(Tampermonkey) Elements Not Changing - tampermonkey

I'm fairly new to JS, so bear with me. I'm trying to change a website into dark mode via tampermonkey. I'm using the traditional "if color = #fff change to #whatever" on a 1000ms loop. Some elements don't change, though their color is #fff (I checked) I tried to change their color manually by doing
let x = document.getElementsByClassName(class);
x[0].style.backgroundColor == "#303030";
No such luck. I tried the !important modifier and a plethora of small changes, nothing. I logged the element and it's current color. It has the right element, and the color is just a blank comment. There aren't any error messages to go by either. Just to be sure, I changed the color manually and it worked. Does anyone know what the hell is wrong? I've been at this for hours and it's frustrating.
Any help is appreciated.


Continuous requestAnimationFrame in React

I'm working on some sort of 'continuous' animation. Say a div translates from its current location 200px to the right. There's an option to change the distance of translation. While its animating, the user changes from 200px to 400px. The div should still move smoothly until it reaches its final point which is 400px from its previous location. I have done the basic moving animation, however I can't figure out how to make it continues without jumping when the distance changes.
Here's the codesandbox that I'm working on which best illustrates my point above and what I'm struggling with. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :))
Edit: Steps to reproduce the jumping problem:
Open the sandbox
Click the 'Toggle' button
Click the 'Add distance' button
While the red div animates, click 'Add distance' button again
And you should see the div jumping
There is probably a way to fix your code so that it works as you want, though I would suggest going in another direction. There are several animation libraries in React that can help you solve this problem. The resulting code is also going to be more portable.
For your specific need, I would suggest using a library called react-move. It is part of the react-tools which provides other cool libraries. I created a CodeSandbox with my take on your problem using react-move.
I only took the transform line for your code, since I wanted to focus on how you could integrate the library into your example.
To create the animation, I imported a component from react-move called Animate. It's the main component of the library. You use this component to wrap a function using the function as child pattern. This function will receive a state object with information regarding the animated element. It also consumes a start, update, enter, and leave function, that represents the state for those actions.
Inside you function as child function is where you define the animation. In our case, we want to translate the Box along its x axis, using the x value provided on the state object.
OBS: On my example the Box returns to the start (x === 0) when its offset value is bigger than the window's width.
I hope it helps.

Calling AngularJs function after css rotation

I have a button that rotates on click for confirmation.
.flip-button-wrapper.selected .button-flipper{
transform: rotateX(-90deg);
Initial click works fine, but after rotation, function is not being called.
Not sure if this is css issue of angular.
Please help
I know it's super weird and I can't seem to find anything that explains it as it seems like a bug in CSS, but for some reason when rotating 90 degrees, this seems to occur. I'll try to find other reasons but at least for now try:
.flip-button-wrapper.selected .button-flipper{
transform: rotateX(-89.99deg);
It'll render the same but it'll allow you to click and toggle between rotating up and down.

CSS shows overwritten styles for a split second

Currently, I am using a directive from a third-party library for a UI toggle button. I changed the background color and left/right positions of the toggle button a bit to meet my business specifications. E.g. the out-of-the-box style came as light green for true, light red for false; I changed this to a darker green for true, and a light grey for false. I also moved the toggle positionally a bit to the left. All of this works fine.
The one issue I'm experiencing is that for a split millisecond when the page with the toggle button renders, I see the old style quickly change from what came out-of-the-box, to my updated style. There aren't any other glitches in style after this fact, just the initial loading shows some quick shifting around on the element. This isn't a huge issue but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue or know why it is happening. Any thoughts? Something in an issue for CSS hierarchy perhaps?
Notes relevant to the issue:
I used the inspector to find the classes I needed to override, since the directive itself just uses an nz-toggle tag.
I am using !important to override. I've read that this is bad practice in itself but it is being used across the entire project and has been established as "our standard" of overriding styles
Here's an example of one rule from my CSS file compared to what comes out of the box:
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {
background-color: #089900 !important;
right: -16px !important;
width: 50px !important;
height: 28px !important;
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {background-color: #60bd68;}
Any thoughts?
This happens because your "new" CSS loads after the "old" CSS.
Of course that should be true anyway, because you want to override the old style, but it seems that the old and new code are too far away from each other hence you manage to see it change.
To solve this you have to move the new style "closer" to the old style.
The way to do it depends on your project architecture and your build process.
Another option is that the class "true" is added only after page load, and so only then your new style kicks in.
If you are loading this "third party library" locally, you might have to directly edit the CSS files of the plug-in.
With the plug-in you linked, maybe you need to edit this file directly to prevent the "flicker", which is caused by the styles loading in sequence:

How do I set the color of the radio button's control?

How do I set the color of the radio button's control? No matter what color I specify in the style, it draws the outer circle and inner bullet in black. I want it to draw in in white on a black background to match my theme, but it always draws in black. (I'm actually doing this in a Multi-Button, setting the color of the Emblem UIID.)
I tried the first suggestion, to define the constants. That didn't work. Here's what happened.
I tried it two ways. First I defined just the radioSelectedImage and radioUnselectedImage. When that didn't work, I added both the radio*DisImage values, but it did the same thing. The selected and unselected images worked fine, but as soon as I touched a radio button, it got the focus, and the button was drawn in black, which made it invisible against my black background.
I did find an approach that worked, but it required the use of two deprecated classes. Here's what I added to the init() method of my main class:
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getInstance().getLookAndFeel();
if (lookAndFeel instanceof DefaultLookAndFeel) {
DefaultLookAndFeel defaultLookAndFeel = (DefaultLookAndFeel) lookAndFeel;
Image sel = theme.getImage("RadioButtonSelected.png");
Image unSel = theme.getImage("RadioButtonUnselected.png");
defaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonImages(sel, unSel, sel, unSel);
defaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonFocusImages(sel, unSel, sel, unSel);
The difference here is that I have a way to set the focus images. I can't do that using the constants, which is probably why it doesn't work. I'd really rather not use deprecated classes.
There are theme constants to allow you to add images to the radio button for unselected, selected, etc. Look here...

Angular JS ng-if

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm learning it independently.
I read about ng-if using the official AngularJS website.
I got an exercise which I need to scan a color, and if the color is white (#fff in hex), I should change the span's background-color to black (#000 in hex).
This is what I've tried JSbin.
I involved Javascript because I don't know how to deal with CSS on Angular and I think that's they reason why the code is not working as expected.
Sorry for being ignorant.
Thanks in advance.
You don't use inline JS (onclick) when you have ng-click (or at all, for that matter). I suggest you take a step back and make sure you understand what's going on, and not just put in random bits of code in hope they would give you what you want.
Here's an updated demo.
First, I removed the onClick. then I changed the function to be included in the scope as that's the only way things you put in things like ng-click can find those functions. Last, I changed added a backgroundColor variable to be set to the desired color when the button is clicked, and changed the style attribute of the output element to have a background-color rather than color like you had.
Also, I don't see how ng-if has anything to do with this.
