is useCallback a performance boost for the react app? - reactjs

could someone explain to me if the use of useMemo and useCallback is expensive or cheap? I've checked the React's source code and I think they are cheap to use, but I've also read some people saying they are not.
In a Next.js context using useCallback:
const MyComp = () => {
const router = useRouter():
const handleClick = useCallback(() => router.push('/some-path'), [router]);
return <button onClick={handleClick} />
vs plain arrow function here:
const MyComp = () => {
const router = useRouter():
return <button onClick={() => router.push('/some-path')} />
Am I saving re-renders with useCallback?
The cost of memoize and comprare the dependencies array [router], is more expensive?
Additional info: Checking the React's code I saw that they compare the deps array items using instead of === or ==.
Someone knows why?
Also checking this component render:
import {useCallback, useState} from "react";
let i = 0
const CallbackDemo = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
console.log('render', i++);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => setValue(Math.random()), []);
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>New set</button>
export default CallbackDemo;
I saw the same count of renders using or not using useCallback

Am I saving re-renders with useCallback?
Not in that specific case, no. The useCallback code does let you save roughly the cost of an assignment statement because it doesn't have to update the click handler on the button element, but at the cost of a function call and going through the array of dependencies looking for differences. So in that specific case, it's probably not worth doing.
If you had a more complex child component, and that component was optimized not to re-render when called with the same props (for instance, via React.memo or React.PureComponent or similar), or you were passing the function to a bunch of child components, then you might get some performance improvements by not making them re-render.
Consider this example, where simpleClickHandler is always recreated but memoizedClickHandler is reused¹ via useCallback:
const { useState, useCallback } = React;
const Parent = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
console.log("Parent called");
const simpleClickHandler = () => {
console.log("Click occurred");
setCounter(c => c + 1);
const memoizedClickHandler = useCallback(() => {
console.log("Click occurred");
setCounter(c => c + 1);
}, []);
return (
Count: {counter}
<Child onClick={simpleClickHandler} handlerName="simpleClickHandler">simpleClickHandler</Child>
<Child onClick={memoizedClickHandler} handlerName="memoizedClickHandler">memoizedClickHandler</Child>
const Child = React.memo(({handlerName, onClick, children}) => {
console.log(`Child using ${handlerName} called`);
return (
<div onClick={onClick}>{children}</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Parent/>, document.getElementById("root"));
<div id="root"><?div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Note that when you click, only the child being passed simpleClickHandler re-renders, not the one being passed memoizedClickHandler, because memoizedClickHandler's value is stable but simpleClickHandler's value changes every time.
Using useCallback requires more work in the parent (checking to see if the previous function can be reused), but may help save work in child components.
It's important to note that the stability useCallback (and useMemo) give you are only appropriate for performance reasons, not correctness. React can throw away the previous copy of a handler and new a new one if it wants to, even if the deps haven't changed. If you need a correctness guarantee (the result definitely 100% will not change unless the deps change), you have use a ref. But that's a very rare use case.
Additional info: Checking the React's code I saw that they compare the deps array items using instead of === or ==.
Someone knows why?
Primarily because NaN === NaN is false, because all comparisons with NaN are false. So if they used ===, any deps array containing NaN would always be considered different from the previous one. But using avoids that problem, because, NaN) is true.
¹ Note that "reused" here means: a new handler is created every time, just like simpleClickHandler, but useCallback may return the previous handler you've given it if the deps haven't changed, so the new one is thrown away. (JavaScript engines are really quick at allocating and reclaiming short-lived objects.)

useCallback like useMemo indeed improve performance
but!!! you don't need to use it to everything because it will make your website slower.
this is better for the heavy lifting components like for charts and stuff like that.
that consume a lot of resource and take a lot of time to process and this will make this specific component load much more faster and not stuck everytime you do a change.
you can see deep compression like this:
react useEffect comparing objects
this link will show you for instance how to do a deep compression for use effect


UseCallback still triggering infinitely, What should I do? [duplicate]

As said in docs, useCallback
Returns a memoized callback.
Pass an inline callback and an array of inputs. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the inputs has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(
() => {
doSomething(a, b);
[a, b],
But how does it work and where is the best to use it in React?
