how to remove vertical line from the marerial ui permanent drawer - reactjs

I'm trying to remove the vertical line from the permanent drawer of material-UI, any suggestion please.

Had the same problem, hopefully the Solution is not too late for you.
To remove the Border, simply add "& .MuiDrawer-paper": { borderWidth: 0 } as an entry to your sx property.

width: drawerWidth,
flexShrink: 0,
'& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
width: drawerWidth,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
I was working on Mini variant drawer, and I added
in both drawerOpen and drawerClose, it works for me.
You can try the code above.

Take a look at overriding styles with withStyles HOC:
For a complete list of classes you can see:
You want something like this:
const StyledDrawer = withStyles(theme => ({
// css classes overrides goes here
})(props => <Drawer {...props} />);

Target the PaperProps to remove the border or for background modifications.
<Drawer PaperProps={{style: {border: 'none'}}}>...</Drawer>


Changing material ui IconButton hovered style doesn't work

I am trying to make the custom hovered style of IconButton and I am doing it as
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
"&:hover": {
borderRadius: "4px",
padding: "3px",
return (
<div className="App">
<IconButton aria-label="previous" className={classes.root}>
<ArrowLeftIcon />
But when I hover it, it's flickering and not changing smoothly. I think I am missing some styles to add, but I can't find a way what I'm doing wrong. You can see my codesandbox example here.
If you look at the default styles for IconButton, you'll find that the borderRadius and padding are set directly in the root styles. Only the backgroundColor changes on hover.
If you make the corresponding change to your styles, then it works fine:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
borderRadius: "4px",
padding: "3px"
It's flickering on hover because the padding (the space between its content and border) is modified. Either remove the padding or put it in the default style.
not changing smoothly
This can be easily solved by using css transition. Material-UI theme has a utility method theme.transition.create() to help you create transition quickly.
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
transition: theme.transitions.create(["border-radius"]),
// padding: 3;
"&:hover": {
borderRadius: "4px"
Live Demo

How can I remove line above the accordion of Material UI?

I'm trying to implement an Accordion component with Material UI.
The problem I'm facing is that a gray line is automatically inserted above the component although I prefer white background. How can I remove it? Here is demo code.Material UI accordion component demo
With the release of Material-UI v5.0.0-beta.0, custom styling has become much easier via use of the new sx prop.
The sx prop may be used on all Material-UI components as of v5. In our world, this has eliminated the need for hack-ish style overrides and custom classes.
Here's how to remove the "line above the accordion" with the sx={} prop.
return (
'&:before': {
display: 'none',
<AccordionSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMore/>}>
...your summary here...
<AccordionDetails sx={{ maxWidth: '480px' }}>
...your details here...
Note that I've passed the sx prop to <AccordionDetails/> as well.
You must pass an object to sx so you're always going to have a double set of curly braces...
sx={{ borderBottom: '1px solid #dddddd', borderRadius: '4px' }}
To make gray line white you have to override the css classes of Accordion element.
The grey line comes from .MuiAccordion-root:before style. So at first change Accordion props adding classes props like:
root: classes.MuiAccordionroot
And then on your useStyles add:
MuiAccordionroot: {
"&.MuiAccordion-root:before": {
backgroundColor: "white"
and grey line becames white. Here your code modified.
Try adding some css file and access this class MuiAccordion-root:before and change it's height to 0px. It's the pseudo-element that's showing the gray line above the Accordian.
// in my TS project i did it like this:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
test: {
'&:before': {
display: 'none',
root: classes.test,
To remove line between Accordion summary and Accordion details you just need to pass borderBottom='none !important'
const useStyles = makeStyles({
borderBottom:'none !important'
const AccordionComp=()=>{
const classes = useStyles();
<AccordionSummary className={classes.Summary}>
export default AccordionComp;
You can wrap the Accordion component in a div and it will remove the line. It comes from a :before property that I imagine is helpful when you have more than one in a row to visually divide.

