FormData with NextJS API - reactjs

I am trying to create a simple CRUD application using NextJS along with react-redux, so what it does is that it saves peoples contacts.So when adding a contact i am trying to send some data along with a file to a NextJS API.
Make a POST request from redux action to add a contact
export const addContact = (data) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
var formData=new FormData();
let response= await`http://localhost:3000/api/contact/addContact`,formData,{
} catch (error) {
This is the API route in /api/contact/
const handler = async (req, res) => {
case "POST":{
await addContact(req,res)
const addContact = async (req, res) => {
// do some stuff here and send response
this is what i get in the terminal after the log,also the file is Gibberish as well when logging req.files
Current Effort
I tried using third party packages such as formidable and formidable-serverless but got no luck. so after a day i made it work with a package called multiparty.
const handler = async (req, res) => {
case "POST":{
let form = new multiparty.Form();
let FormResp= await new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
if(err) reject(err)
const {fields,files} = FormResp;
await addContact(req,res)
const addContact = async (req, res) => {
console.log(req.body); //Now i get an Object which i can use
// do some stuff here and send response
The above solution is obviously redundant and probably not the best way to go about it plus i don't want to add these 7 8 lines into each route.
so if someone could help me understand what i am doing wrong and why formData doesn't seem to work with NextJS API (when it works with the Express server) i would be grateful.

FormData uses multipart/form-data format. That is not a simple POST request with a body. It is generally used for uploading files, that's why it needs special handling. As an alternative, you could use JSON.

Here is my solution, i hope this helps anybody.
First of all you need to install next-connect and multer as your dependencies.
Now you can use this API route code.
import nextConnect from "next-connect";
import multer from "multer";
const apiRoute = nextConnect({
onError(error, req, res) {
res.status(501).json({ error: `Sorry something Happened! ${error.message}` });
onNoMatch(req, res) {
res.status(405).json({ error: `Method "${req.method}" Not Allowed` });
apiRoute.use(multer().any());, res) => {
console.log(req.files); // Your files here
console.log(req.body); // Your form data here
// Any logic with your data here
res.status(200).json({ data: "success" });
export default apiRoute;
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false, // Disallow body parsing, consume as stream

Here is an example about uploading file with Next.js:
The most important code is in pages/api/file.js
import formidable from "formidable";
import fs from "fs";
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false
const post = async (req, res) => {
const form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form.parse(req, async function (err, fields, files) {
await saveFile(files.file);
return res.status(201).send("");
const saveFile = async (file) => {
const data = fs.readFileSync(file.path);
fs.writeFileSync(`./public/${}`, data);
await fs.unlinkSync(file.path);
Generally speaking,in your api file,you should disable the default bodyParser,and write your own parser


Why express server receives front end data as undefined?

