Setting up http basic auth on heroku and react app - reactjs

as mentioned in the the title I want to set up a react app with http basic auth or something similar that prevents my website to be public. I've seen that there the wwwhisper plugin on heroku that would do exactly that. But as far as I know this only works with rack and nodejs. Do you have any suggestions about this?
Thanks in advance!


How do I deploy a monolithic Django/React app?

I’m trying to find a way to deploy my app that uses Django on the backend and React front end, and also uses the Spotify API.
The project is based on this tutorial by Tech With Tim
I’ve seen some tutorials that suggest splitting it up and deploying them as two apps, where the backend proxies API requests to the backend as necessary, however since my React app is served with Django, I don’t think this method is conducive to how my app is set up. I've tried to deploy with Heroku but I haven't been successful. I'm not sure if its relevant, but I used webpack.
Here's my folder structure:
Any help? I’d be much obliged.

Why is my React App not pulling API on Vercel or Nettlify?

So I made a mini web app that uses an API from to make a trivia app. Everything works fine until I tried deploying it on Vercel or Netlify. The api is not being pulled for some reason on them. Its made in React so when I made a build locally and it still works.
My only guess is that '' is not a secure website.
Any Ideas?
My Site was down because the API I was using wasn't on a secure site.

How to use subdomains with different firebase hosting?

I am using GoDaddy and Firebase. My domain Main Domain is hosted on one Firebase project. I am trying to use a subdomain on different firebase project. But when I reach this subdomain URL, it goes to Main Domain instead of subdomain. Is this the issue with Firebase or GoDaddy? How can I solve this issue?
I have been looking for this from past few days and couldn't resolve it.
Your help or suggestion will be a great help for me.

How to combine ReactJs, Auth0 and Cordova?

I've built a web app using ReactJs, with auth0 for authentication. Now, when I use Cordova to wrap it up and create a native application, I face an issue due to the redirection done by Auth0 for authentication.
I've tried creating a native app in auth0 and using the "react-cordova" package to properly build and wrap the react app into a Cordova app, but the issue still persists.
Good morning! My name is Jim Morrison and I'm a part of the Auth0 Community team. Are you seeing any breakdown in your auth0 logs? We have a this Community maintained Cordova quickstart that you could check against your current implementation to see if everything looks to be in it's place. I hope this helps but if it doesn't be sure to let us know!

How do I configure to work on webapp2 for my angularjs app?

I have been trying to configure the middleware for my angularjs app hosted on google app engine with webapp2 framework, but none of the options for installing the middleware token seem applicable.
Can anyone be kind enough to assist me? Thank you.
If Google doesn't allow you to modify the server to install one of the middleware options, are you using a CDN? A CDN might allow you to set up the middleware on their platform. Feel free to email us at
