We have 2 database - Teradata and BigQuery.
We need to compare data from all tables in Teradata to BigQuery
Due to large number of tables and volumes of data, its not possible to extract data and perform diff operation.
There are tools available like Jetbrains DataGrip which can help connect to teradata via JDBC (in absence of db connector). and the same for Big Query via simba driver and OAUTH connectivity. But these are still very time consuming activity.
Is there any other less expensive option available for comparing two databases ?
How about making a copy of Teradata-DB in BQ and compare both of them as follow:
Provided content of source (Teradata) DB have not changed since the migration, the common way to quickly verify the two tables are identical is to compute some hash of each table in source and destination.
You would need some fingerprint or hash function that produces the same results in both systems. I think MD5 and SHA1 (available as extensions for Teradata) are good options, but you need to validate they produce identical values for each type, which might be tricky for some types like floating point.
Thus, for each row I would compute something along the lines of
SHA1(CONCAT(string_col1, "**", CAST(int_col2 AS STRING), "**", string_col3))
and then aggregate it using BIT_XOR to get a single value for the table, which does not depend on the order of the rows. Since all computations are done by the DBMS and data does not leave it, the computations should be relatively fast.
I would do something like the following for each table
Compare COUNT(*) to make sure we have same number of rows
Compute for both databases the single fingerprint as described above.
If the two fingerprints match, the tables are likely identical.
If counts or fingerprints don't match, go slow route and find mismatch by downloading data.
I am running lots of very slow computations with reusable results (and often computing something new relies on a computation that was already performed before). To make use of them, I want to store the results somewhere (permanently). The computations can be uniquely identified by two identifiers: experiment name and computation name, and the value is an array of floats (which I currently store as raw binary data). They need to be individually accessed (read and written) by experiment and computation name very often, and sometimes also just by experiment name (i.e. all computations with their results for a given experiment). They are also sometimes concatenated, but if reading and writing is fast, no additional support for this operation is needed. This data will not need to be accessed for any web application (used only by non-production scripts that need the results of the computations, but calculating them each time is not feasible), and there is no need for transactions, but every write needs to be atomic (e.g. turning off the computer should not result in corrupted/partial data). Reading also needs to be atomic (e.g. if two processes try to access a result of one computation, and it's not there, so one of them starts saving the new result, the other process should either receive it when it's done, or receive nothing at all). Accessing the data remotely is not required, but helpful.
So, TL;DR requirements:
permanent storage of binary data (no metadata other than the identifier needs to be stored)
very fast access (read/write) based on a compound identifier
ability to read all data by one part of a compound identifier
concurrent, atomic read/write
no need for transactions, complex queries, etc.
remote access would be nice to have, but not required
the whole thing is there mostly to save time, so speed is critical
The solutions I tried so far are:
storing them as individual files (one directory per experiment, one binary file per computation) - requires manual handling of atomicity, and also most file systems support file names only up to 255 characters long (and computation names may be longer than that), so an additional mapping would be required; also I'm not sure if ext4 (which is the filesystem I'm using and can't change it) is designed to handle millions of files
using a sqlite database (with just one table and a compound primary key) - at first it seemed perfect, but when we got to hundreds of gigabytes of data (millions of ~100 KB blobs, and both number of them and their size will increase), it started being really slow, even after applying optimizations found on the internet
Naturally, after sqlite failed, the first idea was to just move to a "proper" database like postgres, but then I realized that perhaps in this case a relational database is not really the way to go (especially since speed is critical here, and I don't need most of their features) - and especially postgres is probably not the way to go, since the closest thing to a blob is bytea, which requires additional conversions (so a perfomance hit is guaranteed). However, after researching a bit about key-value databases (which seemed to apply to my problem), I found out that all of the databases that I checked do not support compound keys, and often have length limitations for keys (e.g. couchbase has just 250 bytes). So, should I just go with a normal relational database, try one of NoSQL databases, or maybe something completely different like HDF5?
One way to improve on the database solution is to externalize the data blob.
You can use SeaweedFS https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs as an object store, upload the blob and get an file id, and then store the file id in the database. (I am working on SeaweedFS)
This should reduce the database load quite a bit, and querying will be much faster.
So, I ended up using a relational database anyway (since only there I could use compound keys without any hacks).
I performed a benchmark to compare sqlite with postgres and mysql - 500 000 inserts of ~60 KB blobs and then 50 000 selects by the whole key. This was not enough to slow down sqlite to the unacceptable levels I was experiencing, but set a point of reference (i.e. the speed at which sqlite was running with this few records was acceptable to me). I assumed that I wouldn't experience a huge performance hit when adding more records with mysql and postgres (since they were designed to work with much larger amounts of data than sqlite), and when finally using one of them, that turned out to be true.