I am currently working on social media mern stack react app. I am using node js and express as my backend services , also using mongoose to store my data and axios and redux thunk which connect the backend to the front end. Till now I had no issue recieving and sending data to the server. Right now I am trying to create search post get request ,base on a keyword the user entered. The issue with it, that when I am sending the keyword to the server instead of recieving the string it gets undefined value, like redux thunk not sending anything. I will be very thankful if someone could help me with that. I am watching the code over and over again and can't find out the reason for that.
My post controller class(I copied only the relevant function):
import express from "express";
const app = express();
import Post from "../model/PostModel.js";
import ErrorHandlng from "../utilities/ErrorHandling.js";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import catchAsync from "../utilities/CatchAsync.js";
import User from "../model/UserModel.js";
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
export const getPosts = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
const data = req.body.keyword;
const page = parseInt( || "0");
const PAGE_SIZE = 20;
const query = new RegExp(data, "i");
const total = await Post.countDocuments({});
const posts = await Post.find({ $or: [{ title: query }, { content: query }] })
.skip(PAGE_SIZE * page);
if (!posts) {
return next(new ErrorHandlng("No posts were found", 400));
status: "success",
data: {
totalPages: Math.ceil(total / PAGE_SIZE),
My api class(front end,copied only the calling for that specific get request):
import axios from "axios";
const baseURL = "http://localhost:8000";
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
const API = axios.create({
credentials: "include",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
export const getPostsByKeyword = (keyword, page) =>
API.get(`/post/getPostsByKey?page=${page}`, keyword);
Post slice class:
export const fetchPostsByKeyWord = createAsyncThunk(
async ({ keyword, page }, { fulfillWithValue, rejectWithValue }) => {
try {
const response = await api.getPostsByKeyword(keyword, page);
if (response.statusCode === "400") {
throw new Error("There are no available posts");
const fetchData = await;
const totalPages = await;
return fulfillWithValue({ fetchData, totalPages });
} catch (err) {
const initialState = { status: "undefined" };
const PostSlice = createSlice({
name: "post",
reducers: {},
extraReducers: {},
export const postActions = PostSlice.actions;
export default PostSlice;
Calling the backend:
dispatch(fetchPostsByKeyWord({ keyword, page }))
.then((originalPromiseResults) => {
console.log("thte " + " " + originalPromiseResults.totalPages);
console.log("The data is" + originalPromiseResults.fetchData);
.catch((err) => {
As you can see I have not copied the whole code, I copied only the parts that are relevants for the question.
Browsers cannot currently send GET requests with a request body. XMLHttpRequest (which Axios uses) will ignore it and fetch() will trigger an error.
See also HTTP GET with request body for extra discussion on why trying this might be a bad idea.
You should instead pass everything required in the query string, preferably via the params option so it is correctly encoded...
export const getPostsByKeyword = (keyword, page) =>
API.get("/post/getPostsByKey", { params: { page, keyword } });
and grab the data via req.query server-side.
const { page, keyword } = req.query;
With vanilla JS, you can use URLSearchParams to construct the query string...
const params = new URLSearchParams({ page, keyword });
// XHR
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", `/post/getPostsByKey?${params}`);
// Fetch
fetch(`/post/getPostsByKey?${params}`); // GET is the default method
Your Axios instance creation could also be a lot simpler...
Axios is usually quite good at setting the correct content-type header, you don't have to
Your Express app isn't doing any content-negotiation so you don't need to set the accept header
Unless you're actually using cookies (which it doesn't look like), you don't need credential support
const API = axios.create({ baseURL });

Directly import next.js API endpoint in getServerSideProps()

When fetching data using getServerSideProps() in Next.js, they recommend directly importing the API endpoint instead of using fetch() and running another HTTP request. This makes sense, and I was able to get it working until implemented middleware for my API (note, I'm using the API feature built into Next.js). Now with middleware implemented, I can't export functions that use the middleware, I have to export the handler. See below:
const handler = nextConnect();
handler.get(async (req, res) => {
const post = await req.db.collection("posts").findOne();
post: post,
export default handler;
What would be the recommend way to import my API endpoint into getServerSideProps? I would like to do something as follows, but the getPost() function no longer has access to the database middleware:
export const getPost = async () => {
const post = await req.db.collection("posts").findOne();
return post;
handler.get(async (req, res) => {
post: getPost(),
and then in my next.js page:
import { getPost } from './api/post';
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {
post: getPost(),
In any case, you'll have to pass the req and res objects to the function. But if you do the following, the post prop should be populated with a NextApiResponse instance, which at it's base is a stream.Writable object, which is probably not what you want...
import { getPost } from './api/post';
export async function getServerSideProps({req, res}) {
return {
props: {
post: await getPost(req, res),
You could try to read the stream, but that seems like more trouble than refactoring your code, but if you call getPost(req, res).end(), I think you should get the streamed data, but I'm not sure how it will be formatted. You'd have to check.
You could split your functions up a little more..
// In your api endpoint:
const handler = nextConnect();
export async function getPostMethod(db) {
return await db.collection("posts").findOne();
handler.get(async (req, res) => {
post: await getPostMethod(req, res, req.db)
export default handler;
// In your page component:
export async function getServerSideProps({req, res}) {
// Do what ever you have to do here to get your database connection
const db = await whereIsMyDb()
return {
props: {
post: await getPostMethod(db),

React PWA - How do you detect if the requested data to be served from cache or from server

I am building a PWA app, where I download data by a user action call, "Go to offline". So once the button is clicked the data is fetched and saved to the browser indexdb storage. I am using workbox and CRA2. I folled this blog post to customize workbox config with cra app.
Now say there is no PWA, and when page requests data, react call actions for example:
export async function fetchProjectStatuses(
params = {},
raiseError = false
) {
try {
const data = await fetchProjectStatusesApi();
return data;
} catch (err) {
if (raiseError) {
throw err;
} else {
and fetchProjectStatusesApi is defined as:
import axios from "axios";
const fetchAllUrl = () => `/project_statuses.json`;
export async function fetchProjectStatusesApi(config, params = {}) {
const url = fetchAllUrl();
const { data } = await axios.get(url, {
headers: { Accept: "application/json" }
return data;
This works. Now when offline, I am trying to write something like:
import { registerRoute } from "workbox-routing";
new RegExp("/project_statuses\\.json"),
async ({ url, event, params }) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(event.request);
const responseBody = await response.text();
return new Response(responseBody);
} catch (err) {
// get from DB
So how do I write handler so that it forwards the data to the fetchProjectStatusesApi if network is present , else get data from DB. I know how to pull the date from local IDB. Only thing I am not able to figure out:
How do I detect the app is offline so the data has to come from local db
If app is online how do I forward the response from fetch to axios which is called from the api function.
I am writing it first time so I have no idea yet. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Axios Error Networ error on request Google place api

