Update object from input without setState - reactjs

I'm new to React JS (and JS, in general). Now I'm trying to code a simple task tracker.
So, I have all tasks in state element of MyTodoList class. There I draw each task separately with Task constant.
I want to implement adding a new task with 2 inputs: name and description.
I do it in MyTodoList with creating a new object (newTask), so that I can add it to state list later. However, I guess that I'm writing onChange method for input incorrectly. newTask seems to be updating inside the function (logged it in console), but it does not change outside (in input space there are no changes with typing). Obviously I cannot use setState as I want to update a non-state object (object is mutable, so I do not understand why it won't change).
I'm not sure whether I'm updating the object wrongly or whether my whole concept of adding new task is wrong. Would be grateful if you could explain me my mistakes.
Here's the code:
const TaskAdd = ({value, onChange, placeholder, name}) => {
return (
<input value={value} onChange={onChange} placeholder={placeholder} name={name}/>
const Task = ({id, name, description, completed}) => {
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<div className='task'>
<button onClick={handleClick} className='button1'>CLICK</button>
class MyTodoList extends React.Component {
state = {
tasks: [
id: 1,
name: 'Walk the dog',
description: 'Have to walk the dog today',
completed: false,
maxId = this.state.tasks[this.state.tasks.length - 1].id;
newTask = {
id: this.maxId,
name: '',
description: '',
completed: false,
handleChange = (event) => {
const {value, name} = event.currentTarget
this.newTask[name] = this.newTask[name] + value
render () {
<div className='addTask'>
<h2>Let's add something new</h2>
<TaskAdd value={this.newTask.name} onChange={this.handleChange}
placeholder='Name' name='name'/>
<TaskAdd value={this.newTask.description} onChange={this.handleChange}
placeholder='Description' name='description'/>
<p> {this.newTask.name}</p>
<button className='button1'><h3>Add</h3></button>
<div>{this.state.tasks.map(task => <Task id={task.id} name={task.name}
description={task.description} completed={task.completed}/>)}
const App = () => {
return (
<MyTodoList />
export default App;

Obviously I cannot use setState as I want to update a non-state object
If you want the screen to update you have to use state. The setState function is the only* way to tell react that something change and it needs to rerender.
So, expand your state to have new task in it:
state = {
tasks: [
id: 1,
name: 'Walk the dog',
description: 'Have to walk the dog today',
completed: false,
newTask: {
id: 2,
name: '',
description: '',
completed: false,
With that you'll need to update your render function to access it in state, as in:
And then when you set state, make a copy instead of mutating:
handleChange = (event) => {
const {value, name} = event.currentTarget
newTask: {
[name]: this.state.newTask[name] + value
Your code didn't include an implementation for the add button, but when you do, you'll probably take this.state.newTask and add it to the end of this.state.tasks (you'll make a copy of the array, not mutate it), and then create a new object to replace this.state.newTask
*ok, technically there's forceUpdate, but don't use that.


How Refresh Table component onChange Event

I have react component in which I am showing data in the table, also have Select / dropdown. The table and select are in same component. I need to refresh table component soon the value change in the dropdown. My implementation does refresh the table and call API but there is delay when that happened. I am not sure if I have implemented correctly?
the idea is eziSearchCriteria is in useState and onChange event I am assign value to it.
const MyComponent = () => {
const[eziSearchCriteria, setEziSearchCriteria] = useState<IEziStatusSearchCriteriaForm>();
const eziSitesStatusCovers = [
{ label: 'UNSCHEDULED', value: 'UNSCHEDULED' },
{ label: 'COVERED', value: 'COVERED' },
{ label: 'PART COVERED', value: 'PART COVERED' },
useEffect(() =>{
const handleSearchFilter = (event) =>{
eziSearchCriteria.coverStatus = event.value;
return (
<div className="searchFilter">
onChange = {handleSearchFilter}
{ eziSearchCriteria ? (
apiUrl ={api.eziTrackerStatus}
customParams= {eziSearchCriteria}
></TableItems> ) : null}
export interface IEziStatusSearchCriteriaForm{
startTime: string,
endTime: string,
scheduleId?: number,
coverStatus: string
I have found the issue and answer.
I was changing one value in the object eziSearchCriteria but object is same/ reference variable and react state not considering to render on this change. I created new object and assign to eziSearchCriteria and it worked straight away.
const handleSearchFilter = (event) =>{
eziSearchCriteria.coverStatus = event.value;
var searchCriteria2 : IEziStatusSearchCriteriaForm = {
startTime: "12-08-2020", //MM:DD:YYYY
endTime: "12-09-2020",
schedAction_Active: "Active",
coverStatus: event.value

