Declare array of UIButtons - arrays

I want my swift code to create buttons using colors. I know I want to declare array but some of the things I have tried are not working. What I tried below is not working. I have tried to do various forms of wrapping but it did not work. The goal of this code is to not use any storyboards and do everything by code.
var red,blue = UIButton()

One compact way to declare two variables in one line is to use tuple notation:
let (red,blue) = (UIButton(), UIButton())
Perhaps that's what you're asking for. But there is no array in the story; it's hard to see why you mention arrays in the first place.
On the other hand, if you really do want an array as you claim, then it's hard to see what the names red and blue are for, since the elements of an array do not have names (with regard to the array). You could make an array of two new buttons by saying:
let arrayOfTwoButtons = (0..<2).map {_ in UIButton()}


How does Ruby's Combined Comparison Operator work?

First question on stackoverflow :)
I'm going through the Ruby course on Codecademy and I'm stuck on something.
fruits = ["orange", "apple", "banana", "pear", "grapes"]
fruits.sort! {|first, second| second <=> first}
print fruits
I don't know how to phrase this question. On Codecademy the assignment was to set up the array to be displayed in reverse on the console. After some research, I was able to figure it out. I understand how it works and the order to put it in the code not why. I'm aware that "<=>" compares two objects, but how do the items within the array become objects when we don't declare them as such?
Secondly, what is the purpose of writing this code in this way when we could do fruits.sort.reverse?
First question: At various points in its operation the sort method has to compare pairs of objects to see what their relative ordering should be. It does the comparison by applying the block you pass to sort, i.e., {|first, second| second <=> first}. Not sure what you mean by "how do the items within the array become objects when we don't declare them as such?". All data in ruby is an object, so there's no declaration or conversion needed given that all variables are object references.
Second question: Yes, you could do fruits.sort.reverse, but that would require additional work after the sort to do the reverse operation. Also, reverse can't handle more complex sorting tasks, such as sorting people by multiple criteria such as gender & last name, or hair color, height, and weight. Writing your own comparator can handle quite complex orderings.
String literals can be used to create string objects in Ruby, there is no need to use the String class to create the object. The following two are equivalent:
"Hello, world!""Hello, world!")
More information can be found here.
Secondly, what is the purpose of writing this code in this way when we could do fruits.sort.reverse?
Please contact Codecademy about this, but I suspect it's for learning more about how <=> works.

Swift - adding named objects to an array using a variable and a loop

Possibly very stupid question I cannot seem to find an answer for (I am beginning with code)
I want to create a simple loop which appends myArray with three objects, which are members of a custom class MyClass. The objects have the following names: "object1", "object2", "object3".
When I write the following code, there is no issue:
But I want to write a loop to add all three. Again, very dumb, but I can't figure out how to insert the number in the name of the object as a variable. E.g., here was something I tried
let x = 3
for i in 1...x {
This gives an error. The reason I want to do it using a loop, and not simply write in the three objects manually, is that I won't always loop three times. Sometimes I'll just want the first two objects, sometimes just the first.
I assume there's some easy way to do this, but when I search it tends to turn up more complex questions

How do I assign a variable to refer to an array?

Disclaimer: I am pretty much a novice to Swift so prepare to cringe.
I have a series of arrays set out, when a user taps a button I would like one of these arrays to be called so I can use it in a function. They are named with thisArray then a number, i.e: thisArray1, thisArray2, etc.
I cannot find a way to make this work, the closest I have come to what I want is shown below but as you can all tell this definitely does not work.
var currentArray = "thisArray" + selectedArrayNumber
The outcome of this is to use the variable like below:
button1.setTitle(currentArray[1], for .normal)
If any of you can shed some light on this situation and tell me how badly I have gone wrong that would be much appreciated.
Create an array of your arrays, and then retrieve it using the selectedArrayNumber.
let arrays = [thisArray1, thisArray2, etc]
let currentArray = arrays[selectedArrayNumber]

