MultiCore Shared Memory Atomic Operations - arm

Would it be necessary to use a mutex for atomic operations on shared memory, in a multicore environment, where one CPU is only ever reading and the other CPU is only ever writing? I am guessing that this may depend on architecture, so if an example is needed then ARM (Cortex) and/or ESP32?
I already know that a mutex is not needed for atomic operations in a single-core environment where one thread is only ever reading and the other thread only ever writing (

One solution that has been around for decades (I already used this 30 years ago) is the concept of mailboxes.
Simplest mailbox is just a structure or buffer with a flag. This flag should be of the minimum size that can be accessed in an atomic operation from both processors sharing the memory. It should also be located at a memory address that both processors see as "aligned" to ensure single-cycle read/write accesses, e.g. 32 bit word boundaries in the case of 32 bit ARM processors. This might be tricky to implement in non- RISC-alike architectures.
The flag usage is very simple. The processor that writes the data waits for the flag to be signalled as "buffer empty", maybe a simple null value, then write the data to the mailbox's buffer and signal "buffer not empty" by setting a magic number into the flag, maybe a non- null value.
The processor receiving the data just has to wait for the flag to be signalled as "buffer not empty" before reading the data, and setting the flag back to "buffer empty".
Whether you have primitives supporting this mechanism without relying in a constant flag polling, or not, is tightly dependent on your hardware and operating system.
I've used this mechanism in heterogeneous architectures (processor + co-processor of different architectures/capabilities running different applications), but homogeneous multicore processors are well supported by many RTOSes today, including freeRTOS, and other mechanisms as queues and semaphores/mutexes are probably more appropriated for the synchronization part. Some current SoC's support hardware semaphores and memory-access interrupts that can improve performance greatly.
There is one freeRTOS feature that can assist you here, message buffers. There is one example using ST's STM32H745 dual-core SoC [here] that comes with a companion article [here] written by freeRTOS's Richard Barry.


Are writes on the PCIe bus atomic?

I am a newbie to PCIe, so this might be a dumb question. This seems like fairly basic information to ask about PCIe interfaces, but I am having trouble finding the answer so I am guessing that I am missing some information which makes the answer obvious.
I have a system in which I have an ARM processor (host) communicating to a Xilinx SoC via PCIe (device). The endpoint within the SoC is an ARM processor as well.
The external ARM processor (host) is going to be writing to the register space of the SoC's ARM processor (device) via PCIe. This will command the SoC to do various things. That register space will be read-only with respect to the SoC (device). The external ARM processor (host) will make a write to this register space, and then signal an interrupt to indicate to the SoC that new parameters have been written and it should process them.
My question is: are the writes made by the external ARM (host) guaranteed to be atomic with respect to the reads by the SoC (device)? In conventional shared memory situations, a write to a single byte is guaranteed to be an atomic operation (i.e. you can never be in a situation where the reader had read the first 2 bits of the byte, but before it reads the last 6 bits the writer replace them with a new value, leading to garbage data). Is this the case in PCIe as well? And if so, what is the "unit" of atomic-ness? Are all bytes in a single transaction atomic with respect to the entire transaction, or is each byte atomic only in relation to itself?
Does this question make sense?
Basically I want to know to what extent memory protection is necessary in my situation. If at all possible, I would like to avoid locking memory regions as both processors are running RTOSes and avoiding memory locks would make design simpler.
So on the question of atomicity the PCIe 3.0 specification (only one I have) is mentioned a few times.
First you have SECTION 6.5 Locked Transactions this is likely not what you need but I want to document it anyway. Basically it's the worst case scenario of what you were describing earlier.
Locked Transaction support is required to prevent deadlock in systems that use legacy software
which causes the accesses to I/O devices
But you need to properly check using this anyway as it notes.
If any read associated with a locked sequence is completed unsuccessfully, the Requester must
assume that the atomicity of the lock is no longer assured, and that the path between the
Requester and Completer is no longer locked
With that said Section 6.15 Atomic Operations (AtomicOps) is much more like what you are interested in. There are 3 types of operations you can perform with the AtomicOps instruction.
FetchAdd (Fetch and Add): Request contains a single operand, the “add” value
Swap (Unconditional Swap): Request contains a single operand, the “swap” value
CAS (Compare and Swap): Request contains two operands, a “compare” value and a “swap” value
Reading Section 6.15.1 we see mention that these instructions are largely implemented for cases where multiple producers/consumers exist on a singular bus.
AtomicOps enable advanced synchronization mechanisms that are particularly useful when there are
multiple producers and/or multiple consumers that need to be synchronized in a non-blocking fashion. For example, multiple producers can safely enqueue to a common queue without any explicit locking.
Searching the rest of the specification I find little mention of atomicity outside of the sections pertaining to these AtomicOps. That would imply to me that the spec only insures such behavior when these operations are used however the context around why this was implemented suggests that they only expect such questions when a multi producer/consumer environment exists which yours clearly does not.
The last place I would suggest looking to answer your question is Section 2.4 Transaction Ordering To note I am fairly sure the idea of transactions "passing" others only makes sense with switches in the middle as these switches can make such decisions, once your put bits on the bus in your case there is no going back. So this likely only applies if you place a switch in there.
Your concern is can a write bypass a read. Write being posted, read being non-posted.
A3, A4 A Posted Request must be able to pass Non-Posted Requests to avoid deadlocks.
So in general the write is allowed to bypass the read to avoid deadlocks.
With that concern raised I do not believe it is possible for the write to bypass the read on your system since there is no device on the bus to do this transaction reordering. Since you have RTOSes I highly doubt they are enquing the PCIe transactions and reordering them before sending although I have not looked into that personally.

