Decimal to binary using c language - c

I am very new to Coding. Here is a program that I wrote to convert decimal to binary
but there is one problem I am getting the result but it's in reverse
Example: Binary of 122 is 1111010 and I'm getting output 0101111.
Can anyone please tell me is it possible to reverse the output in my code?
Or what changes can I make in the following to get the correct output?
int main()
int n, q, r;
printf("Enter the decimal Number : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
int num=n;
printf("%d", r);
return 0;

Seems like you are new to coding. It doesn't matter here is the problem.
Converting decimal to binary is like this,
division by 2
So the output should have digits from bottom to top of the reminder column. Your output is printed from top to bottom.
See the code below where you need an array in order to store reminders and print the array in reverse order so you get the output you need
int main(void){
int a[10],n,i;
printf("Enter the decimal Number : ");
printf("\nBinary of Given Number is=");
return 0;

void display(unsigned n)
if(n == 0) return;
display(n /2);
printf("%d", n % 2);
and example usage:
As a homework: how to correctly handle 0?
Or not recursive version. This one can print or not leading zeroes:
void display(unsigned n, int printzeroes)
unsigned mask = 1 << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(mask) - 1);
int print = printzeroes;
if(n & mask)
print = 1;
if(print) printf("%d", !!(n & mask));
mask >>= 1;
And usage:

First of all, please note that all numbers in a C program are to be regarded as binary. It's a common misconception among beginners that different number formats somehow co-exist in the executable program. But everything there is raw binary.
Sure the programmer may write numbers in different formats 7, 07 or 0x7 in the source code, but they get translated to binary by the compiler. Therefore, converting between binary and "x" doesn't make sense, because everything is already binary. You may however, convert from binary to a decimal string or similar, for the purpose of displaying a number to the user etc.
With that misconception out of the way - yes, you can create a binary string with the method you picked, dividing by ten and checking the remainder. The problem with that approach is that you'll get the most significant digit first. This is why you get the number backwards. So in order to do that, you'd have to store down the string in a character array first, before displaying it.
A more convenient way would be to use the "bitwise" operators like & and shift to mask out bit by bit in the data. Basically this:
if(n & (1u << bit)) // 1u to avoid shifting signed type
Where bit is the bit position 7,6,5... down to 0. If we prefer an up-counting loop instead, we can tweak the code into:
for(size_t i=0; i<8; i++)
size_t mask = 1u << 8-i-1;
And finally we can make the output a bit more compact, which is just a stylistic concern:
for(size_t i=0; i<8; i++)
size_t mask = 1u << 8-i-1;
printf("%c", n & mask ? '1' : '0');
If you aren't dead certain about C operator precedence, then use parenthesis, which is perfectly fine too:
for(size_t i=0; i<8; i++)
size_t mask = 1u << (8-i-1);
printf("%c", (n & mask) ? '1' : '0');

Here's the homework demanded by 0___________:
void printbin(int n)
static int depth;
if (n) ++depth, printbin(n / 2), --depth;
else if (depth) return; // print leading 0 only for n = 0
printf("%d", n % 2);
A leading 0 is not printed unless on the topmost recursion level.

You could maybe create an array of size 32 and keep adding the digits to the array. Or create a int variable and add the digits to the variable.
int result = 0;
result = result*10+r;