P.S. I think visualisation with codepen example will help everyone to understand it better. Explained in docs.
This is best used when you want to prevent unnecessary re-renders for better performance.
Compare these two ways of passing callbacks to child components taken from React Docs:
1. Arrow Function in Render
class Foo extends Component {
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015)
class Foo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
Assuming <Button> is implemented as a PureComponent, the first way will cause <Button> to re-render every time <Foo> re-renders because a new function is created in every render() call. In the second way, the handleClick method is only created once in <Foo>'s constructor and reused across renders.
If we translate both approaches to functional components using hooks, these are the equivalents (sort of):
1. Arrow Function in Render -> Un-memoized callback
function Foo() {
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('Click happened');
return <Button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015) -> Memoized callbacks
function Foo() {
const memoizedHandleClick = useCallback(
() => console.log('Click happened'), [],
); // Tells React to memoize regardless of arguments.
return <Button onClick={memoizedHandleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
The first way creates callbacks on every call of the functional component but in the second way, React memoizes the callback function for you and the callback is not created multiple times.
Hence in the first case if Button is implemented using React.memo it will always re render (unless you have some custom comparison function) because the onClick prop is different each time, in the second case, it won't.
In most cases, it's fine to do the first way. As the React docs state:
Is it OK to use arrow functions in render methods? Generally speaking,
yes, it is OK, and it is often the easiest way to pass parameters to
callback functions.
If you do have performance issues, by all means, optimize!
useCallback and useMemo are an attempt to bypass weak spots that come with the functional programming approach chosen with React hooks. In Javascript, each entity, no matter if it is a function, variable, or whatever, is created into the memory when the execution will enter the function's code block. This is a big issue for a React that will try to detect if the component needs to be rendered. The need for rerendering is deducted based on input props and contexts. Let's see a simple example without useCallback.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Note that the handleClick -function instance will be created on each function call inside the block, so the event handler's address on each call will be different. The React framework will always see the event handler as changed because of this. In the example above, React will think handleClick as a new value on each call. It simply has no tools to identify it as the same call.
What useCallback does, it internally stores the first introduced version of the function and returns it to the caller, if the listed variables have not changed.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now, with the code above, React will identify the handleClick -event handler as the same, thanks to useCallback -function call. It will always return the same instance of function and React component rendering mechanism will be happy.
Storing the function internally by the useCallback will end up with a new problem. The stored instance of the function call will not have direct access to the variables of the current function call. Instead, it will see variables introduced in the initial closure call where the stored function was created. So the call will not work for updated variables. Thats why you need need tell if some used variables have changed. So that the useCallback will store the current function call instance as a new stored instance. The list of variables as the second argument of the useCallback is listing variables for this functionality. In our example, we need to tell to useCallback -function that we need to have a fresh version of counter -variable on each call. If we will not do that, the counter value after the call will be always 1, which comes from the original value 0 plus 1.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [counter])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now we have a working version of the code that will not rerender on every call.
It is good to notice that the useState -call is here just for the same reason. Function block does not have an internal state, so hooks are using useState, useCallback and useMemo to mimic the basic functionality of classes. In this sense, functional programming is a big step back in history closer to procedural programming.
useMemo is the same kind of mechanism as useCallback but for other objects and variables. With it, you can limit the need for component rerender, as the useMemo -function will return the same values on each function call if the listed fields have not changed.
This part of the new React hooks -approach is definitely the weakest spot of the system. useCallback is pretty much counterintuitive and really error-prone. With useCallback-calls and dependencies, it is too easy to end up chasing internal loops. This caveat we did not have with the React Class approach.
The original approach with classes was more efficient after all. The useCallback will reduce the need to rerender, but it regenerates the function again every time when some of its dependant variables will change, and matching if the variables have changes itself will make overhead. This may cause more rerenders than necessary. This is not the case with React classes.
