Access to API using Redux - reactjs

I have a react-redux app. I need to call API and used it in my component. The app is called with fetch in function in utills.
All functions are group and export like this:
export const sportTeam = {
function getBasketballTeam() {
let token = store.getState().UserReducer.token;
method: "GET",
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
.then((res) => {
if (res.status == 200 ) {
return res.json();
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
getBasketballTeam contains an array of objects.
How can I get getBasketballTeam and used it in the component in the view to returning the list with this data?

You don't want your getBasketballTeam function to access the store directly through store.getState().
What you want is a "thunk" action creator that gets the store instance as an argument when you dispatch it.
The flow that you want is this:
Component continuously listens to the basketball team state with useSelector (or connect).
Component mounts.
Component dispatches a getBasketballTeam action.
Action fetches data from the API.
Reducer saves data from the action to the state.
State updates.
Component re-renders with the new data from state.
The easiest way to do this is with the createAsyncThunk function from Redux Toolkit. This helper handles all errors by dispatching a separate error action. Try something like this:
export const fetchBasketballTeam = createAsyncThunk(
async (_, thunkAPI) => {
const token = thunkAPI.getState().user.token;
if ( ! token ) {
throw new Error("Missing access token.");
const res = await fetch(actions.GET_BASKETBALLTEAM, {
method: "GET",
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }
if (res.status !== 200) {
throw new Error("Invalid response");
// what you return is the payload of the fulfilled action
return res.json();
const initialState = {
status: "idle",
data: null
export const teamReducer = createReducer(initialState, (builder) =>
.addCase(fetchBasketballTeam.pending, (state) => {
state.status = "pending";
.addCase(fetchBasketballTeam.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.status = "fulfilled";
delete state.error; = action.payload;
.addCase(fetchBasketballTeam.rejected, (state, action) => {
state.status = "rejected";
state.error = action.error;
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
team: teamReducer,
user: userReducer,
export const BasketballTeam = () => {
const { data, error, status } = useSelector((state) =>;
const dispatch = useDispatch();
() => {
// run once on mount
// or better: take the token as an argument and re-run if token changes
if (status === "pending") {
return <SomeLoadingComponent />;
if (!data) {
return <SomeErrorComponent />;
// if we are here then we definitely have data
return <div>{/* do something with data */}</div>;

After you get response you need to do the following things
call dispatch function to store the data received in REDUX state.
Now when you have data in redux state, you can use useSelector() to get that state and make use of it in your jsx file.


React - useReducer with asynchronous CRUD operations

I am trying to figure out how to use useReducer with asynchronous CRUD operations (using the fetch API).
In my mind the reducer function would look like this:
async function reducer(action, state) {
const newState = {...state};
switch (action.type) {
case types.ADD_ITEM:
try {
const {item} = await addItem(action.payload.item);
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
case types.REMOVE_ITEM:
try {
await removeItem(action.payload.itemId);
newState.items = newState.items.filter( !== action.payload);
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
case types.EDIT_ITEM:
try {
const {item} = await editItem(action.payload.itemId, action.payload.item);
newState.items[newState.items.findIndex(value => === action.payload.itemId)] = item;
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
return newState;
These would be the fetch functions:
async function addItem(item) {
const response = await fetch('addItemRoute', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
return response.json();
async function removeItem(itemId) {
const response = await fetch('removeItemRoute/' + itemId, {
method: "DELETE"
return response.json();
async function editItem(itemId, item) {
const response = await fetch('editItemRoute/'+ itemId, {
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify({
return response.json();
But the reducer function cannot be an async function.
What would be the standard way to handle concepts like this?
Any help/reference is truly appreciated.
I think you misunderstood the role of reducer. In React world, there is a thing call global state (a way to pass values down to children without having to pass as props), which traditionally being handled by another package called Redux. The reducer only handle taking whatever you dispatch, decide what action to take to update the global state based on the type of action which is not asynchronous. The action is what you use to decide what to dispatch and also the way for you to get the data to dispatch so usually all the HTTP calls occurs here. Since useReducer will returns for you the current state and the dispatch function as well, you can basically pass this dispatch to your action. You can take a look at my example below based on your example for clearer image of what you might want to do:
You may want to put all your action in a action file called action.js like this:
async function addItem(item, dispatch) {
const response = await fetch('addItemRoute', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
return dispatch({
type: "ADD_ITEM",
payload: response.json()});
async function removeItem(itemId, dispatch) {
const response = await fetch('removeItemRoute/' + itemId, {
method: "DELETE"
return dispatch({
type: "ADD_ITEM",
payload: response.json()
async function editItem(itemId, item, dispatch) {
const response = await fetch('editItemRoute/'+ itemId, {
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify({
return dispatch({
type: "ADD_ITEM",
payload: response.json()
Then in your reducer, you can do the regular without having to call the fetch or async calls like this:
async function reducer(action, state) {
const newState = {...state};
switch (action.type) {
case types.ADD_ITEM:
try {
const {item} = action.payload;
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
case types.REMOVE_ITEM:
try {
newState.items = newState.items.filter( !== action.payload);
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
case types.EDIT_ITEM:
try {
const {item} = action.payload;
newState.items[newState.items.findIndex(value => === action.payload.itemId)] = item;
catch (e) {
newState.error = e.message;
return newState;
Then in your component with the button that you want to execute this, you can do something like this:
const MyComponent = ()=> {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
return (
<button onClick={addItem(item, dispatch)}/>
You can reference the core concept of redux here which IMO explains very clearly the functionality of reducer, dispatch, actions and global state. If you want you can also tried out Redux as well, here's their tutorial.