Decimal to binary - For loop prints the binary in reverse mode

Background on what the code is supposed to do, vs what I am achieving.
So the dec2bin function is supposed to get the values/numbers decimal from the array dec_nums[]={0, 1, 77, 159, 65530, 987654321};
the function is supposed to convert the value to binary numbers and print it out.
the conversion is done correctly however, it prints the binary backward.
Can someone help me on figuring out what the problem is, or if there is another way to achieve the correct results?
int main() {
int dec_nums[] = {0, 1, 77, 159, 65530, 987654321};
int i;
printf("=== dec2bin ===\n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(dec_nums) / sizeof(int); i++)
return 0;
void dec2bin(int num) {
int saveNum = num;
if (saveNum == 0) {
printf("\nBinary Number of %d", saveNum);
printf(" = 0");
} else {
int number;
int i;
printf("\nBinary Number of %i", saveNum);
printf(" = ");
for (i = 0; num > 0; i++) {
number = num % 2;
num = num / 2;
printf("%i", number);
For bit fiddling unsigned types are preferrable, you avoid any kinds of problems with undefined behaviour due to under-/overflow.
Apart from, you can operate on bit masks:
for(unsigned mask = 1u << sizeof(mask) * CHAR_BIT - 1; mask; mask >>= 1)
unsigned bit = (value & mask) != 0;
// print it
CHAR_BIT is the value of bits within a char and comes from header limits.h, typically (but not necessarily) it is 8, with typically four bytes for ints you initialise the mask to 1 << 31 and further on shift it downwards until it reaches 1 << 0, i. e. 1, which is the last value yet considered. Yet another shift moves the single bit set out of the mask, so you get 0 and the loop aborts.
Above code will print leading zeros, you might prepend another loop that simply shifts down until the first 1-bit is met if you want to skip them.
This variant starts at most significant bit; by % 2 you always get the least significant bit instead – which is why you got the inverse order.
Side note: Getting length of an array is better done as sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array) – this avoids errors if you need to change the underlying type of the array...
A simple solution would be to write to bits into a char array, starting from the end of the array, the same way that we would do by hand.
Your dec2bin function would become (only minimal changes, with comments for added or changed lines):
void dec2bin(int num)
// declare a char array of size number_of_bits_in_an_int + 1 for the terminating null
char bin[sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT + 1];
char* ix = bin + sizeof(bin) - 1; // make ix point to the last char
*ix-- = '\0'; // and write the terminating null
int saveNum = num;
if (saveNum == 0)
printf("\nBinary Number of %d", saveNum);
printf(" = 0");
int number;
int i;
printf("\nBinary Number of %i", saveNum);
printf(" = ");
for (i = 0; num > 0; i++)
number = num % 2;
num = num / 2;
*ix-- = '0' + number; // just write the bit representatin
printf("%s\n", ix+1); //print the binary representation
That is enough to get the expected result.