I've made a small example to help others understand better how it behaves. You can run the demo here or read the code bellow:
import React, { useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
const App = () => {
const [state, changeState] = useState({});
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => Math.random(), []);
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => console.log(memoizedValue), []);
const unMemoizedCallback = () => console.log(memoizedValue);
const {prevMemoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback} = state;
return (
<p>Memoized value: {memoizedValue}</p>
<p>New update {Math.random()}</p>
<p>is prevMemoizedCallback === to memoizedCallback: { String(prevMemoizedCallback === memoizedCallback)}</p>
<p>is prevUnMemoizedCallback === to unMemoizedCallback: { String(prevUnMemoizedCallback === unMemoizedCallback) }</p>
<p><button onClick={memoizedCallback}>memoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={unMemoizedCallback}>unMemoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={() => changeState({ prevMemoizedCallback: memoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback: unMemoizedCallback })}>update State</button></p>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
An event handler gets recreated and assigned a different address on every render by default, resulting in a changed ‘props’ object. Below, button 2 is not repeatedly rendered as the ‘props’ object has not changed. Notice how the entire Example() function runs till completion on every render.
const MyButton = React.memo(props=>{
console.log('firing from ';
return (<button onClick={}>{}</button>);
function Example(){
const [a,setA] = React.useState(0);
const unmemoizedCallback = () => {};
const memoizedCallback = React.useCallback(()=>{},[]); // don’t forget []!
return (<React.Fragment>
<MyButton id="1" eh={unmemoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="2" eh={memoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="3" eh={()=>memoizedCallback}/>

Question regarding benefit of React useCallback hook [duplicate]

As said in docs, useCallback
Returns a memoized callback.
Pass an inline callback and an array of inputs. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the inputs has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(
() => {
doSomething(a, b);
[a, b],
But how does it work and where is the best to use it in React?
P.S. I think visualisation with codepen example will help everyone to understand it better. Explained in docs.
This is best used when you want to prevent unnecessary re-renders for better performance.
Compare these two ways of passing callbacks to child components taken from React Docs:
1. Arrow Function in Render
class Foo extends Component {
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015)
class Foo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
Assuming <Button> is implemented as a PureComponent, the first way will cause <Button> to re-render every time <Foo> re-renders because a new function is created in every render() call. In the second way, the handleClick method is only created once in <Foo>'s constructor and reused across renders.
If we translate both approaches to functional components using hooks, these are the equivalents (sort of):
1. Arrow Function in Render -> Un-memoized callback
function Foo() {
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('Click happened');
return <Button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015) -> Memoized callbacks
function Foo() {
const memoizedHandleClick = useCallback(
() => console.log('Click happened'), [],
); // Tells React to memoize regardless of arguments.
return <Button onClick={memoizedHandleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
The first way creates callbacks on every call of the functional component but in the second way, React memoizes the callback function for you and the callback is not created multiple times.
Hence in the first case if Button is implemented using React.memo it will always re render (unless you have some custom comparison function) because the onClick prop is different each time, in the second case, it won't.
In most cases, it's fine to do the first way. As the React docs state:
Is it OK to use arrow functions in render methods? Generally speaking,
yes, it is OK, and it is often the easiest way to pass parameters to
callback functions.
If you do have performance issues, by all means, optimize!
useCallback and useMemo are an attempt to bypass weak spots that come with the functional programming approach chosen with React hooks. In Javascript, each entity, no matter if it is a function, variable, or whatever, is created into the memory when the execution will enter the function's code block. This is a big issue for a React that will try to detect if the component needs to be rendered. The need for rerendering is deducted based on input props and contexts. Let's see a simple example without useCallback.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Note that the handleClick -function instance will be created on each function call inside the block, so the event handler's address on each call will be different. The React framework will always see the event handler as changed because of this. In the example above, React will think handleClick as a new value on each call. It simply has no tools to identify it as the same call.
What useCallback does, it internally stores the first introduced version of the function and returns it to the caller, if the listed variables have not changed.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now, with the code above, React will identify the handleClick -event handler as the same, thanks to useCallback -function call. It will always return the same instance of function and React component rendering mechanism will be happy.
Storing the function internally by the useCallback will end up with a new problem. The stored instance of the function call will not have direct access to the variables of the current function call. Instead, it will see variables introduced in the initial closure call where the stored function was created. So the call will not work for updated variables. Thats why you need need tell if some used variables have changed. So that the useCallback will store the current function call instance as a new stored instance. The list of variables as the second argument of the useCallback is listing variables for this functionality. In our example, we need to tell to useCallback -function that we need to have a fresh version of counter -variable on each call. If we will not do that, the counter value after the call will be always 1, which comes from the original value 0 plus 1.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [counter])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now we have a working version of the code that will not rerender on every call.
