Formatting data from a database in TypeScript - arrays

I am having trouble with writing the following method on an Angular class. I don't know how to add values from arrayId to the data array in the series object.
getChartOptions() {
const arrayId=[];
const arrayTimestamp=[];
const arrayData=[];
const arrayData2=[];
var i=0;
reponse => {
this.sleeps = reponse;
this.sleeps.forEach(element => { arrayId.push(this.sleeps[i]._id),arrayTimestamp.push(this.sleeps[i].timestamp),arrayData.push(this.sleeps[i].data[18]),arrayData2.push(this.sleeps[i].data[39])
return {
series: [{
name: 'Id',
data: [35, 65, 75, 55, 45, 60, 55]

I have two main pieces of advice for you:
Know the types of that data that you are dealing with.
Get familiar with all of the various array methods.
get<any>() is not a helpful type. If you understand what the response is then Typescript can help ensure that you are handling it correctly.
I checked out the URL and it looks like you get an array of objects like this:
"_id": 4,
"device_id": "93debd97-6564-454b-be33-35bd377a2563",
"timestamp": 1612310400000.0,
"data": "{'sleep_quality': 1, 'sleep_duration': 9}"
That data property is not properly encoded as an object or as a parseable JSON string. If you control this backend then you will want to fix that.
At first I thought that the data[18] and data[39] in your code were mistakes. Now I see that it as attempt to extract values from this malformed data. Accessing by index won't work if these numbers can be 10 or more.
The type that you have now is:
interface DataPoint {
_id: number;
device_id: string;
timestamp: number;
data: string;
The type that you want is:
interface DataPoint {
_id: number;
device_id: string;
timestamp: number;
data: {
sleep_quality: number;
sleep_duration: number;
You can type the request as this.httpClient.get<DataPoint[]>( and now you'll get autocomplete on the data.
It looks like what you are trying to do is basically to convert this from one array of rows to a separate array for each column.
You do not need the variable i because the .forEach loop handles the iteration. The element variable in the callback is the row that you want.
this.sleeps.forEach(element => {
The .forEach loop that you have now is efficient because it only loops through the array once. A .map for each column is technically less efficient because we have to loop through separately for each column, but I think it might make the code easier to read and understand. It also allows Typescript to infer the types of the arrays. Whereas with an empty array you would need to annotate it like const arrayId: number[] = [];.
const mapData = (response: DataPoint[]) => {
return [{
name: 'Id',
data: => element._id)
}, {
name: 'Timestamp',
data: => element.timestamp)
}, {
name: 'Sleep Quality',
data: => parseInt([18])) // fix this
}, {
name: 'Sleep Duration',
data: => parseInt([39])) // fix this
The HTTP request is asynchronous. If you access your array outside of the subscribe callback then they are still empty. I'm not an angular person so this part I'm unsure of, but I think that you want to be updating a property on your class instead of returning the value?

Just follow this piece of code:
series: [{
name: 'Id',
data: arrayId


TanStack Table 8 : access nested array in data model

I'm looking for a way to access a nested array in my data structure.
My objects in my data array look like this :
name: name,
logo: url,
categories: [
name: Entertainment,
slug: "entertainment
name: Kids,
slug: kids
In the Docs I states that I need to use columnHelper.accessor to extract primitive values for each item in your data array.
My question is : how can I configure my accessor on "categories" to display both of them in my cell (using map I guess) ?
First, you don't need to use columnHelper; you can, for convenience (well, type safety, mostly).
You can do something like this:
cell: info => {
const value = info.getValue() as YourCategoryType[]; //casting may not be required here
return <>{ => <p key={v.slug}>{}</p>)}</>

TypeScript - How to infer a type from array of objects

I am building a React form component with TypeScript and want to type the data returned by my form.
My component accepts a prop called "fields" with the following structure:
const fields = [
name: "title",
default: "",
data: undefined,
size: 2
name: "users",
default: [],
data: [{id: 1, ...}]
size: 8
I would like to find a way to retrieve the type of the data returned by component based on the "field" variable. So, basically, I want to get something like that:
type FormData = {
title: string;
users: Array<{id: number, ...}>
The best solution would be to infer a different type depending on the "data" key. If "data" exists, then the field will have the same type as data, otherwise it is the type of the "default" key. All other keys should be ignored.
I believe I should be using generics to achieve this but I am not even sure this is something possible with TS and I have to admit that I can't figure it out...
Has anyone already faced this situation and found a solution to a similar issue ?
Thank you very much!
Based on the given array fields, we can create the type FormData with the following generic type as long as the fields variable was initialized with as const to stop TypeScript from widening the string literals.
const fields = [
name: "title",
default: "",
data: undefined,
size: 2
name: "users",
default: [],
data: [{id: 1}],
size: 8
] as const
type FormData<T extends readonly { name: st
[E in T[number] as E["name"]]: E["data"]
? E["default"]
: E["data"]
type Result = FormData<typeof fields>
// type Result = {
// title: "";
// users: readonly [{
// readonly id: 1;
// }];
// }
This might or might not work in the context of your component. But you did not show us the component itself. This is a solution based on the information given in your question.

