React app fails to run with Apache reverse proxy - reactjs

I'm using the reverse-proxy apache2 module to forward any request from to the react production app, which is running on :3000.
If i'm using, everything works fine. But fails then to get the static files and react fails to load.
It seems to request the static files on the port 80, but my react app is running on 3000.
How can i fix this?
"private": true,
"homepage": "/",
ProxyPass /test_app http://localhost:3000

Instead of using serve, i just placed the contents of the build into a directory in /var/www/html/<Some-Directory> (So i'm using Apache only). I had to define basename for the <Router /> and update my links, but seems to work fine for now.


Deploying React app with Vite in Heroku returns 404 status code

I'm having problems trying to access my website, it returns 404 status code.
I'm using React with Vite and Heroku.
I'm using this buildpack as it says in Vite docs:
Vite Heroku Deploy Doc:
Heroku Buildpack for static file:
Website page:
Folder Structure:
Static.json file:
Package.json file:
Vite.config.ts file
if you are having deployment issues with ANY single page application, use the following buildpack and make sure you are specifying the root folder of your bundled application
This error can occur when:
1 - You don't specify in static.json file the index route. To solve it, just add this few lines:
"routes": {
"/**": "index.html"
Now you are saying that all routes redirects to index.html file.
If, for some reason, you want to add more routes for different html files, just do this:
"routes": {
"/": "index.html",
"*": "404.html"
In above example, when request reaches "/" route, it redirects to index.html, but if request uses any different route, it redirects to 404.html file.
2 - It also can happen when you don't have heroku/nodejs buildpack installed in your Heroku app.
If you are using Vite, you have to install both heroku/nodejs and heroku/heroku-buildpack-static
To install it you can access your app in heroku website, then go to settings, finally click on add buildpack button, place this url,save it and redeploy:

Gatsby running as a local file (index.html) without a server

Using the starter gatsby site, when I build it and load /public/index.html in chrome without running gatsby serve - none of the route links work. They point to the root of my drive - so <Link>'s look like this file://c:/page-2
I tried setting the pathPrefix in gatsby-config.js and ran a gatsby build --prefix-paths - but I can't get the route <Link>'s to be relative.
module.exports = {
pathPrefix: `/`,
Any ideas? I know this is possible with create-react-app without a server - as long as you set "homepage": "./" in package.json and use HashRouter - but not sure how to achieve the same in Gatsby.

Deploy a React app to a subdirectory using HashRouter and Traefik

I have a problem that is: I can't serve a react app in a sub-directory using HashRouter. I already tried the solutions proposed in this and this questions but it doesn't work as expected.
I have the following architecture:
Traefik as reverse-proxy
image: foo
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "`foo.localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/bar`)"
# The line below is done in order to nginx to serve the files on the root
- "traefik.http.middlewares.pathStrip.stripprefix.prefixes=/bar"
- ""
nginx serving a React App (that uses HashRouter)
The problem here is that on package.json when I use "homepage": "." and I enter foo.localhost/bar I get a lot of 404 errors because the links to resources such as js/css are located on ./static/css/...css instead of bar/static/css/...css.
When I put "homepage": "/bar" the resources are loaded correctly but the URL becomes foo.localhost/bar#/login which seems wrong.
And finally when I set both "homepage": "/bar" and <HashRouter basename={'/bar'}> the resources are also loaded correctly but then the URL becomes foo.localhost/bar#/bar/login which is a disaster.
I know that my second solution is "apparently" the closest one to the right solution but I honestly dislike it because setting the path on package.json seems bad to me. I would like to only change the reverse-proxy configuration instead and let the app be "agnostic".
Thanks in advance.

Create-React-App build - "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <"