Lock-free atomic operations on ARM architectures prior to ARMv6

Are there any implementations thereof in C? All those I've seen so far are based on the LDREX/STREX instructions, which were introduced only in the ARMv6 architecture. The only possible solution for previous architectures seems to be to disable/enable IRQs, which makes the operations blocking.
Are there any implementations thereof in C?
No. It is impossible to implement this is 'C' without support from the compiler or assembly (assembly support in compiler). 'C' has no instruction to guarantee that something executes atomically.
The only possible solution for previous architectures seems to be to disable/enable IRQs, which makes the operations blocking.
Many lock-free algorithms need 'CAS' (compare-and-set). swp and swpb can be used to do some primitive four value operations, but they are not CAS. In order to do four sources and one consumer, you can give each of four bytes to the sources, using swpb and have the consumer use swp to transfer the four 'work' bytes. Most ARM cpus prior to ARMv6 are single core and locking interrupts is the common way to do things. ARMv6 cores have support for LDREX/STREX. The swp instruction is not multi-cpu friendly as it locks the entire bus for the transaction (read/write). However, swp can be used for spin locks if it is the only thing available.
Linux has support for a 'compare and exchange' with OS help. The gist is that a small fixed assembler sequence does the compare and exchange. Interrupt and data abort code is hooked to make sure if this code is interrupted that it is restarted.

