How can I ignore bulk load data conversion error (truncation) - sql-server

I have a file that is an extract from a MySQL table that I would like to in turn load to a SQL table (csv file) through a SSMS job. However, there is a field in the file that is defined as "LONGTEXT", which is way too long for a SQL table. I'd like to use BULK INSERT to load the file, but as expected, I'm getting an error "bulk load data conversion error (truncation)" on the "LONGTEXT" field. I don't mind truncating the field, so that I can get it loaded, but don't know how to ignore that specific error. Any ideas how to address this?
thanks so much in advance!

Given what you said there are two ways to fix the problem.
Make the column bigger in the table you are inserting the data
Make the data smaller in the CSV file.
If you can't do one of those two things then you can't use BULK INSERT without getting the error.


How to load Informatica Rejected rows due to 'Database errors' to a relational table

While running a mapping I am getting couple of database errors and jobs failed
1.) Arithmetic Overflow error
2.) Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
This is purely data issue(datatype error and data length issue) and I want to reject these records and write it in a separate error table.
The .bad files in which these records are written consists of characters which looks like junk (',N,N,N,N' AND ',D' AND ',0'), I am not sure on what basis we get these characters.
Do we get this for null values? and how to overcome this and get the exact output?
Is it possible to write these rejected records directly to a relation table(error table with same structure as the target table) or a way around to achieve this?
You could use a router transformation to route every field which does not meet your criteria to the error table. This way you will handle them before they become bad rows.
Hey Vankat just lookig at you problem try to filter out the records which doesn't meet your criteria by putting condition like (data type,length)at router transformation and route them to error table or capture that recods in a flat file. Hope this will give you a clear picture.

Duplicate SSIS Column Headers

I am taking a view in a SQL DB and placing it into a CSV file using SSIS. Before doing so, I convert everything to unicode, which gives me two of everything. I was not having this issue until I recently made the change to append a date to the end of my output file by using an expression. I am receiving duplicate rows and everything is just pasted accross twice. Any suggestions to only get them to come out once on the CSV? Image below.
I eventually figured it out. When I changed my connection string to my flat file to be a function, it reset my columns to have duplicate columns. I just had to go into my connection manager for the flat file and delete the extra columns.

Bad Data in Excel source does not generate error in SSIS

I have a quick question regarding SSIS. I am developing a package that performs a Data Flow task from an Excel Source into OLE DB Connection. The columns in the database should allow nulls. However there is a problem in that when I enter bad data into the numeric columns in the excel spreadsheet, it will not cause the Data Flow task to fail as I would like it to. I tried to remedy this by explicitly trying to convert any numeric columns in the Derived Column step, however the same thing occurs-- if I enter abc into the Excel numeric column, if just turns out as NULL in the db after the package runs. I do want to allow for NULLS, but I'd like the package to fail if the data is corrupt.
Any advice would be appreciated :)
I've just tried this and Ignore/Redirect/Fail setting doesn't appear to have any effect, NULLs get updated into the database regardless.
If you didn't want NULLs I would suggest that you amend the definition of your destination table to specify a NOT NULL constraint on the columns you wish to be numeric. That way the database update and the package will fail.
But since you want null columns the only thing I can suggest is that you write a script task or script component to read and validate the data before accepting it.
Alternatively, read the Excel file into a staging area where all the columns are VARCHAR and then validate it via SQL
If you edit your SSIS task where you define the import you can choose the error handling for each column. There you can choose to set it to fail and stop, to ignore and go on, etc.
This links should help you to handle it on your needs:

Inserting irregular data into SQL Server

I have a file of data which I want to regularly insert into a table in SQL Server 2008. The file contains several fixed width text fields and one field which is free text and very long.
When I try to insert the data via SSIS I get error messages telling me that data has been truncated and if I choose to ignore truncation then the free text field is simply not imported and I get an empty field. If I try to use a bulk insert I get a message saying that I am exceeding the maximum row size of 8060.
The free text field which is causing the problem contains a lot of white space so one option would be to trim it before I insert it but I am not sure how to do this.
I'm afraid I cannot post any sample data as it is of a sensitive, medical nature.
Could anyone suggest a possible solution to this problem?

Truncation error SQL server 2005 Delete/Insert

So I am trying to do a bulk insert with SSIS and continually get:
"Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "String or binary data would be truncated."
Even though I already have a data conversion for every column into the exact same type as the table that the rows are getting inserted into. I used a view and the data looks like it supposed to just before the DB insert step. Still get the error.
Next I went into sql server management studio and setup an insert query into that damned table and still get the same truncation error. I then did a set ANSI_WARNINGS OFF and the insert works data looks good in the table. Now when I try to delete this row I get the Truncation error.
My question besides any basic input to the situation is how can I turn off the ANSI_WARNINGS within SSIS so that the bulk load can go though?
It sounds like you have a column that is too narrow to accept the data you are submitting.
Can you verify if this is or isn't the case?
I had a very similar issue arise frequently while we were nailing down a schema with a third party.
Can you select a LEN of all of the columns in the view? That could help find the issue.
Other than that, the only way I have found is to print out a report of the actual lengths of the source data columns.
Sounds like you've got one row (possibly more, but it only takes one!) where your data value exceeds the length of the table columns. Doing a data conversion to the shorter type will MOVE the error to whatever transform does the conversion from the Destination. What I'd recommend is creating a Flat File Destination, and tying the error output of your transforms to it. Change the error result to 'Redirect Row'. This will allow all the valid rows to go through, and provide you with a copy of the row(s) that are getting truncated for you to manually handle.
Are there triggers on the table you're inserting into? Then the error may come from an action that the trigger takes.
Turns out that in SSIS you can setup the OLE DB Destination with "Data Access Mode > Table or view: Fast Mode". When I chose this setting the bulk insert went through without any warnings or errors and the data looks perfect in the database. Not sure what this change did exactly but it worked and after 16hours on one SSIS insert I'm happy with results.
Thanks for the suggestions.
