Third-party library as React's source of truth - reactjs

I wonder how to work with React when I am forced to use a third-party library that owns data. I want to consider it a source of truth, but the library is neither aware of React nor has an immutable state. As an example, consider the following todo-list as the third-party library I want to preserve untouched.
class TodoList {
items = ["dishes", "trash", "shop"];
addRandomItem() {
I want to achieve a situation where clicking a button adds a new item and re-renders the list.
Please consider this as a simple example. The best would be some kind of interlayer handling both function calls and components updates but I am curious how this problem is solved in other projects if occurs.


Why is using React Context better than just passing around a props object?

I've been reading about the advantages of using Context in React and I am unconvinced. I'm wondering if there's something I've missed.
Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.
What's the hassle in creating a props object in the main component and just passing it around among the underlings? Something like:
// do this once at top level (I'm assuming [foo, foo_set] and [bar, bar_set] are state variables):
const props = {foo, foo_set, bar, bar_set, thisAndThat, theOther, whatever, etcAndEtc}
// including one component
<MyComponent1 {...props } />
// including another
<MyComponent2 {...props } />
(Maybe better to use another name than props for this object, as the components can have other properties. Anyway.)
Then in MyComponent1 you can access all the props you want, or not access them. Either:
const MyComponent1 = (props) => {
// here we can use any props we need,, props.bar_set, props.theOther for example
const localVar = * 2;
// this changes the value of bar throughout the app
the advantage of the above, as I see it, is that you can pass around the props object to other sub-sub-components and not worry about whether you have anything missing.
const MyComponent1 = ({bar, bar_set, theOther }) => {
// here we can use bar, bar_set, theOther in the same example
const localVar = bar * 2;
The advantage of this option being that the syntax is shorter.
So my point is why not just use the standard JavaScript syntax? Why introduce new concepts when there are plenty to assimilate to do all sorts of other things?
Consider a fairly common case for most applications: You have authentication information (eg, the current user), a routing library (eg, react-router), and a theme object (what colors to use). These are needed in components scattered throughout the app.
You want to render a button somewhere down at the tip of the component tree. It's going to show the user's avatar, so it needs the authentication data. It's going to navigate when clicked, so it needs the navigate function from the routing library. And it needs to style itself according to the theme.
This certainly can be done through props, but in order for the button to get the props, every component in the chain above it must get and forward those props too. This could be many components deep, like page component -> section component -> table -> row -> widget -> button, and most of them don't need that information for themselves, so they're just taking the props in order to forward it along.
And you can easily imagine cases where there are more than 3 pieces of data that are needed across the app.
What's the hassle
Most people find this "prop drilling" to be a hassle, but let's assume you don't. You still have the problem that it has bad performance. If every component must receive the full set of "global" values that the app might need, then any time anything changes, the entire app must rerender. Optimizations like react.memo become effectively useless. You will get much better performance if you only pass the props you need.
Easier to edit code (You don't have to delete for example unused variable)
Better redability (You dont see unnescesary variables, and You see which component is using variables)
Lesser performance waste (preventing from consuming unnescesarry variables)
Suppose You got 10 descendants in - You would have to pass one variable through 10 of components.
What if some could have the same variable name ? You would have to edit Your passed variable for a while, then edit back later.
To sum up:
Using Context more efficient than stuffing everything into a single object variable, because it avoids re-rendering the whole app when anything changes.
People think passing a single variable around is more hassle than introducing specific syntax.
Context also allows you to have different values for the same variable in different parts of the app. This is shown here (the best explanation IMHO) :
The above article also specifies that sometimes passing props is the best solution. It gives a list of use cases for context, and the advantages provided in each case.

need help for prev and next button in react

How to call back the effect operation when clicking the prev button using method or function with fullcalendar4 in react?
At present, I can only think of this way:
document.querySelector('.fc-prev-button').addEventListener('click', e => {console.log(e)})
document.querySelector('.fc-prev-button').addEventListener('click', e => {console.log(e)})
Looks like it works with React. Have you read some docs here about callbacks, or here specifically working with react and the underlying calendar's ref?
I've created a simple code sandbox that uses the callback style you try, and also using the API. Between the two, your method seems less recommended, but IMO is a little cleaner as it uses all the existing in-place UI, but is susceptible to being a little more brittle as the class names could potentially change, whereas using the API for next/prev these are calling methods directly so less likely to change.
I guess it depends a lot on what exactly you're trying to accomplish here, but what you have will "piggyback" off the button click, so if you're just trying to do something on the side it'll work.