It is good to notice that the useState -call is here just for the same reason. Function block does not have an internal state, so hooks are using useState, useCallback and useMemo to mimic the basic functionality of classes. In this sense, functional programming is a big step back in history closer to procedural programming.
useMemo is the same kind of mechanism as useCallback but for other objects and variables. With it, you can limit the need for component rerender, as the useMemo -function will return the same values on each function call if the listed fields have not changed.
This part of the new React hooks -approach is definitely the weakest spot of the system. useCallback is pretty much counterintuitive and really error-prone. With useCallback-calls and dependencies, it is too easy to end up chasing internal loops. This caveat we did not have with the React Class approach.
The original approach with classes was more efficient after all. The useCallback will reduce the need to rerender, but it regenerates the function again every time when some of its dependant variables will change, and matching if the variables have changes itself will make overhead. This may cause more rerenders than necessary. This is not the case with React classes.
I've made a small example to help others understand better how it behaves. You can run the demo here or read the code bellow:
import React, { useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
const App = () => {
const [state, changeState] = useState({});
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => Math.random(), []);
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => console.log(memoizedValue), []);
const unMemoizedCallback = () => console.log(memoizedValue);
const {prevMemoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback} = state;
return (
<p>Memoized value: {memoizedValue}</p>
<p>New update {Math.random()}</p>
<p>is prevMemoizedCallback === to memoizedCallback: { String(prevMemoizedCallback === memoizedCallback)}</p>
<p>is prevUnMemoizedCallback === to unMemoizedCallback: { String(prevUnMemoizedCallback === unMemoizedCallback) }</p>
<p><button onClick={memoizedCallback}>memoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={unMemoizedCallback}>unMemoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={() => changeState({ prevMemoizedCallback: memoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback: unMemoizedCallback })}>update State</button></p>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
An event handler gets recreated and assigned a different address on every render by default, resulting in a changed ‘props’ object. Below, button 2 is not repeatedly rendered as the ‘props’ object has not changed. Notice how the entire Example() function runs till completion on every render.
const MyButton = React.memo(props=>{
console.log('firing from ';
return (<button onClick={}>{}</button>);
function Example(){
const [a,setA] = React.useState(0);
const unmemoizedCallback = () => {};
const memoizedCallback = React.useCallback(()=>{},[]); // don’t forget []!
return (<React.Fragment>
<MyButton id="1" eh={unmemoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="2" eh={memoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="3" eh={()=>memoizedCallback}/>

Can't get `lodash.debounce()` to work properly? Executed multiple times... (react, lodash, hooks)

I am trying to update the state of a child component in React as the range input moves. And, I want to fire the update function to the parent component's state with Lodash's debounce function so that I don't set the state of the parent component every time range input fires an event.
However, after debounce's delay, all the events are getting fired. As if I called setTimeout functions consecutively on every range input event, but not debounce.
I can't find what am I missing here. How can I have the function passed into "debounce" get executed once after a series of range input events?
My simplified code looks like this:
import _ from 'lodash'
import React from 'react'
const Form: React.FC<Props> = props => {
const [selectedStorageSize, setSelectedStorageSize] = React.useState(props.storageSize)
const handleChangeAt = (field, payload) => {
props.handleFormChangeAt(FormField.InstanceDefs, {
[field]: payload,
const debouncedChange = _.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
label="Storage Size/GB"
onChange={e => {
debouncedChange(FormField.StorageSize, Number(
The Problem
_.debounce creates a function that debounces successive calls to the same function instance. But this is creating a new one every render, so successive calls aren't calling the same instance.
You need to reuse the same function across renders. There's a straightforward way to do that with hooks... and a better way to do it:
The straightforward (flawed) solution - useCallback
The most straightforward way of preserving things across render is useMemo/useCallback. (useCallback is really just a special case of useMemo for functions)
const debouncedCallback = useCallback(_.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
), [handleChangeAt])
We've got an issue with handleChangeAt: it depends on props and creates a different instance every render, in order to capture the latest version of props. If we only created debouncedCallback once, we'd capture the first instance of handleChangeAt, and capture the initial value of props, giving us stale data later.
