Writing and reading a binary file in c - c

I am trying to write an integer to a binary file and then read the same thing. However, my program reads a different number than the one that was written. What am I doing wrong?
unsigned short int numToWrite = 2079;
// Write to output
FILE *write_ptr;
write_ptr = fopen("test.bin","wb"); // w for write, b for binary
printf("numToWrite: %d\n", *(&numToWrite));
fwrite(&numToWrite, sizeof(unsigned short int), 1, write_ptr); // write 10 bytes from our buffer
// Read the binary file
FILE *read_ptr = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!read_ptr) {
unsigned short int* numToRead = malloc(sizeof (unsigned short int));
fread(numToRead, sizeof(unsigned short int), 1, read_ptr);
printf("numToRead: %d\n", *numToRead);
The output is this:
numToWrite: 2079
numToRead: 26964

man printf
Length modifier
h - A following integer conversion corresponds to a short or unsigned short argument, ...
Conversion specifiers
d,i - The int argument is converted to signed decimal notation.
Format of the format string
...Each conversion specification is introduced by the character %, and ends with a conversion specifier. In between there may be (in this order) zero or more flags, an optional minimum field width, an optional precision and an optional length modifier.
You're using unsigned short int, but that's not what you're telling to printf.
Hence, your expectations are not fulfilled.

A few things that are going on:
'printf' does not have any binary format specifier, so you would have to do it manually.
You need to take a deep dive in data types and their ranges, so I recommend using this source: Microsoft Data Type Ranges. It says C++, it is irrelevant since it gives you a good idea of the ranges.
I know this is isn't you're entire code, but just understand there are somethings from what I'm seeing that is not defined, such as 'filename'.
In case someone mentions atoi() and itoa(), keep this in mind, theoretically you could use atoi() and itoa(), however just be mindful that atoi() and itoa() is a non-standard function which is supported by some compilers.
Lastly, why are you using 'unsigned short int', '*(&numToWrite)' and is there anymore from the program that you can show us?


How printf() function knows the type of its arguments

Consider the following program,
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char a = 130;
unsigned char b = 130;
printf("a = %d\nb = %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
This program will show the following output.
a = -126
b = 130
My question is how printf() function comes to know the type of a is signed and type of b is unsigned to show result like above?
printf() doesn't know the types, that's why you have to give a correct format string. The prototype for printf() looks like this:
int printf(const char * restrict format, ...);
So, the only argument with a known type is the first one, the format string.
This also means that any argument passed after that is subject to default argument promotion -- strongly simplified, read it as any integer will be converted to at least int -- or ask google about the term to learn each and every detail ;)
In your example, you have implementation defined behavior:
char a = 130;
If your char could represent 130, that's what you would see in the output of printf(). Promoting the value to int doesn't change the value. You're getting a negative number instead, which means 130 overflowed your char. The result of overflowing a signed integer type during conversion in C is implementation defined, the value you're getting probably means that on you machine, char has 8 bits (so the maximum value is 127) and the signed integer overflow resulted in a wraparound to the negative value range. You can't rely on that behavior!
In short, the negative number is created in this line -- 130 is of type int, assigning it to char converts it and this conversion overflows.
Once your char has the value -126, passing it to printf() just converts it to int, not changing the value.
The additional arguments to printf() are formatted according to the type specifier. See here for a list of C format specifiers.
It's true that one would not expect b to be printed as 130 in your example since you used the %d specifier and not %u. This surprising behavior seems to be explained here.
Format specifier for unsigned char
I hope I got your question well.
Edit: I can not comment Felix Palmen's answer on account on my low reputation. default argument promotion indeed seems to be the key here, but to me the real question here besides the overflow of a is why b is still printed as 130 despite the use of the signed specifier. It can also be explained with default argument promotion but that should be made more precise.
You need to have a look at the definition of printf statement in stdio.h. You already got the answer in comment printf just write the string pointed by format to stdout.
It's variadic function and it use vargas to get all the arguments in variable-length argument list.
This is from the glibc from the GNU version.
int __printf (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg;
int done;
va_start (arg, format);
done = vfprintf (stdout, format, arg);
va_end (arg);
return done;
What vfprintf does?
It just writes the string pointed by format to the stream, replacing any format specifier in the same way as printf does, but using the elements in the variable argument list identified by arg instead of additional function arguments.
More information about the vfprintf
printf() does not know the data type of arguments. It works on format specifier you passed. The data type you are using is char (having range from -128 to +127) and unsigned char (having range from 0 to 255). Your output for a is overflowed after 127. So the output comes to -126.