I realize this question has been asked multiple times but nothing has worked for me...
I'm trying to create a static build of a create-react-app project but I'm getting the following errors:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < 1.ca81c833.chunk.js:1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < main.7ced8661.chunk.js:1
Due to these files being minified, I'm not sure where to begin in debugging them.
Per other SO responses, here are some things I've tried:
//Original index.html file, which gets included in the built file:
<script type="text/babel" src=""></script>
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1",
//.babelrc file
"presets": ["react", "es2015", "stage-1"]
Not sure if this is relevant, but I have this on my express server, which I believe is standard:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'build', 'index.html'));
Assuming it's actually a JSX issue, the whole thing is very confusing - shouldn't create-react-app be handling JSX automatically?
UPDATE: I just posted this question but already have a relevant update. I'm able to serve the page statically through pm2 by running pm2 serve build so I think the issue may be with my server configuration.
Thanks this helped me a lot.
Just wanting to add to this with an example from a Create-React-App project that had the same solution:
I received the same error after deploying to heroku.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < after serve -s build
For me the problem was in the packages.json file. The "homepage" parameter i gave was incorrect. Changing this to the correct heroku URL solved the issue.
"homepage": ""
Hope this addition is helpful.
I ended up finding an answer here:
I trimmed down the full solution from above, but I changed:
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'build', 'index.html'));
const root = require('path').join(__dirname, 'client', 'build')
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('index.html', { root });
It's definitely a bit strange to me that the first block didn't work. I assume it has something to do with the relative links in my React project since I do get an index.html file delivered to browser, despite getting the error. Maybe a completely static file would work with the first block, but I'd be interested to know if that's accurate.
just remove
"homepage": "your app url "
from package.json to fix it
Remove the "homepage": "app-url" from package.json. Absence of homepage in package.json will assume that it will be hosted at the server root, or you will serve the build with serve -s build.
And Yes, specifying homepage will be helpful when you are going to deploy the App in a sub-directory of the server root.
To host your app on the IIS with the name and your solution already has a Web API project.
You will map the solution folder with the main Web app i.e.,
You will convert the Web API project to Application from IIS.
Then you will convert the build folder of React App to web App just like Web API
To make front-end App working specify the "homepage": ""
I created a build version of react app using "npm run build".
I have a server (node/express).
I wanted to include the build in server side and deploy to heroku. What i did is copied build folder to server root folder and used code in server side startup file:
app.get('/*', function (req, res, next) {
if (!req.path.includes('api'))
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'index.html'));
else next();
I was getting the same error. So i just set the path for static contents at starting:
var app = express();
//here below
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'build')));
And my static index.html was served fine and was able to find resources css and js.
I had faced the same issue when deploying my react build to production. After spending hours trying to figure out what went wrong on a previously working code, I figured out a mistake I made in deployment.
I hadn't copied the folder static inside build to the server because I used scp build/* to copy the build folder in place of scp -r build/*.
I understand that this is not the exact answer to the question asked here. But I had tried out almost all possible options from answers given by experts here before I noticed the error I was making.
Hence, adding this here as a pointer to anyone facing similar issue to verify the deployment steps as well.
Recently I need to deploy create-react-app project to subpath of client's domain which is
This approach is using Nginx, React-Router.
Add PUBLIC_URL to .env file.
+ PUBLIC_URL=/foo/bar
Add basename to <BrowserRouter>.
- <BrowserRouter>
+ <BrowserRouter basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL}>
Change your Nginx config.
location /foo/bar {
alias /path/to/build;
try_files $uri /$uri /foo/bar/index.html;
Here is a create-react-app document about how to build with .env:
Customizing Environment
Hope this solution helps!
Ran into the same issue when I want to deploy the static build of a create-react-app project to my linux server.
I solved with this issue comment on cra's github and the cra's official document about how to deploy production build.
For example:
I want to put the production build website under something like
When I deploy without changing any default settings, I will get this "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error and nothing shows up on the screen.
Here is the solution:
Add homepage parameter to your package.json.
+ "homepage": "/foo/bar"
Add "/foo/bar" to all of your static resources in css which will be like:
.dummyimage {
- content: url('/dummyimage.jpg');
+ content: url('/foo/bar/dummyimage.jpg');
Add "/foo/bar" to all of your links and routes.
- linkTo: '/contact'
+ linkTo: '/foo/bar/contact'
Changing a little of your serve program's code, in node.js/express it will be like:
- app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/build')));
+ app.use('/foo/bar/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/build')));
Build again.
Deploy build/ to the server.
Restart your serve program, like node.js/express.
Problem solved!!
Hope this solution is helpful.
Just remove homepage key in package.json and also don't forgot to remove the basename in BrowserRouter, if you're using the react router.
That's it. It's working
i have faced kind of same issue when i want deploy my react app to github-pages :-
its need's follow few guidelines
Repository name should be in small latter
If project name same as repo name that usefull
addd {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
} on package.json
add homepage script at the starting of the package.json
"homepage": "http://[Username][reponame]",
"name": "--",
"version": "--",
"private": boolean,
As most of us have already suggested removing homepage property from package.json
Let me explain, why it worked in my case:
Earlier I had setup my project to be hosted on Github pages and as a result, it had homepage property set to something like ""
However as there are known navigational errors mainly related to BrowserRouter package on Github-pages, I had to switch to other hosting platforms.
And as I forgot to remove the homepage property, deployment did not work on any of the platforms like Vercel or Netlify.
It was after long hours of search and trial, that I finally stumbled upon this thread, specifically the #Shashwat Gupta and finally managed to resolve it by removing the unwanted homepage property.
If you are deploying your client to S3, when deploying with react-deploy-s3, assign the distribution-id from CloudFront
react-deploy-s3 deploy \
--access-key-id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
--bucket XXXXXXX \
--region us-east-1 \
--distribution-id XXXXXXXXXXXXX <---

How to properly setup localhost for react + api development

I am developing app with react-redux. And I am using the quick development, which always build my client at localhost:3000
I have my api written in php, and its on localhost:80.
So its cross-origin, but on production its not. So I would like to develop it while being on the same domain+port. But I have no clue how to set it up.
I am using MAMP - Apache for the php and yarn (create-react-app) for react.
So it can't run at the same port.
Anyone any ideas how to solve this problem?
When I use "yarn start" I can edit my react code and its compiled upon save and I can see the edited code within seconds at the localhost:3000
Is it possible to "deploy" it in this "developer" mode into some folder, where I could possibly setup a server using actually MAMP ( apache ) ?
Thanks in advance
In case if for client side of your application you have use create-react-app, you can add a proxy configuration in package.json file.
"proxy": {
"/apiRoute": {
"target": "http://localhost:80"
So all your request will be redirected to port 80(PHP) from client side.
The /apiRoute is the name of the routes (GET, POST, PUT..) you had defined in PHP. So i would suggest to make a pattern in PHP for all routes like /api/**, so in package.json instead of adding all routes, you can something like below
"proxy": {
"/api/*": {
"target": "http://localhost:80"