We fix that by adding [handleChangeAt], to recreate the debouncedCallback whenever handleChangeAt changes. However, as written, handleChangeAt changes every render. So this change alone won't change the initial behavior: we'd still recreate debouncedCallback every render. So you'd need to memoize handleChangeAt, too:
const { handleFormChangeAt } = props;
const handleChangeAt = useCallback((field, payload) => {
}, [handleFormChangeAt]);
(If this sort of memoizing isn't familiar to you, I highly recommend Dan Abramov's Complete Guide to useEffect, even though we aren't actually using useEffect here)
This pushes the problem up the tree, and you'll need to make sure that whatever component provides props.handleFormChangeAt is also memoizing it. But, otherwise this solution largely works...
The better solution - useRef
Two issues with the previous solution: as mentioned it pushes the problem of memoization up the tree (specifically because you're depending on a function passed as a prop), but the whole point of this is so that we can recreate the function whenever we need to, to avoid stale data.
But the recreating to avoid stale data is going to cause the function to be recreated, which is going to cause the debounce to reset: so the result of the previous solution is something that usually debounces, but might not, if props or state have changed.
A better solution requires us to really only create the memoized function once, but to do so in a way that avoids stale data. We can do that by using a ref:
const debouncedFunctionRef = useRef()
debouncedFunctionRef.current = (field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload);
const debouncedChange = useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => debouncedFunctionRef.current(...args),
), []);
This stores the current instance of the function to be debounced in a ref, and updates it every render (preventing stale data). Instead of debouncing that function directly, though, we debounce a wrapper function that reads the current version from the ref and calls it.
Since the only thing the callback depends on is a ref (which is a constant, mutable object), it's okay for useCallback to take [] as its dependencies, and so we'll only debounce the function once per component, as expected.
As a custom hook
This approach could be moved into its own custom hook:
const useDebouncedCallback = (callback, delay) => {
const callbackRef = useRef()
callbackRef.current = callback;
return useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => callbackRef.current(...args),
), []);
const { useCallback, useState, useRef, useEffect } = React;
const useDebouncedCallback = (callback, delay, opts) => {
const callbackRef = useRef()
callbackRef.current = callback;
return useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => callbackRef.current(...args),
), []);
function Reporter({count}) {
const [msg, setMsg] = useState("Click to record the count")
const onClick = useDebouncedCallback(() => {
setMsg(`The count was ${count} when you clicked`);
}, 2000, {leading: true, trailing: false})
return <div>
<div><button onClick={onClick}>Click</button></div>
function Parent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setInterval(() => setCount(x => x+1), 500)
}, [])
return (
<div>The count is {count}</div>
<Reporter count={count} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, rootElement);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root" />
I used useCallback with _.debounce, but faced with a eslint error, 'React Hook useCallback received a function whose dependencies are unknown. Pass an inline function instead.'
Finally, I found this issue, and used useMemo.
const debouncedMethod = useCallback(
debounce((arg) => {
}, 500),
const debouncedMethod = useMemo(
() =>
debounce((arg) => {
}, 500),
lodash.debounce creates a new function invocations of which will be debounced. Use case scenario is creating it once, storing result in a variable and calling it multiple times so the calls get debounced. You are creating a new debounced function every time you render a component so every new render you get a new debounce scope
You want to call const debouncedChange = _.debounce(...) only once per component instance. I am not very much familiar with hooks, but guess you can do this
const [debouncedChange] = React.useState(_.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
this will create your function once during render and reuse what's created across successive renders

Update React Hooks State During Render Using useMemo

Can useMemo be used just to avoid extra referential equality checking code/vars when setting state during a render?
Example: useMemo with a setState during render taken from this rare documented use case:
function ScrollView({row}) {
let [isScrolling, setIsScrolling] = useState(false);
const lessCodeThanCheckingPrevRow = useMemo(
() => {
// Row changed since last render. Update isScrolling.
setIsScrolling(true); // let's assume the simplest case where prevState isn't needed here
return `Scrolling down: ${isScrolling}`;
Above drastically reduces code and extra vars, only otherwise used for equality checks, so why do the docs imply referential equality checks should be done manually?