C volatile, and issues with hardware caching

I've read similar answers on this site, and elsewhere, but am still confused in a few circumstances.
I'm aware of what the standard actually guarantees us, I understand the intended use of the keyword, and I'm well aware of the difference between the compiler caching and L1/L2/ect. caching; it's more for curiosity's sake that I understand the other cases.
Say I have a variable declared volatile in C. Four scenarios:
Signal handlers, single threaded (As intended): This is the problem the keyword was meant to solve. My process gets a signal callback from the OS, and I modify some volatile variable out of the normal execution of my process. Since it was declared volatile, the normal process won't store this value in a CPU register, and will always do a load from memory. Even if the signal handler writes to the volatile variable, since the signal handler shares the same address space as the normal process, even if the volatile variable was previously cached in hardware (i.e. L1, L2), we guarantee the main process will load the correct, updated variable. Perfect, everyone is happy.
DMA-transfers, single-threaded: Say the volatile variable is mapped to a region of memory for which a DMA-write is taking place. As before, the compiler won't keep the volatile variable in a CPU register, and will always do a load from memory; however, if that variable exists in hardware cache, then the load request will never reach main memory. If the DMA controller updates MM behind our backs, we'll never get the up-to-date value. In a preemptive OS, we are saved by the fact that eventually, we'll probably be context-switched out, and the next time our process resumes, the cache will be cold and we'll actually have to reload from main memory - so we'll get the correct functionality.. eventually (our own process could potentially swap that cache line out too - but again, we might waste valuable cycles before that happens). Is there standardized HW support or OS support that notifies the hardware caches when main memory is updated via the DMA controller? Or do we have to explicitly flush the cache to guarantee we arm't reading a false value? (Is this even possible in the architectures listed?)
Memory-mapped registers, single-threaded: Same as #2, except the volatile variable is mapped to a memory-mapped register (or an explicit IO-port). I would imagine this is a more difficult problem then #3, since at least the DMA controller will signal the CPU when it's done transferring, which gives the OS or HW a chance to do something.
Mutilthreaded: If I have a volatile variable, is there any guarantee of cache-coherency between multiple threads running on separate physical cores? Like sure, again, the compiler is still issuing load instructions from memory, but if the value is cached in one core's cache, is there any guarantee the same value must exist in the other core's caches? (I would imagine it's not an issue at all for hyperthreading threads on different logical cores on the same physical core, since they share physical cache memory). My overwhelming intuition says no, but thought I'd list the case here anyways.
If possible, differentiate between x64 and ARMv6/7/8 architectures, and kernel vs user land solutions.
For 2 and 3, no there's no standardized way this would work.
Normally when doing DMA transfers one would flush the cache in a platform depending manner. Normally there's quite straight forward instructions for doing that (since now-days the caches are integrated in the CPU).
When accessing memory-mapped registers on the other hand, often the behavior is dependent on the order of writes. For example, suppose you have a UART port and write characters to it — you'll need to make sure that there is an actual write to the port each time you write to it from C.
While it might work with flushing the cache between each write, it's not what one normally does. The normal way (for ARM at least) is to set up the MMU so that writes to certain regions of address space happen uncached and in correct sequence.
This approach can also be used for memory used for DMA transfers; one could for example set up dedicated regions for use as DMA buffers and set up the MMU so that reads and writes to that region happen uncached.
On the other hand the language guarantees that all memory (well what you get from declaring variables or allocating memory using new) will behave in certain ways. It should be no difference between if it's multi-threaded or there's signals involved. Note that the C90 and C99 standards don't mention threads (C11 does), but they are supposed to work this way. The implementation has to make sure that the CPU's and cache are used in a way that is consistent with this (as a consequence, the OS might not be able to schedule different threads on different cores if this can't be accomplished). Consequently you should not need to flush caches in order to share data between threads, but you do need to synchronize threads and of course use volatile qualified data. The same is true for signal handlers even if the implementation happens to schedule them on a different core.