The settings (other than defaults) were following:
sqlite: journal mode=wal (required for parallel access), isolation level autocommit, values as BLOB
postgres: isolation level autocommit (can't turn off transactions, and doing everything in one huge transaction was not an option for me), values as BYTEA (which sadly includes the double conversion I wrote about)
mysql: engine=aria, transactions disabled, values as MEDIUMBLOB
As you can see, I was able to customize mysql much more to fit the task at hand. The results below reflect it well:
sqlite postgres mysql
selects 90.816292 191.910514 106.363534
inserts 4367.483822 7227.473075 5081.281370
Mysql had similar speed to sqlite, with postgres being significantly slower.
I am trying to write a program to compare two large files: two files should compare financial transactions every day. files can be xml or csv format.
there are between 3 and 4 million lines per file and fifty columns. Reconciliation occurs on the basis of an area defined by a set of key fields.
output must identify rows with the same key but where data is different
I used SQL comparison (each file in a table), it works but it requires a database such as Oracle and a powerful server
t there is a solution using MapReduce concepts or bases nosql
I don't think it's a problem to do a daily comparison of 2 3-4m indexed tables in any rdbms (oracle, sql server, mysql, postgre) for that matter and it wouldn't take too long too.
You may use a MapReduce based data processing system such as Hadoop to do the same as well. There are a few Hadoop-as-a-service platforms out there including ours (Xplenty) which can help you do it quickly and with pay-per-use pricing so that you can lower your costs to do this type of processing. I wouldn't recommend using a MapReduce based solution for a simple comparison of a few million records but if the comparison is complex then you may give it a try.
I'm looking to manage a large dataset of log files. There is an average of 1.5 million new events per month that I'm trying to keep. I've used access in the past, though it's clearly not meant for this, and managing the dataset is a nightmare, because I'm having to split the datasets into months.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number. But before I do a bunch of work on the data import side of things, I wanted to see if anyone can verify that this SQL Server is a good choice for this. Is there an entry limit I should avoid and archive entries? Is there a way of archiving entries?
The other part is that I'm entering logs from multiple sources, with this amount of entries, is it wise to put them all into the same table, or should each source have their own table, to make queries faster?
There would be no joins, and about 10 columns. Data would be filtered through a view, and I'm interested to see if the results from a select query that filter based on one or more columns would have a reasonable response time? Does creating a set of views speed things up for frequent queries?
In my experience, SQL Server is a fine choice for this, and you can definitely expect better performance from SQL Server than MS-Access, with generally more optimization methods at your disposal.
I would probably go ahead and put this stuff into SQL Server Express as you've said, hopefully installed on the best machine you can use (though you did mention only 2GB of RAM). Use one table so long as it only represents one thing (I would think a pilot's flight log and a software error log wouldn't be in the same "log" table, as an absurdly contrived example). Check your performance. If it's an issue, move forward with any number of optimization techniques available to your edition of SQL Server.
Here's how I would probably do it initially:
Create your table with a non-clustered primary key, if you use a PK on your log table -- I normally use an identity column to give me a guaranteed order of events (unlike duplicate datetimes) and show possible log insert failures (missing identities). Set a clustered index on the main datetime column (you mentioned that your're already splitting into separate tables by month, so I assume you'll query this way, too). If you have a few queries that you run on this table routinely, by all means make views of them but don't expect a speedup by simply doing so. You'll more than likely want to look at indexing your table based upon the where clauses in those queries. This is where you'll be giving SQL server the information it needs to run those queries efficiently.
If you're unable to get your desired performance through optimizing your queries, indexes, using the smallest possible datatypes (especially on your indexed columns) and running on decent hardware, it may be time to try partitioned views (which require some form of ongoing maintenance) or partitioning your table. Unfortunately, SQL Server Express may limit you on what you can do with partitioning, and you'll have to decide if you need to move to a more feature-filled edition of SQL Server. You could always test partitioning with the Enterprise evaluation or Developer editions.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number.
Since past logs don't change (sort of like past sales data), storing the past aggregate numbers is an often-used strategy in this scenario. You can create a table which simply stores your counts for each month and insert new counts once a month (or week, day, etc.) with a scheduled job of some sort. Using the clustered index on your datetime column, SQL Server could much more easily aggregate the current month's numbers from the live table and add them to the stored aggregates for displaying the current values of total counts and such.
Sounds like one table to me, that would need indexes on exactly the sets of columns you will filter. Restricting access through views is generally a good idea and ensures your indexes will actually get used.