This seems to be an elegant way to reduce boiler plate to me. I created a codesandbox to validate its behaviour.
const UnitUnderTest = ({prop}) => {
let [someState, setSomeState] = useState(false);
const lessCodeThanCheckingPrevRow = useMemo(
() => setSomeState(current => !current),
useEffect(() => console.log('update finished'), [prop])
console.log('run component');
return `State: ${someState}`;
const App = () => {
const [prop, setProp] = useState(false);
const handleClick = () => setProp(current => !current);
return (
<button onClick={handleClick} >change prop</button>
<UnitUnderTest prop={prop} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Output when clicking the button to change the prop passed to the component:
> run component
> run component
> update finished
As you can see the component has been run twice before the update cycle completed. This is equivalent to the the behaviour of getDerivedStateFromProps.
I guess that there is no deeper thought behind why the docs propose a slightly different technique. In a way this is a manual check too but in a neat way. +1 for the idea.
Use the useEffect hook for this behavior. useMemo is used to store a value that might not necessarily change over each renders, so that you avoid useless re-calculation of that value
if the problem is having a value that changes on every user action which in this case is scrolling, then useMemo is not the best way to go. Perhaps useCallback is a better option. The code block would be the same as you have defined it above, but instead of useMemo, useCallback, and include the state in the dependency array.

What's the difference between useCallback and useMemo in practice?

Maybe I misunderstood something, but useCallback Hook runs everytime when re-render happens.
I passed inputs - as a second argument to useCallback - non-ever-changeable constants - but returned memoized callback still runs my expensive calculations at every render (I'm pretty sure - you can check by yourself in the snippet below).
I've changed useCallback to useMemo - and useMemo works as expected — runs when passed inputs changes. And really memoizes the expensive calculations.
Live example:
'use strict';
const { useState, useCallback, useMemo } = React;
const neverChange = 'I never change';
const oneSecond = 1000;
function App() {
const [second, setSecond] = useState(0);
// This 👇 expensive function executes everytime when render happens:
const calcCallback = useCallback(() => expensiveCalc('useCallback'), [neverChange]);
const computedCallback = calcCallback();
// This 👇 executes once
const computedMemo = useMemo(() => expensiveCalc('useMemo'), [neverChange]);
setTimeout(() => setSecond(second + 1), oneSecond);
return `
useCallback: ${computedCallback} times |
useMemo: ${computedMemo} |
App lifetime: ${second}sec.
const tenThousand = 10 * 1000;
let expensiveCalcExecutedTimes = { 'useCallback': 0, 'useMemo': 0 };
function expensiveCalc(hook) {
let i = 0;
while (i < tenThousand) i++;
return ++expensiveCalcExecutedTimes[hook];
<h1>useCallback vs useMemo:</h1>
<div id="app">Loading...</div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
useMemo is to memoize a calculation result between a function's calls and between renders
useCallback is to memoize a callback itself (referential equality) between renders
useRef is to keep data between renders (updating does not fire re-rendering)
useState is to keep data between renders (updating will fire re-rendering)
Long version:
useMemo focuses on avoiding heavy calculation.
useCallback focuses on a different thing: it fixes performance issues when inline event handlers like onClick={() => { doSomething(...); } cause PureComponent child re-rendering (because function expressions there are referentially different each time)
This said, useCallback is closer to useRef, rather than a way to memoize a calculation result.
Looking into the docs I do agree it looks confusing there.
useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the inputs has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
Suppose we have a PureComponent-based child <Pure /> that would re-render only once its props are changed.
This code re-renders the child each time the parent is re-rendered — because the inline function is referentially different each time:
function Parent({ ... }) {
const [a, setA] = useState(0);
return (
<Pure onChange={() => { doSomething(a); }} />
We can handle that with the help of useCallback:
function Parent({ ... }) {
const [a, setA] = useState(0);
const onPureChange = useCallback(() => {doSomething(a);}, []);
return (
<Pure onChange={onPureChange} />
But once a is changed we find that the onPureChange handler function we created — and React remembered for us — still points to the old a value! We've got a bug instead of a performance issue! This is because onPureChange uses a closure to access the a variable, which was captured when onPureChange was declared. To fix this we need to let React know where to drop onPureChange and re-create/remember (memoize) a new version that points to the correct data. We do so by adding a as a dependency in the second argument to `useCallback :
const [a, setA] = useState(0);
const onPureChange = useCallback(() => {doSomething(a);}, [a]);
Now, if a is changed, React re-renders the <Parent>. And during re-render, it sees that the dependency for onPureChange is different, and there is a need to re-create/memoize a new version of the callback. This is passed to <Pure> and since it's referentially different, <Pure> is re-rendered too. Finally everything works!
