SuiteScript - Open, Read File - file

This is going to be a really stupid question - how do I open a file in the Filing Cabinet and read it in, line by line, using SuiteScript? Every example I can find online seems to start in the middle, taking for granted knowledge that I don't possess.
Is there a simple example somewhere online I've not found? All I need is for it to:
Open file (giving file name and folder)
Read the first line
Read the second line
Close the file.

In Suitescript 2.0 use the N/file module. The module can only be used in server side (not client) scripts. Reference Suite Answer Id: 43524 for N/file module and Suite Answer Id: 43520 for Script Types.
require(['N/file', 'N/record'], function(file, record) {
//use file name and folder and 'N/search' module to find the file id if necessary
// load file
var myFile = file.load({
id: '__' //enter the file internal id, absolute or relative file path
//get the # of lines
var arrLines = myFile.getContents().split(/\n|\n\r/);
// loop through each line, skipping the header
for (var i = 1; i < arrLines.length - 1; i++) {
//split the 1 line of data into an array. If the file was a csv file, each array position holds a value from the columns of the 1 line of data
var content = arrLines[i].split(',');
// get values from the columns of a CSV file
var column1 = content[0]; //first column
var column2 = content[1]; //second column
//can use the column data above to i.e. create new record and set default value, update existing records, write the data elsewhere
//to check each line for a given value
arrLines[i].includes('keyword'); //returns true or false

You can get the suitescript api documentation here
look at the file module

Let's keep it simple:
For SuiteScript 1.0:
var arrLines = nlapiLoadFile({fileinternalid}).getValue().split(/\n|\n\r/);
For SuiteScipt 2.0:
var arrLines = file.load({
id: {fileinternalid}
arrLines.description = 'My CSV File'
var fileId =;
// Add additional code


how to copy files(links) from a column in sheets, to a specific folder in drive?

I'm trying to, on form submission, copy the files (which appear as links) from google sheets, specifically from column c, only, to a master folder. the links are to the pdfs within a folder, not a folder itself.
I end up with this fail code: Exception: Unexpected error while getting the method or property getFileById on object DriveApp.
copyFilesToMasterFolder #
My file id is correct. I don't know what to modify?
function copyFilesToMasterFolder() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var fileLinks = sheet.getRange(2, 3, lastRow-1, 1).getValues();
var masterFolder =
for (var i = 0; i < fileLinks.length; i++) {
var fileLink = fileLinks[i][0];
var fileId = fileLink.split("/")[fileLink.split("/").length - 2];
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
1.In Google Sheets, select "Tools" from the top menu, then select "Script editor".
2.In the Script editor, paste the following code:
function copyFilesFromSheetToDrive() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("FOLDER_ID"); // Replace with the ID of the target folder
var column = 1; // Column number of the links in the sheet
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(data[i][column - 1]);
1.Replace "FOLDER_ID" with the ID of the target folder in Google Drive. You can find the ID in the URL of the folder, e.g., "".
2.Save the script and close the Script editor.
3.Back in Google Sheets, select the script from the "Run" menu, or run it by clicking the play button in the Script editor.
This script will copy all the files linked in the first column (column 1) of the active sheet to the specified folder in Google Drive. You can modify the script to copy files from a different column or from a different sheet by changing the column and sheet variables, respectively.

how to change filename of exported SSRS report

I have created SSRS report and want to change the name of file with adding Date to it. I really appreciate your help.
Already tried solution and it doesn't work.
An easy alternative might be
An alternative approach to creating unique files for every delivery is to include a timestamp in the file name. To do this, add the #timestamp variable to the file name (for example, CompanySales#timestamp). With this approach, the file name is unique by definition, so it will never be overwritten.
I got a perfect solution for this Issue.
This link works (very well) only if there is no parameter required before export.
Code in this link try to get the file name when you click on the file, means when download not ready and report looking for initial inputs.
But my file has date parameters in the beginning to input.
So I modify the code to wait till download is available and added to the end of "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager\js\ReportingServices.js" file
function ModifyExportFileName(){
var rv=null;
var r= null;
var today =new Date();
var day= ("0" + today.getDate()).slice(-2);
var month = ("0"+ (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var year = ("0"+ today.getFullYear()).slice(-2);
var text= "DD";
var url=r.ExportUrlBase;
var i = url.indexOf("FileName=");
var url=r.ExportUrlBase;
var i = url.indexOf("FileName=");
var j = url.indexOf("&",i+1);
var oldFileName= url.substring(i+9,j);
var filename=text.concat(year,month,day)
r.ExportUrlBase= url.substring(0,i) + 'FileName=' + filename+ url.substring(j);
I need date as a filename so date is added as "filename". you can change it as required

sort files by datecreated and remove old files with google apps script

Trying to make a simple google apps script to get files by name and order them by date created. If there are more than 5 files by the same name, delete all but the 5 newest files.
function tryme(){
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName('thisFile');
var created = files.getDateCreated();
for(i in created) {
if(created[i] > 4){
You're trying to use a File method on a File Iterator (returns from getFilesByName() method).
Here is a solution for your issue:
function tryme(){
// Get the file Iterator
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName('New Text File');
var fileArray = [];
// Put file on array
var file =;
fileArray.push([file, file.getDateCreated()]);
//While you have more than 5 files
var older = ["",new Date()];
var olderIndex;
// Get the older file
for(var i in fileArray){
if(fileArray[i][1].getTime() < new Date(older[1]).getTime()){
olderIndex = i;
older = fileArray[i];
// Delete the older file
Edit: I made a mistake by using DriveApp.removeFile() instead of File.setTrashed(true)