material ui Tooltip distance from the anchor

Is there a clear/easy way to control Tooltip's distance from the anchor element? The default positioning does not fit well for my case, the tooltip is too close to the anchor. I have checked all the props of it and PopperProps no visible option to do that.
You can customize the tooltip's margin using withStyles.
In my case (Material-UI 3), the tooltip was too far away from the anchor.
Here is what I needed :
const StyledTooltip = withStyles({
tooltipPlacementTop: {
margin: "4px 0",
I targeted tooltipPlacementTop because it was the rule name when using the placement="top" prop.
You can find the adequate rule names in the Tooltip API documentation.
Last tip: I used the PopperProps={{ keepMounted: true }} prop to see in my navigator's inspector what CSS was applied to the tooltip.
Hope it helps.
For Material-UI V.5 it could be done like this:
modifiers: [
name: "offset",
options: {
offset: [50, 0],
Follow up with Hugo's suggestion, since the tooltip position is absolute, instead of changing the margin I changed the anchor position by adjusting the properties right and top like so:
const StyledTooltip = withStyles({
tooltipPlacementTop: {
right: "1px",
top: "8px",
It works as I expected. You can use left or right to adjust the tooltip horizontal position accordingly.
I was using material ui styled to adjust my tooltip properties. I used the normal theme which is available in the MUI documentation.
const LightTooltip = styled(({ className, ...props }) => (
<Tooltip {...props} classes={{ popper: className }} />))(({ theme }) => ({
[`& .${tooltipClasses.tooltip}`]: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.white,
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)',
boxShadow: theme.shadows[1],
fontSize: 11
I tried to adjust the position property with Mui styled, but it wasn't working.
I fixed it with my external style sheet.
.MuiTooltip-popper {
inset: -25px auto 0px auto;}
In Material-UI v4, you can add margin via style prop in the PopperProps.
PopperProps={{ style: { marginTop: -12 } }}
<div>Some text</div>
I'm using Material-UI 4.x version and changed tooltip distance from the anchor using following style
const HtmlTooltip = withStyles(theme => ({
arrow: {
'&::before': {
color: 'white'
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: '#f5f5f9',
boxShadow: theme.shadows[8],
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)',
fontSize: 14,
maxWidth: 800,
padding: 0,
tooltipPlacementTop: { // this part will change the distance
margin: '4px 0',
you can set it through the style prop
<Tooltip style={{ padding: '4px 0'}} > {children} </Tooltip>

How can I disable multiline for autocomplete material-ui demo?

Country select of
autocomplete demo at material-ui
uses react-select and material-ui controls,
shows multiline text, select control changes it's dimensions when country doesn't fit in one line.
I see this behaviour at CodeSandbox when I decrease width of web browser.
How can I modify demo so that country will always fit in one line,
select control will not change it's dimensions?
TextField has props multiline, rows and rowsMax props that can be changed.
If that isn't what you need then you could add the following css to the text in the TextField so the text does not wrap:
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
I managed this by mixing a few different things:
First create a class like so:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
closed: {
flexWrap: "nowrap",
overflowX: "hidden",
// Add a linear gradient behind the buttons and over the Chips (if applies)
endAdornment: {
"linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,.6) 22%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 60%)",
bottom: 0,
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
right: "0 !important",
paddingRight: 9,
paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
top: 0,
Then in your static function add this :
const onOpenChange = (open: boolean | null) => {
const inputStyle = clsx({
[classes.closed]: !isOpen, //only when isOpen === false
Finally on the Autocomplete component itself use:
classes={{ inputRoot: inputStyle, endAdornment: classes.endAdornment }}
onOpen={() => onOpenChange(true)}
onClose={() => onOpenChange(false)}
If you are wondering how to make each option be displayed in just one line with ellipsis, you can do the follow:
getOptionLabel={(option: any) => `${option.label} (${option.code})`}
renderOption={(option) => (
<div style={{ textOverflow: 'ellipsis', overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
{option.label} ({option.code})
For the Country Demo example, you can check what I did here:

How to override Material-UI Popover styles?

How can I override the default value of the max-height property for the Popover component?
I tried to add style={{'maxHeight': '365px'}}, but nothing is changed:
style={{'maxHeight': '365px'}}
anchorOrigin={{horizontal: 'left', vertical: 'bottom'}}
targetOrigin={{horizontal: 'left', vertical: 'top'}}
The only props that apply style are:
className string of classes and style object with styles.
Remember that these are applied to the root element (the Modal component).
Docs SourceCode (if you're using v1-beta). You can see in the sources that the remaining props are passed to the Modal component
const {
} = this.props;
<Modal show={open} BackdropInvisible {...other}>
You can see in the sources that MaterialUI uses the withStyles HoC from react-jss and has a styles object for the Paper component
export const styles = {
paper: {
position: 'absolute',
overflowY: 'auto',
overflowX: 'hidden',
// So we see the popover when it's empty.
// It's most likely on issue on userland.
minWidth: 16,
minHeight: 16,
maxWidth: 'calc(100vw - 32px)',
maxHeight: 'calc(100vh - 32px)'
maxHeight: 'calc(100vh - 32px)'
This is bound to a class paper and then passed to the classes prop and applied to the Paper component.
Use the className prop on the root element with nested selector that targets the Paper component (inspect and see on which element it applies the class).
Example of possible selector (should definitely use a better one, inspect element)
.rootElement > * { max-height: '375px' }
and then you'd do <Popover className='rootElement' />
You should really override the style while building the theme...
overrides: {
MuiTooltip: {
tooltip: {
fontSize: '1rem',
backgroundColor: '#000',
This CSS override seems to work for me:
.writeYourOwnClasHere {
.MuiPaper-root-6 {
padding: 30px;
color: pink;
Btw, it's an unbelievably crappy API.