Sharing data (an array) between two screens in tabs view using react-navigation in react native

I am using react-navigation without redux. so i have two tabs each with their own stack navigator, having one screen each. so i need and array of locations in both screens. currently i am doing this in both screens:
state = { locations: [] };
componentDidMount() {
async getAllLocations() {
let locations = await this.getMoviesFromApi();
this.setState({ locations });
i just want to have this array at one location and both components should share this single source of truth. so changes made by either screen is reflected in the other screen. Is this possible without redux?
RN 0.59 has opened great possibilities with its release. One of them are react hooks, which is available in the latest version... in the future react hooks will be used everywhere. Trust me. So, a while back I looked for the possibilities of having a global state using react hooks and found the reactn library. It uses react native hooks, and even you can use global state in CLASS components. which opens a new door for theming and sharing data. Now my app supports light/dark mode, dynamic font size, Languages, and early implementation of "portals" using only this library.
The best part about it is that you can use it like state. There is no need of provider, or redux stuff (although it provides it). It can be integrated with react navigation (it requires modifying some source code, at most, adding an "n" to react, and reference the global variable). Is awesome and I love it.
I have been thinking in doing an article on medium about this, because the lib is not that popular in RN community, but hope that you will give it a chance the library is only 22KB, less than one full component.
As an alternative, you could think about writing your own library using hooks. But it's gonna be hard. Try it, there is no going back
It is possible if you have a singleton object :
export default class SharedData {
return SharedData.instance;
this.state = {locations:[]};
this.listners =[];
SharedData.instance = this;
return SharedData.instance;
this.state.locations = locations;
return this.state.locations;
return listner;
let index = this.listners.indexOf(listner);
if(index > -1){
and then in every tab where you want to access shared locations state:
// get an instance of SharedData
this.sharedData = new SharedData();
// subscribe to locations changes
this.listner = sharedData.addListner((locations)=>{
// set locations
// unregister when destroying the component
I guess in order to achieve your goal, you're going to need some sort of a mechanism for storing 'global data', and if you don like Redux because it requires a lot of setup to achieve this simple task of sharing global data, then you chould you unstated ... which is alot simple to setup

