There are 15 CPU cores for two data nodes: one node owns 7 cores and the other node owns 8 cores. How to configure the parameters for each data node? Seems parameter like “workerNum” in cluster.cfg will be used by both nodes.
You can specify configuration parameter values in the following 4 ways:
1.Node alias qualified configuration parameters. Node aliases are defined in the cluster.nodes file.
nodeA.volumes = D:/DFSRoot/nodeA
nodeB.volumes = D:/DFSRoot/nodeB
2.(Node alias + wildcard character ("?" or "%")) qualified configuration parameters. "?" represents a single character; "%" represents 0, 1 or multiple characters.
%8821.volumes = /DFSRoot/data8821
%8822.volumes = /DFSRoot/data8822
3.Use macro variable for assignments with node aliases. For a cluster with 2 data nodes nodeA and nodeB:
volumes = /DFSRoot/<ALIAS>
is equivalent to
nodeA.volumes = /DFSRoot/nodeA
nodeB.volumes = /DFSRoot/nodeB
4.If the parameters are not qualified by node aliases, they indicate common configuration parameter values for all the data nodes in the cluster.
I am creating a Docker container with hidden secondary MongoDB instance for data backup purpose.
The only way to configure a MongoDB instance as a hidden secondary I found, is after its start by getting rs.conf() and setting the corresponding member values of votes, priority, and hidden. However, I cannot automatically figure out what is the cluster member index of my current instance in the members array. Any ideas?
This is the script that needs to be executed, where 2 should be replaced with the current member index.
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[2].priority = 0
cfg.members[2].votes = 0
cfg.members[2].hidden = true
Something like this maybe:
rso:PRIMARY> var myid=0;var x=0;var myself=db.isMaster().me ;rs.conf().members.forEach(function(d){ if({ myid=x;print("The id is: "+myid)};x=x+1; })
The id is: 2
rso:PRIMARY> cfg.members[myid].priority=0
Get the 'host:port' with the db.isMaster().me
Loop over all conf().members and search which one is me
Assign the myid to the member who is me.
I have a neo4j database with statistical information on water and waste. In this database are data points linked with the facts that are relevant, including mappings to internal definitions. Here in the attached screenshot is an example of a data point and the related metadata. The node in the center is the value, and the immediate nodes linked by "HAS_DIMENSION" are the dimensions that came with the data provider. These are not fixed and change depending on the provider. Each dimension of interest is mapped to an internal definition. Currently this is my query:
MATCH (o:Observation {uq_id:'e__ABS_AGR_AQ__FSW__MIO_M3__BG__1970____9f07c7a629625e5ae00e35838fcd4f824a3593dd'})-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()
MATCH (o)-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()-[:HAS_SYNONYM_FROM]->()-[:WITH_TARGET_DEF]->(v:Variable)<-[:HAS_UNIT]-(u:Unit)
MATCH (o)-[vl0:HAS_DIMENSION]->()-[:HAS_SYNONYM_FROM]->()-[:WITH_TARGET_DEF]->(l:Location)
MATCH (o)-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->(unk0)
MATCH (o)-[sr0:CAME_FROM_FILE]->(ds0)-[sr1:BELONGS_TO]->(s0)
The issue I have is exemplified by the pink circles. I want only one pink circle (which is a node with label Variable) in the query, in particular I want the variable like follows
MATCH (v:Variable)<-[:MAPS_TO]-()<-[:HAS_DIMENSION]-(o:Observation)
By this I want to force it to observe a pattern where it identifies the single variable that matches the pattern above for the most number of intermediate nodes. So the "Fresh surface water abstracted" variable would match this pattern, since it has two paths that match this. But the "Fresh groundwater abstracted" would not, since it only has one. How could I accomplish this?
It sounds like you want to return the Variable node with the most number of paths leading to it. Would something like this roughly return the results you are after? You will need to adapt according to your matching statements.
MATCH p=(o:Observation {uq_id:'<your_id>'})-[:HAS_DIMENSION]->()<-[:MAPS_TO]-(v:Variable)
I exported two tables named Keys and Acc tables as CSV files from SQL Server and imported them successfully to Neo4J by using the commands below.