Empty file when saving soapUI response

I'm using groovy script in soapUI. I want to save my response to file. I'm using the following script. The file is created, but it's content is empty.
//get dir target from property
def dirTarget = context.expand( '${#Project#SnapShotDirTarget}' )
def fileDir = new File(dirTarget);
if(!fileDir .exists()) {
fileDir .mkdirs()
def currentDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")
def fileName = "Snapshot - "+currentDate+".txt"
def resultsFile= new File(fileDir , context.expand( fileName) )
if(!resultsFile.exists()) {
resultsFile.append("Post URL:"+messageExchange.getEndpoint()+'\n' );
resultsFile.append("Request:"+'\n' );
resultsFile.append(messageExchange.getRequestContent()+'\n' );
resultsFile.append("Response:"+'\n' );
resultsFile.append(messageExchange.getResponseContent()+'\n' );
If you are running Windows the colon between the hour and minutes in the filename is going to cause some problems, since colon is not allowed in Windows file names.
When I tried running the script it created an empty file called "Snapshot - 2014-08-14 09" (everything after and including the colon is missing)
Changing the colon to something else makes the trick.
def currentDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd hh_mm")
The call to createNewFile is not necessary by the way. The append call will create the file if it doesn't exist.

Sort an Array, populated by an IsolatedStorageFile text file seems to move the 0 entry

I have the code below that splits a text file from IsolatedStorage, populates an Array with the data, sorts it, and then assigns it as the source for a ListPicker:
var splitFile = fileData.Split(';');
string[] testArray = splitFile;
testLocationPicker.ItemsSource = testArray;
However, it doesn't seem to populating the array correctly and the sorting doesn't appear to be working as expected either.
The testArray[0] is blank, when it should be populated. When the output is shown the entry that should be at [0] appears at the bottom.
It's only in sorting the array that it seems to screw up the order.
UPDATE: I tried the suggested:
var splitFile = fileData.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] testArray = splitFile;
testLocationPicker.ItemsSource = testArray;
This still results in the second screenshot, above.
When the app first ever runs I do this:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Use a StringBuilder to construct output.
var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); // Create a store
store.CreateDirectory("testLocations"); // Create a directory
IsolatedStorageFileStream rootFile = store.CreateFile("locations.txt"); // Create a file in the root.
rootFile.Close(); // Close File
string[] filesInTheRoot = store.GetFileNames(); // Store all files names in an array
Debug.WriteLine(filesInTheRoot[0]); // Show first file name retrieved (only one stored at the moment)
string filePath = "locations.txt";
if (store.FileExists(filePath)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Files Exists");
StreamWriter sw =
new StreamWriter(store.OpenFile(filePath,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write));
sw.WriteLine("Chicago, IL;");
sw.WriteLine("Chicago, IL (Q);");
sw.WriteLine("Dulles, VA;");
sw.WriteLine("Dulles, VA (Q);");
sw.WriteLine("London, UK;");
sw.WriteLine("London, UK (Q);");
sw.WriteLine("San Jose, CA;");
sw.WriteLine("San Jose, CA (Q);");
Debug.WriteLine("Writing complete");
Then when I add to the file I do this:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Use a StringBuilder to construct output.
var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); // Create a store
string[] filesInTheRoot = store.GetFileNames(); // Store all files names in an array
Debug.WriteLine(filesInTheRoot[0]); // Show first file name retrieved (only one stored at the moment)
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(locationName + ";");
string filePath = "locations.txt";
if (store.FileExists(filePath))
using (var stream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(filePath, FileMode.Append, store))
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // Semi Colon required for location separation in text file
Debug.WriteLine(locationName + "; added");
Debug.WriteLine("Writing complete");
I'm splitting using a ";" could this be an issue?
There's no problem with the sort: 'space' is considered to come before 'a', so it appears on top of the list. The real problem is: why do you have an empty entry to begin with?
My guess is that, when creating the file, you're separating every entry with ;, including the last one. Therefore, when parsing the data with the string.Split method, you're left with an empty entry at the end of your array.
An easy way to prevent that is to use an overload of the string.Split method that filters empty entries:
var splitFile = fileData.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
I went a different way using IsolatedStorageSetting and storing Arrays/Lists to do what I wanted.
