Eclipse send build to our old account after we change it - codenameone

for technical reasons we need to change our codenameone account and all our proyects, we created the new account correctly, and on eclipse plugin we loging with the new account, (we had to reset our password in the old account).
The problem is when we try to send the build to the new account, all the builds are sending to the old account. whats the problem?
How must we change to send the builds to the new account.

You need to open regedit and delete all of the usage of codename1 and codenameone you can find. On the web you need to delete all cookies and storage related to the domain This should let you relogin properly.


Teams Toolkit Local Enviorment issue

I am trying o debug my team's app locally as I have done since starting development by clicking the debug(Chrome) in the team's toolkit extension. Starting today I have been getting the following error:
[RegisterBot.AlreadyCreatedBotNotExist]: Could not get bot with id 65e9a59e-3b1b-4605-97bd-9a8000243bc0 which was created before. This could happen if the bot was created by another account. Visit to learn more.
I have not been logged into any other account so I'm unsure how this has happened. Has this been an issue for anyone else?
The live-site issue was resolved. #koiram Can you try again to check if the issue is gone? Thanks
There's some live-site issue of the underlying server side APIs.
You can try the workaround below. For more details, check
Hi all, here is a workaround for VS Code:
In .vscode/tasks.json, remove "Set up bot" from the "dependsOn" field of "Start Teams App Locally" task.
From command palette, run "Tasks: Run Task" and select "Start local tunnel". Then open "Start local tunnel" terminal, you can see the
forwarding url like
Create an AAD app with your M365 account. Create a client secret and copy the secret value which will be used later.
Create a bot in with your M365 account. Set the messaging endpoint using the above forwarding
url like
After the bot is created, configure Microsoft Teams channel.
In templates/appPackage/manifest.template.json, update botId to the AAD app client id; update validDomains to the domain of the
above forwarding url like
In bot/.env.teamsfx.local, update "BOT_ID" to the AAD app client id; update BOT_PASSWORD to the AAD app client secret.

AWS Sign In Loop - Can't Access the Portal

Issue: I am trying to sign in as a root user for my account from the AWS portal, but now, after I adding my password I keep getting redirected to:, no matter what.
It was working fine till today, first time I've encountered this redirect.
Main Browser : Chrome - Version 62.0.3202.94
Based on what on similar cases found on google I tried the following and still did not manage to sort out the issue:
-Chrome: deleted all the cookies and cache data
-Chrome: restarted the device and also the browser
-Chrome: used incognito mode
-Firefox (an aws member said is the most suitable browser): tried normal and private mode
-Firefox: deleted all the cookies and cache data
-Edge: tried normal and private mode
Someone suggested already to make use of S3Browser, it does not seem as a efficient solution just to access the AWS Portal a few times a week so I am keeping it as the last resort.
If anyone experienced the same issue or has any more suggestions/ideas would greatly appreciate some help.
Thanks in advance.
I faced the same issue. The following fixed it for me:
Change your Amazon email address on - You can use the same email address by using this trick. Change to
Use the lost password recovery on the AWS login site to recover the password for the former email address (i.e.
Use the new password to login on the AWS console with the former email address (
I just had the exact same problem and it was caused by my Amazon account who happens to have the same email address as my AWS account. Turns out that somehow ends up to be one and the same account. I finally had to change the Email for my Amazon account and reset the password on my AWS account. Now they are nicely separated.
I contacted AWS regarding the issue and they suggested to reset my password by going through because they saw I have two accounts under the same email address. I did reset my password but this did not help and I was keep getting sent to the same screen to finish my registration.
Due to the fact that I reset my password for my AWS account, when I tried to do some Christmas shopping through the normal it was prompting me with a message saying that I have another account active (the one from AWS I presume). I just reset my password for my account and it seems that the AWS account start working normally again.
Based on this experience if you encounter the same issue, I would recommend to try and reset the password for both AWS and the online shop
I had this exact same issue that also manifested itself as my amazon account not being associated with our 3rd party seller account on amazon US FBA (in addition to causing the loop on AWS).
I read the answer here and changed my password but that didn't fix it.
Ultimately, I called customer support who transferred me to AWS support (the only way to get them is by calling general support and requesting it). They were able to initiate a password reset request which solved both issues (seller account and AWS Login loop).
I solved the problem of being unable to login to the AWS COnsole because of the AWS Sign In Loop by re-syncing my MFA device.
There's a link on the 3rd phase of login, where it asks for your MFA, that says troubleshoot MFA. If you click it, it asks you for 2 consecutive MFA codes and then lets you in.
Had the same issue.. found out was because of AdGuard app. Hope it will help somebody
for test you can try to login aws on iPhone