NB not just for PureComponent/React.memo, referential equality may be critical when use something as a dependency in useEffect.
useMemo and useCallback use memoization.
I like to think of memoization as remembering something.
While both useMemo and useCallback remember something between renders until the dependancies change, the difference is just what they remember.
useMemo will remember the returned value from your function.
useCallback will remember your actual function.
Source: What is the difference between useMemo and useCallback?
One-liner for useCallback vs useMemo:
useCallback(fn, deps) is equivalent to useMemo(() => fn, deps).
With useCallback you memoize functions, useMemo memoizes any computed value:
const fn = () => 42 // assuming expensive calculation here
const memoFn = useCallback(fn, [dep]) // (1)
const memoFnReturn = useMemo(fn, [dep]) // (2)
(1) will return a memoized version of fn - same reference across multiple renders, as long as dep is the same. But every time you invoke memoFn, that complex computation starts again.
(2) will invoke fn every time dep changes and remember its returned value (42 here), which is then stored in memoFnReturn.
const App = () => {
const [dep, setDep] = useState(0);
const fn = () => 42 + dep; // assuming expensive calculation here
const memoFn = useCallback(fn, [dep]); // (1)
const memoFnReturn = useMemo(fn, [dep]); // (2)
return (
<p> memoFn is {typeof memoFn} </p>
Every call starts new calculation, e.g. {memoFn()} {memoFn()}
<p>memoFnReturn is {memoFnReturn}</p>
Only one calculation for same dep, e.g. {memoFnReturn} {memoFnReturn}
<button onClick={() => setDep((p) => p + 1)}>Change dep</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src="" integrity="sha256-32Gmw5rBDXyMjg/73FgpukoTZdMrxuYW7tj8adbN8z4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-bjQ42ac3EN0GqK40pC9gGi/YixvKyZ24qMP/9HiGW7w=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
<script>var { useReducer, useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback, useMemo } = React</script>
You are calling the memoized callback every time, when you do:
const calcCallback = useCallback(() => expensiveCalc('useCallback'), [neverChange]);
const computedCallback = calcCallback();
This is why the count of useCallback is going up. However the function never changes, it never *****creates**** a new callback, its always the same. Meaning useCallback is correctly doing it's job.
Let's making some changes in your code to see this is true. Let's create a global variable, lastComputedCallback, that will keep track of if a new (different) function is returned. If a new function is returned, that means useCallback just "executed again". So when it executes again we will call expensiveCalc('useCallback'), as this is how you are counting if useCallback did work. I do this in the code below, and it is now clear that useCallback is memoizing as expected.
If you want to see useCallback re-create the function everytime, then uncomment the line in the array that passes second. You will see it re-create the function.
'use strict';
const { useState, useCallback, useMemo } = React;
const neverChange = 'I never change';
const oneSecond = 1000;
let lastComputedCallback;
function App() {
const [second, setSecond] = useState(0);
// This 👇 is not expensive, and it will execute every render, this is fine, creating a function every render is about as cheap as setting a variable to true every render.
const computedCallback = useCallback(() => expensiveCalc('useCallback'), [
// second // uncomment this to make it return a new callback every second
if (computedCallback !== lastComputedCallback) {
lastComputedCallback = computedCallback
// This 👇 executes everytime computedCallback is changed. Running this callback is expensive, that is true.