Putting each source into their own table will require UNION in your queries later, and SQL-Server is not very good optimizing UNION-queries.
"Archiving" entries can of course be done manually, by moving entries in a date-range to another table (that can live on another disk or database), or by using "partitioning", which means you can put parts of a table (e.g. defined by date-ranges) on different disks. You have to plan for the partitions when you plan your SQL-Server installation.
Be aware that Express edition is limited to 4GB, so at 1.5 million rows per month this could be a problem.
I have a table like yours with 20M rows and little problems querying and even joining, if the indexes are used.
I am creating a system which polls devices for data on varying metrics such as CPU utilisation, disk utilisation, temperature etc. at (probably) 5 minute intervals using SNMP. The ultimate goal is to provide visualisations to a user of the system in the form of time-series graphs.
I have looked at using RRDTool in the past, but rejected it as storing the captured data indefinitely is important to my project, and I want higher level and more flexible access to the captured data. So my question is really:
What is better, a relational database (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL) or a non-relational or NoSQL database (such as MongoDB or Redis) with regard to performance when querying data for graphing.
Given a relational database, I would use a data_instances table, in which would be stored every instance of data captured for every metric being measured for all devices, with the following fields:
Fields: id fk_to_device fk_to_metric metric_value timestamp
When I want to draw a graph for a particular metric on a particular device, I must query this singular table filtering out the other devices, and the other metrics being analysed for this device:
SELECT metric_value, timestamp FROM data_instances
WHERE fk_to_device=1 AND fk_to_metric=2
The number of rows in this table would be:
d * m_d * f * t
where d is the number of devices, m_d is the accumulative number of metrics being recorded for all devices, f is the frequency at which data is polled for and t is the total amount of time the system has been collecting data.
For a user recording 10 metrics for 3 devices every 5 minutes for a year, we would have just under 5 million records.
Without indexes on fk_to_device and fk_to_metric scanning this continuously expanding table would take too much time. So indexing the aforementioned fields and also timestamp (for creating graphs with localised periods) is a requirement.
Non-Relational (NoSQL)
MongoDB has the concept of a collection, unlike tables these can be created programmatically without setup. With these I could partition the storage of data for each device, or even each metric recorded for each device.
I have no experience with NoSQL and do not know if they provide any query performance enhancing features such as indexing, however the previous paragraph proposes doing most of the traditional relational query work in the structure by which the data is stored under NoSQL.
Would a relational solution with correct indexing reduce to a crawl within the year? Or does the collection based structure of NoSQL approaches (which matches my mental model of the stored data) provide a noticeable benefit?
Definitely Relational. Unlimited flexibility and expansion.
Two corrections, both in concept and application, followed by an elevation.
It is not "filtering out the un-needed data"; it is selecting only the needed data. Yes, of course, if you have an Index to support the columns identified in the WHERE clause, it is very fast, and the query does not depend on the size of the table (grabbing 1,000 rows from a 16 billion row table is instantaneous).
Your table has one serious impediment. Given your description, the actual PK is (Device, Metric, DateTime). (Please don't call it TimeStamp, that means something else, but that is a minor issue.) The uniqueness of the row is identified by:
(Device, Metric, DateTime)
The Id column does nothing, it is totally and completely redundant.
An Id column is never a Key (duplicate rows, which are prohibited in a Relational database, must be prevented by other means).
The Id column requires an additional Index, which obviously impedes the speed of INSERT/DELETE, and adds to the disk space used.
You can get rid of it. Please.
Now that you have removed the impediment, you may not have recognised it, but your table is in Sixth Normal Form. Very high speed, with just one Index on the PK. For understanding, read this answer from the What is Sixth Normal Form ? heading onwards.
(I have one index only, not three; on the Non-SQLs you may need three indices).
I have the exact same table (without the Id "key", of course). I have an additional column Server. I support multiple customers remotely.
(Server, Device, Metric, DateTime)
The table can be used to Pivot the data (ie. Devices across the top and Metrics down the side, or pivoted) using exactly the same SQL code (yes, switch the cells). I use the table to erect an unlimited variety of graphs and charts for customers re their server performance.
Monitor Statistics Data Model.
(Too large for inline; some browsers cannot load inline; click the link. Also that is the obsolete demo version, for obvious reasons, I cannot show you commercial product DM.)
It allows me to produce Charts Like This, six keystrokes after receiving a raw monitoring stats file from the customer, using a single SELECT command. Notice the mix-and-match; OS and server on the same chart; a variety of Pivots. Of course, there is no limit to the number of stats matrices, and thus the charts. (Used with the customer's kind permission.)
