get_multiple_points volttron RPC call - volttron

Any chance I could get a tip for proper way to build an agent that could do read multiple points from multiple devices on a BACnet system? I am viewing the actuator agent code trying learn how to make the proper rpc call.
So going through the agent development procedure with the agent creation wizard.
In the init I have this just hard coded at the moment:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Setteroccvav, self).__init__(**kwargs)
_log.debug("vip_identity: " + self.core.identity)
self.default_config = {}
self.agent_id = "dr_event_setpoint_adj_agent"
self.topic = "slipstream_internal/slipstream_hq/"
self.jci_zonetemp_string = "/ZN-T"
So the BACnet system in the building has JCI VAV boxes all with the same zone temperature sensor point self.jci_zonetemp_string and self.topic is how I pulled them into volttron/config store through BACnet discovery processes.
In my actuate point function (copied from CSV driver example) am I at all close for how to make the rpc call named reads using the get_multiple_points? Hoping to scrape the zone temperature sensor readings on BACnet device ID's 6,7,8,9,10 which are all the same VAV box controller with the same points/BAS program running.
def actuate_point(self):
Request that the Actuator set a point on the CSV device
# Create a start and end timestep to serve as the times we reserve to communicate with the CSV Device
_now = get_aware_utc_now()
str_now = format_timestamp(_now)
_end = _now + td(seconds=10)
str_end = format_timestamp(_end)
# Wrap the timestamps and device topic (used by the Actuator to identify the device) into an actuator request
schedule_request = [[self.ahu_topic, str_now, str_end]]
# Use a remote procedure call to ask the actuator to schedule us some time on the device
result =
'platform.actuator', 'request_new_schedule', self.agent_id, 'my_test', 'HIGH', schedule_request).get(
timeout=4)'*** [INFO] *** - SCHEDULED TIME ON ACTUATOR From "actuate_point" method sucess')
reads =
[(('self.topic'+'6', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'7', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'8', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'9', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'10', self.jci_zonetemp_string))]).get(timeout=10)
Any tips before I break something on the live system greatly appreciated :)

The basic form of an RPC call to the actuator is as follows:
# use the agent's VIP connection to make an RPC call to the actuator agent
result ='platform.actuator', <RPC exported function>, <args>).get(timeout=<seconds>)
Because we're working with devices, we need to know which devices we're interested in, and what their topics are. We also need to know which points on the devices that we're interested in.
device_map = {
'device1': '201201',
'device2': '201202',
'device3': '201203',
'device4': '201204',
building_topic = 'campus/building'
all_device_points = ['point1', 'point2', 'point3']
Getting points with the actuator requires a list of point topics, or device/point topic pairs.
# we only need one of the following:
point topics = []
for device in device_map.values():
for point in all_device_points:
point_topics.append('/'.join([building_topic, device, point]))
device_point_pairs = []
for device in device_map.values():
for point in all_device_points:
device_point_pairs.append(('/'.join([building_topic, device]),point,))
Now we send our RPC request to the actuator:
# can use instead device_point_pairs
point_results ='platform.actuator', 'get_multiple_points', point_topics).get(timeout=3)

maybe it's just my interpretation of your question, but it seems a little open-ended - so I shall respond in a similar vein - general (& I'll try to keep it short).
First, you need the list of info for targeting each device in-turn; i.e. it might consist of just a IP(v4) address (for the physical device) & the (logical) device's BOIN (BACnet Object Instance Number) - or if the request is been routed/forwarded on by/via a BACnet router/BACnet gateway then maybe also the DNET # & the DADR too.
Then you probably want - for each device/one at a time, to retrieve the first/0-element value of the device's Object-List property - in order to get the number of objects it contains, to allow you to know how many objects are available (including the logical device/device-type object) - that you need to retrieve from it/iterate over; NOTE: in the real world, as much as it's common for the device-type object to be the first one in the list, there's no guarantee it will always be the case.
As much as the BACnet standard started allowing for the retrieval of the Property-List (property) from each & every object, most equipment don't as-yet support it, so you might need your own idea of what properties (/at least the ones of interest to you) that each different object-type supports; probably at the very-very least know which ones/object-types support the Present-Value property & which ones don't.
One ideal would be to have the following mocked facets - as fakes for testing purposes instead of testing against a live/important device (- or at least consider testing against a noddy BACnet enabled Raspberry PI or the harware-based like):
a mock for your BACnet service
a mock for the BACnet communication stack
a mock for your device as a whole (- if you can't write your own one, then maybe even start with the YABE 'Room Control Simulator' as a starting point)
Hope this helps (in some way).