Giving access to others on new GAE console

With old GAE console you could invite others to join a project as owner or developer. Recently this option is moved to the new cloud console.
I used to use the old console to get access to client's so I can deploy application and make changes to it. The process involved with login into the project and inviting the new user. Then an email was sent to the new user and after he/she accepts the invite he/she could access this application directly from his/her console at
I tried the same process with the new changes couple of days ago, logged in into the new project and from the permission menu added myself to the project. However no email was sent to me and I still don't see this new application in my console!
Interestingly enough if I go to I see this new project there is no logs or data-objects listed. If I go to I won't see this project and that's where I can go to application's console!
Not sure what's going on, has anyone seen this? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
I found the issue!
If you add a new project via (old way) the application won't show up under Compute/App Engnie section of as simple as that.
The proper way to get all functionality is to add the new project using the console and then use the permission to add others.
It's strange and I couldn't find any documentation that explains it but I've tested and resolved my own issue this way. Hope this helps others.

setting SendAs immediately after creating and moving user to OU having Mail service enabled

I'm using the Google Apps Provisioning API to 1) create new users in our domain and 2), immediately after creation, move them into a sub OU which has the Mail service enabled. I would also like to use the Mail Settings API to 3) set a default SendAs for the new users at the same time. However, I don't seem to be able to set the SendAs until a small amount of time has passed. I get an InvalidValue(1801) ErrorCode. If I make the same call to the Mail Settings API a little later, it works fine. So, I'm guessing the problem is when the Mail Settings API call is made, the user hasn't been registered as being in the OU with the Mail service enabled yet.
Is there a way for me to set the SendAs immediately after the user creation and move? As a workaround, I can put a short delay in my code before the setting of the SendAs, but I'd prefer not to have to do this and I'm not sure what amount of delay would consistently be sufficient.
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
Sam LaSala
Any reasons you are still using the provisioning APi instead of the new Directory API? ( Provisioning API has been deprecated, and it is subjected to the deprecation policy. It is better if you start using the new API instead of developing your code in the old one.
With the new API, you can actually combine step1 and step2 together where you can directly create the user in the OU that has mail enabled. That way it will eliminate the additional call, and the user will inherit the services that have been already turned on in the OU. Hope this will resolve the issue you have.
You can also check out the functionalities of the Directory API in the API explorer:

Connecting to Prediction API from Google API Consol using service account

I am trying to use the Google Prediction API for the first time.
I am just following the steps given in the article
I am getting a strange problem while executing step 2.4 in the above mentioned article.
I have followed the steps as below.
1) I have an application created in say domain, and I have service account name of my application as "".
2) Then I went to "Team" tab on the Google API Console, and tried to add the service account name of my application, to the project in which I have activated Prediction API and Google Cloud Storage.
While adding the serivce account to the project it gives me an error saying that
"Only users in domain may be added to the project".
The same kind of message is also displayed on the bottom of the "Team" tab. is the domain in wich my application is deployed.
Could any one please help me understand why this kind of message is comming?
Are there any domain level admin settings required to add the service account to the Google Console API project?
Currently, if you created a project with your Apps account, you can only add members of that same domain.
What you'll have to do is create a new project from something like account (NOT your Apps domain account). You can then add both and
I think you can even remove later on, once you've added Even activate billing for, not, if you need to.
Take from
You can modify the ACL of the bucket manually:
An alternate way to grant app access to a bucket is manually edit and set the bucket ACL and the default object ACL, using the gsutil utility:
Get the ACL for the bucket and save it to a file for editing: gsutil getacl gs://mybucket > myAcl.txt
Add the following Entry to the ACL file you just retrieved:
<Scope type="UserByEmail">
If you are adding multiple apps to the ACL, repeat the above entry
for each app, changing only the email address to reflect each app's
service name.
Set the modified ACL on your bucket: gsutil setacl myAcl.txt gs://mybucket