Readers who are unfamiliar with the Standard for Modelling Relational Databases may find the IDEF1X Notation helpful.
One More Thing
Last but not least, SQL is a IEC/ISO/ANSI Standard. The freeware is actually Non-SQL; it is fraudulent to use the term SQL if they do not provide the Standard. They may provide "extras", but they are absent the basics.
Found very interesting the above answers.
Trying to add a couple more considerations here.
1) Data aging
Time-series management usually need to create aging policies. A typical scenario (e.g. monitoring server CPU) requires to store:
1-sec raw samples for a short period (e.g. for 24 hours)
5-min detail aggregate samples for a medium period (e.g. 1 week)
1-hour detail over that (e.g. up to 1 year)
Although relational models make it possible for sure (my company implemented massive centralized databases for some large customers with tens of thousands of data series) to manage it appropriately, the new breed of data stores add interesting functionalities to be explored like:
automated data purging (see Redis' EXPIRE command)
multidimensional aggregations (e.g. map-reduce jobs a-la-Splunk)
2) Real-time collection
Even more importantly some non-relational data stores are inherently distributed and allow for a much more efficient real-time (or near-real time) data collection that could be a problem with RDBMS because of the creation of hotspots (managing indexing while inserting in a single table). This problem in the RDBMS space is typically solved reverting to batch import procedures (we managed it this way in the past) while no-sql technologies have succeeded in massive real-time collection and aggregation (see Splunk for example, mentioned in previous replies).
You table has data in single table. So relational vs non relational is not the question. Basically you need to read a lot of sequential data. Now if you have enough RAM to store a years worth data then nothing like using Redis/MongoDB etc.
Mostly NoSQL databases will store your data on same location on disk and in compressed form to avoid multiple disk access.
NoSQL does the same thing as creating the index on device id and metric id, but in its own way. With database even if you do this the index and data may be at different places and there would be a lot of disk IO.
Tools like Splunk are using NoSQL backends to store time series data and then using map reduce to create aggregates (which might be what you want later). So in my opinion to use NoSQL is an option as people have already tried it for similar use cases. But will a million rows bring the database to crawl (maybe not , with decent hardware and proper configurations).
Create a file, name it 1_2.data. weired idea? what you get:
You save up to 50% of space because you don't need to repeat the fk_to_device and fk_to_metric value for every data point.
You save up even more space because you don't need any indices.
Save pairs of (timestamp,metric_value) to the file by appending the data so you get a order by timestamp for free. (assuming that your sources don't send out of order data for a device)
=> Queries by timestamp run amazingly fast because you can use binary search to find the right place in the file to read from.
if you like it even more optimized start thinking about splitting your files like that;
or use kdb+ from http://kx.com because they do all this for you:) column-oriented is what may help you.
There is a cloud-based column-oriented solution popping up, so you may want to have a look at: http://timeseries.guru
You should look into Time series database. It was created for this purpose.
A time series database (TSDB) is a software system that is optimized for handling time series data, arrays of numbers indexed by time (a datetime or a datetime range).
Popular example of time-series database InfluxDB
I think that the answer for this kind of question should mainly revolve about the way your Database utilize storage.
Some Database servers use RAM and Disk, some use RAM only (optionally Disk for persistency), etc.
Most common SQL Database solutions are using memory+disk storage and writes the data in a Row based layout (every inserted raw is written in the same physical location).
For timeseries stores, in most cases the workload is something like: Relatively-low interval of massive amount of inserts, while reads are column based (in most cases you want to read a range of data from a specific column, representing a metric)
I have found Columnar Databases (google it, you'll find MonetDB, InfoBright, parAccel, etc) are doing terrific job for time series.
As for your question, which personally I think is somewhat invalid (as all discussions using the fault term NoSQL - IMO):
You can use a Database server that can talk SQL on one hand, making your life very easy as everyone knows SQL for many years and this language has been perfected over and over again for data queries; but still utilize RAM, CPU Cache and Disk in a Columnar oriented way, making your solution best fit Time Series
5 Millions of rows is nothing for today's torrential data. Expect data to be in the TB or PB in just a few months. At this point RDBMS do not scale to the task and we need the linear scalability of NoSql databases. Performance would be achieved for the columnar partition used to store the data, adding more columns and less rows kind of concept to boost performance. Leverage the Open TSDB work done on top of HBASE or MapR_DB, etc.
I face similar requirements regularly, and have recently started using Zabbix to gather and store this type of data. Zabbix has its own graphing capability, but it's easy enough to extract the data out of Zabbix's database and process it however you like. If you haven't already checked Zabbix out, you might find it worth your time to do so.
