Express + React | Googleapis - download a file - reactjs

Im so new on React components and I try to download files from my google drive folder, after a long time currently I have working my API to upload, and get files. My question is, how should I pass the data to download the file on my front end?
How can I get the files from my google drive, and download on react component?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my explication, I dont know what I currently doing with the file.
Note: This code is just as example to download an image, I want to pass a fileID to download anything, pdfs, docs, png, etc.
Update: After triying differents solutions my api function was completed like this:
google_Ctrl.getDownload = async(req, res) => {
let Google = await drive.files.get(
alt: 'media'},
{ responseType: 'stream' }
).then((request) => {
fileType = request.headers['content-type'];
fileName = ( "file" + '.' + fileType );
fileData =;
// res.set("Content-Type", fileType);
// res.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename='archivo.png'");
My function its currently working, when I using to send a GET Request they provide me my files. But now my problem is on React Component, I read a lot of posts but I did not found the solution, I currently using downloadjs trying this solution, unsuccessfully.
const DownloadFile = () => {
axios.get(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL + 'google/download/' + "1YtDWD9hNEgCUi8YGQPjV98sULhyM5m8C")
.then((res) => {
// res.blob()
// fileDownload(, 'filename.png');
download(, "file.png", res.headers['content-type']);
}).catch((error) =>{
message.error('upload failed.');
This is my download function on React component, my .txt files works, but when I try to download pdf's, docs, xlsx, etc, dosent work, what can I do?
With I tested my api function and it's working, I can download my files from, but my react functions apparently its badly formatted, I guess.

Okey, after a long time checking the code I found my error on the React Function, if someone is in the same position, here the code working:
API Google:
google_Ctrl.getDownload = async(req, res) => {
let Google = await drive.files.get(
alt: 'media'},
{ responseType: 'stream' }
).then((request) => {
fileType = request.headers['content-type'];
fileName = ( "file" + '.' + fileType );
fileData =;
// res.set(request.headers)
res.set("Content-Type", fileType);
res.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename='archivo.png'");
React Component:
const DownloadFile = () => {
axios.get(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL + 'google/download/' + "1YtDWD9hNEgCUi8YGQPjV98sULhyM5m8C",
{responseType: 'blob'})
.then((res) => {
// res.blob()
fileDownload(, 'filename.png');
// download(, "file.pdf", res.headers['content-type']);
}).catch((error) =>{
message.error('upload failed.');
The next step is send the FileID, Filename with the extention and when you recive use that name/extension to save correctly the file :D.


How to upload SVG images on firebase storage?

I am having issue to upload an SVG image to firebase storage.
The upload seems to work correctly how when I am trying to click on the link. It returns the error file empty as per screenshot below.
Please see below my upload function
import { getStorage, ref, uploadBytesResumable, getDownloadURL } from "firebase/storage"
export const uploadToFirebase = async (file) => {
const storage = getStorage()
const storageRef = ref(storage, "images/avatar.svg")
const metadata = {
contentType: "image/svg+xml",
const uploadTask = uploadBytesResumable(storageRef, file, metadata)
(snapshot) => {
const progress = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100
console.log("Upload is " + progress + "% done")
switch (snapshot.state) {
case "paused":
console.log("Upload is paused")
case "running":
console.log("Upload is running")
(error) => {
// A full list of error codes is available at
switch (error.code) {
case "storage/unauthorized":
// User doesn't have permission to access the object
case "storage/canceled":
// User canceled the upload
// ...
case "storage/unknown":
// Unknown error occurred, inspect error.serverResponse
() => {
// Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
getDownloadURL(uploadTask.snapshot.ref).then((downloadURL) => {
console.log("File available at", downloadURL)
i am calling this function in my home component as fellow
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
Can someone help me underytand what is wrong with my code,please?
You pass a String to your uploadToFirebase() method which results in calling the uploadBytesResumable() method with a String as second argument.
As explained in the doc (above link), this second argument shall be a Blob, a Uint8Array or an ArrayBuffer.
Following our below comments: I'm not verse in reactjs but you need to get the image from your public folder as a Blob Object (or as a File Object, which is "a specific kind of Blob") and pass it to your uploadToFirebase() method. The following SO question & answers give several ways to do that (untested).

