When creating a microsoft forms trigger in a logic app I can only see forms I created - azure-logic-apps

Sorry in advance if this question seems naïve.
I'm currently trying to configure a logic app that triggers based on a form being submitted via Microsoft Forms.
This form is located in one of my organizations groups (which my user has access to). When attempting to create the trigger the only forms I can see in the dropdown are ones that I created myself and are under My Forms in microsoft forms.
I'm unsure of the steps to make the form visible / available so I can create a trigger for it. Any help would be appreciated. FYI the logic app is going to be used to create a work item based on the form submission.

Ok I found the answer, not sure why I didn't catch this the first time I read this.


Create a from builder using Django

I am fairly new to programming and start my career with Python Django. I already build some basic application and recently came across to use google forms and decided to create application like this.
Where any user can come to certain page and can able to create his own form as per his requirement.
I though of some new features like drag and drop. I wanted to ask if that's somehow possible to drag drop input fields or something like that using Django template system where I can use some simple JS library or if its possible using React as fronted.
So my requirements are quite simple, but I am confused with Django models that what will be the structure of models.
UI should be drag n drop thing. User can select the list of fields available in the inventory. And create his own form.
And on post submission. From django you need to capture and store the data.
Here in this case the data will be the form fields as well as its values.
Ex form fields which are available in the inventory.
Test field
Email Field
Multi select field and
Drop Down Field=
I hope someone can help me so that I can get started and came up with some methodology.

Microsoft Teams modify Save button in Connector setup page

I am currently working on the setup page for my custom MS Teams Connector.
For inspiration, I was looking into other companies and one particular thing caught my attention.
Teams usually has at the bottom 2 buttons, like here in my setup page:
I have no Problem communicating with them using the #microsoft/teams-js client SKD and could make my page work like it is now. But I got curious how to do it with custom buttons like other Companies.
For example Trello:
Like you can see they moved the buttons up and also have a login button.
I also need to add authentication form my Connector, so I was wondering if its possible to archive a similar layout for my Connector.
For the Setup page I am using web app created with create react app
So my questions are:
Is this possible using react?
If yes how is it done?
I could not find much documentation regarding this topic.
The behavior is by design. Quite a while back we started giving developers more control in the tab configuration flow and allow them to render their own button within the iframe. Everything within that task module is now controlled by the app.

How to setup the Pre-Chat form for Live Agent in Salesforce?

I am newbie to the salesforce and working on the Live Agent setup and its other useful features. Now I am looking to implement the Pre-Chat form, but I dont see the option to choose form. I see the below, Could you please guide what setting needs to be done ?
I have created a custom VF page and now I want to choose that form. But I dont see that option. I created the Pre-chart form using : https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.live_agent_dev.meta/live_agent_dev/live_agent_pre_chat_forms_code_sample.htm
For that we need to register the site for your own force.com site like below and then only you will be able to see the
And Now you will be able to see
Paste the URL of the page eg. https://cs-19.salesforce.com/apex/PreChatForm in the Pre Chat Form field

Unable to call a specific form from a button in codenameone

I have a form designed in GUI designer. I call it "Register" to collect information for new member registration. Some how whenever I try to open this form using showForm("Register",null), I get this error -
at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:394)
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.getFormState(UIBuilder.java:1711)
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.showForm(UIBuilder.java:2195)
at com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilder.showForm(UIBuilder.java:2263)
I have not been able to find any reason for this. Is Register a reserved name? What other thing can cause this? Please help, I am stuck.
You seem to be using an older version of Codename One, you need to update your client libraries in the preferences.
This can happen if you showed your current form manually (not via the GUI builder), there is a bug in the current version where showForm() tries to get the name of the currently showing form and doesn't check for null. To workaround this just use setName() on the current form or make sure that all your forms are shown via the GUI builder.

How can I disable the Publish button in EPiServer's content editor?

I have an EPiServer project which is using the sequential workflow to validate content changes. This works fine, however we have a slight issue where content reviewers are just clicking Publish when they are happy with an editor's work. What they should be doing is using the workflow task window and indicating their approval through that.
To enforce this behaviour I would like to disable the Publish button in the content editor under certain circumstances (i.e. when there is an outstanding workflow task linked to the current page).
Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this, or even an alternative solution to the problem altogether?
Actually, I think you may want to revisit your workflow logic.
If a user with publishing rights publishes a page: that should be considered an approval. You could easily hook up to the Published event to see if the page is part of a currently running workflow.