React checkboxes. State is late when toggling the checkboxes

I have a group of 3 checkboxes and the main checkbox for checking those 3 checkboxes.
When I select all 3 checkboxes I want for main checkbox to become checked.
When I check those 3 checkboxes nothing happens but when I then uncheck one of those trees the main checkbox becomes checked.
Can someone explain to me what actually is happening behind the scenes and help me somehow to solve this mystery of React state? Thanks!
Here is a code snnipet:
state = {
data: [
{ checked: false, id: 1 },
{ checked: false, id: 2 },
{ checked: false, id: 3 }
main: false,
onCheckboxChange = id => {
const data = [...this.state.data];
data.forEach(item => {
if (item.id === id) {
item.checked = !item.checked;
const everyCheckBoxIsTrue = checkbox.every(item => item === true);
this.setState({ data: data, main: everyCheckBoxIsTrue });
onMainCheckBoxChange = () => {
let data = [...this.state.data];
data.forEach(item => {
!this.state.main ? item.checked = true : item.checked = false
this.state.main: !this.state.main,
this.state.data: data,
render () {
const checkbox = this.state.data.map(item => (
onChange={() => this.onCheckboxChange(item.id)}
return (
<input type="checkbox" name="main" checked={this.state.main} onChange={this.onMainCheckBoxChange} />
I can't make a working code snippet based on the code you provided, one of the issues was:
const everyCheckBoxIsTrue = checkbox.every(item => item === true);
where checkbox is not defined.
However, I think you confused about using the old state vs the new state, it'd be simpler to differentiate if you name it clearly, e.g.:
eventHandler() {
const { data } = this.state; // old state
const newData = data.map(each => ...); // new object, soon-to-be new state
this.setState({ data }); // update state
Here's a working example for your reference:
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
data: [
{ checked: false, id: 1 },
{ checked: false, id: 2 },
{ checked: false, id: 3 }
main: false,
onCheckboxChange(id) {
const { data } = this.state;
const newData = data.map(each => {
if (each.id === id) {
// Toggle the previous checked value
return Object.assign({}, each, { checked: !each.checked });
return each;
data: newData,
// Check if every checked box is checked
main: newData.every(item => item.checked === true),
onMainCheckBoxChange() {
const { main, data } = this.state;
// Toggle the previous main value
const newValue = !main;
data: data.map(each => Object.assign({}, each, { checked: newValue })),
main: newValue,
render () {
const { data, main } = this.state;
return (
// TODO this should be automatically checked instead of assigning to the state
onChange={() => this.onMainCheckBoxChange()}
data.map(item => (
onChange={() => this.onCheckboxChange(item.id)}
<App />
, document.querySelector('#app'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>
Side note: You might want to consider not to use the main state
You shouldn't be storing state.main to determine whether every checkbox is checked.
You are already storing state that determines if all checkboxes are checked, because all checkboxes must be checked if every object in state.data has checked: true.
You can simply render the main checkbox like this:
checked={this.state.data.every(v => v.checked)}
The line this.state.data.every(v => v.checked) will return true if all of the checkboxes are checked.
And when the main checkbox is toggled, the function can look like this:
onMainCheckBoxChange = () => {
this.setState(prev => {
// If all are checked, then we want to uncheck all checkboxes
if (this.state.data.every(v => v.checked)) {
return {
data: prev.data.map(v => ({ ...v, checked: false })),
// Else some checkboxes must be unchecked, so we check them all
return {
data: prev.data.map(v => ({ ...v, checked: true })),
It is good practice to only store state that you NEED to store. Any state that can be calculated from other state (for example, "are all checkboxes checked?") should be calculated inside the render function. See here where it says:
What Shouldn’t Go in State? ... Computed data: Don't worry about precomputing values based on state — it's easier to ensure that your UI is consistent if you do all computation within render(). For example, if you have an array of list items in state and you want to render the count as a string, simply render this.state.listItems.length + ' list items' in your render() method rather than storing it on state.

In ReactJS how do I keep track of the state of a group of checkboxes?

