Testing a promise inside an async function - reactjs

I'm trying to write a jest test to test a promise that runs within a async function. I'm having a hard time finding resources that describe how to do that.
Below is what I have:
const foo = async (client) => {
const update = data => {};
await client.query({
query: QUERY,
variables: {
x: xVal,
y: yVal,
}).then(response => {
update({ response });
}).catch(error => {
update({ [] });
fetch: () => {
Essentially I need to test fetch() and then confirm that update() ran in both the success and error case within foo().


React how to wait for all axios to finish

I want to wait until all axios in useEffect are finished.
useEffect(() => {
async function getHomePageContent() {
await HomePageServices.getSliderContent().then((response) => {
await HomePageServices.getRecommendedProducts().then((response) => {
await HomePageServices.getMostOrderProducts().then((response) => {
await HomePageServices.getMostRatedProducts().then((response) => {
getHomePageContent().catch((error) => {
}, []);
class HomePageServices{
async getSliderContent(){
return await axios.get(baseURL+"/slider")
async getMostRatedProducts(){
return await axios.get(baseURL+"/mostRatedProducts")
async getMostOrderProducts(){
return await axios.get(baseURL+"/mostOrderProduct")
async getRecommendedProducts(){
return await axios.get(baseURL+"/recommendedProduct")
Can someone explain to me how to wait for all axios to end, and if one failed, how to find out which one it was?
Try using Promise.allSettled() which takes an iterable (e.g. array) of promises and resolves into array of results of each of them.
Results are represented as objects with status key, which can be rejected or fulfilled. The second key of the object is either value containing the resolved value, or reason in case promise was rejected.
Taking this, then your code in useEffect might be something like this:
useEffect(() => {
const getHomePageContent = async () => ({
const promises = [
const data = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
const [slider, recommended, mostordered, mostrated] = data;
// result for each of promise
console.log(slider); // { status: 'fulfilled', value: 123 }
console.log(recommended) // { status: 'rejected', reason: 'blah'}
getHomePageContent().catch((er) => console.log(er))
}, [])

Async/await not working in a for-of loop defined in createAsyncThunk

I'm having trouble trying to get an async await to work inside a for loop when using createAsyncThunk. I expected that dispatch(performRunAllCells()) will call the API updateBrowser() synchronously for each cell in the editor.cells array in order. Instead, the dispatch resulted in updateBrowser() being called asynchronously all at once. What is happening here?
export const performRunAllCells = createAsyncThunk(
async (_, { dispatch, getState, rejectWithValue }) => {
const { notebook: { selectedDataset } } = getState() as {notebook: {selectedDataset: string}};
const { editor } = getState() as {editor: EditorState};
try {
let results: DataEntity | undefined;
for (const cell of editor.cells) {
dispatch(setCellStatus({ id: cell.id, execStatus: '*' }));
results = await updateBrowser(selectedDataset, cell.editorContent);
dispatch(setCellStatus({ id: cell.id }));
return results;
} catch (e) {
return rejectWithValue(e.response.data);
Currently I'm testing updateBrowser() with a setTimeout:
export async function updateBrowser(selectedDataset: string, editorContent: string): Promise<DataEntity> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
raw: editorContent, html: 'Test', console: 'Test',
}, 3000);
I was able to know if it's synchronous/asynchronous through the console log above. Currently, it is printing multiple "test" at once.
Nevermind. I made a mistake somewhere else and the code wasn't actually being called. It is working now after fixing it.

React class component issue in order of execution

I have the following code in my React class component.
For some reason, I am observing that, inside componentDidMount, despite having the keyword await before the call to this.getKeyForNextRequest(), the execution is jumping to the next call, this.loadGrids().
Am I doing something wrong here?
async componentDidMount() {
await this.getKeyForNextRequest();
await this.loadGrids();
getKeyForNextRequest = async () => {
const dataRequester = new DataRequester({
dataSource: `${URL}`,
requestType: "POST",
params: {
successCallback: response => {
loadGrids = async () => {
await this.loadGrid1ColumnDefs();
await this.loadGrid2ColumnDefs();
You can try using the Promise constructor:
getKeyForNextRequest = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dataRequester = new DataRequester({
dataSource: `${URL}`,
requestType: "POST",
params: {},
successCallback: response => {
This ensures you're waiting for a relevant promise, one that resolves only upon successCallback completing, rather than one that resolves instantly to undefined as you have it currently.
This is called "promisifying" the callback.
If DataRequester offers a promise-based mode, use that instead of promisifying the callback.

mocking my fetch function does not work, keeps getting back undefined

I am trying to mock a simple function that uses fetch. The function in question looks like this:
export const getPokemon = async () => {
//function that makes the API call and fetches our pokemon
const randomId = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 151 + 1);
const pokemonApiUrl = `https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/`;
export const getPokemon = async () => {
//function that makes the API call and fetches our pokemon
const id = randomId();
let pokemon = { name: "", image: "" };
try {
const result = await fetch(`https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/${id}`);
const data = await result.json();
pokemon.name = data.name;
pokemon.image = data.sprites.other["official-artwork"].front_default;
return pokemon;
} catch (err) {
Whenever I try to mock the function in my unit tests I receive back a TypeError: Cannot read property 'json' of undefined. Basically, the result comes back as undefined and thus we cannot call our .json(). It works fine in production and the fetch calls work as expected. I am using React Testing Library and Jest.
I have tried to replaced the global fetch in the following manner:
global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
json: () => Promise.resolve({ data: { name: 'Charizard' } }),
I've also tried to create a fakeFetch and send it in to my function as a dependency injection, but I get the exact same error.
Lastly, I've tried to install jest-fetch-mock but yet again I am getting the same error... Has anyone encountered the same thing?
The failing function gets called in production here:
function Pokemon({ pokemonTrainer }) {
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
pokemonRef.current = await getPokemon();
setPokemonList((prev) => [
{ name: pokemonRef.current.name, image: pokemonRef.current.image },
}, []);

How to test nested promises setState inside a fetch call in componentDidMount

I've seen similar solutions on stack overflow but they usually involved moving the fetch call into it's own function and calling it inside componentDidMount. But how would I go about testing a fetch call inside componentDidMount that sets the state using jest/enzyme? The data retrieved from the api call can be any arbitrary value..
Here is my code for componentDidMount
async componentDidMount() {
await fetch(
"api call",
method: "GET",
.then((res) => res.json())
(result) => {
const jsonData = JSON.parse(result);
modalOpen: "",
eventNameState: jsonData.eventNameState,
event: jsonData.event,
name: jsonData.eventNameState,
(error) => {
this.setState({ error });
I've tried using this code to test it but always get a _nock.default is not a function error
beforeAll(() => {
"api call"
).reply(200, {
eventNameState: "TEST",
it("Component fetches data from API", async (done) => {
const root = shallow(<EventState />);
let componentState = {};
await waitUntil(() => root.state("eventNameState") !== null);