Exercise 6 from Chapter 11 Programming in C Kochan, finding bit patterns

hoping for some help with bitwise operators. The exercise reads as following:
Write a function called bitpat_search() that looks for the occurence of a specified pattern of bits inside an unsigned int. The function should take three arguments, and should be called as such:
bitpat_search (source, pattern, n)
The function searches for the integer "source", starting at the leftmost bit, to see if the rightmost n bits of "pattern" occur in "source". If the pattern is found, have the function return the number of the bit at which the pattern begins, where the leftmost bit is number 0. If the pattern is not found, then have the function return -1. So, for example, the call
index = bitpat_search (0xe1f4, 0x5, 3);
causes the bit_pat(search() function to search the number 0xe1f4 (= 1110 0001 1111 0100 binary) for the occurence of the three-bit pattern 0x5 (= 101 binary). The function returns 11 to indicate that the pattern was found in the "source" beginning with bit number 11.
Make certain that the function makes no assumptions about the size of an int.
I've got a few problems getting this working:
1- The numbers don't actually make much sense to me... I've tried all kinds of printf() functions after each itiration, and it looks like the 0x5 number gets read as 100 binary, which would be four. If I try other numbers they just come fairly random, but often as 000, so.... not very helpful. Am I counting them wrong? Does the right shift change it somehow?
2 - it's returning the wrong position (19 rather than 11), but while I'm messing up the numbers as my q1 above, it's not really going to work, is it?
Sorry if this is obvious to all you lovely people, I just can see it. (I'm just trying to learn from the book btw, it's not homework from school).
#include <stdio.h>
int int_size(unsigned int num);
int bit_test(unsigned int word, int position, int size);
int bitpat_search(unsigned int source, unsigned int pattern, int n);
int main(void)
int index;
index = bitpat_search(0xe1f4, 0x5, 3);
printf(" Pattern found in position %i\n", index);
return 0;
int bitpat_search(unsigned int source, unsigned int pattern, int n)
int i, j, tempSource, tempPat, count;
int size = int_size(~0);
for (i = 0; i < size;)
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
tempSource = bit_test(source, i, size);
tempPat = bit_test(pattern, j, size);
if (tempSource != tempPat)
if (count == n)
return i - n;
return 0;
int bit_test(unsigned int word, int position, int size)
if( (word >> (size - position)) & 0x1) // shift bits in word 31 minus n spaces right, and AND word with hexadecimal 1
return 1; // if above is true (1 & 1) return 1
return 0;
int int_size(unsigned int num)
int size = 0;
while (num)
num >>= 1;
return size;
for (i = 0; i < size;)
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
tempSource = bit_test(source, i, size);
tempPat = bit_test(pattern, j, size);
Here, you're checking a bit at position i in the source against a bit at position j in the pattern. That needs to be i+j in the source, otherwise you compare a pattern against one bit, rather than a pattern against a number of bits, in the source. Since the pattern 101 contains ones and a zero, you'll never find anything.
Side note: you can replace the int_size function by sizeof(int)*8. That assumes 8-bit bytes, but computers for which that assumption does not hold haven't been made since the early eighties, so that should be a fairly safe assumption.
1- The numbers don't actually make much sense to me... I've tried all kinds of printf() functions after each itiration, and it looks like the 0x5 number gets read as 100 binary, which would be four. If I try other numbers they just come fairly random, but often as 000, so.... not very helpful. Am I counting them wrong?
I can't comment on code you've not presented, but of course hex 0x5 is binary 101. I'm inclined to suppose that in your tests you printed different values than you thought you were printing, or that your mechanism for printing them was flawed.
Does the right shift change it somehow?
Shift operators leave their operands unchanged. Of course, if the right-hand operand of a conforming shift operation is non-zero then the result differs from the left-hand operand. If the left-hand operand is drawn from a variable, then you might conceivably overwrite that variable's value afterward.
2 - it's returning the wrong position (19 rather than 11), but while I'm messing up the numbers as my q1 above, it's not really going to work, is it?
I don't think your main problem is "messing up the numbers". Your implementation is problematic. Consider the key loop nest in your code:
for (i = 0; i < size;)
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
tempSource = bit_test(source, i, size);
tempPat = bit_test(pattern, j, size);
Observe that you increment the outer loop's control variable on each iteration of the inner loop. As a result, you test the pattern only against every nth starting index in the source string. That is, you test non-overlapping sets of the source bits. You should instead test the whole pattern starting at every possible starting position.
Note also that you test starting positions where an n-bit pattern cannot possibly start, on account of there being fewer than n bits between that position and the end of the source string. In this case you will end up invoking undefined behavior by using an invalid right-hand operand to a shift operator.
In the proposed algorithm, except the revealed issue by #WouterVerhelst, it exists other issues causing a wrong result.
Issue 1 - In the function bit_test(), the tested-bit is not the expected one.
To test a bit from the leftmost side, replace (size - position) by
(size - (position + 1)).
int bit_test(unsigned int word, int position, int size)
if( (word >> (size - (position + 1))) & 0x1) //
return 1; // if above is true (1 & 1) return 1
return 0;
Issue 2 - To be tested as the same size of source, the pattern shall be aligned to left.
In the bitpat_search(), before for-loop, shift-left of (size-n)
int size = int_size(source);
pattern = pattern << (size-n);
Issue 3 - To have the correct count to be compared with n, the comparison of bits with the break; should be done before count++.
if (tempSource != tempPat)
Issue 4 - The index result returned would be i instead of i - n (linked with Issue 5).
if (count == n)
return (i); // instead of (i - n);
Issue 5 - As #WouterVerhelst suggests, the comparison between source and pattern should be done for each bit.
for (i = 0; i < size;i++) // each bit ==> i++
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
tempSource = bit_test(source, i+j, size);
tempPat = bit_test(pattern, j, size);
// not here i++;
if (tempSource != tempPat)
if (count == n)
return (i);
Issue 6 - And the result in case of 'pattern not found' is -1.
return (-1); // Instead of (0);

grey codes using 2d arrays (C)