How do I select and update an object from a larger group of objects in Recoil?

My situation is the following:
I have an array of game objects stored as an atom, each game in the array is of the same type and structure.
I have another atom which allows me to store the id of a game in the array that has been "targeted".
I have a selector which I can use to get the targeted game object by searching the array for a match between the game ids and the targeted game id I have stored.
Elsewhere in the application the game is rendered as a DOM element and calculations are made which I want to use to update the data in the game object in the global state.
It's this last step that's throwing me off. Should my selector be writable so I can update the game object? How do I do this?
This is a rough outline of the code I have:
export const gamesAtom = atom<GameData[]>({
key: 'games',
default: [
id: 1,
name: 'Bingo',
difficulty: 'easy',
id: 21,
name: 'Yahtzee',
difficulty: 'moderate',
id: 3,
name: 'Twister',
difficulty: 'hard',
export const targetGameIdAtom = atom<number | null>({
key: 'targetGameId',
default: null,
export const targetGameSelector = selector<GameData | undefined>({
key: 'targetGame',
get: ({ get }) => {
return get(gamesAtom).find(
(game: GameData) => === get(selectedGameIdAtom)
// This is where I'm getting tripped up. Is this the place to do this? What would I write in here?
set: ({ set, get }, newValue) => {},
// Elsewhere in the application the data for the targetGame is pulled down and new values are provided for it. For example, perhaps I want to change the difficulty of Twister to "extreme" by sending up the newValue of {...targetGame, difficulty: 'extreme'}
Any help or being pointed in the right direction will be appreciated. Thanks!

How to push a new value to an array if the current value is an array or set the value as an array if it is not in a single MongoDB Query

I have a project where we have been using simple, unversioned values for documents:
_id: <someid>,
prop1: 'foo',
prop2: 'bar',
prop3: 'baz'
I would like to update the method that saves prop values to start saving values as versions in an array, to look like this:
_id: <someid>,
prop1: [{ value: 'foo', createdAt: <someDate>}],
prop2: [{ value: 'bar', createdAt: <someDate>}, { value: 'barrrrr', createdAt: <someDate>}],
prop3: 'baz'
I would like, in my update query, to $push the new prop value object if it's already an array, or to $set it to `[{ value: 'newvalue', createdAt: +new Date()}] if not. Ideally, this would let me seamlessly transition the data to be versioned over time. On the retrieval side, if it's not an array we just treat the only value that's there as the reference version, and whenever anything gets updated, that prop is converted to the new format.
I've been struggling to find an example of that same use case: can anyone point me in the right direction?
After being pointed in the right direction, I was able to use the aggregation pipeline in combination with update to do what I wanted. Part of the key was to abandon trying to pivot between setting and pulling--instead, I could use the helper method $concatArrays to accomplish the array addition a different way. Here's the basic shell code I got to work, purely to show the structure:{ key: 2 }, [
$set: {
prop2: {
$cond: {
if: { $isArray: '$prop2' },
then: {
$concatArrays: [
value: 'CONCAT!'
else: [
value: 'SET!'
In MongoDB 4.2 you can use the pipeline form of update to use aggregation stages and operators to do that.
You would likely need to use $cond and $type to find out if the field already contains an array, and then $concatArrays to combine the values.

How can I get an item in the redux store by a key?

Suppose I have a reducer defined which returns an array of objects which contain keys like an id or something. What is the a redux way of getting /finding a certain object with a certain id in the array. The array itself can contain several arrays:
{ items:[id:1,...],cases:{...}}
What is the redux way to go to find a record/ node by id?
The perfect redux way to store such a data would be to store them byId and allIds in an object in reducer.
In your case it would be:
items: {
byId : {
item1: {
id : 'item1',
details: {}
item2: {
id : 'item2',
details: {}
allIds: [ 'item1', 'item2' ],
cases: {
byId : {
case1: {
id : 'case1',
details: {}
case2: {
id : 'case2',
details: {}
allIds: [ 'case1', 'case2' ],
This helps in keeping state normalized for both maintaining as well as using data.
This way makes it easier for iterating through all the array and render it or if we need to get any object just by it's id, then it'll be an O(1) operation, instead of iterating every time in complete array.
I'd use a library like lodash:
var fred = _.find(users, function(user) { return === 1001; });
It might be worth noting that it is seen as good practice to 'prefer objects over arrays' in the store (especially for large state trees); in this case you'd store your items in an object with (say) id as the key:
'1000': { name: 'apple', price: 10 },
'1001': { name: 'banana', price: 40 },
'1002': { name: 'pear', price: 50 },
This makes selection easier, however you have to arrange the shape of the state when loading.
there is no special way of doing this with redux. This is a plain JS task. I suppose you use react as well:
function mapStoreToProps(store) {
function findMyInterestingThingy(result, key) {
// assign anything you want to result
return result;
return {
myInterestingThingy: Object.keys(store).reduce(findMyInterestingThingy, {})
// you dont really need to use reduce. you can have any logic you want
export default connect(mapStoreToProps)(MyComponent)