Uploading multiple content to Cloudinary React js

I'm building this website where users can sometimes upload one audio or one image and sometimes both at the same time to cloudinary. I'm able to upload from the front-end (react.js) one or the other (image or audio) but not both at the same time.
I saw this post that says that it is not possible except if we "write a script and use multi-threads (up to 10 threads) to upload many files at once. " I have no idea what it means in the context of react.js | JavaScript.
My code is the following:
I first call the handleUploadCloudinary with its parameter. The function is being called once the data is ready to be published.
const publishTheEntry = () => {
const {
} = formData;
if(mediaAudio !== ""){
if(mediaImg !== ""){
The handleUploadCloudinary() is the following:
const handleUploadCloudinary = (mediaType) => {
const {
} = formData;
const formDataCloudinary = new FormData();
formDataCloudinary.append("upload_preset", my_var_here);
formDataCloudinary.append("timestamp", ( / 1000) | 0);
if(mediaType === "img"){
formDataCloudinary.append("file", mediaImg);
).then((response) => {
let url =;
setFormData({...formData, mediaImg: url});
}else if(mediaType === "audio"){
formDataCloudinary.append("file", mediaAudio);
).then((response) => {
let url =;
setFormData({...formData, mediaAudio: url});
Even if, for when both audio + image are stored into the state, I can console.log() both of the conditions, the state won't bot update the formData with both. One will successfully sate the state with a new cloudinary link while the other one will remain a buffer.
You can loop through your resources list and upload assets one by one, or create new threads at the backend (best practice).
This link is a demo for uploading multiple files using Axios and React:

Combining a ExpressJS Router endpoint with a fetch call to an external enpoint

I am trying to create an Express Router endpoint that will return the CSV file from an external API (Jenkins in this case)
In more detail, what I am trying to achieve is to have a React Frontend call this route on the Express backend and download a CSV file.
The Express route is has this structure:
router.get('/path/latestCsvTestReport', async (req, res) => {
const { channel } = req.params;
return fetch(
`${jenkinsHost}/job/${channel}/${jenkinsPath}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/test_result/report_test.csv`, {
headers: { Authorization: jenkinsAuth},
.then(r => {
console.log('====== DATA =====', r);
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/csv');
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
.catch((err) => {
// console.log(err);
res.send('report not found');
and the URL called in the fetch returns a CSV file.
I am calling the Express endpoint from a method on the React frontend using the following function, which utilised the file-saver library:
async function triggerReportDownload(chlId) {
console.log('===== CSV Request ====')
const resource = `/api/jenkins/${chlId}/latestCsvTestReport`;
saveAs(resource, "report.csv")
which is triggered by the click of a button on the FrontEnd.
At the moment, the button, triggers a download but the csv downloaded only contains:
{"size":0 timeout:0}
I am certain I am doing something completely wrong on the way the backend returns the CSV from the fetch call, but for the life of me I do not seem to be able to find the way to formulate the response. Any help/direction towards fixing this would be greatly appreciated.
The solution to this is to simply things as possible (being a newbie I had overcomplicated things). So here we are:
Import the utils library and then create a stream:
import util from 'util';
const streamPipeline = util.promisify(require('stream').pipeline);
This is then called from the Express router:
router.get('/jenkins/:channel/latestCsvTestReport.csv', async (req, res) => {
const { channel } = req.params;
const response = await fetch(
`${jenkinsHost}/job/${channel}/${jenkinsPath}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/test_result/report_test.csv`, {
headers: { Authorization: jenkinsAuth },
res.setHeader('Content-disposition', `attachment; filename=report_test_${}.csv`);
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
return streamPipeline(response.body, res);
Use to get the download file
async function triggerReportDownload(chlId) {`/api/jenkins/${chlId}/latestCsvTestReport.csv`);

Corrupt image when uploading to Next.js API

I'm trying to upload an image as form-data to a Nextjs api route. I use the package formidable to parse and save the file in a server folder. For the http request I use postman on the client.
Here ist the backend code:
import formidable from 'formidable';
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
export default async (req, res) => {
const form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form.on('fileBegin', (name, file) => {
file.path = "./" +
form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
console.log( files);
res.statusCode = 200
The image (jpeg) is saved in the folder. However, it appears to be corrupt or damaged.
Here is the original image:
source image
corrupt image
Next.js need the package formidable-serverless instead of formidable

React Redux Firebase Upload File Object

Trying to pass the file object to redux action and perform the function inside of an redux action, not sure its the correct way? but basically i want back downloadURL from firebase upload complete so I can show image front end.
createLocation(event) {
const fileObject = this.state.file;
const test = {
and action function:
export function uploadImage_func(fileObject) {
return dispatch => {
const fileName = 'myimage';
const storageRef ='test/' + fileName);
const task = storageRef.put(fileObject);
function complete(snapshot) {
const downloadURL = task.snapshot.downloadURL;
).then(function () {
As you can see you have got an error Invalid argument in 'put' at index 0: Expected Blob or File. So first of all you need path exactly File or Blob. If you did right in you createLocation and got file object than you need not to wrap it in const test object more. That action causes unnecessary nesting, so just path fileObject as it is. And more. When you subscribe for firebase UploadTask on event you need to path callback functions and do it in a right order, so try to use next:
(snapshot) => {
// here you could log loading information in percents but uploading is not finished yes
console.log((snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100);
(error) => console.log(error),
() => {
// And after uploading is complete you could get your download url
console.log('Call save img', uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL);
For more information read documentation for Firebase Storage (Upload files)