BlueNRG Bluetooth: read central device name

I'm using the STM BlueNRG-MS chip on my peripheral device and after connection I'd like to read the name of the connected central device (android phone).
I thought I can do this directly in my user_notify routine which is registered as hci callback
/* Initialize the Host-Controller Interface */
hci_init(user_notify, NULL);
So on the EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE event, I take the provided handle for the central device and I use aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() to read what I thought is the characteristic with the device name (uuid 0x2a00).
evt_le_meta_event *evt = (void *)event_pckt->data;
evt_le_connection_complete *cc = (void *)evt->data;
GAP_ConnectionComplete_CB(cc->peer_bdaddr, cc->handle);
uint16_t uuid = 0x2a00;
resp = aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(cc->handle, 0, 1, UUID_TYPE_16, (uint8_t*)&uuid);
LOG("GATT read status: %d", resp);
Long story short, it doesn't work. First thing I'm not sure about is, what is the start_handle and end_handle parameter of aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(), it returns ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS.
Can someone shed some light here?
What also puzzles me is that the function aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() is nowehere referenced in the BlueNRG-MS Programming Guidelines.
I changed the function call to aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid(cc->handle, 0x0001, 0xffff, UUID_TYPE_16, (uint8_t*)&uuid); but I still get the ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS. What which paramter could even be invalid? The uuid exists, I can read the device name if I use the BlueNRG GUI with a bluetooth dongle.
Has anyone ever used this function or somehow managed to read a characteristic from a central device? I'd highly appreciate any help or hint.
Here you go, The BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth® LE stack application command interface (ACI) - User manual
page 75 - 4.6.25 Aci_Gatt_Read_Charac_Using_UUID()
and make sure you have called Aci_Gatt_Init()
The user manual is last revised July 2019, the document you link to is from 2018, don't know if this is why ?
The start_handle and end_handle is the range of handles in your service as pictured here -
Here is a discussion to the closest thing I could find to match your question.
As it turned out there are two bugs in the BlueNRG API.
In bluenrg_aci_const.h file the OCF code OCF_GATT_READ_USING_CHARAC_UUID shall be 0x119 instead of 0x109.
And in the implementation of the aci_gatt_read_using_charac_uuid() function, there is a missing setting on event:
rq.event = EVT_CMD_STATUS;
Patching them fixed the issue.

Dronekit Example Follow Me Python Script not working

I try to run an example script from dronekit. the code is looks like this :
import gps
import socket
import time
from droneapi.lib import VehicleMode, Location
def followme():
followme - A DroneAPI example
This is a somewhat more 'meaty' example on how to use the DroneAPI. It uses the
python gps package to read positions from the GPS attached to your laptop an
every two seconds it sends a new goto command to the vehicle.
To use this example:
* Run with the correct options to connect to your vehicle
* module load api
* api start <>
When you want to stop follow-me, either change vehicle modes from your RC
transmitter or type "api stop".
# First get an instance of the API endpoint (the connect via web case will be similar)
api = local_connect()
# Now get our vehicle (we assume the user is trying to control the first vehicle attached to the GCS)
v = api.get_vehicles()[0]
# Don't let the user try to fly while the board is still booting
print "Vehicle still booting, try again later"
cmds = v.commands
is_guided = False # Have we sent at least one destination point?
# Use the python gps package to access the laptop GPS
gpsd = gps.gps(mode=gps.WATCH_ENABLE)
while not api.exit:
# This is necessary to read the GPS state from the laptop
if is_guided and != "GUIDED":
print "User has changed flight modes - aborting follow-me"
# Once we have a valid location (see gpsd documentation) we can start moving our vehicle around
if (gpsd.valid & gps.LATLON_SET) != 0:
altitude = 30 # in meters
dest = Location(gpsd.fix.latitude, gpsd.fix.longitude, altitude, is_relative=True)
print "Going to: %s" % dest
# A better implementation would only send new waypoints if the position had changed significantly
is_guided = True
# Send a new target every two seconds
# For a complete implementation of follow me you'd want adjust this delay
except socket.error:
print "Error: gpsd service does not seem to be running, plug in USB GPS or run"
I try to run it in my Raspberry with Raspbian OS, but i got an error message like this :
Error : gpsd service does not seem to be running, plug in USB GPS or run
I get a feeling that my raspberry is needed a gps kind of device to be attached before i can run this script, but i dont really know.
Please kindly tell me whats wrong with it..
the full path of instruction i got from here :
As the example says:
[This example] will use a USB GPS attached to your laptop to have the vehicle follow you as you walk around a field.
Without a GPS device, the code doesn't know where you are so it would not be possible to implement any sort of "following" behavior. Before running the example, you would need to:
Acquire some sort of GPS device (I use one of these, but there are lots of alternatives).
Configure gpsd on your laptop to interface with the GPS device.

