How to run an executable in C using a linker - c

Essentially I have
header.h, tree.c, main.c, and list.c
Can someone tell me how to execute this in my vi terminal. I know to run a solo c file it's gcc list.c ...., but I need these linked and the header included. I just don't understand the format for running them all together as an executable with a linker. I've included header in all the files, but main relies on list and tree, and vice versa.
Any help trying to compile and run these with gcc in the terminal would be a big help. Whenever I try, it keeps running them separately and I get a bunch of errors.

You can compile (not run) and link these files into an executable in one step by passing each of the .c files to gcc together and using the -o option to give the name of the executable:
gcc -o myprogram tree.c list.c main.c
Or you can compile each of them to object files using -c:
gcc -c tree.c
gcc -c list.c
gcc -c main.c
And then link the resulting object files:
gcc -o myprogram tree.o list.o main.o


C how to use library with multiple header tree

I am not understanding how I should compile with gcc the following .c and library.
Files: "commons.h" and "commons.c" (the .c defines function etc...)
Files: "level1.h" and "level1.c", level1.c includes "commons.h"
Files: "level2.h" and "level2.c", level2.c includes "commons.h" and "level1.h"
I tried this and got "undefined reference to x" (where x is a function inside level1):
gcc commons.c -c -o commons.o (OK)
gcc level1.c -c -o level1.o (OK)
gcc level2.c -o level2.o (error, undefined reference to x)
I expect to have level2 to be execute, I will only execute this.
How should I compile? Which order? (an example with command line will help me understand)
Your last line should also use the -c flag in order to compile level2.c to an object file level2.o.
Afterwards the object files should be linked to create an executable, which is done via
gcc common.o level1.o level2.o -o my_executable
Alternatively you can directly supply all the source files to gcc without the -c flag, in which case it will perform all of the compilation and linking steps at once:
gcc common.c level1.c level2.c -o my_executable
Your error is currently caused, because you are instructing gcc without the -c option to compile and link the source file level2.c alone, but of course it can not be linked alone as it is missing symbols from the other source files.
The fact that level2.c contains main does not change anything about this. main is handled like any other function, only that it has a special meaning in the final executable as entry point.

In multiple file programs and inclusion, how the function definitions get included into the main program?

If I have a header file List.h that contains the prototypes of the functions related to a list, the definitions of the functions are in a source file (c file) List.c. Both List.c file and the main.c file(or any source file representing the main program) include the List.h file. Now the main program has the prototypes of the list functions, but how did the definitions of the functions get included in the main program while there is no inclusion for the List.c file into main.c file? It is not about that the List.h and List.c files have the same name.
I am working on Windows and using MS Visual Studio.
For your scenario, you compile List.c to List.o (or maybe List.obj if you're working on Windows), and you compile main.c to main.o. Then you run the compiler again to link the two object files together, along with any other necessary libraries.
If you use GCC (the GNU C Compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection), then you might use:
gcc -Wall -Werror -std=c11 -c List.c
gcc -Wall -Werror -std=c11 -c main.c
gcc -Wall -Werror -std=c11 -o program main.o list.o
If you need to specify libraries, you'd add them after the object files.
You probably automate all this with a makefile, too.
They are compiled separately. After compilation most compilers generate object files containing executable code, relocation, symbolic, debugging and some other information. Those object files are next "merged" together by linker program which uses the information from the object files to create the correct executable file.
This is of course a very simplified description and if you want to know more you should read more about it on internet.

C programming basics: Why can't I see the .o file after I compile my .c file with gcc

I wrote a C programm and saved it with a .c extension.
Then I compiled with the gcc but after that I only see my .c file and an .exe file. The program runs perfectly. But where is the .o file that I learned in theory? Has it been overwritten to .exe and all done by the gcc in on step? (Preprocessing, compiling, assembling and linking)
I'm on a VM running Debian.
By default, gcc compiles and links in one step. To get a .o file, you need to compile without linking. That's done with the -c option.
Suppose you want to compile two files separately, then link them. You would do the following:
gcc -c file1.c # creates file1.o
gcc -c file2.c # creates file2.o
gcc -o myexe file1.o file2.o
If you want just the output of the preprocessor, use the -E option along with the -o to specify the output file:
gcc -E file1.c -o file1-pp.c # creates file1-pp.c
Compile and link in two steps:
gcc -Wall -c tst.c
gcc tst.c -o tst
After first command you'll get a .o file.
if you did something like gcc test.c then it produces only the executable file (in order to compile only, see the -c option)
here is steps on compiling with gcc to create a .o file from your C file:

Source file cannot find the header files

I have looked at these links : This one
and This
and a couple of other similar ones.
None of the answers given here are working methods are working.
I have a two source files a1.c , a2.c and two header files a1.h and a2.h . I want to include the header files in both these files (and a2.c in a1.c as there is a function I need to use from a2.c)
I have included
#include "a1.h"
#include "a2.h"
in the source files of a1.c
I'm using GCC on Ubuntu. and using the command gcc a1.h -o a1.out -lm
and that didn't work.
I tried with
gcc -c -I/Home/Documents/ctests/ a1.c -o a1.out
as well as
gcc -c a1.c -I/Home/Documents/ctests/ -o a1.out
My spellings are okay as well (there's hardly any room for error there with one letter and a number as the filename anyway).
Also, all the files are in the same folder.
I know this may be a trivial question but I am stuck on this one and would appreciate any help. I am relatively new to programming and completely new to Linux and Unix as far as using the command line goes.
Many thanks!
gcc -c
tells gcc to compile the file to object (the .o files you see everywhere). To be linked later with some other .o files to an executable.
So what you want to do is either compile the two files separately and link them later. like this.
gcc -I"/Home/Documents/ctests/" -c a1.c
gcc -I"/Home/Documents/ctests/" -c a2.c
gcc -o myprogram a1.o a2.o
Or just compile and link at the same time.
gcc -I"/Home/Documents/ctests/" a2.c a1.c -o myprogram
And then run your program like
Compile everything, and link it together.
If all files are in one directory, this should work:
gcc a1.c a2.c -o myapp
When you want to create separate object files, do this:
gcc -c a1.c a2.c
Then you can then link together to create an application:
gcc a1.o a2.o -o myapp
Your gcc command should be like this
gcc -I/Home/Documents/ctests/ -o a1.out a1.c
and you have to include a1.h and a2.h header file in your a1.c like this
#include "a1.h"
#include "a2.h"
If you are calling some function from a2.c in your a1.c then you have to build your program in this way
gcc -I/Home/Documents/ctests/ -o a1.out a2.c a1.c

Build .so file from .c file using gcc command line

I'm trying to create a hello world project for Linux dynamic libraries (.so files). So I have a file hello.c:
#include <stdio.h>
void hello()
printf("Hello world!\n");
How do I create a .so file that exports hello(), using gcc from the command line?
To generate a shared library you need first to compile your C code with the -fPIC (position independent code) flag.
gcc -c -fPIC hello.c -o hello.o
This will generate an object file (.o), now you take it and create the .so file:
gcc hello.o -shared -o
EDIT: Suggestions from the comments:
You can use
gcc -shared -o -fPIC hello.c
to do it in one step. – Jonathan Leffler
I also suggest to add -Wall to get all warnings, and -g to get debugging information, to your gcc commands. – Basile Starynkevitch
