React useEffect and setInterval - reactjs

I'm making a React dashboard that calls an API every minute for updates. Following the many answers in SO, I have this at the moment that sort of works:
const Dashboard = (props) => {
const [stockData, setStockData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
//running the api call on first render/refresh
//running the api call every one minute
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 60000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
//the api data call
const getAPIData = async () => {
try {
const stdata = await DataService.getStockData();
catch (err) {
However I keep getting browser warning
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'getAPIData'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Is this a cause for concern (e.g. causing memory leaks)?
Ive tried to fix it:
It doesnt seem possible to not use useEffect (use setInterval directly)
If I remove dependency or put stockData as dependency for useEffect,
I'll see the API call being made every second, so I assume thats not
If I put the api data call block directly in useEffect, the page wont
have the data shown when it loads the first time/or the page refreshed and I have to wait
for a minute.
I found several references on the issue such as
but I couldn't comprehend it given that I've only started using React
a month ago.
Appreciate any help for this!

You can resolve this issue in multiple way:
You can put getApiData in useEffect direct and use it...
You can use useCallBack, useEffect is go to re-render and make mempry leeek issue since every time react render Dashboard its re-create the getAPIData, you can prevent this case by using useCallBack, and you must make sure about dependency, just you need to put what you need...for example:


useEffect wont work on conditional change when still in execution of async function

On a page load I have two useEffects. Both are executing at load, where the first one can possibly set a state, that should trigger the second useEffect one further time. But actually it won't.
Actually it should trigger, as it executes in two cases: When i change the order of these useEffects (could be a solution, but why???), or when i comment out the void getOrPostOnWishlist();, thus when removing the async call from the useEffect. But why is that a problem here?
Here some example code snippet with some comments:
const setItemIdToBeHandled = (itemId: number | undefined) =>
setState((prevState) => ({...prevState, itemIdToBeHandled: itemId}));
// async, called on second useEffect
const getOrPostOnWishlist = async () => {
if (state.itemIdToBeHandled) {
// if there is an item to be handled, retrieve new wishlist with added item
await addItemToNewWishlist(state.itemIdToBeHandled);
} else if (!state.wishlist) {
// if no wishlist is locally present, check if wishlist exists on api
await checkForPresentWishlist();
// possibly setting state
React.useEffect(() => {
const urlItemId = UrlSearchParamsHelper.wishlistItemId;
if (urlItemId) {
console.log("found item id in url:", urlItemId);
}, []);
// on state change, but also on load
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("condition:", state.itemIdToBeHandled); // sticks on 'undefined'
void getOrPostOnWishlist(); // when commented out, above console will show 'undefined', and then an itemId (considering the first useEffect sets the state);
}, [state.itemIdToBeHandled]);
This led to the following output:
But when just commenting out the async call in the second useEffect, this led to:
Googled around, and also tried useCallback, but that didn't work. Doesn't seem to be the issue here, since it's somewhat not about the content of the called function, but about the very fact, that the calling useEffect is not even executed.
It feels like even without await inside the useEffect, a useEffect is still blocked, when it has executed an async function.
Or am i missing something? If some more details are needed, let me know

useEffect either doesn't give a result or goes into Infinite loop

I really confused about useEffect. sometimes works and sometimes it does not.
for example this one,
const [news, setNews] = useState<Array<MainNewsData>>([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const getNews = () => {
NewsService.getMainNews() // calling an api
.then((response: any) => {
.catch((e: Error) => {
it gives me a React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'getNews'. Either includes it or remove the dependency array
if I add news will go into an infinite loop.
if I used useRef since I want just one render it works but if I tried to pass the result to another class, would give me an undefined.
What I really don't understand is this code works in a previous project but here not even after reading a lot of examples about how to fetch data using useEffect I still didn't figure out the solution.
one of the answers that I found is to add news.length as a dependency but it's not recommended.
another one is add a timer \:
What I should do?
any answer I will appreciate.
Memoise getNews using useCallback:
const getNews = React.useCallback(() => {
.then((response: any) => setNews(
}, []);
Pass it to the useEffect dependency array:
useEffect(() => {
}, [getNews]);
This now works, because getNews is always the same function. In your original example, it was recreated after each render due to setting state. That caused the infinite loop.
This answer assumes NewsService is imported from a different file (or at least declared outside the render cycle), which it looks like it probably is.