Move graph trained the GPU to be tested on the CPU

So I have this CNN which I train on the GPU. During the training, I regularly save checkpoint.
Later on, I want to have a small script that reads .meta file and the checkpoint and do some tests on a CPU. I use the following the code:
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
with sess.as_default():
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('{}.meta'.format(model))
I keep getting this error which tell me that the saver is trying to put the operation on the GPU.
How can i change that?
Move all the ops to CPU using _set_device API.
with tf.Session() as sess:
g = tf.get_default_graph()
ops = g.get_operations()
for op in ops:
Hacky work-around, open your graph definition file (ending with .pbtxt), and remove all lines starting with device:
For programmatic approach you can see how TensorFlow exporter does this with clear_devices although that uses regular Saver, not meta graph exporter

Gatling repeat with connection re-use

With Gatling 2, is it possible to repeat with connection re-use? How?
I have the below code, but it appears to open new connection every time. I want to maintain x connections for some time.
val httpProtocol = http
val uri1 = "http://mysrv.pvt"
val scn = scenario("Simulation").repeat(50){
pause(2 seconds,20 seconds).
First, your question is not accurate enough.
By default, Gatling has one connection pool per virtual user, so each of them do re-use connections between sequential requests, and can have more than one concurrent connection when dealing with resource fetching, which you do as you enabled inferHtmlResources. This way, virtual users behave as independent browsers.
You can change this behavior and share a common connection pool, see doc. However, you have to make sure this makes sense in your case. Your workload profile will be very different, the toll on the TCP stack on both the client/Gatling and the server/your app will be way less, so make sure that's how your application is being used in production.

How to perform a catalog update correctly in FDT 1.x?

