Deno array output issue - arrays

I am trying to run an API with deno which should show some PDF-Metadata from files from a given directory.
This works fine until the PDF-ID. The PDF-ID should be the last two digits from the file name (eg. jk03.pdf, fh04.pdf,...). If I run the API, all Metadata is shown as an array inside of an object, unless the ID which creates its own array. Does anyone know how I can implement the ID without creating its own array.
This is what I got until now:
import { PDFDocument } from '^1.11.1?dts';
import { opine, json } from "";
const app = opine();
const port = 3000;
let metaData = new Array();
let pdfData = new Object();
app.get("/pdf", async(req, res) => {
const basePath = './Documents/';
for (const dirEntry of Deno.readDirSync("./Documents")) {
async function readDocumentMetadata() {
const filePath = basePath +
const existingPdfBytes = await Deno.readFile(filePath);
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(existingPdfBytes, {
updateMetadata: false
var pdfId =[0-9]+/g)[0];
const file = Deno.openSync(filePath, { read: true });
const fileInfo = Deno.fstatSync(file.rid);
pdfData = {
ID : pdfId[0],
Name :,
Size : fileInfo.size + " Bytes",
Pages : pdfDoc.getPageCount(),
CreationDate : pdfDoc.getCreationDate(),
ModificationDate : pdfDoc.getModificationDate()
await readDocumentMetadata();
console.log("Server running on port", (port));
This is the error message i get:
"resource": "/c:/Users/JK/deno/deno-vs-node/GetAllPdf.ts",
"owner": "deno",
"code": "2531",
"severity": 8,
"message": "Object is possibly 'null'.",
"source": "deno-ts",
"startLineNumber": 25,
"startColumn": 21,
"endLineNumber": 25,
"endColumn": 50

I added .toString() to the end of the line and it works perfectly now;
const pdfId =[0-9]+/)?.toString();


discord.js api request command

const config = require(`${process.cwd()}/botconfig/config.json`)
var ee = require(`${process.cwd()}/botconfig/embed.json`)
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const { MessageEmbed } = require(`discord.js`);
module.exports = {
name: "glifestats", //the name of the command
category: "⌨️ Programming", //the category this will be listed at, for the help cmd
aliases: [""], //every parameter can be an alias
cooldown: 4, //this will set it to a 4 second cooldown
usage: "glifestats <id>", //this is for the help command for EACH cmd
description: "check stats", //the description of the command
run: async (client, message, args, cmduser, text, prefix) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const term = interaction.options.getString('term');
const query = new URLSearchParams({ term });
const { list } = await fetch(`${query}`)
.then(response => response.json());
When i try to do this command, it does nothing.
It needs to get the query from the user message and post it to the url, example:
.command 4443
bot returns the data and postes it.
And also, i wanted to make the different data on an embed like this: data 1: data data 2: data .... but i cant do it, ( check the url provided for the data titles if you want to help with that)
So you seperated your module from the rest of the command with this line marked below
module.exports = {
name: "glifestats", //the name of the command
category: "⌨️ Programming", //the category this will be listed at, for the help cmd
aliases: [""], //every parameter can be an alias
cooldown: 4, //this will set it to a 4 second cooldown
usage: "glifestats <id>", //this is for the help command for EACH cmd
description: "check stats", //the description of the command
} //here
Also term is reqesting an option that is not defined
const term = interaction.options.getString('term');
Interaction is not defined
run: async (client, message, args, cmduser, text, prefix) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const term = interaction.options.getString('term');
Try this
const config = require(`${process.cwd()}/botconfig/config.json`) // is this needed if not, delete
var ee = require(`${process.cwd()}/botconfig/embed.json`) // is this needed if not, delete
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const {
} = require(`discord.js`); // is this needed if not, delete
module.exports = {
name: "glifestats", //the name of the command
category: "⌨️ Programming", //the category this will be listed at, for the help cmd
aliases: [""], //every parameter can be an alias
cooldown: 4, //this will set it to a 4 second cooldown
usage: "glifestats <id>", //this is for the help command for EACH cmd
description: "check stats", //the description of the command
options: [{
name: "term",
description: "Code to search",
required: true,
type: "STRING",
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const term = interaction.options.getString('term');
const url = `${term}`
