Azure AD user provisioning custom attributes - azure-active-directory

When mapping a Azure Active Directory Attribute with "customappsso Attribute" like in the image below for user provisioning, the custom fields are not being send by the POST request
when creating the user in the target system. Why is this happening? The attributes which are not submitted on the POST requests are "imeto" , "prezimeto"
The custom attributes are submitted on a second PATCH request via "Add" operation and regardless of the response back its never taken in to the consideration which means the same PATCH request will be submitted on next provisioning by demand or the normal cycle of provisioning. How can i alter this behavior the customappsso to be in the first POST request?


How do I check if the user from a non-Graph Azure AD token is a member of an email distribution list in an APIM policy

Have an API in Azure API Management (APIM).
The API operation validates a JWT generated by Azure Active Directory (AAD) using a scope from a backend app registration (the scope is NOT User.Read). Note: client id is another app registration which is an authorized app of that backend scope.
After the JWT is validated, am I able take that token, extract user info out of it and verify if the user is part of a email distribution list (DL)? If so, how to do it within an APIM policy?
I am aware of MS Graph APIs. Using Postman I can confirm the DL is listed in the tenant's groups and can get its group ID. I can also confirm the user is a member of the group. The bit I'm stuck with for Graph API is that it needs a different token to the one supplied by the client application (due to he scopes being from different domains custom app registration vs graph) and I'm stuck at this point. Should I make the client app also get a graph token and pass it in a separate header, or is there way to orchestrate things from within APIM or something else?
The non-APIM part of this solution is provided by a Microsoft article. I've summarised those and combined with the APIM parts in the following steps:
In Azure, create a new Azure App Registration (note the client id for later)
Under "Certificates and secrets", add a client secret (note the secret for later)
Under "API Permissions", add a new MS Graph Application Permission (can be User.Read.All, Group.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All depending on your situation). MS Graph's "groups" includes both AD groups and Distribution Lists (DL). Note: don't use Delegated permission.
Application permissions allow the authorized app to enquire about any user/group. You will need an Azure Admin to Grant Admin Consent for the App Registration to have the chosen Application Permission.
Now in Azure APIM, go to your API and edit the inbound policy.
Validate the JWT from the user making the call (See validate-jwt or newer validate-azure-ad-token) to ensure the User is authorized to call this API.
Extract the oid claim from the JWT (this is the user ID I'll use for the graph call) and save it in a variable using set-variable policy
Add a send-request policy request an auth token for MS Graph using client-credentials flow (this is when you'll need the client id and secret from earlier App registration). Note: secrets should be stored in a secure store like KeyVault but that is outside the scope of this answer.
Extract the access_token field from the JSON response body and put it in a variable using set-variable policy.
Create another send-request policy, but this time to the MS Graph endpoint. For User.Read.All permission you'd use /users/<userIdFromJwtOidClaim>/memberof/<groupId>. MS Graph v1.0 API Reference, and pass the access_token in the Authorization header using <set-header> element.
A status code of 200 indicates the user is a member of the group. IIRC A status code of 403 indicates the user isn't a member of the group.
Use a choose policy to perform logic depending on the user's group membership.
Use return-response policy to send a response back to the user.

Azure AD B2C - SAML Integration Custom Policies - Disable InResponseTo check

I have custom policies setup within our Azure AD B2C tenant to setup a SAML based signin SP initiated flow. On receipt of the response from the third party IDP I get the exception "The response has an invalid relay cookie".
I believe this is because the IDP's response is missing the InResponseTo property. Having spoken to said IDP, they are not able to send back the InResponseTo property in their response.
Is there a way to either remove the InResponseTo property from our initial request, OR is it possible to disable checking the InResponseTo attribute on receipt of the response?
I've successfully run a signin using the same custom policies in B2C, but using as the IDP instead, and can see the InResponseTo property returned in the response from here. So this is the only thing I have been able to identify as the a possible cause.
I know this is bad practice / a security flaw, but we are trying to prove we can get the identity flow working with this third party, with a view this will be fixed at a later date.

IdentityServer4: How to set a role for Google user?