I have heard rumours that performing a catalog update correctly in FDT 1.x is quite complex. There seem to be more than the obvious steps, which are in pseudo code:
foreach (progid in Registry having component category "FDT DTM")
dtm = CoCreateInstance(progid);
info = dtm.GetInformation("FDT");
I could not find any hints in the FDT specification that would require a more complex catalog update procedure, so are the rumours true? What makes a correct catalog update procedure so complex?
Basically the idea for the catalog update is correct. Unfortunately the rumours are also true: doing a catalog update involves some more thoughts, as there are:
Frame application interface considerations
During the catalog update, the DTM is not part of a project yet. Therefore the frame application could be implemented without project specific interfaces such as IFdtTopology or IFdtBulkData. However, many DTMs will query for those interfaces immediately and throw an exception if the frame application does not support those interfaces.
Also, during the catalog update, the frame application could expect that the DTM works without user interface, because this is a batch operation which should not require user interaction. This means the frame application could be implemented without the IFdtActiveX and IFdtDialog interfaces. Unfortunately there are also DTMs that use those interfaces during catalog update time.
.NET considerations
Doing a catalog update on a system with many DTMs installed could require a lot of memory. Therefore some frame applications do the catalog update in an external process. While this is a good idea, you need to consider the FDT .NET specifications and best practice documents.
The base line here is: the external process must be a .NET 2.0 process, independent of the actual implementation technology of your frame application. If you have a C++ implementation, you'll need a very small .NET 2.0 object being loaded before any DTM is started.
Memory considerations
Since FDT 1.x is a conglomerate of COM and .NET, there will be pinned objects. This makes it likely that your application suffers from small object heap fragmentation. In addition FDT passes XMLs as strings which makes it more likely that your application suffers from large object heap fragmentation. The overall combination is very dangerous.
One solution might be to start a limited number of DTMs in the same process and then restart the process, e.g. like
updateprocess = StartProcess();
dtmCount = 0;
foreach (progid in Registry having component category "FDT DTM")
if (dtmCount % 10 == 0)
// restart process to avoid out of memory situation
updateProcess = StartProcess();
info = updateProcess.GetDtmInformation();
In the update process you'll need to create the COM object and follow the state machine etc.
FDT 1.2.1 scanning information
In FDT 1.2.1, additional information was introduced to better recognize device during a hardware scan. Although there is no fully FDT 1.2.1 compliant DTM at the time of writing, many FDT 1.2.0 DTMs implement the additional interface IDtmInformation2 to support device detection.
For you as the frame application developer, this means that you have to extend the GetDtmInformation() method in the update process:
T GetDtmInformation()
var result = new T(); // a type defined by you = dtm.GetInformation();
foreach (deviceType in
foreach (protocol in deviceType)
deviceInfo = dtm.GetDeviceIdentificationInformation(deviceType, protocol);
Schema path updates
FDT 1.2.0 had the problem that the user needed to install XDR schema definitions manually, which was very uncomfortable. FDT 1.2.1 solves this problem in the way that the DTM can now bring XDR schemas with it. The definition is in the XML from GetInformation() at the XML elements <FDT>, <DtmInfo>, <DtmSchemaPaths>. The DTM will publish a directory name there. In theory, this is an easy task: to install the XDR schemas, we need to update the GetDtmInformation() a little bit:
T GetDtmInformation()
var result = new T(); // a type defined by you = dtm.GetInformation();
schemaPaths ="/FDT/DtmInfo/DtmSchemaPaths/DtmSchemaPath");
foreach (dtmSchemaPath in schemaPaths)
CopyFiles(from dtmSchemaPath to frameSchemaPath);
// *) read on, more code needed here
foreach (deviceType in
foreach (protocol in deviceType)
deviceInfo = dtm.GetDeviceIdentificationInformation(deviceType, protocol);
Unfortunately there is a logical bug in the sequence now. Since the DTM was already started, it has already asked the frame application for the schema path (using IFdtContainer::GetXmlSchemaPath()) and it has already set up the schema cache to validate XMLs. The DTM cannot be notified about updates in the schema path.
Therefore you need to restart the DTM in order to be sure that it gets the latest version of XDR schemas. In code, this means you have to update the whole code to:
T GetDtmInformation()
var result = new T; // a type defined by you = dtm.GetInformation();
schemaPaths ="/FDT/DtmInfo/DtmSchemaPaths/DtmSchemaPath");
schemasUpdated = false;
foreach (dtmSchemaPath in schemaPaths)
schemasUpdated |= CopyFiles(from dtmSchemaPath to frameSchemaPath);
if (schemasUpdated)
// restart the DTM to make sure it uses latest versions of the schemas
dtm = CoCreateInstance(progid);
info = dtm.GetInformation("FDT");
foreach (deviceType in
foreach (protocol in deviceType)
deviceInfo = dtm.GetDeviceIdentificationInformation(deviceType, protocol);
XDR schema version information issue