My assignment is to print out grey codes using recursion. A user puts in a bit value between 0-8, therefore the maximum amount of strings you can have is 256 (2^8).
I've got the base case done but i don't know what I would do for the else portion.
My code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void gcodes (int n) {
char bits[256][8];
int i, j;
int x = pow (2, n);
if (n == 1) {
bits[0][0] = '0';
bits[1][0] = '1';
} else {
gcodes (n-1);
for (i=0; i<x; i++) {
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
printf("%c", reverse[i][j]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Invalid number of arguments\n");
return 0;
int n;
n = atoi (argv[1]);
if (n > 8 || n <= 0) {
printf("Invalid integer\n");
return 0;
gcodes (n);
a gray code can have only one bit change from one number to the next consecutive number. and over the whole sequence, there are no repeated values.
Given that criteria, there are several possible gray code implementations.
There are several deadend sequences where the values start off ok, then fail,
Calculating a gray code via code will take lots of experimentation.
In reality it is much easier to simply find a valid gray code sequence from the net, and paste that into any program that needs a gray code sequence.
Most often, a input is a gray coded wheel that is read to determine if the wheel moved rather than something generated in code.
however, if I were implementing a gray code generator, I would expect it to perform exclusive-or between the last generated value and the proposed new/next value and if that is valid (only one bit changed) I would search through the existing table of values to assure it is not a duplicate.
this SO question suggests a possible algorithm:
Non-recursive Grey code algorithm understanding
and the answer is repeated below:
The answer to all four your questions is that this algorithm does not start with lower values of n. All strings it generates have the same length, and the i-th (for i = 1, ..., 2n-1) string is generated from the (i-1)-th one.
Here is the first few steps for n = 4:
Start with G0 = 0000
To generate G1, flip 0-th bit in G0, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 1 = 0001b. G1 = 0001.
To generate G2, flip 1-st bit in G1, as 1 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 2 = 0010b. G2 = 0011.
To generate G3, flip 0-th bit in G2, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 3 = 0011b. G3 = 0010.
To generate G4, flip 2-nd bit in G3, as 2 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 4 = 0100b. G4 = 0110.
To generate G5, flip 0-th bit in G4, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 5 = 0101b. G5 = 0111.
Since you define
char bits[256][8];
with automatic storage duration inside the function gcodes(), the array's lifetime ends when returning from the function, so you lose the results of the recursive calls. Thus, at least define it
static char bits[256][8];
or globally if you want to keep the resulting bits for use outside of gcodes().
Since in the standard Gray code the least significant bit (bit 0) follows the repetitive pattern of 0110, it is convenient to set the complete pattern in the base case even if it is not needed for n = 1.
For the ith code's bit j where j > 0, its value can be taken from bit j-1 of code i/2.
This leads to the completed function:
void gcodes(int n)
static char bits[256][8];
int i, j, x = pow(2, n);
if (n == 1)
bits[0][0] = '0';
bits[1][0] = '1';
bits[2][0] = '1';
bits[3][0] = '0';
// generate bit j (from n-1 down to 1) for codes up to x-1
for (i=0, j=n; --j; i=x/2)
for (; i<x; i++)
bits[i][j] = bits[i/2][j-1];
// replicate bit 0 for codes up to x-1
for (; i<x; i++)
bits[i][0] = bits[i%4][0];
for (i=0; i<x; i++, printf("\n"))
for (j=n; j--; )
printf("%c", bits[i][j]);