Suppose you have a dense table with an integer primary key, where you know the table will contain 99% of all values from 0 to 1,000,000.
A super-efficient way to implement such a table is an array (or a flat file on disk), assuming a fixed record size.
Is there a way to achieve similar efficiency using a database?
Clarification - When stored in a simple table / array, access to entries are O(1) - just a memory read (or read from disk). As I understand, all databases store their nodes in trees, so they cannot achieve identical performance - access to an average node will take a few hops.
Perhaps I don't understand your question but a database is designed to handle data. I work with database all day long that have millions of rows. They are efficiency enough.
I don't know what your definition of "achieve similar efficiency using a database" means. In a database (from my experience) what are exactly trying to do matters with performance.
If you simply need a single record based on a primary key, the the database should be naturally efficient enough assuming it is properly structure (For example, 3NF).
Again, you need to design your database to be efficient for what you need. Furthermore, consider how you will write queries against the database in a given structure.
In my work, I've been able to cut query execution time from >15 minutes to 1 or 2 seconds simply by optimizing my joins, the where clause and overall query structure. Proper indexing, obviously, is also important.
Also, consider the database engine you are going to use. I've been assuming SQL server or MySql, but those may not be right. I've heard (but have never tested the idea) that SQLite is very quick - faster than either of the a fore mentioned. There are also many other options, I'm sure.
Update: Based on your explanation in the comments, I'd say no -- you can't. You are asking about mechanizes designed for two completely different things. A database persist data over a long amount of time and is usually optimized for many connections and data read/writes. In your description the data in an array, in memory is for a single program to access and that program owns the memory. It's not (usually) shared. I do not see how you could achieve the same performance.
Another thought: The absolute closest thing you could get to this, in SQL server specifically, is using a table variable. A table variable (in theory) is held in memory only. I've heard people refer to table variables as SQL server's "array". Any regular table write or create statements prompts the RDMS to write to the disk (I think, first the log and then to the data files). And large data reads can also cause the DB to write to private temp tables to store data for later or what-have.
There is not much you can do to specify how data will be physically stored in database. Most you can do is to specify if data and indices will be stored separately or data will be stored in one index tree (clustered index as Brian described).
But in your case this does not matter at all because of:
All databases heavily use caching. 1.000.000 of records hardly can exceed 1GB of memory, so your complete database will quickly be cached in database cache.
If you are reading single record at a time, main overhead you will see is accessing data over database protocol. Process goes something like this:
connect to database - open communication channel
send SQL text from application to database
database analyzes SQL (parse SQL, checks if SQL command is previously compiled, compiles command if it is first time issued, ...)
database executes SQL. After few executions data from your example will be cached in memory, so execution will be very fast.
database packs fetched records for transport to application
data is sent over communication channel
database component in application unpacks received data into some dataset representation (e.g. ADO.Net dataset)
In your scenario, executing SQL and finding records needs very little time compared to total time needed to get data from database to application. Even if you could force database to store data into array, there will be no visible gain.
If you've got a decent amount of records in a DB (and 1MM is decent, not really that big), then indexes are your friend.
You're talking about old fixed record length flat files. And yes, they are super-efficient compared to databases, but like structure/value arrays vs. classes, they just do not have the kind of features that we typically expect today.
Things like:
searching on different columns/combintations
variable length columns
nullable columns
concurrency control
transaction control
etc., etc.
Create a DB with an ID column and a bit column. Use a clustered index for the ID column (the ID column is your primary key). Insert all 1,000,000 elements (do so in order or it will be slow). This is kind of inefficient in terms of space (you're using nlgn space instead of n space).
I don't claim this is efficient, but it will be stored in a similar manner to how an array would have been stored.
Note that the ID column can be marked as being a counter in most DB systems, in which case you can just insert 1000000 items and it will do the counting for you. I am not sure if such a DB avoids explicitely storing the counter's value, but if it does then you'd only end up using n space)
When you have your primary key as a integer sequence it would be a good idea to have reverse index. This kind of makes sure that the contiguous values are spread apart in the index tree.
However, there is a catch - with reverse indexes you will not be able to do range searching.
The big question is: efficient for what?
for oracle ideas might include:
read access by id: index organized table (this might be what you are looking for)
insert only, no update: no indexes, no spare space
read access full table scan: compressed
high concurrent write when id comes from a sequence: reverse index
for the actual question, precisely as asked: write all rows in a single blob (the table contains one column, one row. You might be able to access this like an array, but I am not sure since I don't know what operations are possible on blobs. Even if it works I don't think this approach would be useful in any realistic scenario.