In the chapter before, I have used a simple CopyFiles() operation to update the XDR schema files. This method is not so simple as it seems, because this method needs to perform a version number check.
The version is given in the XDR schema like this:
<AttributeType name="schemaVersion" dt:type="number" default="1.0"/>
The attribute #default defines the version number of the schema. #schemaVersion itself is not used anywhere else.
Version numbers that are used at the time of writing:
1.0 // e.g. FDTCIPCommunicationSchema CIP version 1.1-02
1.1 // e.g. FDTCIPChannelParameterSchema CIP version 1.1-02
1.00 // e.g. DTMIOLinkDeviceSchema IO Link version 1.0-1
1.21 // e.g. FDTIOLinkChannelParameterSchema IO Link version 1.0-1
1.22 // e.g. FDTHART_ExtendedCommunicationSchema
Version 1.21 highly suggests that it correlates to FDT version 1.2.1, which brings up the question on how to interpret the version number. There are three possible ways of interpreting it:
a) as a simple float number as defined in the datatype of XDR (dt:type="number")
b) as a version number in format major.minor
c) as a version number in format major.minorbuild where minor and build are simply concatenated
Ok, I'll leave that puzzle up to the reader. I have suggested a document clarifying this version number issue.
Anyway, this is our CopyFiles() method:
bool CopyFiles(sourceDir, destinationDir)
filesCopied = false;
foreach(filename in sourceDir)
existingVersion = ExtractVersion(destinationDir + filename);
newVersion = ExtractVersion(sourceDir + filename);
if (newVersion > existingVersion)
File.Copy(sourceDir + filename, destinationDir+filenam);
filesCopied = true;
return filesCopied;
XDR schema update impact on other DTMs
In the last chapter we return a flag from CopyFiles() in order to determine whether or not the DTM needs to be restarted in GetDtmInformation(). However, this update may not only affect the current DTM, it may also affect other DTMs of the same protocol which have been added to the catalog before.
While you can simply restart the whole catalog update from scratch, this would imply a huge performance impact. The better way seems to do it selectively.
To apply a selective approach, you need to maintain a list of protocols that were updated (in T GetDtmInformation()):
foreach (dtmSchemaPath in schemaPaths)
schemasUpdated = CopyFiles(from dtmSchemaPath to frameSchemaPath);
if (schemasUpdated)
And of course, don't forget to re-update the catalog for affected DTMs:
affectedDtms = catalog.GetDtmsForProtocols(listOfChangedProtocols);
// TODO: perform catalog update again
// NOTE: remember that this might apply recursively
Getting protocol groups right
Next, you need to know the concept of protocol groups. A protocol group shares XDR schema files across different protocols, where each protocol is identified by a protocol ID. A good example is the CIP protocol family, which consists of the single protocols DeviceNet, CompoNet and Ethernet/IP.
These protocols share a common set of XDR schema files, so you'll find the same file three times on your hard disk. This duplication also has some impact on the catalog update since you need to update all copies even if the DTM comes for a single protocol only.
The reason is in the way a schema cache is constructed: when adding XDR schemas to the schema cache, the first file will win. Other files with the same name will not be added any more. Therefore it is important to ensure that the first file added to the cache is the one with the highest version number. This can only be achieved by updating all copies to the latest version.
This results in an update of the CopyFiles() method:
List<protocolID> CopyFiles(sourceDir, destinationDir)
protocolsChanged = new List<protocolID>();
foreach(filename in sourceDir)
foreach (subdirectory in destinationDir)
files = GetFiles(subdirectory, pattern = filename);
if (files.Count == 1)
UpdateXDRConsideringVersionNumber(sourceDir, subdirectory);
return protocolsChanged;
void UpdateXDRConsideringVersionNumber(sourceDir, destinationDir)
existingVersion = ExtractVersion(destinationDir + filename);
newVersion = ExtractVersion(sourceDir + filename);
if (newVersion > existingVersion)
File.Copy(sourceDir + filename, destinationDir+filenam);
filesCopied = true;
Device DTMs and schema paths
For whatever reason, it is defined that only communication DTMs and device DTMs need to bring XDR schemas with them. The rationale behind that probably was that you cannot use a device DTM without a communication or gateway DTM.
Unfortunately, when querying the Windows Registry for DTMs, you cannot predict the order in which you get DTMs. This may lead to the case that you get a device DTM first. Starting this DTM and getting information from it may result in errors or invalid XML if there is no XDR schema for the protocol of the DTM yet.
So you need to continue the catalog update, hopefully find a communication DTM or gateway DTM of the same protocol which brings the XDR schemas. Then you start the device DTM again and it will deliver useful information.
This does not need an update to any code. It should already work if you followed all the steps described before. The only thing to consider here is good error handling (but I'll not do that in pseudo code here).
Hopefully I could cover all the topics which are important to know in conjunction with the FDT 1.x catalog update. As you can see, this is not only a rumour.