// This 👇 executes once
const computedMemo = useMemo(() => expensiveCalc('useMemo'), [neverChange]);
setTimeout(() => setSecond(second + 1), oneSecond);
return `
useCallback: ${expensiveCalcExecutedTimes.useCallback} times |
useMemo: ${computedMemo} |
App lifetime: ${second}sec.
const tenThousand = 10 * 1000;
let expensiveCalcExecutedTimes = { 'useCallback': 0, 'useMemo': 0 };
function expensiveCalc(hook) {
let i = 0;
while (i < 10000) i++;
return ++expensiveCalcExecutedTimes[hook];
<h1>useCallback vs useMemo:</h1>
<div id="app">Loading...</div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Benefit of useCallback is that the function returned is the same, so react is not removeEventListener'ing and addEventListenering on the element everytime, UNLESS the computedCallback changes. And the computedCallback only changes when the variables change. Thus react will only addEventListener once.
Great question, I learned a lot by answering it.
useCallback() and useMemo() are pretty much same but useCallback saves the function reference in the memory and checks on the second render whether it's same or not if it is same then it returns last saved function without recreating it and if it is changed then it returns a new function and replaces it with older function in memory for future rendering.
useMemo works in same manner but it can't save your function but the computed or returned value. On every render useMemo checks the value if the returned value of your function is the same on second render then it will return same value without recalculating the function value and if the value is not same on second render then it will call the function and return new value and store it for future render.
NOTE: You have to be careful when you have need to use these hooks. Unnecessary use of these hooks can make your app performance worse because they use memory. Be sure if your component re-renders many times with heavy calculations then it is good to use these hooks.
Before knowing in detail about useCallback and useMemo hooks, let’s understand how the React compares the values added in dependency array of useEffect.
React compares these values by using i.e., by referential equality. In general, for primitive data types the values are compared based on its value if they are equal then it is considered as similar otherwise they are treated as different and for non primitive data types (objects, arrays or functions) the values are compared based on the memory location reference, if the values shares the same memory location then they are known to be similar otherwise treated as different (Even though the two objects has same properties if the memory location reference is different then they are considered as not same).
Now, if the dependency of the useEffect is dependent on primitive data type values then there is no issue as we have already seen how the React would compare them. The problem is with non primitive data type values as we have already got to know that for the same two objects the memory location reference to be same in order for them to be considered as similar.
Now the question arises, how can we make the two same non primitive data values to be considered as similar. Yes, the only possible answer is to make them share the same memory location reference, now how do we actually do this?? Here comes useCallback and useMemo hooks which helps in storing the non primitive data type values under the same memory reference if there is no change in the values between the rendering.
Now, the useEffect can compare its non primitive dependencies and be made to run only if there is actual change in the dependencies.
If the function is used as dependency in the useEffect then, that function can be wrapped in the useCallback which returns memoized function i.e., returns same function definition stored under the same memory reference unless function dependency is not changed.
const memoizedFunc = useCallback(function useEffectDependentFunction(){
return someValue;
}, [useEffectDependentFunction_dependency])
// useEffectDependentFunction will be stored in the same memory location under the name memoizedFunc untill useEffectDependentFunction_dependency is not changed.
//do something
}, [memoizedFunc]}
If some array or object or value obtained after some calculation from a function is to be used as dependency in the useEffect then, that function which involves the calculation can be wrapped in useMemo which returns memoized array or object or value depending on what the use case is, unlike useCallback it wont return the function itself instead it returns the calculated value from the function.
const memoizedValue = useMemo(()=>function useEffectDependentValueYieldingFunction(){
//some calculation
return someValue;
}, [useEffectDependentValueYieldingFunction_dependency])
// the value returned from the useEffectDependentValueYieldingFunction will be stored in the same memory location under the name memoizedValue untill useEffectDependentValueYieldingFunction_dependency is not changed.
//do something
}, [memoizedValue]}
That’s it.
The above explained scenario is one of the use cases where useCallback and useMemo are used efficiently.
In both useMemo and useCallback, the hook accepts a function and an array of dependencies. The key different is:
useMemo will memory the returned value, it caches a value type.
Usecase: Using it for caching calculation value heavily.
useCallback will memory the function, it caches a function.
Usecase: Using it for caching API calling method which is only call by
action of user.
I think its also worth noting that there may be some other optimisations going on - for example useMemo might be storing the call history of every function execution in memory whereas useCallback probably would not have any need to do that.
The reason I say that is because there would be no purpose to storing a history of callbacks in memory as the callback will execute regardless but also because the purpose is to keep referential equality to prevent re-renders of children that use the function as props, so if the referenced changed (even to a previous reference) the function would re-render anyway