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///C:/Keys.txt' AS line
MERGE (k:Keys { IdKey: line[0] })
SET k.KeyNam=line[1], k.KeyLib=line[2], k.KeyTyp=line[3], k.KeySubTyp=line[4]
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///C:/Acc.txt' AS line
MERGE (callerObject:Keys { IdKey : line[0] })
MERGE (calledObject:Keys { IdKey : line[1] })
MERGE (callerObject)-[rc:CALLS]->(calledObject)
SET rc.AccKnd=line[2], rc.Prop=line[3]
Keys stands for the source code objects, Acc stands for relations among them. I imported these two tables three times for three different application projects. So to maintain IdKey property being unique for three applications, I concatenated a five character prefix to IdKey to identify the Object for Application while exporting from sql server because we can not create index based on multiple fields as I learnt from manuals. Now my aim is constructing the relations among applications. For example:
Node1 is a source code object of Application1
Node2 is another source code object of Application1
Node3 is a source code object of Application2
There is already a CALL relation created from Node1 to Node2 because of the record in Acc already imported.
The Name of the Node2 is equal to name of Node3. So we can say that Node2 and Node3 are in fact the same source codes. So we should create a relation from Node1 to Node3. To realize it, I wrote a command below. But I want to be sure that it is correct. Because I do not know how long it will execute.
MATCH (caller:Keys)-[rel:CALLS]->(called:Keys),(calledNew:Keys)
WHERE calledNew.KeyNam = called.KeyNam
and calledNew.IdKey <> called.IdKey
CREATE (caller)-[:CALLS]->(calledNew)
This following query should be efficient, assuming you also create an index on :Keys(KeyNam).
MATCH (caller:Keys)-[rel:CALLS]->(called:Keys)
WITH caller, COLLECT(called.KeyNam) AS names
MATCH (calledNew:Keys)
WHERE calledNew.KeyNam IN names AND NOT (caller)-[:CALLS]->(calledNew)
CREATE (caller)-[:CALLS]->(calledNew)
Cypher will not use an index when doing comparisons directly between property values. So this query puts all the called names for each caller into a names collection, and then does a comparison between calledNew.KeyNam and the items in that collection. This causes the index to be used, and will speed up the identification of potential duplicate called nodes.
This query also does a NOT (caller)-[:CALLS]->(calledNew) check, to avoid creating duplicate relationships between the same nodes.
I'm using Drupal 7. After enabling the Statistics module, I see, under each node, how many times it has been read (e.g. "4 reads").
I need to knew where this views (e.g. "4 reads") save in table in database ?
I need to know where is saved to using it in my SQL
This data is stored in database table node_counter, field totalcount.
You can use function statistics_get() to get the total number of times the node has been viewed.
// the node nid
$nid = 1;
// get the node statistics
$node_stats = statistics_get($nid);
// get the count of the node reads
$node_reads = $node_stats['totalcount'];
Or, if you need to access it directly with SQL code,
SELECT totalcount FROM node_counter WHERE nid = 1;
Root contains one folder, named pending of type sling:folder.
That have numbers of nodes of nt:unstructured type, having name of long value, that long value is very important for my code processing.
Now I want to get top 20 nodes(20 minimum node name , i.e., long value) data from this pending folder.
Can you tell me how can I write the JCR query for this situation ?
Edit No. 1
Repository repository = JcrUtils.getRepository("http://localhost:4502/crx/server");
Session session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials("admin", "admin".toCharArray()));
// Obtain the query manager for the session via the workspace ...
QueryManager queryManager = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
// Create a query object ...
String expression = "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/pending])";
Query query = queryManager.createQuery(expression, javax.jcr.query.Query.JCR_SQL2);
// Execute the query and get the results ...
QueryResult result = query.execute();
// Iterate over the nodes in the results ...
NodeIterator nodeIter = result.getNodes();
But it gives some order , different than the order present in root node. But that is not in sort form.
Edit No.2
Now I got the functionality of this function. And it working fine now. The thing that I got is order the node just above the destination node, that is mentioned in second parameter of this function.
But the nodes that is coming is of different names(a number). So how can I sort this using orderBefore. Because everytime we are not able to know the right location(destination Relative Path) where we have to put this node.
You probably don't need a query for this, if you have structure such as
you can just iterate over the nodes using the JCR Node's getNodes() method, which returns a NodeIterator.
A sling:orderedFolder node type for "pending" gives a predictable ordering of the child nodes.
In general, using the tree structure instead of queries is more efficient in JCR.
Note also that if you're using Jackrabbit having more than about 10'000 child nodes on the same parent can lead to performance issues.