SNMPv3 on OEL8 via Perl Net::SNMP - net-snmp

I'm trying to get SNMPv3 to work on an Oracle Linux 8 server using Net::SNMP and I'm getting the following error message:
SNMPv3 support is unavailable (Required module Crypt/ not found)
The SNMPv3 command and syntax is all correct (an snmpwalk from CLI works as expected). I'm sure I'm missing some package, but I can't seem to find what I need to get SNMPv3 DES support. The script works like a charm using SNMPv1 or 2 - no issue at all.
I have the following SNMP packages already installed:
net-snmp.x86_64 1:5.8-18.el8_3.1
net-snmp-agent-libs.x86_64 1:5.8-18.el8_3.1
net-snmp-devel.x86_64 1:5.8-18.el8_3.1
net-snmp-libs.x86_64 1:5.8-18.el8_3.1
net-snmp-utils.x86_64 1:5.8-18.el8_3.1

Solved - missing Perl modules:


SnowSQL connection test fails with "No module named 'win32timezone'"

I've just installed SnowSQL for Windows as per the instructions at
However, when I attempt to connect to Snowflake, it fails:
C:\>snowsql -a <account> -u <user> --authenticator externalbrowser -o log_level=DEBUG
No module named 'win32timezone'
If the error message is unclear, enable logging using -o log_level=DEBUG and see the log to find out the cause. Contact support for further help.
C:\>snowsql -v
Version: 1.2.7
Any ideas appreciated
What version of windows are you using? How did you install?
No module named 'win32timezone'
Per the official documentation snowsql is a python application. The error message above is a python error indicating it cannot find the aforementioned package. However, installing that package is not likely a fix as snowsql appears to ship with a version of python. Which makes a lot of sense, dealing with python dependencies is a nightmare.
I started a Windows 2016 host in AWS and installed snowsql 1.2.7 via the MSI. I was able to get to the login screen without any problems.
I would completely remove snowsql, do a search for snowsql and delete any folders you find, then reinstall. If it's still not working I'd provide more information as requested above.
This was acknowledged as a defect by Snowflake, and they will fix it in a newer version. The workaround is to install v 1.2.5, and invoke this version from the command line
snowflake <options> -v 1.2.5

Getting Undefined subroutine utf8::SWASHNEW called at Bugzilla/ line 109

I am trying to install Bugzilla. For that Strawberry perl, Microsoft IIS, MySQL are installed with latest versions. Followed guidelines given on Bugzilla installation page for windows.
Whenever I run, all necessary perl modules related to Bugzilla are installed correctly. Only three optional modules were not installed (perl-ldap, mod_perl and Apache-SizeLimit). And then it is showing an error:
Undefined subroutine utf8::SWASHNEW called at Bugzilla/ line 109.
Move back to Strawberry Perl from
I had same problem. This fixed.
I managed to fix this by applying the first of the following patch
to find the offending file)
Perl on github, patch for bug 17291

Failed to initialize build 'vsphere-iso': builder type not found: vsphere-iso

I'm having issues on MacOSX with a Packer Plugin that doesn't seem to be recognized. I've installed it using multiple methods. Including creating a ~/.packer.d/plugins directory and moving the plugin there and granting execute permissions.
This is the plugin:
I'm running a very simple packer build just to test it and I get the error:
Failed to initialize build 'vsphere-iso': builder type not found: vsphere-iso
I've also tried adding it to the same directory as packer /usr/local/bin/ AND I've tried running it from the Current Running Directory as well. None of these methods are working and I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Any help would be appreciated.
The name of the plugin executable is wrong, it should be packer-builder-vsphere-iso and not include the version.

Gatling Error: There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations

I'm new to Gatling and I'm trying to use ./ to open a simulation script but I'm getting the following error:
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in
I can view multiple scripts within the user-files/simulations directory but still get the error.
Does anyone have any ideas why Gatling is not finding the simulation script?
The error doesn't necessarily mean that there are no scripts, but that the gatling was not able to find compiled script.
In details
I was facing a similar error, but it was something like this:
Could not reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations
So I opened the gatling.bat file and changed the parameter of set JAVA_OPTS from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M:
set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx512M...
After I did that, the gatling was able to really start running, compiling the files and display:
Choose a simulation number:
[0] computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
[1] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep01
[2] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep02
[3] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep03
[4] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep04
[5] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep05
Gatling can only run with Jdk8. For windows, you can install multiple JDK as well. After install JDK8, go to your bin/gatling.bat, right click on that and select Edit.
Replace all %JAVA_HOME% with the your JDK8 path.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe
Make sure that you have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set.
On a Mac, you can type "env" in Terminal to show all of your environment variables. On Windows, type "set" in cmd to get a list.
You should see something like:
You should first check your scala code and remove all the errors from your file/all the files, even if any one of the file has some issues then none of the test is going to get compiled and run.
Please check the package names and the file actually belongs to same package or not. [this was the issue in my case.]
Check indentation, it should not mismatch. [this was also there in my case]
Then you can check replacing JAVA_HOME in gatling.bat or file with the actual path as mentioned by some guys here.
Lastly you can change the JAVA_OPTS like mentioned by some one in above comments.[from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M]
This error may be caused by JAVA_HOME wrongly set.
Following Gatling documentation the system needs JDK8 to run:
Does not support JDK9 at the moment.
To check if you have JDK8 installed on Mac for example you can do:
# List Java versions installed
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
if you get:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Means that there is only JDK9 installed. Then you have to download and instal JDK8 (in Mac you can have several JDK installed), now the previous command returns:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
1.8.0_171, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home
and we can set JAVA_HOME with JDK8:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
After these steps running should not show the error anymore.
Add the next code to logback.xml
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
And start
P.S. it's magical

RVM - Ruby integration was extracted to a separate gem (`remove $LOAD_PATH.unshift`)

I was upgrading to Rails 3.2.6 (ruby 1.9.3-p194) and installing RVM on Debian and using Apache2 server (2.2.19).
I used these very nice instructions:
The Apache server configuration /etc/apache2/apache2.conf includes:
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194#rails326/gems/passenger-3.0.13/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194#rails326/gems/passenger-3.0.13
PassengerRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p194#rails326/ruby
When I have set everything up (and got rid of tons of errormessages :) the following error message from passenger appears:
RVM - Ruby integration was extracted to a separate gem, it should be installed by default with RVM, remove the $LOAD_PATH.unshift line and all should be fine again.
By commenting out $LOAD_PATH.unshift in MyApp/config/setup_load_paths.rb this error goes away and instead I get a 500 error, Internal Server Error.
[ pid=5262 thr=3075372800 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:862 time=2012-07-10 12:33:41.475 ]: Unexpected error in mod_passenger: Cannot spawn application '/var/www/MyApp': The spawn server has exited unexpectedly.
in 'virtual Passenger::SessionPtr Passenger::ApplicationPool::Client::get(const Passenger::PoolOptions&)' (Client.h:742)
in 'Passenger::SessionPtr Hooks::getSession(const Passenger::PoolOptions&)' (Hooks.cpp:294)
in 'int Hooks::handleRequest(request_rec*)' (Hooks.cpp:563)
I would be very pleased if anyone could give me a clue on this problem.
Thank you very much.
