cards</h3>
Everything should roughly be the same in your jsx but you wouldn't need the import statements.

How to properly import images and videos in Next js

I just want to ask how to properly import images and videos in nextjs? My images doesn't load on nested route page, like this -> localhost:3000/about/missionVision It works on single path though, like this -> localhost:3000/about
This is the code of the component with image that doesn't load on nested route/page.
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
const Banner= () => {
<header className="banner">
<div className="container">
<div className="logo">
<img src="./images/logo.png" alt="our logo"/>
export default Banner;
I used to use this format of importing, but there's always an error when I imported videos/mp4 files, plus image doesn't show. ( I migrated cra to next)
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import logo from "./../../public/images/logo.png";
const Banner= () => {
<header className="banner">
<div className="container">
<div className="logo">
<img src={ logo }/>
export default Banner;
This is my file structure
root folder
Thank you!
Edit: This is the error that shows whenever I try to import a video.
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
(Source code omitted for this binary file)
No Need for import public path just try to access from the public path.
<img src={"/images/xyz.svg"} />

Unable to Convert Figma design to react

I am trying to convert a basic success page design from figma to reactcode using anima.
import React from "react";
function success() {
return (
text1="Your payment was successfull"
export default success;
function Frame1(props) {
const { ellipse2, ellipse1, maskGroup, great, text1, place } = props;
return (
<div className="frame-1">
<div className="overlap-group1">
<img className="ellipse-2" src={ellipse2} />
<img className="ellipse-1" src={ellipse1} />
<div className="typcntick smart-layers-pointers ">
<img className="mask-group" src={maskGroup} />
<h1 className="great avenirnext-medium-black-48px">{great}</h1>
<div className="text-1 avenirnext-medium-black-24px">{text1}</div>
<div className="overlap-group">
<Rectangle1 />
<div className="place avenirnext-demi-bold-white-36px">{place}</div>
function Rectangle1() {
return <div className="rectangle-1 smart-layers-pointers "></div>;
I have copied the jsx and css files from anima and now I am trying to import that into my app.
But I am unable to display it on my app. How can I resolve this?
import React from 'react';
import './success.css';
import success from './success';
const App = () => {
return (
export default App;
I checked the react code and it works for me, maybe there's something basic that is not setup correctly. First thing is to try and see if your react code shows a simple hello world text.
I see that you are using anima to import figma and export react code. If you manage to get it work that's great, if not I recommend trying Desech Studio and see if that works for you.
It imports Figma with relative html/css positioning and it exports react code. Here's the github repo for more details.
The success component you imported and exported should start with a capital letter like Success then only react understands that its a component

How to display multiple images with uploaded file URL's?

I am working on a project that uploads images to Heroku with their new react-simple-file-upload addon. After uploading the file, a URL is provided for the image saved in the DB. I managed to display one of the images, but now I would like to display multiple-- essentially create a simple gallery. I am thinking i'll have to make a function that uses useState and an array, but am not really sure how to design it beyond that. Here is my working code:
import React from "react";
import SimpleFileUpload, { SimpleFileUploadProvider } from "../components/SimpleFileUpload"
import { useState } from 'react'
import "./styles.css"
const API_KEY = '...'
export default function About() {
const [files, setFiles] = useState();
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>upload an image</h1>
<SimpleFileUpload apiKey={API_KEY} onSuccess={setFiles} />
{files && (
<img className="photo" src={files} witdh="50" hight="50" alt="huh?"/>
<div className="gallery">
Any tips or tricks is greatly appreciated

React dynamically add image

I am trying to add images dynamically from the assets folder in my react component. This is the code that I have:
import React from 'react';
const card = (props) => {
const image = require.context(
new RegExp(`(${props.vnum}_${props.snum}.png)$`)
return (
<img src={image} alt="image" />
When I do this, I get the following error:
TypeError: webpack_require(...).context is not a function
I used CRA and looking up past posts I see that this should work. Where am I going wrong?
This should be enough.
import React from 'react';
const Card = (props) => {
return (
<img alt="image" src={require(`../../assets/imgs/${props.vnum}_${props.snum}.png`} />
It's necessary to use it in those convention?
The simpler solution without require.context()
import React from 'react';
import Image from "../../assets/img/english
import Image from "../../assets/img/french
const card = (props) => {
return (
<img src={english} alt="image" />
<img src={french} alt="image" />
It's possible to add some conditional rendering here (depends on variable render english or french) - i'm not sure You need it.
require.context is a special feature supported by webpack's compiler that allows you to get all matching modules starting from some base directory. The intention is to tell webpack at compile time to transform that expression into a dynamic list of all the possible matching module requests that it can resolve, in turn adding them as build dependencies and allowing you to require them at runtime.
So if regex matches more than 1 element - mapping is needed - however i think in this specific issue import is enough.
you can use simply require()
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import Card from "./card";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h2>check this!</h2>
<Card vnum={12} snum={13} english={"english"} />
import React from "react";
export default function card(props) {
const image = require(`./img/${props.vnum}_${props.snum}.jpg`);
return (
<img src={image} alt="image1" width="200px" />
you can check this at here https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-ramanujan-5qwcp
This is not the exact anser for your question, but might help you in later scenes maybe you may already know about this. If you have got URL's of the image that can be grabbed from internet, then you can save them into an array. Eg: const array = ['url1', 'url2',....etc]
Then use : array.map(url => { <img src={url} /> })
Also if you are pulling from an API use the same method.