const list = await fetch(url).then(response => response.json())
// Do something with list
return interaction.followUp({
content: `List has been logged but can't be sent yet because it is an object and need to be further worked to get specific elements from it`
// Above seemed cleaner to me
const query = new URLSearchParams({
const {
} = await fetch(`${query}`)
.then(response => response.json());

Trying to connect my application with SQL Server using sql_server_socket. In SqlConnection.dart the guinness package's version is not specified right

// Copyright (c) 2015, <your name>. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
// is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library sql_server_socket_test;
import '../lib/sqlconnection.dart';
import '../lib/table.dart';
import '../lib/sqlformats.dart';
import 'dart:async';
//Error occurs here(Couldn't get pub because of wrong version specification)
import "package:guinness/guinness.dart";
void main()
Future defineSpecs() async
/// creates a common database where to perform all tests
var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;Trusted_Connection=yes;");
//var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=DEVIL\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;User Id=sa;Password=;");
await conn.execute("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = 'sql_server_socket_test_db') DROP DATABASE sql_server_socket_test_db");
await conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE sql_server_socket_test_db");
await conn.execute("USE sql_server_socket_test_db");
await conn.execute("CREATE TABLE Customers (Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(64), Age INT, Born DATETIME, HasWebSite BIT NOT NULL)");
await conn.execute("INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Age, HasWebSite) VALUES ('Bob' ,33, 0)");
await conn.execute("INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Age, HasWebSite, Born) VALUES ('Tom' ,42, 1, ${sqlDate(new DateTime(1972,05,03))})");
await conn.execute("INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Age, HasWebSite) VALUES ('Mary',18, 1)");
await conn.close();
conn = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=sql_server_socket_test_db;Trusted_Connection=yes;");
//conn = new SqlConnection("Server=DEVIL\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=sql_server_socket_test_db;User Id=sa;Password=;");
describe("SQL formatting functions", ()
describe("sqlDate()", ()
it("returns a SQL formatted date", ()
var d = sqlDate(new DateTime(1980,5,3));
expect(d).toEqual("CONVERT(DATETIME,'1980-05-03 00:00:00.000',102)");
describe("sqlBool()", ()
it("converts true and false into 1 and 0", ()
expect(sqlBool(true )).toEqual("1");
describe("sqlString()", ()
it("sqlString() formats a string to SQL, keeping care of single quotes", ()
// TODO connection tests (ports/service running etc)
describe('SqlConnection methods', ()
beforeEach(() async
afterEach(() async
await conn.close();
describe("execute()", ()
it("returns the number of rows effected", () async
var n = await conn.execute("UPDATE Customers SET HasWebSite=1 WHERE HasWebSite=1");
it("does UPDATE commands correctly when not changing anything", () async
var n = await conn.execute("UPDATE Customers SET HasWebSite=1 WHERE HasWebSite=1");
it("returns 0 when nothing done", () async
var n = await conn.execute("UPDATE Customers SET HasWebSite=1 WHERE 0=1");
it("does UPDATE commands correctly", () async
var n = await conn.execute("UPDATE Customers SET Name='Bill' WHERE Name='Bob'");
var n1 = await conn.queryValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers WHERE Name='Bob'");
var n2 = await conn.queryValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers WHERE Name='Bill'");
n = await conn.execute("UPDATE Customers SET Name='Bob' WHERE Name='Bill'"); // reverts back
describe("queryValue()", ()
it("returns null when querying empty rows", () async
// no customers named 'Mark'
var n = await conn.queryValue("SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mark'");
it("returns an integer value from query", () async
// Mary's Age is 18
var age = await conn.queryValue("SELECT Age FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mary'");
it("returns a boolean from query", () async
// Mary has a web site
var bit = await conn.queryValue("SELECT HasWebSite FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mary'");
it("returns a String from query", () async
// Bob does not have a website
var name = await conn.queryValue("SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE HasWebSite=0");
it("returns null when queried field is null", () async
// First customer does not have a date
var born = await conn.queryValue("SELECT Born FROM Customers");
it("returns a DateTime from query", () async