It seems to ignore the Async / Await

On a React page, I have a method called goOut. This method calls upon a Redux action > Node controller > Redux reducer. I can confirm that the correct data values are returned inside the Redux action, the controller method, and the reducer. However, nonetheless, at point 1 below inside the goOut method, it returns undefined.
What am I doing wrong / how could it return undefined if the the reducer is returning the correct values? It is as if the await inside the goOut method is not working...
React page:
import { go_payment } from "../../appRedux/actions/paymentAction";
<button onClick={this.goOut}>
async goOut(ev) {
try {
const data = { user: parseInt(this.state.userId, 10) };
let result = await this.props.go_payment({data});
// 1. RETURNS UNDEFINED. As if it tries to execute this line before it has finished the previous line.
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return bindActionCreators(
{go_payment}, dispatch
Redux Action:
export const go_payment = (data) => {
let token = getAuthToken();
return (dispatch) => {
.post(`${url}/goController`, data, { headers: { Authorization: `${token}` } })
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
// console.log confirms correct data for
return dispatch({ type: GO_SUCCESS, payload: });
Node controller method:
Returns the correct data in json format.
export default function paymentReducer(state = initial_state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
// console.log confirms action.payload contains the correct data
return { ...state, goData: action.payload, couponData: "" };

Can I access state inside a createAsyncThunk w/axios with redux toolkit?

I'm fairly new to redux toolkit so I'm still having a few issues with it!
As per the code below, I'm trying to access state (loginDetails.username and loginDetails.password) inside my createAsyncThunk. I'm obviously doing something wrong here - I've tried writing the createAsyncThunk function inside a different file, attempting to access the state inside that file and then importing the function, but either way it's failing.
// Import: Packages
import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
import axios from "axios";
// AsyncThunk: getUserDetails
export const getUserDetails = createAsyncThunk(
async () => {
try {
const apiUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_URL;
var config = {
method: "get",
url: `${apiUrl}/claimSet?UserName=${state.loginDetails.username}&Password=${state.loginDetails.password}`,
headers: {
accept: "application/json",
const response = await axios(config);
const data = await;
return data;
} catch (error) {
// Slice: userDetailsSlice
export const userDetailsSlice = createSlice({
name: "userDetails",
initialState: {
loginDetails: {
username: "",
password: "",
details: [],
status: null,
reducers: {
addUsername: (state, { payload }) => {
state.loginDetails.username = payload;
addPassword: (state, { payload }) => {
state.loginDetails.password = payload;
extraReducers: {
[getUserDetails.pending]: (state, action) => {
state.status = "loading";
[getUserDetails.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => {
state.details = payload;
state.status = "success";
[getUserDetails.rejected]: (state, action) => {
state.status = "failed";
// Actions: addUsername, addPassword
export const { addUsername, addPassword } = userDetailsSlice.actions;
// Reducer: userDetailsSlice.reducer
export default userDetailsSlice.reducer;
The code in the config url ${state.loginDetails.username}, etc. is just one of many failed attempts to get hold of the state. I understand that part of the issue is that the createAsyncThunk is declared before the state/slide is below, but I still can't seem to find a way around it.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance <3
The async function consumes a "payload" argument, and secondly a thunkAPI object that contains a getState method.
thunkAPI: an object containing all of the parameters that are normally
passed to a Redux thunk function, as well as additional options:
dispatch: the Redux store dispatch method
getState: the Redux store getState method
extra: the "extra argument" given to the thunk middleware on setup, if available
requestId: a unique string ID value that was automatically generated to identify this request sequence
signal: an AbortController.signal object that may be used to see if another part of the app logic has marked this request as needing
rejectWithValue: rejectWithValue is a utility function that you can return in your action creator to return a rejected response with a
defined payload. It will pass whatever value you give it and return it
in the payload of the rejected action.
// AsyncThunk: getUserDetails
export const getUserDetails = createAsyncThunk(
async (arg, { getState }) => { // <-- destructure getState method
const state = getState(); // <-- invoke and access state object
try {
const apiUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_URL;
var config = {
method: "get",
url: `${apiUrl}/claimSet?UserName=${state.loginDetails.username}&Password=${state.loginDetails.password}`,
headers: {
accept: "application/json",
const response = await axios(config);
const data = await;
return data;
} catch (error) {