I have 3 applications:
An IdentityServer4 API which provides Google authentication and also provides an access token to authorize the resource API.
A simple Resource API which provides some data from DB.
A simple Client in React which have 4 buttons:
Login, for Google auth
Get data - a simple request with the access token to the Resource API and gets the data from Db
Get user data - returns user profile and token (for debug purpose)
I didn't put any sample code because my problem is not code related, it's knowledge that I'm missing and I ask for guidance.
The workflow is working just fine: the user press the Login button, it is redirected to IdentityServer4 API for Google Auth. From there it is redirected to a Callback Page from the Client and from there to the Index page. I receive the user data and the token, I can request data from the Resource API and it's working.
My problem is: How do I give a Role to the Google Users ?
I don't have users saved in DB. I want three types of Users: SuperAdmin, Admin, Viewer and each of these roles have limited Endpoints which can access.
For limiting their access I saw that I can use Claims-based authorization or Role-based authorization.
So, my question is how ca I give a Google User who wants to login in my app, a specific Claim/Role ? What is the workflow ? I must save it first in DB ? Or there exists a service from Google where I can add an email address and select a Role for that address ?
Thank you very much !
After you get the response from Google in your callback you can handle the user and do what ever you want to do with it. Below are the some typical tasks that you can do in callback that I took from documentation page of identityserver4 link:
Handling the callback and signing in the user
On the callback page your typical tasks are:
inspect the identity returned by the external provider.
make a decision how you want to deal with that user. This might be
different based on the fact if this is a new user or a returning
new users might need additional steps and UI before they are allowed
probably create a new internal user account that is linked to the
external provider.
store the external claims that you want to keep.
delete the temporary cookie
the user
What I would do is creating an new internal user account that is linked to the external provider and add a role to that user.
If you don't want to save users in db, you can add an extra claim to user in callback method and use that claim in token. and i think this link will help with that.

invalid_grant error when obtaining access token

I am trying to build a website where a user can log in via Azure AD B2C. After logging in, I'm trying to present a secure area where the user can change their Azure B2C user attributes (first name, last name, etc) via the Microsoft Graph API.
I am attempting to follow along with the Get a Token documentation
Everything is working up to step #3, where a call gets made out to to obtain an access_token using the code I received on my return URL.
Here's the general flow of what I am doing:
End user clicks a login link on my localhost site that links out to my Azure B2C tenant policy. Link looks something like this:
User logs in and gets redirected to the redirect_uri.
redirect_uri successfully recieves code, id_token, and state values.
I take the code value from that and makes a POST request with the following body:
&client_secret=[application secret]
The response code I receive back from that endpoint is the above error message.
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid.\r\nTrace ID:6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00\r\nCorrelation ID:252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9\r\nTimestamp: 2019-06-2722:11:18Z",
"error_codes": [9002313],
"timestamp": "2019-06-27 22:11:18Z",
"trace_id": "6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00",
"correlation_id": "252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9"
Other StackOverflow posts mention verifying that the redirect_uri's have to match between the initial login and the subsequent access_token requests. They appear identical to me, but I am still receiving errors.
Any ideas what could be going wrong?
This is something you need to understand about OAuth on B2C before you are able to successfully request for a token.
This error means that the requested scope (resource) can’t be accessed by you (login user) because of the lack of permissions.
So, to fix that, you need to grant these required permissions to access that resource, by following these steps:
Define a new scope.
Grant Admin consent on that scope.
Request that scope when you request for a token.
In other words, in B2C-->App Registrations--> (Your App), shown in the image below, start with “Expose an API”, here you define a new scope of access, scope of resources or API, just a metadata that you know it represents some resources or API.
Then you click on “API Permissions”, here you will add the scope you just created and grand admin access in needed. But al least you need to add permissions to your newly defined scope.
The third and last step is when you hit: https://{tenant}{tenant}{policy}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Make sure to pass the scope that you added. (Use the scope that you added)
The details are explained in here but I can simplify it for you.
configure b2c
So you need to go to your B2C
Seems you are trying to get access token using Authorization Code Grant V2.0
Your request doesn't match with Authorization Code Grant V2.0 format and you have encountered that error.
You should send token request for Authorization Code Grant V2.0 is like below:
Token Endpoint: ``
See Screen shot for details:

Secure REST Unauthenticated Account Creation

I'm designing a REST API and I've hit somewhat of an odd point. 99% of this API will be secured, but there are a few functions that need to be publicly accessible. These pertain to account creation, and initial password setting. Once they have credentials, they can access the rest of the API.
The endpoint that allows a user to create a new account via a signup form is unauthenticated. Securing this endpoint isn't really possible because I'm using AngularJS on top of nodejs, and dog-fooding my API via AJAX calls. This means I can't hide credentials anywhere to access the AccountCreation endpoint. Currently, I have the webform make an AJAX call to another endpoint and create a token that says to form is valid. Upon submission that token is validated, then removed from the database. However, this token endpoint is obviously visible in code, so not much security there. Email verification is used to 'activate' the account, then the user is given a one-time link to set their initial password, which also resides on an unauthenticated endpoint(but requires the token sent in the email).
I guess my worry is someone spamming the 'CreateAccount' endpoint, and making a bunch of accounts. In reality I guess they could simply do this via the webform as well. Is this a valid security concern? How do most places handle unauthenticated account creation webforms?
Edit: the final application will be run over https
