How to send email to outlook without backend - reactjs

I have a simple React application and I would like to create a form that sends an email to a specific Outlook adress without having to add my own backend.
I first looked at email.js, a library that works fine for Gmail but not for Outlook in my case. When I try to set up the correct Email, I get:
412Hotmail: Invalid login: 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, SmtpClientAuthentication is disabled for the Tenant. Visit for more information. []
This leads into a maze of powershell commands that, for reasons that are hard to summarize, were very difficult to follow through and actually make it work.
I then tried using, but I can't make it work with React. The following code:
Host : "",
Username : "username",
Password : "password",
To : '',
From : "",
Subject : "This is the subject",
Body : "And this is the body"
message => alert(message)
gives the error that "Email is not defined", it doesn't matter where I insert my script tag, in my component or in index.html. I also tried
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = ""
inside the component, still does not work.
The only solution that actually works so far is, but it is a sub-par solution where the sender is redirected to a Formspree page.
I have a very vague understanding of SMTP, so perhaps I am making some rookie mistake with smtp.js.
Grateful for any help.


How to (and is it possible to) make link markup work in a discord bot message?

What I'm trying to achieve is simple:
send a message like links: [link1](, [link1]( via a bot
get it displayed as "links: link1, link1"
In a ephemeral follow up, it works as expected:
const content = "links: [link1](, [link1]("
await interaction.followUp({
ephemeral: true,
But when I send this to a public channel like this:
await channel.send(content)
I'm getting it as plain text (links: [link1](, [link1]( except the links are clickable.
Is it possible to get the same result as in an ephemeral message?
I've checked the permissions, there's only "embed" links (which sounds like "allow links in embeds", and not "allow links in messages) and it is enabled anyway on server for everyone, for the bot and in the channel. So what am I missing here?
PS Here they say that "it's only possible if the message was sent with webhook though", but I'm not quite sure what does this mean (can this be different for a public and an ephemeral message?)
You cannot use hyper links in normal messages sent by a bot. You need to use a Webhook. Considering you're using discord.js, see this guide on their documentation. When using something like that it will work as expected
const { WebhookClient } = require('discord.js');
const webhookClient = new WebhookClient({ url: "WEBHOOK_URL" });
content: "[Hello world](",
username: "Webhook Username",
Otherwise you may use embeds and send one of these with your bot and the content you wish to have.
Right, so I've found a solution based on suggestion by Krypton. As an embed doesn't look nice and manual creation of a webhook is not an option for me, I've found that I can create a webhook on the go and use it.
After some testing, I've figured that such webhooks are also permanent (although they can be found in another part of settings than the manually created ones); they should be deleted as there's a limit of 15 webhooks – an attempt to create more fails (with DiscordAPIError[30007]: Maximum number of webhooks reached (15)).
Instead of doing
await channel.send(content)
I've put
// a guard, TypeScript requires us to be sure
if(channel instanceof TextChannel) {
const webhook = await channel.createWebhook({
// a message from a webhook has a different sender, here we set its name,
// for instance the same as the name of our bot (likewise, we can set an avatar)
name: "MyBot",
await webhook.send(content)
await webhook.delete()
This seems to be a minimal code change to get the links working.

Exporting SSRS Reports to PDF from Python

I am trying to export/print/generate SSRS reports from Python. It looks like SSPYRS should accomplish exactly what I am looking for. However, I get an error and can't find the ways around it.
import sspyrs
username= "user"
password = "pass"
params_multi = {'param1': value1, 'param2': value2, 'param3': value3}
myrpt ="http://sqlserver/reportingserrver/reportsfolder/reportname", username, password, params_multi).download('PDF',fileloc)
except Exception as ex:
template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}"
message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
I get the following error:
Report Server does not allow usable data export methods. Update server settings/version to enable XML, Excel, or CSV export.
When I ran the the same reports from the browser everything is working fine. I can also access it without any problems from .net applications. So I doubt it's a permissions issues.
I checked reportserver.config file on SQL Server and PDF rendering is enabled. I am not sure where else I can look.
Any help guidance will be greatly appreciated.
So I had to use NTLM authentication to get it to work for me in my environment. Maybe you could use and/or modify this? I am SQL person, not python, but here goes:
import requests
from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth
#change username to your username
filename = 'C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\report.pdf'
#change username and password to your network login
username = "username"
password = "password"
#url needs to be the special url found by going to the ReportServer, the one with &rs:Command=Render
url = "http://reportservername/ReportServer%2fReportFolder%2fReportName&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF"
r = requests.get(url, auth=HttpNtlmAuth(username, password))
if r.status_code == 200:
with open(filename, 'wb') as out:
for bits in r.iter_content():
This post helped me:

