How to unset a laravel session array - arrays

Hi I'm trying to remove a product array inside my cart session when the quantity is 1 and user tries to remove it, simply unsets that.
Here is my code:
public function remove($id)
if (session('cart')) {
foreach (session('cart') as $product) {
if ($product['id'] == $id) {
if ($product['qty'] == 1) {
} else {
$product['qty'] = $product['qty'] - 1;
Session::put('cart', session('cart'));
return redirect()->back();
I tried to use Session::forget('cart.'$num) but having some more issues.

Take your session edit it, and then re-set it:
$cart = session('cart');
array_forget($cart, $num);
session()->put('cart', $cart);


Arraylist doesn't get refilled and/or filtered

I have a list in angular, an array. OnInit it gets filled from the right corresponding database items. I created a form above it. When you enter something in the form, it acts like a filter. This works, the first time. When you erase something from the form and enter something else, the list should be refreshed and afterwards filtered based on the new input. This doesn't happen. I put the formula that happens on onInit in my function to refill the list.
Below you can find my function (I left the console logs in) and a screenshot of the problem. First I look for a user ( which returns three results. Than I erase the user and look based on a month 7. The screen returns a new unfilterd list while in the console it still holds the list of 3 x user So there is an inconsistency to. If you look at screen result you would think of a filter problem, the console points at a refreshproblem.
if more code is required let me know.
updateWithFilter(): void {
console.log("function update filter reached")
if(this.listadapted == true){
// this.timesheetsHandled = {} as TimeSheet[];
console.log("getHandledSheet executed")
if(this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && !this.filterMonth){
console.log("option 1 reached")
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.username == this.filterUsername);
this.listadapted = true;
} else if(!this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && this.filterMonth){
console.log("option 2 reached");
console.log("before filter");
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth);
console.log("after filter");
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
// console.log(this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth));
this.listadapted = true;
} else if .. more options
ngOnInit(): void {
getHandledSheet(): void {
this.timesheetService.getAllTimesheets().subscribe({next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED') }}) ;
My guess would be that this is caused by loading data in ngOnInit. As the documentation ( states : [...] It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
I suspect that you create one instance and re-use it and the ngOnInit method does not get called again.
The issue is that the call to this.getHandledSheet(); does a call to .. .subscribe({next: .. which is delayed and the rest of the function is executed first.
So the actual code after next: is only executed after the timeSheetService is done loading the data.
So either you apply the filter in the
{next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED') }}
block after filtering for 'HANDLED' or you'll try to await in the update function.
Create two variables, one that will always remain unfiltered, then another that will be filtered.
The problem will be that the original list is filtered, hence you are losing the original data after filtering!
timesheetHandled: TimeSheet[];
timesheetHandledOriginal: TimeSheet[];
updateWithFilter(): void {
console.log('function update filter reached');
if (this.listadapted == true) {
// this.timesheetsHandled = {} as TimeSheet[];
console.log('getHandledSheet executed');
if (this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && !this.filterMonth) {
console.log('option 1 reached');
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetHandledOriginal.filter(
sheet => sheet.username == this.filterUsername
this.listadapted = true;
} else if (!this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && this.filterMonth) {
console.log('option 2 reached');
console.log('before filter');
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetHandledOriginal.filter(
sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth
console.log('after filter');
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
// console.log(this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth));
this.listadapted = true;
// else if .. more options
ngOnInit(): void {
getHandledSheet(): void {
next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {
this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED');
this.timesheetHandledOriginal = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.timesheetsHandled));

Pass array from one controller to another. Laravel

I'm trying to pass array from one controller to another. But I have no idea how to that.
I have my Bill Controller with array:
public function store(Request $request, $id,$sid)
$selected = array();
if ($request->annual != 0) {
$selected['annual'] = $request->annual;
if ($request->registration != 0) {
$selected['registration'] = $request->registration;
if ($request->monthly != 0) {
$selected['monthly'] = $request->monthly;
if ($request->annual != 0) {
$selected['annual'] = $request->annual;
return redirect()->route('invoice', [$sid]);
Here, I have passed $sid to another controller PdfController through route.
My Route:
Route::get('sid/{sid}', 'PdfController#invoice')->name('invoice');
class PdfController extends Controller
public function invoice($sid)
$data = $this->getData();
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$student = Student::where('id',$sid)->first();
$view = \View::make('layouts.bill',compact('data', 'date','student'))->render();
$pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
return $pdf->stream('invoice');
How can I pass array from my BillController to my PdfController? Can anyone help me?
You can use different ways,
Create a cache (Cache::forever) variable and pass it.
Create a database temporary table with model and pass it.
Create a static variable and first set your variable and get again.
If you can tell which data you need to pass, we can help you much better.