im trying to make a request to google api but returns me network error. If i put the url in the browser, brings me the information correctly.I tryed to formate the request without success. The google places search works correctly too.
export const fetch_information = (skip, limit, filter) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
var url = `,rating,formatted_phone_number&key=MyKey`;
const {data} = await axios.get(url)
} catch (error) {
export const fetch_information = (skip, limit, filter) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
var url = ``;
let config = {
params: {
place_id: 'ChIJk0aJYPbk3JQRLpKN20Jecko',
key: 'myKey',
const {data} = await axios.get(url, config)
} catch (error) {
I think that the request looks a bit messy. I'm under the impression that you are trying to pass results to a redux store. Let's see if we can clean this up a bit.
export const fetch_information = async () => dispatch => {
const req = await axios.get(",rating,formatted_phone_number&key=MyKey");
const data = await req.json();
return data;
//or, for your purpose...
//can also dispatch for store
I didn't see anything you were passing as necessary for this.

Multer req.file is always undefined despite file object created

I read all the questions related to this already and nothing works. I spent the entire day on this and I can't figure out what's wrong.
I am trying to upload a file to my database using React, mongoose, mongoDB and express/node.
Here is what I already did:
Added method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data" to my form
the "name" property of the file input is "icon" and in the middleware upload.single("icon") too.
On submit I have a function action that is called.
export const updateUserIconette = icon => async dispatch => {
console.log("Number 1");
try {
const res = await"/me", icon);
} catch (err) {
const errors =;
if (errors) {
errors.forEach(error => dispatch(setAlert(error.msg, "danger")));
Here, the console.log number 1 logs and the log of icon too, which is a file object.
And the API Post route is here:
const multer = require("multer");
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: function(req, file, callback) {
callback(null, "./uploads/");
filename: function(req, file, callback) {
callback(null, file.originalname);
const fileFilter = (req, file, callback) => {
if (file.mimetype === "image/jpeg" || file.mimetype === "image/png") {
callback(null, true);
} else {
callback(null, false);
const upload = multer({ storage: storage, fileFilter: fileFilter });
async (req, res) => {
console.log("number 2")
// Build the Profile object
const profileFields = {};
profileFields.user =;
if (req.body.username) profileFields.username = req.body.username;
if ( =;
if (req.body.location) profileFields.location = req.body.location;
if (req.file) profileFields.icon = req.file.path;
try {
let user = await User.findOne({ _id: });
if (user) {
user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ $set: profileFields },
{ new: true }
return res.json(user);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send("Server Error");
Here, the console.log number 2 logs but not the req.file because it is empty.
Alright, here's a working demo using react, multer, express, mongodb and mongoose. It's not fancy, pretty much bare bones, but it works. What you should do is step through your project and make sure each file/function/middleware works as intended in the flow (see flow example below).
Github repo:
Follow the README for instructions on how to run it.
All important files will have notes as to what their function does.
Files to focus on:
client-side form (specifically sending FormData here)
multer middleware
upload icon route
saveIcon middleware
createIcon controller
User adds a file (image) and an email address and clicks Submit to send a POST request to the API.
The POST request first passes through the multer middleware.
If valid, then the request is handled via the upload icon route.
The route passes it to the saveIcon middleware.
The saveIcon middleware saves the image to uploads then passes the request to the createIcon controller.
The controller saves the email and icon filepath to the mongodb database, and then sends back a response (message and remoteicon) to the client-side form.
The client-side form receives a res (response) from the API and sets it to state.
When the state is updated, the remoteicon is set as a src to an img element, which in turn, makes a GET request back to the API, which in turns sends back the uploaded image.
Ideally, most of this flow will be a microservice (and not attached to your main application), as it will vastly simplify your structure. More info can be found here.