var tomsborn = await conn.queryValue("SELECT Born FROM Customers WHERE Name = 'Tom'");
expect(tomsborn is DateTime).toEqual(true);
expect(tomsborn).toEqual(new DateTime(1972,05,03));
describe("querySingle()", ()
it("returns null when querying empty rows", () async
// no customers named 'Mark'
var n = await conn.querySingle("SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mark'");
it("returns a row from query", () async
// tom's row
var row = await conn.querySingle("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name='Tom'");
expect(row is Map).toEqual(true);
expect(row).toEqual({ "Id": 2, "Name": 'Tom' , "Age": 42, "HasWebSite": true, "Born": new DateTime(1972,05,03) });
describe("query()", ()
it("returns an empty List when querying empty rows", () async
// no customers named 'Mark'
var q = await conn.query("SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mark'");
it("returns rows from query", () async
var q = await conn.query("SELECT Name, Age, HasWebSite, Born FROM Customers ORDER BY Id");
expect(q is List).toEqual(true);
{ "Name": 'Bob' , "Age": 33, "HasWebSite": false, "Born": null },
{ "Name": 'Tom' , "Age": 42, "HasWebSite": true, "Born": new DateTime(1972,05,03) },
{ "Name": 'Mary', "Age": 18, "HasWebSite": true, "Born": null }
describe("queryTable()", ()
it("when result is empty, returns no rows and filled column info", () async
// no customers named 'Mark'
var table = await conn.queryTable("SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE Name='Mark'");
expect(table.columns.length).toEqual(2); // Primary key Id is always included
it("returns a full datased", () async
// no customers named 'Mark'
var table = await conn.queryTable("SELECT Id, Name, Age, HasWebSite, Born FROM Customers ORDER BY Id");
{ "Id": 1, "Name": 'Bob' , "Age": 33, "HasWebSite": false, "Born": null , "_originalIndex": 0 },
{ "Id": 2, "Name": 'Tom' , "Age": 42, "HasWebSite": true, "Born": new DateTime(1972,05,03) , "_originalIndex": 1 },
{ "Id": 3, "Name": 'Mary', "Age": 18, "HasWebSite": true, "Born": null , "_originalIndex": 2 }
library sql_server_socket;
import "dart:io";
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert";
import 'dart:typed_data';
import "table.dart";
class SqlConnection {
late Socket _socket;
late StringBuffer _receiveBuffer;
late Completer _completer;
late bool _connected;
late String _address;
late int _port;
late String _connectionString;
SqlConnection(String connStr,
{String address: "localhost", int port: 10980}) {
_address = address;
_port = port;
_connected = false;
_connectionString = connStr;
/// tells if database is connected
bool get connected => _connected;
/// connects to sql server database using the specified connection string
Future<bool> open() async {
try {
this._socket = await Socket.connect(_address, _port);
//print("Connected to: ${_socket.remoteAddress.address}:${_socket.remotePort}");
} catch (ex) {
// throw "can't connect to ${_address}:${_port} -- $ex";
throw "can't connect to $_address:$_port -- $ex";
//Establish the onData, and onDone callbacks
.transform(utf8.decoder as StreamTransformer<Uint8List, dynamic>)
.listen(_receiveData, onError: _onError, onDone: _onDone);
Completer<bool> connectCompleter = new Completer();
// String json = JSON.encode({"type": "open", "text": _connectionString});
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "open", "text": _connectionString});
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _OkResult) {
_connected = true;
} else if (res is _ErrorResult) {
_connected = false;
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
_connected = false;
return connectCompleter.future;
/// disconnects from sql server
Future<bool> close() {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
Completer<bool> disconnectCompleter = new Completer();
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "close", "text": ""});
_sendCommand(json).then((risp) {
var res = _parseResult(risp);
if (res is _OkResult) {
_connected = false;
} else if (res is _ErrorResult) {
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return Future.value(disconnectCompleter.future);
/// launch a query on the database, returning a table
Future<Table> queryTable(String sql) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "table", "text": sql});
Completer<Table> compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _TableResult) {
var tres = res;
Table tab = new Table(this, tres.tableName, tres.rows, tres.columns);
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
Future<PostBackResponse> postBack(ChangeSet chg) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String params = jsonEncode(chg.toEncodable());
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "postback", "text": params});
Completer<PostBackResponse> compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _PostBackResult) {