Use of sizeof operator in C

I wrote a code to print size of different data types in C .
int main()
printf("%d", sizeof(int));//size of integer
printf("%d", sizeof(float));
printf("%d", sizeof(double));
printf("%d", sizeof(char));
This does not work , but if I replace %d with %ld, it works. I did not understand why I have to take long int to print a small range number.
Both of those are wrong you must use %zu to print values of type size_t, which is what sizeof return.
This is because different values have different size, and you must match them.
It's undefined behavior to mismatch like you do, so anything could happen.
This is because sizes mismatch. By either using %zu or using %u and casting to unsigned you may fix the problem.
Currently, your implementation is undefined behaviour.
printf("%u", (unsigned)sizeof(int));//size of integer
printf("%u", (unsigned)sizeof(float));
printf("%u", (unsigned)sizeof(double));
printf("%u", (unsigned)sizeof(char));
Since stdout is new line buffered, don't forget to print \n at the end to get anything to screen.
sizeof has the return type size_t. From the Standard, The sizeof and _Alignof operators
5 The value of the result of both operators is
implementation-defined, and its type (an unsigned integer type) is
size_t, defined in <stddef.h> (and other headers).
size_t is implementation-defined. In my linux, size_t is defined as __SIZE_TYPE__. On this topic, one can find details here.
In your case, it happens that size_t is implemented as a long , longer than int.
I did not understand why I have to take long int to print a small range number.
Because size_t may represent values much larger than what an int can support; on my particular implementation, the max size value is 18446744073709551615, which definitely won't fit in an int.
Remember that the operand of sizeof may be a parenthesized type name or an object expression:
static long double really_big_array[100000000];
printf( "sizeof really_big_array = %zu\n", sizeof really_big_array );
size_t must be able to represent the size of the largest object the implementation allows.
You say it does not work, but you do not say what it does. The most probable reason for this unexpected behavior is:
the conversion specifier %d expects an int value. sizeof(int) has type size_t which is unsigned and, on many platforms, larger than int, causing undefined behavior.
The conversion specifier and the type of the passed argument must be consistent because different types are passed in different ways to a vararg function like printf(). If you pass a size_t and printf expects an int, it will retrieve the value from the wrong place and produce inconsistent output if at all.
You say it works if I put %ld. This conversion may work because size_t happens to have the same size as long for your platform, but it is only a coincidence, on 64-bit Windows, size_t is larger than long.
To correct the problem, you can either:
use the standard conversion specifier %zu or
cast the value as int.
The first is the correct fix but some C libraries do not support %zu, most notably Microsoft C runtime libraries prior to VS2013. Hence I recommend the second as more portable and sufficient for types and objects that obviously have a small size:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(int));
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(float));
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(double));
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(char));
return 0;
Also note that you do not output a newline: Depending on the environment, the output will not be visible to the user until a newline is output or fflush(stdout) is called. It is even possible that the output not be flushed to the console upon program exit, causing your observed behavior, but such environments are uncommon. It is recommended to output newlines at the end of meaningful pieces of output. In your case, not doing so would cause all sizes to be clumped together as a sequence of digits like 4481, which may or may not be what you expect.

C Control Strings?

I know that in other languages such as Java when I use System.out.println(); and I put a variable inside of it like an int that holds the number 22 it will print 22 to the console.
In C if I do the same thing with printf(); I need to specify the type in the string such as printf("%d", n); I also know that Java has its own printf function.
What I am trying to get at here is how the C control String works compared to other languages such as Java where you don't have to provide the type identifier in the System.out.println(); and it automatically recognizes the variable is an int.
Is this part of C's way of efficiency and does it not actually check the type and rely's on the programmer to understand the type they are providing?
In fact, printf is neither efficient nor type-safe way of writing data.
There is a performance penalty because format string is parsed at compile time and type specific actions are chosen at run time as well, whereas in C++ and Java it can be done at compile time. Moreover, variadic arguments are forced to be passed on the stack, that is less efficient than passing them in registers.
And what is even more important is that printf is not type-safe. It is possible to pass any number of parameters of any types to printf, ignoring format string prescriptions. Of course, it can easily trigger undefined behavior.
The only reason for such behavior is that there is no function overloading in C.
On the other hand, it's not that bad. First, most of the compilers parse format string and issue a warning if it isn't consistent with parameters passed to printf. Second, aforementioned performance penalty is in fact negligible compared to the cost of formatting and printing text after types have been deduced.
Both C's predefined data types (integers, characters, etc.) as well as user defined types carry no type information with them at run-time. Thus if you use a 4 byte integer in your code, it occupies only 4 bytes in memory (disregarding any padding needed for alignment). This is great for efficiency reasons, but it means that functions that handle multiple data types (like printf) need to be told via the format/control string what the types of the arguments are.
So when printf receives a format string of "%d %f" it knows that the type of the first non-format argument is integer and the second argument is of type float.
By passing control characters in printf() we tell the compiler how to allocate the memory and what is the range of the data that we wanna to print.
Control strings are also known as format specifiers. They are used in formatted input and output operations of the data. Remember, format specifiers are used for formatting the data, for example, in printf() and scanf().
Control strings in scanf() are used to transfer the data to the processor's memory in a formatted way, whereas printf () transfers the data to the output device e.g. monitor screen in a formatted way.
Some common Format Specifierss are listed below:
%c Character
%d Signed Integer
%e or %E Scientific notation
%f Floating point
%g or %G. Similar as %e or %E
%hi. Signed Integer
%hu Unsigned Integer(Short)
%i Signed Integer
%l or %ld or %li Signed Integer
%lf Floating point
%Lf Floating point
%lu Unsigned integer
%lli, %lld Signed long long int
%llu. unsigned long long int
%o. Octal representation of Integer.
%p Address of pointer to void void *
void *
%s String char *
%u Unsigned int
Unsigned short int
%n Prints nothing
%% Prints % character
%o Octal representation
%p Address of pointer to void void *
void *
%s String char *
%u Unsigned Integer
%x or %X Hexadecimal representation of
Unsigned Int.
%n Prints nothing
%% Prints % character