How to calculate the maximum block length in C of a binary number

I want to reiterate the fact that I am not asking for direct code to my problem rather than wanting information on how to reach that solution.
I asked a problem earlier about counting specific integers in binary code. Now I would like to ask how one comes about counting the maximum block length within binary code.
I honestly just want to know where to get started and what exactly the question means by writing code to figure out the "Maximum block length" of an inputted integers binary representation.
Ex: Input 456 Output: 111001000
Number of 1's: 4
Maximum Block Length: ?
Here is my code so far for reference if you need to see where I'm coming from.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int integer; // number to be entered by user
int i, b, n;
unsigned int ones;
printf("Please type in a decimal integer\n"); // prompt
scanf("%d", &integer); // read an integer
if(integer < 0)
printf("Input value is negative!"); // if integer is less than
return; // zero, print statement
printf("Binary Representation:\n", integer);
fflush(stdout);} //if integer is greater than zero, print statement
for(i = 31; i >= 0; --i) //code to convert inputted integer to binary form
b = integer >> i;
ones = 0; //empty value to store how many 1's are in binary code
while(integer) //while loop to count number of 1's within binary code
integer &= integer - 1;
printf("Number of 1's in Binary Representation: %d\n", ones); // prints number
fflush(stdout); //of ones in binary code
printf("Maximum Block Length: \n");
return 0;
}//end function main
Assuming you are looking for the longest run of 1's.
Heres how you do it for 32bits. You should be able to extend this idea to arbitrarily long bitstreams.
int maxRunLen(uint32_t num) {
int count = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
while(num) {
if(num & 1) count++;
else {
if( count > maxCount) maxCount = count;
count = 0;
num >>=1;
if( count > maxCount) maxCount = count;
return maxCount;
The idea is to test each bit in order to determine if it is a 1 or not. If it is 1, increment the count. Otherwise it is the end of a run and in this case check if the previous run is longer than any previous maximum run and reset the count.
The way to test a bit is using masking. In the above example the lowest order bit tested by
num & 1
To test the next bit in the number you move all the bits 1 bit to the right which is called a shift. More explicitly in this a case a logical right shift (>>). Example bit pattern 0110 becomes 0011. This is done in the above example:
num >>= 1;
Which is equivalent to:
num = num >> 1;
Try this:
int max_run_of_ones (unsigned x)
int max_run = 0;
int cur_run;
while (x != 0) {
// skip right-most zeros
while ((x & 1) == 0) {
x >>= 1;
// skip and measure right-most run of ones
cur_run = 0;
while ((x & 1) == 1) {
x >>= 1;
if (cur_run > max_run) max_run = cur_run;
return max_run;
From looking at your code, it looks like you want to know the count of the bits set.
This is a guess...
Credit goes to Ratko Tomic for this. The guy is brilliant at bit operations.
int countBits( int value )
int n = 0;
if( value )
} while( 0 != (value = value & (value - 1) ) );
return( n );
This should solve it in python, using string operations...
The main point of this is to help others with understanding what you're trying to accomplish.
import re
number = 500
binary_repr = bin(number)[2:] # '111110100'
blocks = re.split(r'0+', binary_repr) # ['11111', '1', '']
block_lengths = [len(x) for x in blocks] # [5, 1, 0]
maximum_block_length = max(block_lengths) # 5

