I am new in Postgres.
I am using the query tool to make some exercises for college and I can not undo lines written as in any code editor with control+z. I donĀ“t know why this is happening as other shortcuts like control+c or control+v are working.
Hope anybody can help me as writing code without being able to undo is a nightmare
I have an XML file and based on it I am looking to insert some information into my database. But first I need to split each node from the XML, to a source destination in SSIS. So far so good.
When I tried to execute the steps to see if I haven't missed something, I noticed that the XML Source step is taking too long, way too long, for at least 20 minutes before asking for help here. And each time I execute the package, a command prompt window pops up and quickly disappears.
I added some print screen below:
Package quick review:
Data flow task review:
Progress review
Does anyone know what might be the issue?
I've had this before with an export column transform. It may be a visual studio issue. Try "Start without Debugging" (Ctrl+F5), if it works fine there then it'll work once deployed.
I've looked all over and can't find an answer to my question. I'm trying to do the simplest database I can. I want to be able to add/edit/delete items and have it save them to the database, so they're in there the next time I open it.
I'm currently using VS 2013 Express and have the 2012 express still installed. was going through the MSDN tutorials and even tried the Northwind Database, but it said I had to upgrade it, but that it wouldn't allow me to. So now I'm stuck.
Currently, I've created a database, then a new project. I connected the new project to the database and drag-n-dropped one of the tables onto the form in gridview. In the interest of saving space, I won't go into a lot of detail. I basically followed the msdn tutorial on creating two tables called Customers and Orders, with a few variables and 3 entries a piece. There is a primary key in customers and a foreign key in orders.
I used the code MSDN provided, that was similar to what was already in the save buttons auto-generated code, except in a try/catch code. What I have so far is:
`Private Sub CustomersBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CustomersBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
' Me.Validate()
' Me.CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit()
MsgBox("Update successful")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Update failed")
End Try
End Sub`
I apologize for the code not all being in the block, I couldn't get it to work properly. So, from what I can determine, it looks like this code updates the dataset and not the database. Is that true? If so, how do I update the database? When I run the program and add a row, I can click save and it returns a message box, saying it ran successfully. However, I can't rerun the program and have it display, much less shut the VS Express down and bring it back up to have it show the changes. Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks.
Okay, I think I've found the answer to this question. It appears that what's happening is that there are two versions of the database. One version is stored in the root of the project folder, the other is stored in the bin/debug folder.
Apparently, for whatever reason, when you run your program to test your code it pulls from the root database. Any changes you make and save are copied to the one in bin/debug. I assume this is so that you can have stock information in your database and not have it altered by code that may or may not work the way you want. I understand that, but I think there is just as much reason to want it to save changes. I wish there were an option to make it that way and if anyone knows how, please share that.
I've spent a couple of years playing with databases, on and off, thinking I was doing something wrong, when in reality it's just the way VS was handling it. You can do one of two things to test if this is your issue. One is that you can go into the bin/debug and copy the .mdf and the .ldf, and paste them into the root folder, overwriting the two there. I'm not sure what the .ldf does, but it wouldn't run without it. Then when you go to runtime, your changes will be reflected. Another option is build your project and run the .exe in your bin/debug folder. It will run the program and any changes you make will stick, but again, only in the bin/debug version. I assume that a published project will save to the root directory.
I found the article that led to this breakthrough here: http://visualstudiomagazine.com/blogs/tool-tracker/2012/05/dealing-with-local-databases-or-why-your-updates-dont-stick.aspx
I have learn basic programming in the past at school (vb) so i understand the logic behind an application and the way it think.
I started this week to learn python because ... I would like to be able to build what i need without having to smash my head in the keyboard.
In the mean time i would like to resolve my problem and i'm asking to all of you in case someone have seen something somewhere.
I have try to search but not sure how to ask so respond was not relevant.
My Question
I know i can do this in excel but i'm looking for another way if possible.
Does someone knows if there existe an application online or on a mac that give me the ability to:
1- Import data from a csv file and add it in a database. So every day i will log 100 line of data.
2- After that i would like to manage condition related on data store in store in file 2 and 3.
3- That will generated a file 4 where i can see the only important case i have to take care for the day.
I imagine a little bit Access from microsoft but i don't remember if i was able to add parameter on the data i will visualise or condition.
What i'm trying to achieve
I have to process a lot of data manually right now and i'm trying to find a way to take out automatically the recurring problem from a list that i receive every day And there is no other way for me than build my own validation process.
Thank for your help. I'm new but i will try my best to bring something is this community (Python studies lv1, VB -15ans) . For now i'm building my startup And my expertise is more in technical skill on security products and technical support.
In case i'm not alone that would like to be able to do some basic thing like i was needed without having to program from scratch a database program i found those 2 solution yet:
I'm running Oracle 11g SE1 .
Just wondering if there're any tools that would allow me to test the data integrity of a ( mostly read-only ) schema. Essentially, what I want to do is to have some queries that run every night or so and see if they return the expected result. For example:
Expected result : 59.
How do people normally do such testing ?
I've used SQLUnit and written about it here. I don't believe any new development is being done on it but it should accomplish your goal.
SQL Developer (free, as in beer) also has a Unit Testing framework. I have installed it and that's about it. I want to use it more, but I've been working with BI the past few years so no external pressure to learn it.
The tests that you want to create sound pretty simple, so either of those should work well for you. The next step would be to have them run on a schedule (cron, windows scheduler, etc) or you can go crazy with a continuous integration tool like Atlassian's Bamboo (haven't used it).
Of course you could skip the tools altogether and just write up scripts that are called from the command line. Fancy would have you writing the results to a database table so you can easily skin it, simple would be piping the results to a text file and reviewing that each day.
Hope this helps.
You could batch up your queries and run a simple perl script using DBI that would run the queries and check them against an accepted tolerance and email you if something didn't meet thresholds. I know I have written such db checking code before to make sure items were within thresholds. Perl is a good tool for this sort of thing as the DBI module can connect to your database and then you can run some canned queries and easily send yourself an email using the MIME package. http://www.perl.com/pub/1999/10/DBI.html
I am using MyEclipse to generate Hibernate code for a PostgreSQL database. The issue is that this is the only reason I'm using MyEclipse. I would like to use some kind of command line tool to easily generate this code. I've seen some mention of such tools but I can't find anything solid. It seems like what I want to do is pretty simple. I hate to fire up this IDE and go through all this stuff just to do some simple code gen.
What's the best way to do this simply?
Yes, you can do it using ant from command line like this.