mmap thread safety in a multi-core and multi-cpu environment

I am a little confused as to the real issues between multi-core and multi-cpu environments when it comes to shared memory, with particular reference to mmap in C.
I have an application that utilizes mmap to share multiple segments of memory between 2 processes. Each process has access to:
A Status and Control memory segment
Raw data (up to 8 separate raw data buffers)
The Status and Control segment is used essentially as an IPC. IE, it may convey that buffer 1 is ready to receive data, or buffer 3 is ready for processing or that the Status and Control memory segment is locked whilst being updated by either parent or child etc etc.
My understanding is, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, is that in a multi-core CPU environment on a single boarded PC type infrastructure, mmap is safe. That is, regardless of the number of cores in the CPU, RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Does this assumption of single-process RAM access also apply to multi-cpu systems? That is, a single PC style board with multiple CPU's (and I guess, multiple cores within each CPU).
If not, I will need to seriously rethink my logic to allow for multi-cpu'd single-boarded machines!
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
PS - by single boarded I mean a single, standalone PC style system. This excludes mainframes and the like ... just to clarify :)
RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Take a step back and think about your assumption means. Theoretically, yes, this statement is true, but I don't think it means what you think it means. There are no practical conclusions you can draw from this other than maybe "the memory will not catch fire if two CPUs write to the same address at the same time". Let me explain.
If one CPU/process writes to a memory location, then a different CPU/process writes to the same location, the memory writes will not happen at the same time, they will happen one at a time. You can't generally reason about which write will happen before the other, you can't reason about if a read from one CPU will happen before the write from the other CPU, one some older CPUs you can't even reason if multi-byte (multi-word, actually) values will be stored/accessed one byte at a time or multiple bytes at a time (which means that reads and writes to multibyte values can get interleaved between CPUs or processes).
The only thing multiple CPUs change here is the order of memory reads and writes. On a single CPU reading memory you can be pretty sure that your reads from memory will see earlier writes to the same memory (iff no other hardware is reading/writing the memory, then all bets are off). On multiple CPUs the order of reads and writes to different memory locations will surprise you (cpu 1 writes to address 1 and then 2, but cpu 2 might just see the new value at address 2 and the old value at address 1).
So unless you have specific documentation from your operating system and/or CPU manufacturer you can't make any assumptions (except that when two writes to the same memory location happen one will happen before the other). This is why you should use libraries like pthreads or stdatomic.h from C11 for proper locking and synchronization or really dig deep down into the most complex parts of the CPU documentation to actually understand what will happen. The locking primitives in pthreads not only provide locking, they are also guarantee that memory is properly synchronized. stdatomic.h is another way to guarantee memory synchronization, but you should carefully read the C11 standard to see what it promises and what it doesn't promise.
One potential issue is that each core has it's own cache (usually just level1, as level2 and level3 caches are usually shared). Each cpu would also have it's own cache. However most systems ensure cache coherency, so this isn't the issue (except for performance impact of constantly invalidating caches due to writes to the same memory shared in a cache line by each core or processor).
The real issue is that there is no guarantee against reordering of reads and writes due to optimizations by the compiler and/or the hardware. You need to use a Memory Barrier to flush out any pending memory operations to synchronize the state of the threads or shared memory of processes. The memory barrier will occur if you use one of the synchronization types such as an event, mutex, semaphore, ... . Not all of the shared memory reads and writes need to be atomic, but you need to use synchronization between threads and/or processes before accessing any shared memory possibly updated by another thread and/or process.
This does not sound right to me. Two processes on two different cores can both load and store data to RAM at the same time. In addition to this caching strategies can result in all kinds of strangeness-es. So please make sure all access to shared memory is properly synchronized using (interprocess) synchronization objects.
My understanding is, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, is that in a multi-core CPU environment on a single boarded PC type infrastructure, mmap is safe. That is, regardless of the number of cores in the CPU, RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Even if this holds true for some particular architecture, such an assumption is entirely wrong in general. You should have proper synchronisation between the processes that modify the shared memory segment, unless atomic intrinsics are used and the algorithm itself is lock-free.
I would advise you to put a pthread_mutex_t in the shared memory segment (shared across all processes). You will have to initialise it with the PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED attribute:
pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attr;
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mutex_attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
pthread_mutex_init(mutex, &mutex_attr);

ARM: Is LDRX/STRX needed if interrupts are disabled?