React redux oop classes

coming from angular i used to have a class for every entity in my DB, such class encapsulated all entity behaviour.
for example users Class can look like
export class User{
static notValid(u){
return !!(( && > 0 && u.fullname && u.fullname.length > 2 && u.picture) === false);
static fromArray(arr){
let pack = [];
for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
pack.push(new User(arr[i]));
return pack;
constructor(u){ = || 0;
this.fullname = u.fullname+'' || 'N/A';
this.picture = u.picture+'' || '/imgs/logo.png';
this.role = u.role || 'N/A';
this.username = u.username+'' || ''; ='' || '';
this.dob = u.dob || 0;
this.gender = u.gender+'' || '';
this.isValid = !User.notValid(this);
this.saved = > 0;
let n = this.fullname;
this.nickname = n.split(' ').shift()+' '+n.split(' ').pop();
if(!this.saved)return $'/user',this.toJson);
return $http.put('user/',this.toJson());
//tojson is defined in prototype;
return {,fullname:this.fullname,picture:this.picture,nickname:this.nickname};
so that my controller doenot know about how to save or update User, all it have is to trigger save() on user object.
Now React world, where every thing inside app is a component;
1. how can i replicate such approach inside react component ?
i read alot that there is presentational components and smart components. but what about Data Model component ?
2. if i port all my current class's to react should i also implement render method ? can i have multiple render functions to return different html based on page.
example above User can appear inside Profile will all details, and as a card in users list, so i should keep html for both inside class prototype ?
You seem to be a bit confused about React and what it is designed to do which is perfectly normal, coming from the Angular world.
The thing is, as far as React is concerned there is no such thing as a data model, only components. These components can have state (or they may not) and these components are rendered to the DOM.
Various types of components seem to have confused you as well. React is only concerned with how data is presented. Presentation and container components are distinguished from each other to make it easier for us to reason about how to manage application state.
To answer your specific questions:
1) If you are really adamant about keeping your existing structure and make it work with React, you don't actually need to do a lot of work. Your data model components are just JavaScript objects. You can pass them around and you can give them to components. When some event happens in the components, you can call the relevant methods in your objects. You will need to make sure that Angular specific methods are ported to pure JavaScript though.
I advise against this approach. It will work at first but you will find yourself in a maintenance hell in no time. Believe me, I'm building large scale React apps in my job and I have been bitten by similar decisions when I first started writing React components.
2) Certainly you could add a couple of React methods to your class definitions and also throw in the presentation code (that is, HTML) and presentation state. Then you would be able to render these components.
But that really is not the way to go about it. React doesn't decide on anything for you whereas Angular is very opinionated about this. First and foremost you should follow some tutorials on React. Looks like you have a sizable application in your hands, so I would advise you to look into Flux and Redux as well.
After that you should sit down and design how your application should work and how your state should look. After that it will be a breeze to go through the actual coding part.
You can NOT have multiple render methods in a React component, that makes absolutely no sense. React is pure JavaScript and JavaScript doesn't have any concept of overriding class members in the sense of classical OOP. Heck, JavaScript doesn't even have the concept of a class, that has been included in ES6 so people coming from class oriented programming languages wouldn't need to properly learn how the prototype chain works.
React components, and JavaScript objects in general, can only have one key. You can try this in your browser's console.
let a = {b: 1, b: 2};
The object a will only have one b key and the value for that key will be 2.
Having said all this, you can delegate the actual rendering of a component to other objects based on some conditions using normal JavaScript coding methods. But this isn't how React is supposed to work. Your render method can be able to decide on what to render based on your conditions.
First of all, let me tell you that I can't answer your question.
It looks like you're new to React. I've never used this approach to create a class for every entity in DB, in React, ever. It's new to me. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. But what I'd suggest you is to get your hands dirty first with example projects in react. That'll answer most of your questions.
However, I can answer some of your questions-
Data Model component ?
Obviously, there is no such thing as Data Model component. React is all about unidirectional data flow. You want to use redux for state management in react. The components which are connected to this state are connected/smart components. Smart components pass the state to presentational/dumb components via props (properties). So there is that. All of the state comes from Redux or similar state management mechanism viz. Flux.
can i have multiple render functions to return different html based on
No. One component contains only one render() method. That is precisely why I suggest you to please build some example apps in React.
If you want to learn React, here's what I'd recommend you, in that particular order-
React is not a monolithic framework like Angular. It's just a library. And programmers are meant to throw different libraries together to build their apps.

How React Component expose data to external app?

Let's say i have a React Component <forecast id="test"/>. And i want import this component into a legacy project which only have jquery involved.
Is it possible to get the value of this component like document.querySelector('#test').value?
I got some information from React website, that we cannot access data from outside the component. The recommended way is dispatching data from inside of the component.
My question is, the way to dispatching data is behind of the component implementation. Is it means that i have to read the source code of component in case i don't know how it works?
If this is true, i won't think React is free to inject to any product, it cost too much.
If you want to inject some React to your project you should do it with some independent part of your system.
If you have tightly coupled code base its always high cost to add any new technology to it. So its not a React problem. Try to find some independent module or subapplication in your system and move it to React. If you cannot find one, try to refactor existing code first.
You need to write a plain JS wrapper to do it. Something like this might work
function Forecast(element) {
this.value = initialValue;
React.render(<forecast onChange={onChange.bind(this)}/>, element);
function onChange(newValue) {
this.value = newValue;