var tres = res;
PostBackResponse resp = new PostBackResponse();
resp.idcolumn = tres.idcolumn;
resp.identities = tres.identities;
} else
throw "invalid postback response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
/// launch a query on the database, returning all rows
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> query(String sql) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "query", "text": sql});
Completer<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _QueryResult)
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
/// launch a query on the database, returning the first rows only
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> querySingle(String sql) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "querysingle", "text": sql});
Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _QueryResult) {
if (res.rows.length == 0)
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
/// launch a query on the database, returning the value from the first column of the first row
Future<dynamic> queryValue(String sql) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "queryvalue", "text": sql});
Completer compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _QueryResult) {
if (res.rows.length == 0)
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
/// executes a sql command, returning the number of rows affected
Future<int> execute(String sql) {
if (!connected) throw "not connected";
String json = jsonEncode({"type": "execute", "text": sql});
Completer<int> compl = new Completer();
_sendCommand(json).then((result) {
var res = _parseResult(result);
if (res is _ErrorResult)
else if (res is _QueryResult) {
if (res.rows.length == 0)
} else
throw "unknown response";
}).catchError((err) {
return compl.future;
/// formats and write a command to the socket
Future<String> _sendCommand(String command) {
// prepare buffer for response
_receiveBuffer = new StringBuffer();
Completer<String> _completer = new Completer();
String cmd = command.length.toString() + "\r\n" + command;
return _completer.future;
void _onDone() {
void _onError(error) {
print("error occurred: $error");
/// receive data from socket and build a command string
/// client sends text-based commands with the format:
/// size_of_command_string + "\r\n" + command_string
void _receiveData(data) {
String content = _receiveBuffer.toString();
if (content.indexOf("\r\n") > 0) {
int x = content.indexOf("\r\n");
int len = int.parse(content.substring(0, x)); // size of command string
String cmd = content.substring(x + 2);
if (cmd.length == len) {
/// translates generic json result into a Result type
dynamic _parseResult(String json) {
Map result = jsonDecode(json);
if (result["type"] == "ok")
return new _OkResult("ok");
else if (result["type"] == "error")
return new _ErrorResult(result["error"]);
else if (result["type"] == "query")
return new _QueryResult(result["rows"], result["columns"]);
else if (result["type"] == "table")
return new _TableResult(
result["tablename"], result["rows"], result["columns"]);
else if (result["type"] == "postback")
return new _PostBackResult(result["idcolumn"], result["identities"]);
throw "unknown response";
class _ErrorResult {
late String error;
_ErrorResult(String error) {
this.error = error;
class _OkResult {
late String ok;
_OkResult(String ok) {
this.ok = ok;
class _QueryResult {
late List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows;
late Map<String, dynamic> columns;
_QueryResult(List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows, Map<String, dynamic> columns) {
this.rows = rows;
this.columns = columns;
// fix types
for (var fieldName in columns.keys) {
TypeFixer.fixColumn(rows, fieldName, columns[fieldName]);
class _TableResult {
late String tableName;
late List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows;
late List<Map<String, String>> columns;
_TableResult(String tableName, List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows,
List<Map<String, String>> columns) {
this.tableName = tableName;
this.rows = rows;
this.columns = columns;
class _PostBackResult {
late String idcolumn;
late List<int> identities;
_PostBackResult(String idcolumn, List<int> identities) {
this.idcolumn = idcolumn;
this.identities = identities;
/// translates a JSON encoded SQL type into a Dart type
class TypeFixer {
/// fix string data type coming from JSON into proper Dart data type
static void fixColumn(
List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows, String columnName, String columnType) {
if (columnType == "datetime") {
for (int t = 0; t < rows.length; t++) {
if (rows[t][columnName] != null)
rows[t][columnName] = DateTime.parse(rows[t][columnName]);
name: sql_server_socket
version: 0.0.1
description: A minimal command-line application.