angular find substring in array

I have an array like this in angular
[ 'abcdefg',
Currently I have a common method that checks for value being in array like this
app.factory('commons', function () {
var commons= {};
//Checks if the current url is
commons.checkString= function (str) {
if (app.myStringArray.indexOf(str) > -1) {
return true; //current string is in list
} else {
return false;
return commons;
This works if I send in the full string 'abcdefg' or '123456' or 'qwerty'.
How can I make it work even if I get part of the string like for eg: 'bcd' ?
To check if a string contains another one you can use String.indexOf() or as of ES6 String.includes().
To check if at least one item in an array matches a predicate you can use Array.some() or simply iterate over the array yourself.
ES6 solution:
function checkString(str) {
return myStringArray.some(s => s.includes(str));
ES5 solution:
function checkString2(str) {
return myStringArray.some(function(s) {
return s.indexOf(str) > -1;
Iterate through the array and check indexOf(str) for each string in the array. No need for Angular.
var array = ['abcdefg', '123456', 'qwerty'];
function checkString(str) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i].indexOf(str) > -1) {
return true;
return false;

How to define a checkbox variable in Cakephp

I have a form in my Plugin elements and what i would like to insert the checkbox value into a table named it_queries and field status_type and its giving me an error Undefined variable: variableValue [APP\Plugin\Feedback\View\Elements\comment_add.ctp, line 37] .I have declared the variable in my controller like this
$this->set('variableValueStatus', 'Pending');
and this is line 37 thats giving me the error
Below is the Controller code
App::uses('FeedbackAppController', 'Feedback.Controller');
class CommentsController extends FeedbackAppController
public $components = array('Feedback.Comments');
public function add($foreign_model = null, $foreign_id = null)
if (empty($foreign_model) ||
empty($foreign_id) ||
foreach ($_POST['likebutton'] as $pageId => $likeFlag) {
$dbFlag = $likeFlag ? 'Yes' : 'No';
return $this->redirect('/');
App::uses($foreign_model, 'Model');
$Model = ClassRegistry::init($foreign_model);
if (!($Model instanceof Model))
return $this->redirect('/');
if ($Model->hasAny(array($Model->primaryKey => $foreign_id)) == false)
return $this->redirect('/');
if (!isset($this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_model']) ||
!isset($this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_id']) ||
$this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_model'] != $foreign_model ||
$this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_id'] != $foreign_id)
return $this->redirect('/');
$user_id = null;
if (isset($this->Auth))
$user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_model'] = $Model->name;
$this->request->data['Comment']['foreign_id'] = $foreign_id;
$this->request->data['Comment']['user_id'] = $user_id;
if (!$this->Comment->save($this->request->data))
$this->set('validation_errors', $this->Comment->validationErrors);
and in the add view in my element here is how i am trying to accessing the variable value
echo $this->Form->checkbox('ItQuery.status_type', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value'=>$variableValueStatus));
If someone can show me how to fix this, that would be awesome
You are only passing the variable down on !post and if foreign model and foreign id are not set.
That will most likely not work in most of the cases.
You should be always passing down a variable if you do not check on it in the view prior to using it.
But it would still be wrong, anyway. You would have to use "default" instead of "value" if you dont want your form to fall back on the old value on POST (which it shouldnt).
Also, it is always better to use $this->request->data to properly fill the form with defaults:
if (!$this->request->is('post')) {
$this->request->data['ItQuery']['status_type'] = 'Pending';
See working-with-forms

cakephp render + afterfilter variables are unset

I am trying to use render for specific action names in my app.
Actually, here are my condition set in my AppController::afterFilter()
if($this->action == 'parameter') {
else if($this->action == 'datagrid') {
And in my controller /samples/parameter :
$this->set('model', Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camelize($this->name)));
$this->set('controller', $this->name);
if($parameter_id) {
$this->set('mode', $mode);
$this->set('parameter', $this->Sample->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $parameter_id))));
} else {
$this->set('mode', 'add');
$this->set('parameter', array());
I know that I have to render AFTER the definition of variables, so I use afterFilter Something I don't understand or missed ?
I have set in Samples Controller the function
public function afterFilter(){
Thank you all!
The afterFilter() callback is called after rendering process is done, so calling render() inside it is doing it wrong.
If you want to change the view to be rendered do so in beforeRender(). So do something like
if ($this->action == 'parameter') {
$this->view = '/Elements/parameter';
} elseif ($this->action == 'datagrid') {
$this->view = '/Elements/datagrid';
