npm run deploy failure when deploying React app to Github - reactjs

I am still very new to React and am trying to push my React app onto Github, but I keep running into an error when I deploy it on my console.
Set Up:
I am using Atom on a Windows 10 computer. I created my React app by using the commands, npx create-react-app jordon. I then followed the steps in this youtube tutorial. This is what my package.json looks like after following the tutorial:
I then went through the steps to initialize a github repository. However, after running npm run deploy, I come across an error:
I have tried to rerun the steps in the tutorial time after time, but either receive the same error, or an error that is resolved by uninstalling gh-pages from the folder but leads to the same error. At this point, I have not found any resources that would help me, since most people seem to have successfully ran the npm run deploy command. Any help would be much appreciated!


How do I resolve "react-snap error on running build"

I installed react snap to my react project and then when I run build it doesn't crawl each page instead shows some error. Previously it was working fine, but don't know what happened now. this is the error which I am getting on running npm run build It would be nice if I could get a quick solution.

Application created using create-react-app not working properly after cloning from github

So I pushed the application I created using create-react-app to github in an organisation repo.After cloning it
I ran npm initnpm installand then ran npm start. But when the server loaded
it showed localhost:3000/organisation-name/repo-name with one letter less from the repo-name(for example,if repo-name was newapp it was like localhost:3000/organisation-name/newap) and also the program is not working.I also tried at localhost:3000 but it is not working.

ELIFECYCLE 1 Error when pushing to Heroku

My first question here. Doing a project in React.JS. I been looking around for the same issue that I have but not been able to find a solution that fit's mine.
After committing my project. I try to push up my project to Heroku. It done it one time which worked so lost at the moment what the issue can be. when running the command: git push heroku master --force is not working. I get below errors.
Error LOG:
Package.JSON file:
Github link:

Newly created React app crashes on live server

Whenever i create a react app using create-react-app and run npm run start it crashes.
This is the error i am getting in terminal.
Failed to compile ../node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js
Error: [BABEL]/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js:
Cannot find module './src/data'
(While processing: "/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/babel-preset-react-app/dependencies.js$0$9")
Can anyone guide me? Thanks.
In the past I've fixed it by deleting the node_modules folder, then running npm install.

Need help deploying react application with netlify

Not familiar with how to use netlify. Im trying to deploy this app
my build command is:
npm run watch
but every time I try to deploy my site I keep getting this error.
"failed during stage 'building site'"
Any suggestions?
Mimic what Netlify is doing in the build using their build bot.
Clone your project into a clean directory from GitHub
npm install
npm run watch
If you do not get an error, you may have a global command or setting that does not get set on Netlify. Without more information, this is the only answer possible.
Here is the error I found when I did the above:
Problem #2
Watch is a command for local development, so you should not be using npm run watch as a build command on Netlify. You will need to run the command to build your site into a directory for deploy and use that directory for your "Deploy directory".