#author: <Antonino Porcino> <>
sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
# foo_bar: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
unittest: any
guinness: ">=1.3.0 <2.0.0"
I'm using Flutter Dart to develop an application, in that I'm trying to establish Sql connection with Sql server and application.
This is the link I referred for connection .
While trying to add dependencies in pubspec.yaml, under dev_dependencies the version of guinness is not updating to the newer version(pub update). While clicking pub get i'm receiving this error,
Resolving dependencies...
Because sql_server_socket depends on guinness ^1.3.0 which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.
Process finished with exit code 1
I have tried specifying the version manually and i know it doesn't work that way. So I used pub update, tried updating the whole flutter and dart version, yet receiving the same error.
Is there any other solution other than guinness? Or how can I get the actual guinness version. I have tried surfing thru internet for guinness versions but had no relevant result.
Please help me with this issue. I've been stuck with sql connection for past few days.
Thanks in advance!
Error message
You can use SQLite to store data locally and then use the package sql_conn 0.0.3 to do the insert/update operations on SQL Server.
I am going to try this suggestion myself this month, and will comment on my results.

React Native / Featherjs : How to make the API detects from which app i'm connecting?

I've 2 apps made on react native / featherjs. These apps connect to the same API.
But i would like to send a parameter to the API, like "source: "test", to know from which app comes the call.
Is there a way to do that ? I can't modify the API myself, i'm just in charge of the front of the apps.
To be clearer, i've this code in the 2 stores of my 2 apps :
(this is a call to get a town list)
constructor() {
const restClient = rest(API_URL);
const api = feathers(); = feathers()
storage: AsyncStorage
async onGetVilles(text) {
let query;
if (isNaN(text)) {
let valueNs = text.replace(/\s+/g, "-");
let valueS = text.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
let valueF = valueNs.replace(/-/, " ");
let valueG = text.replace(/ /, "'");
let valueH = valueG.replace(/ /, "-");
query = {
query: {
$or: [
{ville: {$like: `${valueNs}%`}},
{ville: {$like: `${valueS}%`}},
{ville: {$like: `${valueF}%`}},
{ville: {$like: `${valueG}%`}},
{ville: {$like: `${valueH}%`}},
"$limit": 20,
} else {
query = {
query: {
CP: {$like: text + '%'},
"$limit": 20,
const rep = await"villes").find(query)
.then((response) => {
return response;
return rep;
Thank you very much !

Query over an array in mongoose returns empty array

I've a Menu model which has a list of members(roles) who can access it.When I try to query based on role, mongoose returns empty array. I created and populated Menu collection in mongoose terminal before creating the schema. When I execute the query in terminal it returns right records.Please help.
const MenuSchema = mongoose.Schema({
const Menu = module.exports = mongoose.model('Menu', MenuSchema);
module.exports.getMenuByRole = function(role, callback){
const query = {"accessTo": role};
// Menu.find(query, callback);
Here is the result of execution in terminal:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d352f6c866e313fca373d1d"), "menuId" : 2, "menuName" : "Profile", "path" : "/profile", "accessTo" : [ "admin", "employees", "user" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d352f73866e313fca373d1e"), "menuId" : 3, "menuName" : "Employees", "path" : "/employess", "accessTo" : [ "admin" ] }
You have to use .exec() with find.