Array constant in a formula with non-adjacent cell references

I need to add an array of non-adjacent cells to my array formula. I have tried all of the following array constant-like ways and they all give me a "There is a problem with this formula error".
'Chart Data'!{A12:A14,D3:D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12:A14,'Chart Data'!D3:D11}
'Chart Data'!{A12,A13,A14,D3:D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12,'Chart Data'!A13,'Chart Data'!A14,'Chart Data'!D3:D11}
'Chart Data'!{A12,A13,A14,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12,'Chart Data'!A13,'Chart Data'!A14,'Chart Data'!D3,'Chart Data'!D4,'Chart Data'!D5,'Chart Data'!D6,'Chart Data'!D7,'Chart Data'!D8,'Chart Data'!D9,'Chart Data'!D10,'Chart Data'!D11}
Entire formula (the array constant goes where the {#####} is):
{=SUM(((1-References!M1:M12)*({#####}*(G3:G14+F3:F14-0.11)))+((References!M1:M12)*('Chart Data'!A12:A23*(G3:G14+F3:F14-0.11)))+((H2:H13*X3:X14)+(H3:H14*Y3:Y14)+(I2:I13*(V3:V14-X3:X14))+(I3:I14*(W3:W14-Y3:Y14))))}
I am 100% positive that it is this particular array constant that is causing the problem. I can't move the cells I'm referencing to put them in line. Is it even possible to reference a non-adjacent range in an array formula? If it's possible, what am I doing wrong?
There are several ways to do this. The following is very simple and pretty direct so my favorite.
EITHER choose a cell to build your string for your non-contiguous array in OR create a Named Range to do it. I'll show the first as it seems nicest for being able to use the mouse freely, but in both of them you can actually be creative using about how you build the string that will become your array. The main advantage of creating it in a Named Range is no helper cell lying about anywhere.
So, you create that string and then make it an array. Say you have a non-contiguous array needed using cells A12:A14 and C3:C11. You use joining and TEXTJOIN() like so:
to create a text string of the values in those cells wrapped with the curly braces ({}) just as if you'd typed it in ("hardcoded it"). It will look like this with the right values in those cells:
but is ain't an array yet.
Now the magic in THIS method. Create a Named Range, perhaps called String2Array, and give it a formula of:
(or whatever cell you used for the above formula creating the text string that you want to be an array). Make the reference absolute. ($A$1... which it will do for you, just don't edit it to be relative. If you use this for similar work, but need it relative, that will work fine, but it just isn't what is needed here.)
Now replace your placeholder in the formula with the Named Range's name (perhaps you DID use String2Array). And you're done.
A couple other methods use INDEX() or CHOOSE() and you can force things to be arrays using the functions DOLLARDE() and IMREAL() (I found on a helpsite in a 2014 post) and some others do the same kind of thing. In those days, one had to use {CSE} too, but SPILL takes care of that now (with those two weird-seeming friendlies and at least two others). The poster was someone I've seen on this site, EXCELXOR was the name for the site, XOR LX was the name of the member here though the functions were mentioned in a comment by a Lori. Since he covers, it seems, aspects not usually covered in helpsites, looking up some of his work here, or elsewhere too, might be worthwhile to some folks.
But this method is very direct and therefore easy to maintain. And personally, I love the idea that EVALUATE() (must be used IN the Named Range functionality, not cell-side) is the gift that keeps on giving, one wonderfully helpful thing after another.
So many ways. You could even literally build the array in a helper column/row somewhere and reference THAT instead of the non-contiguous addresses. I like the joining+TEXTJOIN() approach best because I can use the mouse to easily get all the blocks into the formula since it is a LIVE formula. But you can type out a string fairly easily too and add the {}'s. Or perhaps a user would type a string of addresses and you'd add them like the formula does above. And you can insert actual values (constants) into the string you are building as well if that is appropriate. And you could build it formulaicly... I wouldn't pick that workload first thing off the pile of choices, but if you were going to do it anyway already, then... or if it's a small build.

Array of Colors error. Bug?

K. I'm getting stuck here.
I'm trying to make an array with different color values.
My problem is that when I do...
teamColor[i] = currentColor... all color values in my array turn into the currentColor.
(I would upload more code, but that would be a massive mess, considering that I have code everywhere with references from movie clips that are as far as 3 layers deep. HOWEVER, this would be irrelevant anyways (probably), because I tested this with color values on my main timeline, without any references to or from anything deeply nested)
I'm GUESSING that this is just some horrible bug, but if it's not (and I hope it isn't), please guide me in what to do to fix this problem.
I would like to add that I tried adding strings in there and that the strings remained their original, intended, value, while the color exhibited the same phenomenon.
[Partially resolved]:
I changed my code by creating separate variables for each color instead of putting the variables into an array (not what I really wanted to do, but it works). My code looks like this:
if (teamColor != 0)
this["team"+teamColor+"Color"] = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,currentColor.redOffset,currentColor.greenOffset,currentColor.blueOffset,0)
teamColor = 0
namebox.addboxes()//function in a movieclip
teamColor is now an int that is changed based on which box a user clicks from a movie clip that has a dynamically generated name, based off of what the variable value in a loop was when it was created. (E.G: 'tempboxname[ttns].name = i;')
teamColor is then equal to that name when the user clicks it.
I have another movieclip with colors in it and the above function is called to check if any teamColor change has occurred, and if it has, act accordingly. (The idea of having teamColor equal to 0 is so that if the user clicks twice, nothing changes. I other conditionals for other colors, all within the same function).
That is how I fixed me code.
It's not what I wanted, because it's not an array (meaning a seemingly infinite number of teamColors, and thus, teams) but it'll do for me. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to suggest.
I'm no ActionScript wiz, but what it looks like to me is that currentColor is an object that is being passed into the array by reference. This means that all array entries that you assigned currentColor will be pointing at the same currentColor object, not a copy. My advice is to make a copy and then assign that into the array.
It would be much better if you could give me more code to look at. For instance, the loop that contains that code segment would be nice. If I find a different error I'll edit my answer.
here i'm creating and then adding simple 0xRRGGBB color objects into a vector. the color objects are then parsed into 0xRRGGBB hexadecimal strings and traced.
certainly it's not exactly what your looking for, but hopefully it will help you.
var red:uint = 0xFF0000;
var green:uint = 0x00FF00;
var blue:uint = 0x0000FF;
var colors:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>()
colors.push(red, green, blue);
for each (var color:uint in colors)
var output:String = color.toString(16);
while (output.length < 6)
output = "0" + output;
trace("0x" + output.toUpperCase());