Cannot login to Salesforce Sandbox via python API

I am using the python3.7.2 module simple-salesforce==0.74.2 and I am having trouble trying to establish a connection to my salesforce sandbox. I can login to the salesforce production with the same credentials just fine like so:
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
sf = Salesforce(username='', password='pswd', security_token='mytoken')
Okay cool. Now I attempt to login to my sandbox with the following:
sf = Salesforce(username='', password='pswd', security_token='mytoken', sandbox=True)
And I get the error:
INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user
locked out.
So I tried logging in with a different method:
sf = Salesforce(username='', password='pswd', security_token='mytoken', domain='sandbox_name')
And this gave a different error:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max
retries exceeded with url: /services/Soap/u/38.0 (Caused by
NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8]
nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))
I am using a Developer sandbox, named sandbox_name, following salesforce's instructions. Can someone give some advice on what I am doing incorrectly?
Solved. Set domain='test' and generate a new token under your sandbox account
this didn't work for me, but what did was:
`sf = Salesforce(
The advice here may be a bit deprecated. After a bit of tinkering, I was able to get the simple_salesforce library working with the Salesforce sandbox on a custom domain with the following code. Note the domain that I am passing to the api as well the sand_box name that needs to be appended to the username.
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
USER = ""
PASS = "pass"
SEC_TOKEN = "token"
DOMAIN = "<domain>--<sandbox_name>.<instance>.my"
sf = Salesforce(username=USER, password=PASS, security_token=SEC_TOKEN, domain=DOMAIN)

Cannot get Username / given_name when using angular-oauth2-oidc and Identity Server 4

I am following the Implicit Workflow example from the angular-oauth2-oidc documentation.
Everything works well in my Angular app, and I can login (during which I am redirected to Identity Server), get my token and use this token to access my Web Api.
However, I have noticed that the "given_name" claim is null, and therefore, the username is not displayed on the login page. Specifically, the following method from the sample code appears to return null:
public get name() {
let claims = this.oauthService.getIdentityClaims();
if (!claims) return null;
return claims.given_name;
I thought perhaps this was a problem with permissions, but my scope is set to:
scope: 'openid profile email api1',
Any idea what I need to change to get this "given_name" claim?
For those who encountered the same issue. You can fix it by adding this line AlwaysIncludeuserClaimsInIdToken=true in the client settings on identity provider side.
OauthService.getIdentityClaims() is a Promise and holds UserInfo you can extract the name field with braces, so your function should be:
public get name() {
let claims = this.oauthService.getIdentityClaims();
if (!claims) return null;
return claims['name'];
The answer marked as "Best answer" is not correct. Get the user claims in the 'idtoken' will cause that the 'idtoken' be very big and then you may exceed the size limit.
The correct implementation is to use the 'UserInfo' Endpoint and then use the method 'loadUserProfile':
getUserClaims() {
const user = this.oauthService.loadUserProfile();
console.log(user, user);
I had the same issue, in my case with an error displayed on the browser console, saying that Request was blocked by Security Policy.
even having the AllowAnyOrigin() method called in startup, I lacked to get the header allowed. So when in my angular aap i call the loadUserProfile method via the
token_received event, it sends some headers that were not allowed.
Finaly this fix my issue:
app.UseCors(options => options.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyHeader());
Don't forget calling that before usemvc

Quickbooks Authorization error

i have got Access token from "" using rest api in apex. when i pass the response to the authorizaiton url as shown below
i get this error
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: no_such_database
Message: Application not found by appToken
Any kind of help will be much appriciable
I am not sure if you figured it out but the URL for authorization actually seems different from documentation :
I used this url for authorization and it worked.
Instead of old user authorization link ( ) use the new link (
After generating the request token and secret , redirect to the new link. This will lead to the user authorization pages. Once authorized it will redirect back to our callback url.
Code Example :
$userAuthUrl = "";
$signedUrl = "{$userAuthUrl}?oauth_callback={$callBackUrl}&oauth_consumer_key={$consumerKey}&oauth_nonce={$nonce_random}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp={$timestamp}&oauth_token={$reqToken}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature={$signature}";
Authorized URL is not correct.
It should be like -
Here oauth_token is actually request_token (not request_secret) which you get as part of the first call OAuth1.0a flow.
Please refer this sample Java code which shows all the 3 steps required to generate accessToken and accessSecret (OAuth1.0a).