Print the digits of a number in reverse order without arrays or functions

As a homework problem, I'm working on reading a decimal int from stdin, converting it to a different base (also provided from stdin) and printing it to the screen.
Here's what I've got so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int num, base, remainder, quotient;
printf("please enter a positive number to convert: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("please enter the base to convert to: ");
scanf("%d", &base);
remainder = quotient = 1;
// validate input
if (num < 0 || base < 0) {
printf("Error - all numbers must be positive integers!\n");
return 1;
// keep dividing to find remainders
while (quotient > 0) {
remainder = num % base;
quotient = num / base;
num = quotient;
if (remainder >= 10) {
printf("%c", remainder + 55);
} else {
printf("%d", remainder);
return 0;
This works great, only that the algorithm this uses calculates the converted numbers from least significant to most significant digit, thus printing it in reverse. So, for example, converting 1020 to hexadecimal ( 0x3FC ) will print CF3.
Is there a trick I could use to reverse these numbers to print in the correct order. I can only use if-else, while, simple math operators and printf()/getchar()/scanf() - no functions, arrays or pointers. thanks.
(removed original part of the post here, since it is not the solution)
Then the only solution I can see is to perform the loop that you have now the number of times that you have digits.
So, first you calculate all digits till you get to the last, and then print it.
Then you take the original value + base and start dividing again till you come to the second "highest value" digit, then print it.
It is a double loop and you calculate everything twice, but you don't use extra storage.
It's a good try, and well phrased question. If only we had more people asking questions in such a clear manner!
The restrictions seem artificial. I guess you haven't learned about functions, arrays, pointers etc., in your class yet, but I think this problem is not meant to be solved elegantly without functions and/or arrays.
Anyway, you can do something like this:
curr := base
pow := 1
while num / curr >= 1 do:
curr := curr * base
pow := pow + 1
while pow >= 1:
pow := pow - 1
print floor(num / base ** pow)
num := mod(num, base ** pow)
Basically, you are calculating how many digits you will need in the first loop, and then printing the digits in the correct order later.
Some specific issues with your code. I understand it's the beginning of a C class, but still, it's better to know of such issues now than to never realize them:
printf("please enter a positive number to convert: ");
You should add an fflush(stdout) after this to make sure the output appears before scanf() is called. By default, stdout is line buffered on many systems, so the prompt may not appear before your program waits for input.
printf("please enter the base to convert to: ");
Same as above.
if (remainder >= 10) {
printf("%c", remainder + 55);
} else {
printf("%d", remainder);
You're assuming ASCII character set. This need not be true. But without arrays or pointers, there's no easy way to print the alphabets corresponding to 10.... Also, your code may print weird characters for base > 36.
You should also be aware that it's very hard to use scanf() safely. Hopefully you will learn better ways of getting input later.
In one loop you can calculate the number of digits and the big_base.
In a second loop you can output the digits starting from the most significant, like this:
n = 1020, 3 hex digits, big_base = 16*16
1st step
1020 / (16*16) = 3
2nd step
n = 1020- 3*(16*16) = 252
252 / (16) = 15, F
3rd step
n = 252 - 15*16 = 12, C
Hey ! I recognize a famous homework I had in first year of my school too (#Epitech students : don't copy/paste the following code, try to come up with your own solution, it's for your own good ^^)
The solution to your problem is to perform the problem in a recursive way :
void my_putnbr_base(int num, int base)
int start;
int remainder;
remainder = num % base;
start = (num - remainder) / base;
if (start != 0)
my_putnbr_base(start, base);
if (remainder >= 10)
printf("%c", remainder + 55);
printf("%d", remainder);
Does your homework specifies that it should only work with positives numbers ? If not, it's easy to include the negative numbers handling :
void my_putnbr_base(int num, int base)
int start;
int remainder;
if (num < 0)
my_putnbr_base(-num, base);
remainder = num % base;
start = (num - remainder) / base;
if (start != 0)
my_putnbr_base(start, base);
if (remainder >= 10)
printf("%c", remainder + 55);
printf("%d", remainder);
#arno : that's true, because the exemple code is using ASCII table. If we want something trully flexible we need the base in parameter. For example :
>> my_putnbr_base(4242, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
>> my_putnbr_base(42, "0123456789ABCDEF")
this implements the example :
void my_putnbr_base(int num, char *base)
int start;
int remainder;
int len;
len = strlen(base);
if (num < 0)
my_putnbr_base(-num, base);
remainder = num % len;
start = (num - remainder) / len;
if (start != 0)
my_putnbr_base(start, base);
printf("%c", base[remainder]);
I hope it solves your problem !
edit: I didn't read correctly ^^ You are not allowed to use functions, so recursion is out of the question... Here is an interative way, you can put this in a main(). You can improve this code by adding the negative numbers handling and flexible bases, as I showed you :)
int my_putnbr_base_it(int num, int base)
unsigned int quotient = 1;
unsigned int remainder;
while ((num / quotient) >= base)
quotient *= base;
while (quotient)
if ((remainder = (num / quotient) % base) < 10)
printf("%d", remainder);
printf("%c", 55 + remainder);
quotient /= base;
return (0);
Hope it solves everything now !
