Sometimes when I select a column from a table in snowflake, I am required to use double quotes or it's case sensitive, but in other cases, it is not.
I am new to Snowflake.
Why would some columns be case sensitive?
What characters in a column name would require me to list the whole column name in double quotes when I use it in a select statement?
Why would some columns be case sensitive?
When an identifier is double-quoted, it is stored and resolved exactly as entered, including case.
What characters in a column name would require me to list the whole column name in double quotes when I use it in a select statement?
Everything that is outside the [A-Za-z_0-9$] or that needs to be case-sensitive requires quoting with "
Unquoted object identifiers:
Start with a letter (A-Z, a-z) or an underscore (“_”).
Contain only letters, underscores, decimal digits (0-9), and dollar signs (“$”).
Are case-insensitive.
Why would some columns be case-sensitive?
Some of the column names are stored as-is when ingested from the data source systems, and using double quotes allows us to ingest them without altering the original name mapping.
What characters in a column name would require me to list the whole column name in double quotes when I use it in a select statement?
When you have proper nouns or special characters the column name or whitespace in the column names, you will need the escape them with double quotes
We don't need to use double quotes when referencing them in the select statement when we use only uppercase with no special characters or whitespace, but that may differ from the original column name from the source systems.
I have a table with a single Varchar column and a row with value A”B”C .
While downloading it from snowflake UI as a CSV file the result shows A””B””C
In this case if you are using Data Unloading feature, you need to use File format in the copy into statement.
In the file format you need to use the option "FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY "
Ref -
When a field contains this character, escape it using the same character. For example, if the value is the double quote character and a field contains the string "A", escape the double quotes as follows: ""A"".
Why does the same field in different records have double quotes? Whenever the first field begins with double quote it is also padded with spaces to the right. Also, notice that some last fields end with double quote and others do not. Another weird thing is when exporting to Flat File, Code Page 65001(UTF-8) is auto selected and would not export. Perhaps it is sensing this in the data? 1252 ANSI Latin 1 works for the example below. There is no difference if I used “ for text exported CSV or not. Output is the same. The table data does not have quotes. Tbl Def 1
Tbl Def2
How do you escape strings for SQLite table names in c?
I find a document, but it do not tell me the detail
And this document says that sql is end with '\x00'
Here is the similar question in python: How do you escape strings for SQLite table/column names in Python?
Identifiers should be wrapped in double quotes if they need escaping, with all double quotes in them escaped by doubling up the quotes. bad"name" needs to become "bad""name" to be used in a SQL statement.
Sqlite comes with custom versions of *printf() functions that include formats for escaping sql identifiers and strings (Which use single quotes in SQL). The one that does the escaping of double quotes for identifiers is %w:
char *sanitized_ddl = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE TABLE \"%w\"(\"%w\", \"%w\");",
"bad\"name", "foo bar", "baz");
Ideally, though, you're not going to use table or column names that need escaping, but it's good practice to escape user-supplied names to help protect against SQL injection attacks and the like.
example to 'example'
'a to '''a'
Do not use the byte value 0 in the string.It will return an error like unrecognized token: "'" even if you pass the correct zSql len to sqlite3_prepare_v2().
Replace ' to '' in the string, add ' to the start and the end to the string. ' is single quote (byte 39).
It is not recommend to use invalid utf8 string. The string do not need to be valid utf8 string according to the parse code in sqlite3 version 3.28.0 . I have tested that invalid utf8 string can use as table name, but the document of sqlite3_prepare_v2() says you need SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded
I have write a program to confirm that any byte list with len 1,2 without byte value 0 in it, can use as the table name, and the program can read value from that table, can list the table from the SQLITE_MASTER table in sqlite3 version 3.28.0.
I am dealing with a table where some columns have special character in it.
I am creating view by concatenating column names in a string and while executing it, it is giving error as 'Invalid column name' at execution statement.I tried with escaping those with escape character but it didn't worked. Tried '&' as an escaping character for '&' in column name.
Please help.
Depending on the special characters, you might be able to resolve this by putting square brackets around the column names:
CREATE TABLE dbo.result([!"£$%^&*()] int,[{}:#~#';'] varchar(50),[<>?/.,] int)
You can use the QUOTENAME function for this purpose:
Can you give detail ? which are these special characters ?
You can put column names inside [ ]
One of my tables' column contains names, for example as "Obama, Barack" (with double quotes). I was wondering if we can do something to make it appear as Barack Obama in the tables. I think we can do it with declaring a variable but just could not manage to find a solution.
And yes as this table contains the multiple transactions of the same person we also end up with having multiple rows of "Obama, Barack"... a data warehouse concept (fact tables).
What #Ben has said is correct. Having two columns one for first name and one for last name is correct.
However if you wish to update the entire database as it is you could do...
/*This will swap the order round*/
UPDATE TableName SET NameColumn = SUBSTRING(NameColumn, 1, CHARINDEX(',',NameColumn))+SUBSTRING(NameColumn, CHARINDEX(',', NameColumn),LEN(NameColumn)-CHARINDEX('"', NameColumn,2))
/*This will remove the quotes*/
UPDATE TableName SET NameColumn = REPLACE(NameColumn, '"', '')
Edit:- but as I can't see your data you may have to edit it slightly. But the theory is correct. See here
From the question I assume you want to:
Remove the quotes
Remove the comma
Swap the names
So Regexp_replace is probably your best bet
UPDATE tablename
SET column_name = REGEXP_REPLACE( column_name, '^"(\w+), (\w+)"$', '\2 \1' )
So regexp_replace is changing the column value as long as it matches the pattern exactly. What the parts of the expression are
^" means it must start with a double quote
(\w+) means immediately followed by a string of 1 or more alphanumeric characters. This string is then saved as the variable \1 because its the first set of ()
, means immediately followed by a comma and a space
(\w+) means immediately followed by a string of 1 or more alphanumeric characters. This string is then saved as the variable \2 because its the second set of ()
"$ means immediately follwed by a double quote which is the end of the string
\2 \1 is the replacement string, the second saved string followed by a space followed by the first saved string
So anything which does not exactly match these conditions will not be replaced. So if you have an leading or traling spaces, or more than one space after the comma, or many other reasons the text will not be replaced.
A much more flexible (maybe too flexible) option could be:
UPDATE tablename
SET column_name = REGEXP_REPLACE( column_name, '^\W*(\w+)\W+(\w+)\W*$', '\2 \1' )
This is similar but effectively makes the quotes and the comma optional, and deals with any other leading or trailing pubctuation or whitespace.
^\W* means must start with zero or more non-alphanumberics
(\w+)\W+(\w+) means two alphanumberic strings separated by one or more non-alphanumerics. The two strings are saved as described above
\W*$ means must then end with zero or more non-alphanumberics
More info on regexp in oracle is here