And, accessTo is an array field you have to use $in, with it.
const mongoose = require("mongoose")
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/stackoverflow', {useNewUrlParser: true});
const MenuSchema = new Schema({
const menuModel = mongoose.model("Menu", MenuSchema)
function run(role){
accessTo: {
$in: [role]
.exec((err, result) => {
console.log("result", result)
}, err => {
console.log("err", err)

How to write more than 25 items/rows into Table for DynamoDB?

I am quite new to Amazon DynamoDB. I currently have 20000 rows that I need to add to a table. However, based on what I've read, it seems that I can only write up to 25 rows at a time using BatchWriteItem class with 25 WriteRequests. Is it possible to increase this? How can I write more than 25 rows at a time? It is currently taking about 15 minutes to write all 20000 rows. Thank you.
You can only send up to 25 items in a single BatchWriteItem request, but you can send as many BatchWriteItem requests as you want at one time. Assuming you've provisioned enough write throughput, you should be able to speed things up significantly by splitting those 20k rows between multiple threads/processes/hosts and pushing them to the database in parallel.
It's maybe a bit heavyweight for that small of a dataset, but you can use AWS Data Pipeline to ingest data from S3. It basically automates the process of creating a Hadoop cluster to suck down your data from S3 and send it to DynamoDB in a bunch of parallel BatchWriteItem requests.
I was looking for some code to do this with the JavaScript SDK. I couldn't find it, so I put it together myself. I hope this helps someone else!
function multiWrite(table, data, cb) {
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({region: 'us-east-1'});
// Build the batches
var batches = [];
var current_batch = [];
var item_count = 0;
for(var x in data) {
// Add the item to the current batch
PutRequest: {
Item: data[x]
// If we've added 25 items, add the current batch to the batches array
// and reset it
if(item_count%25 == 0) {
current_batch = [];
// Add the last batch if it has records and is not equal to 25
if(current_batch.length > 0 && current_batch.length != 25) batches.push(current_batch);
// Handler for the database operations
var completed_requests = 0;
var errors = false;
function handler(request) {
return function(err, data) {
// Increment the completed requests
// Set the errors flag
errors = (errors) ? true : err;
// Log the error if we got one
if(err) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
console.error("Request that caused database error:");
console.error(JSON.stringify(request, null, 2));
// Make the callback if we've completed all the requests
if(completed_requests == batches.length) {
// Make the requests
var params;
for(x in batches) {
// Items go in array
// Format for the items is {PutRequest: {Item: ITEM_OBJECT}}
params = '{"RequestItems": {"' + table + '": []}}';
params = JSON.parse(params);
params.RequestItems[table] = batches[x];
// Perform the batchWrite operation
db.batchWrite(params, handler(params));
function putInHistory(data,cb) {
var arrayOfArray25 = _.chunk(data, 25);
async.every(arrayOfArray25, function(arrayOf25, callback) {
var params = {
RequestItems: {
[TABLES.historyTable]: []
PutRequest: {
Item: item
docClient.batchWrite(params, function(err, data) {
if (err){
} else {
callback(null, true);
}, function(err, result) {
} else {
} else {
You can use lodash to make chunks of data from the array and then use async library's each/every method to do a batchWrite on chunks of 25 elements
Using aws cli and aws-vault, this is what I do.
Let's imagine you have the following file (data.json) with 1000 rows
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "1" }, "SKey": { "S": "A" }}}},
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "2" }, "SKey": { "S": "B" }}}},
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "3" }, "SKey": { "S": "C" }}}},
... to 1000
and you need to split it into chunk files with 25 rows in each!