I am trying to keep track of which boxes are checked in my local state(you can check multiple boxes). I want to be able to check and uncheck the boxes and keep track of the ids of the boxes that are checked. I will do something with the values later. This is what I have so far:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import CheckBox from './CheckBox'
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
fruits: [
{id: 1, value: "banana", isChecked: false},
{id: 2, value: "apple", isChecked: false},
{id: 3, value: "mango", isChecked: false},
{id: 4, value: "grape", isChecked: false}
fruitIds: []
handleCheckChildElement = (e) => {
const index = this.state.fruits.findIndex((fruit) => fruit.value === e.target.value),
fruits = [...this.state.fruits],
checkedOrNot = e.target.checked === true ? true : false;
fruits[index] = {id: fruits[index].id, value: fruits[index].value, isChecked: checkedOrNot};
updateCheckedIds = (e) => {
const fruitIds = [...this.state.fruitIds],
updatedFruitIds= fruitIds.concat(e.target.id);
render() {
const { fruits } = this.state;
if (!fruits) return;
const fruitOptions = fruits.map((fruit, index) => {
return (
<CheckBox key={index}
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Choose one or more fruits</h1>
{ fruitOptions }
export default App
So basically I am able to check and uncheck the boxes, but I cannot seem to update and store the fruitIds. Here is my checkbox component also:
import React from 'react'
export const CheckBox = props => {
return (
<input key={props.id}
export default CheckBox
Also if you have a cleaner ways to do this than the way I am doing it, I would love to see it.
This is what if I were to approach it I will do. I will create a one dimensional array that holds the id's of the fruits when A fruit if clicked(checked) I will add it id to the array and when its clicked the second time I check if the array already has the id I remove it. then the presence of id in the array will mean the fruit is checked otherwise its not checked So I will do something like below
fruitsIds: []
handleCheckChildElement=(id) => {
//the logic here is to remove the id if its already exist else add it. and set it back to state
const fruitsIds = this.state.fruitsIds;
this.setState({fruitsIds: fruitsIds.contains(id) ? fruitsIds.filter(i => i != id) : [...fruitsIds, id] })
then I render the checkboxes like
<CheckBox key={index}
isChecked = { this.state.fruitsIds.contains(fruit.id)}
This is because you can always use the id to get all the other properties of the fruit so there is absolutely no need storing them again.
then the checkbox component should be as follows
export const CheckBox = props => {
return (
<input key={props.id}
onChange={() => props.handleCheckChildElement(props.id)}
The reason you are not getting your ids updated because:
You are trying to concat a non array element to an array.
concat is used for joining two or more arrays.
updatedFruitIds = fruitIds.concat(e.target.id);
You are not updating your actual fruitIds state field. I dont know why you are using "updatedFruitIds" this variable but due to above error it will always result into a single element array.
this.setState({ updatedFruitIds });
updateCheckedIds = e => {
const fruitIds = [...this.state.fruitIds],
updatedFruitIds = fruitIds.concat([e.target.id]);
this.setState({ fruitIds: updatedFruitIds });
updateCheckedIds = e => {
const fruitIds = [...this.state.fruitIds, e.target.id],
this.setState({ fruitIds });

Material UI checkbox complaining to be uncontrolled

I'm using Material UI kit for React.
I'm making Checkboxes dynamically from states and updating them,
But I'm getting uncontrolled element error.
this.state = {
services : [{service: "s1", value: false},
{service: "s2", value: false},
{service: "s3", value: false},
handleServiceCheck = (i) => {
let services = this.state.services;
services[i].value = !services[i].value;
this.setState({ services: services });
this.state.services.map((service, i) => (
<FormControlLabel key={i}
onChange={() => this.handleServiceCheck(i)}
There are several problems here.
First of all, the checked prop of Checkbox needs a boolean, but you're passing integers.
Second of all, when mutating a previous state, you shouldn't mutate it in place, you should pass a function to setState that takes the previous state and returns the new one.
handleServiceCheck = (i) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({services:
prevState.services.map((s, idx) => {
return i === idx
? { ...s, value: !s.value }
: s
Here's a CodeSandbox sample I created with the full fixed working version.
checked={service.value || false}

SetState of an array of Objects in React

Ok, so I'm so frustrated finding the right solution so I'm posting the problem here. Giving an answer would help me a lot, coz I'm stuck!
the state tree looks like this
this.state = {
itemList : [{
_id : 1234,
description : 'This the description',
amount : 100
}, {
_id : 1234,
description : 'This the description',
amount : 100
The problems are :
can not update any specific key in the Object of the array according
to the _id
The previous state should remain intact
answered March 25 2018
This is how you would use setState and prevstate to update a certain attribute of an object in your data structure.
this.setState(prevState => ({
itemList: prevState.itemList.map(
obj => (obj._id === 1234 ? Object.assign(obj, { description: "New Description" }) : obj)
answered Dec 12 2019 (REACT HOOKS)
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const App = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState([
username: '141451',
password: 'password',
favoriteFood: 'pizza',
username: '15151',
password: '91jf7jn38f8jn3',
favoriteFood: 'beans'
return (
{data.map(user => {
return (
<div onClick={() => {
setData([...data].map(object => {
if(object.username === user.username) {
return {
favoriteFood: 'Potatos',
someNewRandomAttribute: 'X'
else return object;
{JSON.stringify(user) + '\n'}
to update state constructed like this you will have to find index of element you want to update, copy the array and change found index.
it's easier and more readable if you keep list of records as object, with id as a key and record as a value.
The only way to do this will be to copy itemList, modify it, and set the state to it.
update() {
let itemList = this.state.itemList.slice();
//update it
this.setState({ itemList });
Best way to update data into an array of objects
onChange={ (e) => this.setState({formData: { ...this.state.formData, 'plan_id': e.target.value}})}