reading hex data from file fscanf format compile time warning

I'm reading some data from a file. The format is stated tobe
ASCII text with UNIX-style
line-endings, a series of 32-bit
signed integers in hexadecimal.
I'm using fscanf to read in this data.
long data_size;
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("test01.bin", "r"); // open for reading
if (fp==0) {cerr << "Error openeing file"<<endl; return 1;}
fscanf(fp, "%x", &data_size);
Everything runs ok with my test file but I get the compile-time warning,
warning: format ‘%x’ expects type ‘unsigned int*’, but argument 3 has type ‘long int*’
however a hex value is unsigned and is being cast to a long dose this matter? As long will take the most significant bit as notifying the sign? Or will I end up with problems? Or am I well off the mark in my understanding?
You should support the same pointer type as the warning states, or else you will run into serious troubles if you want to port your code to other architectures (e.g: 64 bit architectures) where long has a different size than int. This is especially tricky if you are using pointers. (I once had a bug originating from exactly this problem)
Just use int data_size and you will be fine.
The problem is that %x requires an unsigned int * to read the value in, but you have a long *. <stdint.h> header provides value types with fixed length, and <inttypes.h> defines corresponding macros for use with printf, scanf, and their derivatives. I think it'll be better for you to fscanf the data into an int32_t variable using the macro provided by <inttypes.h>:
#include <inttypes.h>
int32_t data_size;
fscanf(fp, "%" SCNx32, &data_size);

C int datatype and its variations

Greetings , and again today when i was experimenting on language C in C99 standard , i came across a problem which i cannot comprehend and need expert's help.
The Code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int Fnum = 256; /* The First number to be printed out */
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" , Fnum , Fnum);
return 0;
The Question:
1.)This code prompted me an warning message when i try to run this code.
2.)But the strange thing is , when I try to change the specifier %lld to %hd or %ld,
the warning message were not shown during execution and the value printed out on the console is the correct digit 256 , everything also seems to be normal even if i try with
%u , %hu and also %lu.In short the warning message and the wrong printing of digit only happen when I use the variation of long long specifier.
3.)Why is this happening??I thought the memory size for long long is large enough to hold the value 256 , but why it cannot be used to print out the appropriate value??
The Warning Message :(For the above source code)
C:\Users\Sam\Documents\Pelles C Projects\Test1\Test.c(7): warning #2234: Argument 3 to 'printf' does not match the format string; expected 'long long int' but found 'int'.
Thanks for spending time reading my question.God bless.
You're passing the Fnum variable to printf, which is typed int, but it's expecting long long. This has very little to do with whether a long long can hold 256, just that the variable you chose is typed int.
If you just want to print 256, you can get a constant that's typed to unsigned long long as follows:
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" ,256 , 256ULL);
or cast:
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" , Fnum , (long long int)Fnum);
There are three things going on here.
printf takes a variable number of arguments. That means the compiler doesn't know what type the arguments (beyond the format string) are supposed to be. So it can't convert them to an appropriate type.
For historical reasons, however, integer types smaller than int are "promoted" to int when passed in a variable argument list.
You appear to be using Windows. On Windows, int and long are the same size, even when pointers are 64 bits wide (this is a willful violation of C89 on Microsoft's part - they actually forced the standard to be changed in C99 to make it "okay").
The upshot of all this is: The compiler is not allowed to convert your int to a long long just because you used %lld in the argument list. (It is allowed to warn you that you forgot the cast, because warnings are outside standard behavior.) With %lld, therefore, your program doesn't work. But if you use any other size specifier, printf winds up looking for an argument the same size as int and it works.
When dealing with a variadic function, the caller and callee need some way of agreeing the types of the variable arguments. In the case of printf, this is done via the format string. GCC is clever enough to read the format string itself and work out whether printf will interpret the arguments in the same way as they have been actually provided.
You can get away with slightly different types of arguments in some cases. For example, if you pass a short then it gets implicitly converted to an int. And when sizeof(int) == sizeof(long int) then there is also no distinction. But sizeof(int) != sizeof(long long int) so the parameter fails to match the format string in that case.
This is due to the way varargs work in C. Unlike a normal function, printf() can take any number of arguments. It is up to the programmer to tell printf() what to expect by providing a correct format string.
Internally, printf() uses the format specifiers to access the raw memory that corresponds to the input arguments. If you specify %lld, it will try to access a 64-bit chunk of memory (on Windows) and interpret what it finds as a long long int. However, you've only provided a 32-bit argument, so the result would be undefined (it will combine your 32-bit int with whatever random garbage happens to appear next on the stack).
