Widget column bug when the column is hidden - extjs

I have a problem with widgetcolumns. When I hide a column, the other widgets in the grid don't work properly. In my application, I need to dynamically hide and show a column of widgets while keeping the other widgets running
My fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/3dbk
Select value in tagfield. Press the 'Hide Num Column' button and try select a value in the Phone field. In the console you will see that when we hide a column, onWidgetAttach is run an infinite number of times
Any ideas how to do it right?

If you are using the widget column so you can edit cells I would suggest using
cell editing
or row editing
row editing


Put a Button on first row of WPF DataGrid Columns

I'm working on the WPF application.
My application has a DataGrid with 4 columns which works properly.
I only want the first row to have a Button with DataGrid width for inserting new data by user's click.
First row's columns may be use Column span.
Also I read How to add button in first row of datagrid column? .
This solution Insert Button to All Rows and control with Collapsing .
Thanks in advance for any help

AgGrid loose edit mode when data is updated

I use AgGrid Enterprise, and allow users to edit an entire row so all cells switch to edit mode.
I also have an event listener to save the row in database when the user put the focus on a new line or outside the grid.
In the first column of my grid, i have a custom cell displaying a combo.
When the user select a value, it should update the cell AND 3 other cells in the row.
So i use the API to refresh the 3 cells.
Doing so put the cell in view mode, i loose the edit mode and the save event is triggered.
Is there a way in edit mode, to update cell content without loosing the edit mode ??
Thanks a lot.
You said your are try to entire row and and also have custom cell with combo
but ag-grid does not work any popup editor with full row edit.
You have to remove ag-grid property editType: 'fullRow' and it will work.

How to add input tag to the last row of ui grid on button click

I am having a situation where I want to add input box at the end of the table. Is it possible to do this in ui-grid. I know rowTemplate, but it applies to whole column. I want to apply only to the last row of the table.

ExtJs cell editing

I have a grid with 3 columns and 5 rows.
I have attached a CellEditing plugin to the grid.
And for the 3rd column i have defined an numberfield editior.
So now due to this each row 3rd column has a numberfield editor attached to it.
But due to some condition present in data/column metadata, i want to disable the numberfield editor for 2nd and 4th row.
I am unable to disable cell editor for particular rows as the editor is attached at the column level.
Is there a way in ExtJS to handle this kind of scenario.
I am using ExtJS 5.
As noted in the comments by Evan, you need to use the beforeedit event to veto the edit before it starts.
ExtJS does not attach an editor to every cell. Instead, when the user triggers the edit (e.g. by single- or double-clicking on the grid cell), the CellEditing plugin will be invoked. If the beforeedit event is not vetoed, it will then attach the edit field to the cell in place. When the edit is finished, the edit field will be detached.
If you want to style the non-editable fields differently, to help indicate that they are not editable, the column can be assigned a renderer, which will allow you to provide cell-specific attributes, including CSS style.

ExtJS 5 Using a Combobox with a trigger in CellEditing Grid

I am having a issue when using a cell editing grid that has a field that opens a window. The issue is when you open the editor for the field and click on one of the combobox triggers, a window opens, which causes the field to fire validateedit, resulting in the editor closing. I am looking for a way to prevent this. The reason that I am opening a window is that I am giving the user the ability to quickly add a new record to the combobox, without having to go to another place in the system. I am able to get this functionality to work with row editing but my customer does not like they way row editing works.
Here is my fiddle example.
