How do I set the value of p-checkbox programmatically - primeng

The following code does not produce a error but nothing happens. I'm using ng v11, reactive forms, and primeng 11. What am I missing?
<p-checkbox label="Confirm"
Adding error message found in console:
ERROR TypeError: this.model.indexOf is not a function
at Checkbox.isChecked (primeng-checkbox.js:78)
at Checkbox.writeValue (primeng-checkbox.js:101)
at setUpControl (forms.js:2379)
at FormGroupDirective.addControl (forms.js:5710)
at FormControlName._setUpControl (forms.js:6285)
at FormControlName.ngOnChanges (forms.js:6230)
at FormControlName.rememberChangeHistoryAndInvokeOnChangesHook (core.js:1498)
at callHook (core.js:2517)
at callHooks (core.js:2484)
at executeInitAndCheckHooks (core.js:2435)


"Cannot set property defaults of #<n>" error while integrating GrapesJS-blocks-boostrap4 plugin

I am trying to add grapesjs-blocks-bootstrap4 plugin in my grapesjs editor in reactjs. When I try adding it, I get the following error.
```TypeError: Cannot set property defaults of #<n> which has only a getter
at grapes.min.js:2:1
at Module.It (grapes.min.js:2:1)
at Function.$ [as extend] (grapes.min.js:2:1)
at vr (grapesjs-blocks-bootstrap4.min.js:11:1) ```
I tried deleting the node modules and installing them again, but still had the same issue.
Thank you for your help in advance.

Console Error : Unhandled Promise rejection: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor called on non-object

Running Angular + storybookjs and getting this error.
I just ran into this myself. For me a circular Module import caused the issue.
I found the issue by setting a breakpoint in NgModulesAnalyzer to break when typeof target !== 'function'
A few stackframes up I found the Module that caused the issue and replaced the import

How to add additional track in twilio-video?

After updating twilio-video JS SDK (from 1.x to 2.x) I have a problem in adding additional device.
This is example error message - ERROR TypeError: transceiver.sender.replaceTrack(...).then(...).finally is not a function.
If I disable this device i get new error message - ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: The [LocalVideoTrack #5: 8da6e8e0-a9c1-473b-9916-484a17f61524] was unpublished.
And if I repeat enable device - is OK.
Below is example publishing track in share additional track method.
this.deviceTrackShared[type] = true;
Below is example unpublishing track -
this.deviceTrackShared[type] = false;
So, I fixed this issue. I lost a lot of time searching for errors in the code, but I just needed to update zone.js from 0.8.x to 0.9.x. Now it's working fine!

Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Cannot read property 'defaultView' of undefined [duplicate]

I am trying to use Selenium for Python eith the Chrome webdriver to automate the download of a file.
My program works perfectly up to the last step (clicking on the 'download' button) at which point a dialog box is triggered with the text:
"An error has occured in 'site url': Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getColomnSet' of undefined41"
What does this error mean and what are the most probable causes?
For reference, here are the last few commands of my program:
elem = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,'element_1_id')))
elem1 = driver.find_element_by_id('element_1_id')
elem2 = driver.find_element_by_id('element_2_id')
action = ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elem1).move_to_element(elem2)
This error message...
An error has occured in 'site url': Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getColomnSet' of undefined
...implies that your program was unable to read the property getColomnSet while trying to download the desired file.
Possibly, the main problem is the js involved to download the document is invoked before the client renders the HTML DOM completely.
The relevant HTML, a bit more of your previous lines of code and the error stack trace would have given us some more idea about what's going wrong.
You can induce some measures to wait till the complete DOM Tree is rendered following the discussion:
Generic funtion to check if page has completely loaded in Selenium
A couple of facts:
In your code trials I don't see you interacting with the element (By.ID,'element_1_id') so possibly you can remove the step of presence_of_element_located() for the element (By.ID,'element_1_id').
If you still require presence_of_element_located((By.ID,'element_1_id')) catch the exception and initiate required steps.
As you invoke move_to_element() over elem1 and elem2 and moving ahead invoke perform() you need to induce WebDriverWait with expected_conditions as element_to_be_clickable(locator)
tl;dr (references)
Cannot read property 'getContext' of null, using canvas
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of undefined
Uncaught Error remote.js
Try the following - it works on Salesforce Lightning UI screens:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("your ID"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);

I have unknown error in console in my react application

What does it mean?
Error in event handler for (unknown):
TypeError: Cannot read property 'response' of undefined
at t.runtime.sendMessage.e (chrome-extension://mlomiejdfkolichcflejclcbmpeaniij/dist/content_script_bundle.js:1:22694)
Chrome extension with id mlomiejdfkolichcflejclcbmpeaniij seems to be ghostery. You probably should disable it for local development.