Firebase firestore read operation very high

So basically im making a CRUD app using react and firebase firestore for the backend.
My write and delete operation is doing well, there is no problem with it.
But my read operation have problem.
My web is getting all document from a collection in firebase using useEffect. So this only run whenever it first mount (when my web load first time) and when im changing "users" value when doing delete and create operation
this my code:
useEffect(() => {
const getUsers = async () => {
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "cobadata"));
setUsers(> ({, id:})))
}, [users]);
idk whats wrong but im getting a very high read operation when im test the web, its like every one read operation i do in my website, its getting like hundred operation in the firebase. i can see this in my firebase console, when im using the web just like 5 minute in my firebase console the read operation reaching 20k< operation.
can anyone help me how to deal with this, thanks!
You dont show all of your code here, so I will need to do some guessing.
Your useEffect has a dependency array that now is set to [users]. This means that every time the variable users changes your useEffect will rerender. Inside your useEffect you then set a new value to users by the setUsers function. Even if you get the same values returned from firebase regarding the current users, you still create a new array each time you read data. (> ({, id:}))). React only does a shallow comparison, meaning that the object reference has changed, and therefore users is different on each render.
First you need to decide when you want to run the useEffect and what should trigger it. If changes in the variable users is not the correct place to check, then I would remove users from the dependency array.
One solution could be to move the functionality in your effect into its own function and wrap it in an useCallbac. You can then call this function from an ´useEffect` on initial load, and after that simply load the effect whenever you delete or create users. Something like this.
const getUsers = useCallback(async () => {
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "cobadata"));
setUsers(> ({, id:})))
}, [collection])
useEffect(() => {
}, [getUsers]);
const createUser = () => {
const deleteUser = () => {
(PS! I would recommend adding the eslint-plugin-react-hooks to your eslint-config. This will give you some warning if your hooks are used wrong)

Infinite Loop with useEffect - ReactJS

I have a problem when using the useEffect hook, it is generating an infinite loop.
I have a list that is loaded as soon as the page is assembled and should also be updated when a new record is found in "developers" state.
See the code:
const [developers, setDevelopers] = useState<DevelopersData[]>([]);
const getDevelopers = async () => {
await api.get('/developers').then(response => {
// This way, the loop does not happen
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// This way, infinte loop
useEffect(() => {
}, [developers]);
If I remove the developer dependency on the second parameter of useEffect, the loop does not happen, however, the list is not updated when a new record is found. If I insert "developers" in the second parameter of useEffect, the list is updated automatically, however, it goes into an infinite loop.
What am I doing wrong?
complete code (with component):
The dependencies for useEffect use reference equality, not deep equality. (If you need deep equality comparison for some reason, take a look at use-deep-compare-effect.)
The API call always returns a new array object, so its reference/identity is not the same as it was earlier, triggering useEffect to fire the effect again, etc.
Given that nothing else ever calls setDevelopers, i.e. there's no way for developers to change unless it was from the API call triggered by the effect, there's really no actual need to have developers as a dependency to useEffect; you can just have an empty array as deps: useEffect(() => ..., []). The effect will only be called exactly once.
EDIT: Following the comment clarification,
I register a developer in the form on the left [...] I would like the list to be updated as soon as a new dev is registered.
This is one way to do things:
The idea here is that developers is only ever automatically loaded on component mount. When the user adds a new developer via the AddDeveloperForm, we opportunistically update the local developers state while we're posting the new developer to the backend. Whether or not posting fails, we reload the list from the backend to ensure we have the freshest real state.
const DevList: React.FC = () => {
const [developers, setDevelopers] = useState<DevelopersData[]>([]);
const getDevelopers = useCallback(async () => {
await api.get("/developers").then((response) => {
}, [setDevelopers]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [getDevelopers]);
const onAddDeveloper = useCallback(
async (newDeveloper) => {
const newDevelopers = developers.concat([newDeveloper]);
try {
await postNewDeveloperToAPI(newDeveloper); // TODO: Implement me
} catch (e) {
alert("Oops, failed posting developer information...");
return (
<AddDeveloperForm onAddDeveloper={onAddDeveloper} />
<DeveloperList developers={developers} />
The problem is that your getDevelopers function, calls your setDevelopers function, which updates your developers variable. When your developers variable is updated, it triggers the useEffect function
useEffect(() => {
}, [developers]);
because developers is one of the dependencies passed to it and the process starts over.
Every time a variable within the array, which is passed as the second argument to useEffect, gets updated, the useEffect function gets triggered
Use an empty array [] in the second parameter of the useEffect.
This causes the code inside to run only on mount of the parent component.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);

Next js routing triggers useEffect

I'm trying to fetch data inside useEffect using axios but it fetches the data everytime I change the page. Is there a way to not trigger useEffect when changing the page? I tried to use shawllow push but it didn't work. I can't fetch on server side because I use next/router inside axios interceptor.
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
const router = useRouter();
router.push('/', '/', { shallow: true })
With the above code, it will trigger useEffect when switching routes.
useEffect(() => {
fetch.get('/endpoint').then(response => {
// do stuff
}, []);
If you have something in useEffect that you only want to run once, add an empty array as the dependency array.
useEffect(() => {
// your axios fetch here
}, []);
Empty array as the dependencies means the effect is run once. If you don't specify the dependencies, the effect will run after every render.
useEffect(() => {
fetch.get('/endpoint').then(response => {
// do stuff
}, []); // the empty array will call useEffect only for first time while loading the component
Refer: See Notes
Shallow-routing only works for same page. See this.
If you stick to shallow-routing, you have to aggregate the pages into one page with dynamic-routes.
So I think it'd be better to use some cache strategy within useEffect.