You could rewrite the piece of code calculating each number to behave as a state machine. It will start in the initial state and compute the number of digits, then change the state to "print the Nth digit" to print the most significant digit, then change the state to proceed to the less significant digits, etc until it eneters the final state. Running this inside a loop you will output all digits in proper order.
You could use two loops. The first keeps generating powers of the base until it finds a power greater than the input number. The second starts from here (or rather, one power before) and works back to base^0 (i.e. 1) to compute the output digits most significant first.
Untested pseudo-code:
// Determine highest power, don't actually need "power" it's just there for illustration
power = 0;
baseraisedtopower = 1;
while (baseraisedtopower <= input)
baseraisedtopower *= base;
// Go back one step, could have saved previous result
baseraisedtopower /= base;
// Output
while (input > 0)
// Integer division, truncate
quotient = input / baseraisedtopower;
printf("%c", quotient + 55);
input -= quotient * baseraisedtopower;
baseraisedtopower /= base;
You can give a try at this approach.
It's more a proof of concept, you'll still need to handle some special case, but, hey, that's your homework :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int num, base, remainder, quotient;
int divider;
printf("please enter a positive number to convert: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("please enter the base to convert to: ");
scanf("%d", &base);
remainder = quotient = 1;
// validate input
if (num < 0 || base < 0) {
printf("Error - all numbers must be positive integers!\n");
return 1;
// First get the highest divider
divider = base;
while ( num / divider > base ) {
divider *= base;
do {
// Get the highest digit
remainder = num / divider;
// And update num accordingly
num -= remainder * divider;
divider /= base;
if (remainder >= 10) {
printf("%c", remainder + 55);
} else {
printf("%d", remainder);
} while ( divider );
return 0;
Interesting task, you've got as a homework.
I am a beginner programmer to, and I've tried to resolve this task.
The following code is working (I haven't tested a lot, apparently is working). I am sure it's not the optimal&best solution, but was the only thing I've could come up with. It should work with any base. Unfortunately it won't convert 10->A, 11->B, etc.:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
int nr,base,res,tp,tpb,tpbt,r,rnr,lp,lpt,i;
float baset,rt;
/** Read number */
/** Read base */
/** Returning result */
/** Test if number is positive
and base is bigger than 2 */
/** Error */
/** Determine how many
digits are necessary */
/** Determine full power
of 10 when r has length of lp */
/** Power of ten that will be
incremented */
/** Converted number (will be printed
as the result) */
/** Algorithm */
/** Temporary lp for
r */
/** Temporary tpb for
lpt */
/** Build number */
/** Show number */
printf("number is: %d \n",rnr);
return (res);
Based on what was suggested, the way to tackle this was to keep print the last number and repeat the loop for every digit. I kept track of the print condition by saving the previous quotient and printing when I got to it every time (then reseting the number and starting over), then reset it to the one before. Sounds complicated, but the change to the code was simple. My stop condition for the loop was when I had 2 consecutive prints, since most of the time it would just calculate quotient/remainder and print nothing, and when 2 digits print in a row, it's the last two. Anyway, here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int num, saved, base, remainder;
int quotient, prev_q, stop_q, just_printed;
printf("please enter a positive number to convert: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("please enter the base to convert to: ");
scanf("%d", &base);
saved = num;
remainder = quotient = prev_q = just_printed = 1;
stop_q = 0;
// validate input
if (num <= 0 || base <= 0) {
printf("Error - all numbers must be positive integers!\n");
return 1;
// divide
while (1) {
remainder = num % base;
quotient = num / base;
num = quotient;
// print if it's the last number and reset num to the next
if (quotient == stop_q) {
if (remainder >= 10) { printf("%c", remainder + 55); }
else { printf("%d", remainder); }
// if 2 consecutive printing occur, this means it's time to end this
if (just_printed) { break; }
// next time print when hitting the previous quotient
stop_q = prev_q;
// reset the number to the original value
num = saved;
just_printed = 1;
} else {
just_printed = 0;
prev_q = quotient;
return 0;
Thanks to everyone who pitched in!
We could use a recursive function to reverse the order of the digits of a number :
We'll need some mathematical functions from these libraries - stdlib.h and math.h
int reverse(int x)
return x;
return reverse(x/10) + ((x%10)*(pow(10, (floor(log10(abs(x)))))));
'If statement' is the base case for the recursive function.
'Else statement' may look intimidating at first but it's actually just simple arithmetic. floor(log10(abs(x))) gives us the number of digits of x, so ((x%10)*(pow(10, (floor(log10(abs(x))))))) is just putting the 'ones' place digit of the number to its correct place in accordance with the desired reversed number.
For better comprehension let's take an example, Let 123 be the number we need to reverse. The first thing that the function reverse will do is ask itself the reverse of 12 (reverse(x/10)) and when the function is called for the second time with argument 12 it'll ask itself the reverse of 1, Now this will be the base case for our function. It'll return 1 as abs(1)<=9, Now 2 will be prepended using ((x%10)*(pow(10, (floor(log10(abs(x)))))) it then will return 21 and 3 will be prepended by the same.
int reverse(int x);
int main()
int x, revInt;
scanf("%d", &x); // input : 123
revInt = reverse(x);
printf("%d", revInt); // output : 321
return 0;