I use the following c# code in LinqPad to generate the .sh file and json chunks to be able to insert them into dynamodb using aws cli
void Main()
var sourcePath= #"D:\data\whereYourMainJsonFileIsLocated\";
var sourceFilePath = #"data.json";
var awsVaultProfileName = "dev";
var env = "dev";
var tableName = "dynamodb-table-name";
var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(sourcePath + sourceFilePath);
var destinationPath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, env);
var destinationChunkPath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, env, "chunks");
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(destinationChunkPath))
System.Text.StringBuilder shString= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count(); i = i+25)
var pagedLines = lines.Skip(i).Take(25).ToList().Distinct().ToList();
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine($" \"{tableName}\": [");
foreach (var element in pagedLines)
if (element == pagedLines.Last())
sb.AppendLine(element.Substring(0, element.Length-1));
var fileName = $"chunk{i / 25}.json";
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(destinationChunkPath, fileName), sb.ToString(), Encoding.Default);
shString.AppendLine($#"aws-vault.exe exec {awsVaultProfileName} -- aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://chunks/{fileName}");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(destinationPath, $"{tableName}-{env}.sh"), shString.ToString(), Encoding.Default);
the result would be chunk files as chunk0.json, chunk1.json, etc
"dynamodb-table-name": [
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "1" }, "SKey": { "S": "A" }}}},
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "2" }, "SKey": { "S": "B" }}}},
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "PKey": { "S": "3" }, "SKey": { "S": "C" }}}}
and .sh file
aws-vault.exe exec dev -- aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://chunks/chunk0.json
aws-vault.exe exec dev -- aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://chunks/chunk1.json
aws-vault.exe exec dev -- aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://chunks/chunk2.json
and finally just run the .sh file and you have all data in your table!
From the answer from #Geerek here is the solution with a lambda function:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log(`EVENT: ${JSON.stringify(event)}`);
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({ region: process.env.REGION })
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const {data, table, cb} = event
// Build the batches
var batches = [];
var current_batch = [];
var item_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// Add the item to the current batch
PutRequest: {
Item: data[i],
// If we've added 25 items, add the current batch to the batches array
// and reset it
if (item_count % 25 === 0) {
current_batch = []
// Add the last batch if it has records and is not equal to 25
if (current_batch.length > 0 && current_batch.length !== 25) {
// Handler for the database operations
var completed_requests = 0
var errors = false
function handler (request) {
console.log('in the handler: ', request)
return function (err, data) {
// Increment the completed requests
// Set the errors flag
errors = (errors) ? true : err;
// Log the error if we got one
if(err) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
console.error("Request that caused database error:");
console.error(JSON.stringify(request, null, 2));
}else {
callback(null, data);
// Make the callback if we've completed all the requests
if(completed_requests === batches.length) {
// Make the requests
var params;
for (var j = 0; j < batches.length; j++) {
// Items go in array
// Format for the items is {PutRequest: {Item: ITEM_OBJECT}}
params = '{"RequestItems": {"' + table + '": []}}'
params = JSON.parse(params)
params.RequestItems[table] = batches[j]
console.log('before db.batchWrite: ', params)
// Perform the batchWrite operation
docClient.batchWrite(params, handler(params))
I wrote an npm package that should work as a simple drop-in replacement for the batchWrite method, you just need to pass the dynamoDB instance as the first parameter and things should work:
Check the example in the project readme file:
// Use bellow instead of this: dynamodb.batchWrite(params).promise();
batchWriteAll(dynamodb, params).promise();
const { dynamoClient } = require("./resources/db");
const { v4: uuid } = require("uuid");
const batchWriteLooper = async () => {
let array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
PutRequest: {
Item: {
personId: uuid(),
name: `Person ${i}`,
age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
gender: "Male",
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
var perChunk = 20; // items per chunk
var result = array.reduce((resultArray, item, index) => {
const chunkIndex = Math.floor(index / perChunk);
if (!resultArray[chunkIndex]) {
resultArray[chunkIndex] = []; // start a new chunk
return resultArray;
}, []);
Promise.all( (chunk) => {
const params = {
RequestItems: {
"persons": chunk,
return await dynamoClient.batchWrite(params).promise();
).then(() => {