I am working with a multithreaded bare-metal C/Assembler application on a Cortex-A9.
I have some shared variables, i.e. adresses that are used from more than one thread. To perform an atomic exchange of a variables value I use LDRX and STRX. Now my question is if I need LDRX and STRX on every access to one of this variables even if interrupts are disabled.
Assume the following example:
Thread 1 uses LDRX and STRX to exchange the value of address a.
Thread 2 disables interrupts, uses normal LDR and STR to exchange the value of address a, does something else that should not be interrupted and then enables interrupts again.
What happens if Thread 1 gets interrupted right after the LDRX by Thread 2? Does the STRX in Thread 1 still recognize, that there was an access on address a or do I have to use LDRX and STRX in Thread 2, too?
LDREX/STREX are something that have to be implemented by the chip vendor, hopefully to arms specification. You can and should get the arm documentation on the topic, in this case in additional to arm arms and trms you should get the amba-axi documentation.
So if you have
ldrex thread 1
ldrex thread 2
strex thread 2
return from interrupt
strex thread 1
Between the thread 2 ldrex and strex there has been no modification of that memory location, so the strex should work. But between the thread 1 strex and the prior ldrex there has been a modification to that location, the thread 2 strex. So in theory that means the thread 1 strex should fail and you have to try your thread 1 ldrex/strex pair again until it works. But that is exactly by design, you keep trying the ldrex/strex pair in a loop until it succeeds.
But this is all implementation defined so you have to look at the specific chip vendor and model and rev and do your own experiments. The bug in linux for example is that ldrex/strex is an infinite loop, apply it to a system/situation where ldrex/strex is not supported you get an OKAY instead of an EXOKAY, and the strex will fail forever you are stuck in that infinite loop forever (ever wonder how I know all of this, had to debug this problem at the logic level).
First off ARM documents that exclusive access support is not required for uniprocessor systems so the ldrex/strex pair CAN fail to work IF you touch vendor specific logic on single core systems. Uniprocessor or not if your ldrex/strex remains within the arm logic (L1 and optional L2 caches) then the ldrex/strex pair are goverened by ARM and not the chip vendor so you fall under one set of rules, if the pair touches system memory outside the arm core, then you fall under the vendors rules.
The big problem is that ARM's documentation is unusually incomplete on the topic. Depending on which manual and where in the manual you read it for example says if some OTHER master has modified that location which in your case it is the same master, so the location has been modified but since it was by you the second strex should succeed. Then the same document says that another exclusive read resets the monitor to a different address, well what if it is another exclusive read of the same address?
Basically yours is a question of what about two exclusive writes to the same address without an exclusive read in between, does/should the second succeed. A very good question...I cant see that there is a definitive answer either within all the arm cores or in the whole world of arm based chips.
The bottom line with ldrex/strex it is not completely ARM core specific but also chip specific (vendor). You need to do experiments to insure you can use that instruction pair on that system (uniprocessor or not). You need to know what the ARM core does (the caches) and what happens when that exclusive access goes out past the core to the vendor logic. Repeat for every core and vendor you care to port this code to.
Apologies for just throwing in an "it's wrong" statement to dwelch, but I did not have time to write a proper answer yesterday. dwelch's answer to your question is correct - but pieces of it are at the very least possible to misinterpret.
The short answer is that, yes, you need to either disable interrupts for both threads or use ldrex/strex for both threads.
But to set one thing straight: support for ldrex/strex is mandatory in all ARM processors of v6 or later (with the exception of v6M microcontrollers). Support for SWP however, is optional for certain ARMv7 processors.
The behaviour of ldrex/strex is dependent on whether your MMU is enabled and what memory type and attributes the accessed region is configured with. Certain possible configurations will require additional support to be added to either the interconnect or RAM controllers in order for ldrex/strex to be able to operate correctly.
The entire concept is based around the idea of local and global exclusive monitors. If operating on memory regions marked as non-shareable (in a uniprocessor configuration), the processor needs only be concerned with the local monitor.
In multi-core configurations, coherent regions are managed using what is architecturally considered to be a global monitor, but still resides within the multi-core processor and does not rely on externally implemented logic.
Now, dwelch is correct in that there are way too many "implementation defined" options surrounding this. The sequence you describe is NOT architecturally guaranteed to work. The architecture does not require that an str transitions the local (or global) monitor from exclusive to open state (although in certain implementations, it might).
Hence, the architecturally safe options are:
Use ldrex/strex in both contexts.
Disable interrupts in both contexts.
