Why am I getting postcss warnings when I'm not using it? - postcss

I'm using NX to build a React demo and it has a dependency of postcss however I'm not using it and none of my webpack configs or anything else is using it either... Yet when I run yarn start I get the following warning in my CLI.
You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on https://www.postcss.parts/ and use them in postcss.config.js.

Looks like the issue has been resolved as #hallvors pointed out in this PR https://github.com/nrwl/nx/pull/5420


Can't npm start my React project with eslint dependencies

I installed eslint in my react project to fix all the eslint errors. I fixed all the errors, however, I can't npm start the project. When I do that, I get this error, and some steps to uninstall all the eslint dependencies. I want to run the project with eslint dependencies.
Please let me know how to do this?
Error Message:
There might be a problem with the project dependency tree. It is
likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a
"eslint": "^7.11.0"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it
automatically. However, a different version of eslint was detected
higher up in the tree:
My guess would be that you installed eslint#v8 and since create-react-app doesn't support it yet (reference) it causes this error.
Downgrading to eslint v7 should fix it.
Create react app already comes bundled with eslint and by installing it in the project dependencies, you are in effect try to load in conflicting versions, you shouldn't need eslint inside of your own package.json.
If you want to override eslint and start customising your react install you are more than welcome to eject (npm run eject), but bear in mind that ejecting your application will mean you will need to maintain dependencies going forwards.
You can read more about ejecting here - https://create-react-app.dev/docs/available-scripts/

How to add custom webpack config with ionic v4 and react?

I have set up a project using ionic framework v4 with React and wish to add a webpack loader to allow importing graphql queries from .graphql files, as described here.
I can't find any official documentation on how to change anything relating to webpack (for example, nothing here), and existing answers on the subject seem to apply only to using Angular or v2/v3 of ionic.
The Apollo docs describe an alternative way of solving this for Create-React-App (which I may try as a workaround), but I might wish to change webpack config in other ways, so I am also asking how to solve this question more generally.
You can customize webpack using react-app-rewired
If you don't use ionic cli to build and run your app, you can use a normal install of react-app-rewired.
If you use the ionic cli, there is an additional step/trick:
Ionic uses react-scripts under the hood, so you need to trick it into using react-app-rewired instead of react-scripts.
Here is a simple and low-invasive way to have Ionic cli use react-app-rewired instead of react-scripts: add this package.json postinstall script:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "cd node_modules/.bin && mv react-scripts react-scripts-real && ln -s ../react-app-rewired/bin/index.js react-scripts",
Update: This fails when you run ionic build because it defaults back to using react-scripts build.
Not sure why I didn't see this before, but taking a closer look at the bootstrapped ionic project, it’s clearly using create-react-app/react-scripts.
Although CRA demands you do a one-time eject in order to configure anything relating to the build, I was able to use react-app-rewired and customizable-cra to customise the build and start scripts. As far as I can tell this works fine with ionic.

i18n message extraction in CRA using TypeScript

I'm trying to get i18n message extracted (defined by react-intl's defineMessages) to work properly in a CRA using TypeScript.
I've got an existing react app bootstrapped by CRA with a couple of hundrets of lines of code. So rewriting the application w/o TypeScript isn't an option.
Here's what i've tried so far:
First Attempt
Following this guide in order to get it to work.
When closely following the guide (although react-intl-cra is deprecated) the language files will generate properly.
However if you create the app using create-react-app react-intl-example --typescript and change the script to
"extract:messages": "react-intl-cra 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' -o 'src/i18n/messages/messages.json'"
it will break with a compiler error.
Second Attempt
Since react-intl-cra was refering to a react-app-rewired solution, I've tried adding it alongside customize-cra and babel-plugin-react-intl to a freshly generated CRA (using TS). However no luck there as well and after some short period of research I found that it's officially not supported.
Third attempt:
Adding extract-react-intl-messages to my project and running:
$ npx extract-messages -l=en,ja -o app/translations -d en --flat false 'src/**/!(*.test).tsx'
failed with an error as well.
I ran out of ideas, hence I came here to ask. From what I've seen TypeScript has been well advertised in the last couple of years and I don't think I have to justify that React is still pretty hyped. Moreover I can't imagine, that i18n is an uncommon concern in application development.
However I wasn't able to find any up-to-date guide or anything useful on npmjs.com.
What I need:
Extract messages from defineMessages from react-intl into json files
Must work in a CRA using --typescript
Should not utilize npm run eject
What I've tried:
react-app-rewired + customize-cra + babel-plugin-react-intl
It's explained here: https://github.com/akameco/extract-react-intl-messages#typescript
Basically you need to
npm install --save-dev #babel/core #babel/preset-typescript #babel/preset-react
and add
to your .babelrc:
"presets": [
Then you can run
npm run extract-messages 'src/**/*.[jt]sx'

react-scripts build won't transpile template literals, app doesn't work in IE

We need to support IE11 with our app.
When building it with react-scripts build the backticks in template literals won't be transpiled, which of course doesn't work for IE.
The error appears in the chunks/vendor js file - not sure if that changes anything.
Is there any way to add some config with webpack plugins in react-scripts? We're on 2.1.5.
Ejecting from npm isn't an option.
So we just found out that it indeed was an error in a npm module.
Now we made a PR for it.

Configure antd after create-react-app eject

My react app was created with create-react-app and I added And Design following:
I even customized some less vars using:
Now, I ejected my app but everything stopped working.
The first error is that after ejecting, the scripts configured in package.json no longer works, as described here:
What are the steps to configure antd after ejecting create-react-app?
You just need to run npm i react-scripts.
This will install the missing dependency you need to make this work.
