How the duration in Gatling report is calculated? - gatling

Listed below is my load details and time duration. My expected duration in Gatling report should be 4500 seconds. Not sure how 3101 seconds is displayed in my gatling report for the below simulation. Can anyone explain me how duration is calculated in gatling report?
setUp(RetrieveCustomerProfile.inject(rampUsers(44) during(8 minutes)).protocols(apis),
SearchCustomerSummaryWithContact.inject(rampUsers(32) during(8 minutes)).protocols(apis)
.maxDuration(duration = 75 minutes)
Listed below is my report

maxDuration forcefully stop your test, it doesn't make it last up to this duration.
What drives the test duration is the injection profile and the scenario duration.
Please read the documentation.


Azure logic app costs for EVALUATION of ftp (when a file is added or modified)?

I am using a logic app to monitor the FTP folder whenever a new file is created or modified.
I see the evaluation block as evaluated 319 times in 24 hours and fired 1 time in the last 24 hours
I wanted to know whether the azure logic app costs for the number of evaluated times? or only for fired time execution?
Have a look at - specifically the price for "Standard Connector".

Apache flink - Time characterstics

How can i use the Ingestion time characteristics in Apache flink. I know we need to set the environment time characteristics. But how can i collect the data with timestamps which can be referred as ingestion time. Currently when i am using it, it is processing the window based on system clock time. I want to do the processing based on the time at which data enters the flink environment.
A little code extract which may help to understand it clearly :
Time characteristics for environment :
Window time :
Collection in source :
If the data collection starts at let say 11:03, I want to end it at 11:08 i.e. for 5 minutes. But it stops at 11:05 ( somehow behaving like processing time ).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Tumbling and sliding windows in Flink are always aligned to the clock (either the event time clock defined by the events and watermarks, or the system clock); time windows are not aligned to first event. So if you have windows that are 5 minutes long, there will be a window for the interval from 11:00 to 11:05, for example, regardless of the TimeCharacteristic.
Tumbling windows do, however, take an optional offset parameter that can be used to shift this alignment. So you could specify TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(5), Time.minutes(3)), for example to shift the intervals by 3 minutes.

Why is my Google Cloud SQL instance being billed every hour?

It seems like I'm being overbilled but I want to make sure I am not misunderstanding how Per Use billing works. Here are the details:
I'm running a small test PHP application on Google App Engine with no visitors other than myself every once in a while.
I periodically reset the database via cron: originally every hour, then every 3 hours last month, now every 6 hours.
Pricing plan: Per Use
Storage Used: 0.1% of 250 GB
Type: First Generation
IPv4 address: None
File system replication: Synchronous
Tier: D0
Activation Policy: On demand
Here's the billing through the first 16 days of this months:
Google SQL Service D0 usage - hour 383 hour(s) $9.57
16 days * 24 hours = 384 hours * $.025 = $9.60 . So it appears I've been charged every hour this month. This also happened last month.
I understand that I am charged the full hour for every part of an hour that the SQL instance is active.
Still, with the minimal app usage and the database reset 4 times a day, I would expect the charges (even allowing for a couple extra hours of usage each day) to be closer to:
16 days * 6 hours = 80 hours * $.025 = $2.40.
Any explanation for the discrepency?
The logs are the source of truth usually. Check them to see if you are being visited by an aggressive crawler, a stuck task that keeps retrying etc.
Or you may have a cron job that is running and performing work. You can view that in the "task queue/cron jobs" section in the control panel.
You might be have assigned an Ipv4 address to your instance and Google Developer Console clearly states
You will be charged $0.01 each hour the instance is inactive and has an IPv4 address assigned.
This might be the reason of your extra bill.

get_by_key_name() in GAE taking as long as 750ms. Is this expected?

My program fetches ~100 entries in a loop. All entries are fetched using get_by_key_name(). Appstats show that some get_by_key_name() requests are taking as much as 750ms! (other big values are 355ms, 260ms, 230ms). Average for other fetches ranges from 30ms to 100ms. These times are in real_time and hence contribute towards 'ms' and not 'cpu_ms'.
Due to the above, total time taken to return the webpage is very high ms=5754, where cpu_ms=1472. (above times are seen repeatedly for back to back requests.)
Environment: Python 2.7, webapp2, jinja2, High Replication, No other concurrent requests to the server, Frontend Instance Class is F1, No memcache set yet, max idle instances is automatic, min pending latency is automatic, using db (NOT NDB).
Any help will be greatly appreciated as I based whole database design on fetching entries from the datastore using only get_by_key_name()!!
I tried profiling using time.clock() before and immediately after every get_by_key_name() method call. The difference I get from time.clock() for every single call is 10ms! (Just want to clarify that the get_by_key_name() is called on different Kinds).
According to time.clock() the total execution time (in wall-clock time) is 660ms. But the real-time is 5754 (=ms), and cpu_ms is 1472 per GAE logs.
Summary of Questions:
*[Update: This was addressed by passing list of keys] Why get_by_key_name() is taking that long?*
Why ms of 5754 is so much more than cpu_ms of 1472. Is task execution in halted/waiting-state for 75% (1-1472/5754) of the time due to which real-time (wall clock) time taken is so long as far as end user is concerned?
If the above is true, then why time.clock() shows that only 660ms (wall-clock time) elapsed between start of the first get_by_key_name() request and the last (~100th) get_by_key_name() request; although GAE shows this time as 5754ms?

How do I measure response time in seconds given the following benchmarking data?

We recently got some data back on a benchmarking test from a software vendor, and I think I'm missing something obvious.
If there were 17 transactions (I assume they mean successfully completed requests) per second, and 1500 of these requests could be served in 5 minutes, then how do I get the response time for a single user? Is this sort of thing even possible with benchmarking? I have a lot of other data from them, including apache config settings, but I'm not sure how to do all the math.
Given the server setup they sent, I want to know how I can deduce the user response time. I have looked at other similar benchmarking tests, but I'm having trouble measuring requests to response time. What other data do I need to provide here to get that?
If only 1500 of these can be served per 5 minutes then:
1500 / 5 = 300 transactions per min can be served
300 / 60 = 5 transactions per second can be served
so how are they getting 17 completed transactions per second? Last time I checked 5 < 17 !
This doesn't seem to fit. Or am I looking at it wrongly?
I presume be user response time, you mean the time it takes to serve a single transaction:
If they can serve 5 per second than it takes 200ms (1/5) per transaction
If they can serve 17 per second than it takes 59ms (1/17) per transaction
That is all we can tell from the given data. Perhaps clarify how many transactions are being done per second.