When a post call doesn't return any response, do I need a reducer?

I'm wondering since my POST call doesn't give any data in response, do I need to have action types and reducer to maintain State?
This is my actioncreator. What will actionType and reducer contain?
export const postData = (...args) => async dispatch => {
const [ url, body ] = args;
const params = [ url, body, undefined, false, undefined , 'application/json'];
try {
const data = configs.ENV.DEVELOPMENT ? await API.getData(url, dispatch, actions, false) : await API.postData(params, dispatch, actions);
if (!data) {
window.location = configs.endpoints.RESULTS_PAGE;
catch(err) {
console.log('Please try again')
} };

render view after a post request in react/redux

I have post method helper where I'm making the rest calls to the server which is basically running but the view/container is not rerendering after the call.
export function postData(action, errorType, isAuthReq, url, dispatch, data) {
const requestUrl = API_URL + url;
let headers = {};
if (isAuthReq) {
headers = {headers: {'Authorization': cookie.load('token')}};
}, data, headers)
.then((response) => {
type: action,
.catch((error) => {
errorHandler(dispatch, error.response, errorType)
I'm getting the the following error: dispatch is not defined in the browser when I'm calling this method
my call from the container is as followed:
handleFavorite(buildingId) {
const url = `/building/${buildingId}/toogle-favorite`;
postData(FETCH_All_BUILDING, AUTH_ERROR, true, url, this.props.dispatch, {});
This is how my connect method is looks like:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
buildings: state.building.buildings,
error: state.building.error,
userId: state.auth.userId
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {buildingsAll})(BuildingAll);
My Question is...
How can I re render my view? This dispatch that I want to give to the method is not available. Is there a possibility to bind that rest to the state perhaps with mapDispatchToProps. Any idea how I can solve that problem, I'm fairly new to react/redux - it's my first side project in that lib.
Update 1
I have updated the code but getting the next error and my view is now not rendering (nothing showing).
mapDispatchToProps() in Connect(BuildingAll) must return a plain object. Instead received function
bundle.js:26 Uncaught TypeError: finalMergeProps is not a function
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => bindActionCreators(postDataThunk, dispatch);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, {buildingsAll})(BuildungAll);
You need to bind your action creators in your container
const { bindActionCreators } = require("redux");
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
buildings: state.building.buildings,
error: state.building.error,
userId: state.auth.userId
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => bindActionCreators(YourActions, dispatch);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(BuildingAll);
And then your action becomes something like this:
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const postData = (action, errorType, isAuthReq, url, data) => {
return (dispatch) => {
const requestUrl = API_URL + url;
let headers = {};
if (isAuthReq) {
headers = { headers: { 'Authorization': cookie.load('token') } };
}, data, headers)
.then((response) => {
type: action,
.catch((error) => {
errorHandler(dispatch, error.response, errorType)
Because your postData might have a few side effects because it's fetching something asynchronously, you'll need a thunk
Read this article on it:
