Unexpected result when doing subtraction of addresses of array elements - arrays

I am on a x32-based processor where char = 1 byte, short = 2 bytes and int = 4 bytes.
When I create an array of type char with 20 elements in it, I expect to see 20 memory spaces allocated to that array with the addresses differing by only 1 byte because of the type of the array.
If I take two consecutive elements from the array and subtract their addresses, should I then not get 1 in this case?
And in the case of arrays with types short and int, I am expecting to get 2 and 4. This due to the fact that the short and int elements need be aligned in memory. short elements will be on even addresses (diff 2) and int elements will be on addresses divisible by 4.
Though, how come when I run the following code I get 1,1,1 and not 1,2,4?
I suspect I am missing some cruical detail when it comes to pointer arithmetics.
char vecc[20];
printf("%i\n", &vecc[1]-&vecc[0]);
short vecs[20];
printf("%i\n", &vecs[1]-&vecs[0]);
int veci[20];
printf("%i\n", &veci[1]-&veci[0]);

Pointer subtraction yields the result as difference in the indexes, not the size of the gap between the addresses.
Quoting C11, chapter 6.5.6, (emphasis mine)
When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object; the result is the difference of the subscripts of the two array elements. [...]

If you write the code in this way:
printf("%i\n", (char*)(&vecs[1]) - (char*)(&vecs[0]));
printf("%i\n", (char*)(&veci[1]) - (char*)(&veci[0]));
the output will be 2 and 4.


Offset between two array element addresses in C

I have a question asking me to find the offset in bytes between two array element addresses:
double myArray[5][7];
If C stored data in column-major order the offset (in bytes) of &myArray[3][2] from &myArray[0][0] would be:
In column major order, I think elements would be laid out as such:
[0][0] -- [1][0] -- [2][0] -- [3][0] -- ..... -- [3][2]
So in my mind to get the offset in bytes is to count the number of jumps between [0][0] and [3][2] and times that by 8 since it's an array of doubles. However, what's confusing me is that it's asking for the offset using the & operator. Would this somehow change the answer since it's asking between two addresses or is the process still the same? I think it'd be the same but I'm not 100% certain.
If my thinking is correct would this then be 8*15 bytes?
The memory lay out for the 2d array would be a contiguous chunk of memory.(Based on your question)
int x[2][3] = {{0,1,2},{3,4,5}};
That will be layed out in (Your question)
0| 3| 1| 4|2 |5 |
But in C this is stored like
0| 1| 2| 3|4 |5 |
Now you are absolutely right, that you can consider jumps between [0][0] and [3][2] but there is a better way to do that without thinking about all this, you can be sure that their offset will be their address differences.
You can simply get their addresses and subtract them.
ptrdiff_t ans = &a[3][2]-&a[0][0];(this is basically the gaps between the two elements)
That yields the answer. printf("answer = %td",ans*sizeof(a[0][0]); (One gap = sizeof(a[0][0])) [In your case double]
Or even better way would be to
ptrdiff_t ans = (char*)&a[3][2] - (char*)&a[0][0];//number of bytes between them.
I will explain a bit why char* is important here:
(char*)&a[0][0] and &a[0][0] both contain the same thing value-wise.(this is not general enough)
But it matters in pointer arithmetic. (Interpretation is different).
When not using the cast, the interpretation is of the data type of array elements. That means now it consider the difference in doubles. When you cast it, it spits the result in or difference in char-s.
And why this works? Because all data memory is byte addressable and char is of single bytes.
There is something more to this than expected , first let's see what is an array in C? †
C does not really have multi-dimensional arrays. In C it is realized as an array of arrays. And yes those multidimensional array elements are stored in row-major order.
To clarify a bit more we can look into an example of standard §
Consider the array object defined by the declaration
int x[3][5];
Here x is a 3 x 5 array of ints; more precisely, x is an array of
three element objects, each of which is an array of five ints. In the
expression x[i], which is equivalent to (*((x)+(i))), x is first
converted to a pointer to the initial array of five ints. Then i is
adjusted according to the type of x, which conceptually entails
multiplying i by the size of the object to which the pointer points,
namely an array of five int objects. The results are added and
indirection is applied to yield an array of five ints. When used in
the expression x[i][j], that array is in turn converted to a pointer
to the first of the ints, so x[i][j] yields an int.
So we can say double myArray[5][7]; here myArray[3][2] and myArray[0][0] are not part of the same array.
Now that we are done here - let's get into something else:
From standard §
When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the
same array object, or one past the last element of the array object;
the result is the difference of the subscripts of the two array
But here myArray[3] and myArray[0] are denoting two different arrays. And that means myArrayp[3][2] and myArray[0][0] both belong to different arrays. And they are not one past the last element. So the behavior of the subtraction &myArray[3][2] - &myArray[0][0] will not be defined by the standard.
†Eric (Eric Postpischil) pointed out this idea.
In a row-major traversal, the declaration is array[height][width], and the usage is array[row][column]. In row-major, stepping to the next number gives you the next column, unless you exceed the width and "wrap" to the next row. Each row adds width to your index, and each column adds 1, making rows the "major" index.
In order to get the column-major equivalent, you assume the next value is the next row, and when the row exceeds the height, it "wraps" to the next column. This is described by index = column * height + row.
So, for an array array[5][7] of height 5, the index [3][2] yields 2*5 + 3 = 13.
Let's verify with some code. You can get column-major behavior simply by switching the order of the indices.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double array[7][5];
void *root = &array[0][0];
void *addr = &array[2][3];
size_t off = addr - root;
printf("memory offset: %d number offset: %d\n", off, off/sizeof(double));
return 0;
Running this program yields an address offset of 104, or 13 doubles.
EDIT: sorry for wrong answer
The Simple Answer
C does not have multidimensional arrays, so we have to interpret double myArray[5][7] as one-dimensional array of one-dimensional arrays. In double myArray[5][7], myArray is an array of 5 elements. Each of those elements is an array of 7 double.
Thus, we can see that myArray[0][0] and myArray[0][1] are both members of myArray[0], and they are adjacent members. Thus, the elements proceed [0][0], [0][1], [0][2], and so on.
When we consider myArray[1], we see it comes after myArray[0]. Since myArray[0] is an array of 7 double, myArray[1] starts 7 double after myArray[0].
Now we can see that myArray[3][2] is 3 arrays (of 7 double) and 2 elements (of double) after myArray[0][0]. If a double is 8 bytes, then this distance is 3•7•8 + 2•8 = 184 bytes.
The Correct Answer
To my surprise, I cannot find text in the C standard that specifies that the size of an array of n elements equals n times the size of one element. Intuitively, it is “obvious”—until we consider that an implementation in an architecture without a flat address space might have some issues that require it to access arrays in complicated ways. Therefore, we do not know what the size of an array of 7 double is, so we cannot calculate how far myArray[3][2] is from myArray[0][0] in general.
I do not know of any C implementations in which the size of an array of n elements is not n times the size of one element, so the calculation will work in all normal C implementations, but I do not see that it is necessarily so according to the C standard.
Calculating the Distance in a Program
It has been suggested the address can be calculated using (char *) &myArray[3][2] - (char *) &myArray[0][0]. Although this is not strictly conforming C, it will work in common C implementations. It works by converting the addresses to pointers to char. Subtracting these two pointers then gives the distance between them in units of char (which are bytes).
Using uintptr_t is another option, but I will omit discussion of it and its caveats as this answer is already too long.
A Wrong Way to Calculate Distance
One might think that &myArray[3][2] is a pointer to double and &myArray[0][0] is a pointer to double, so &myArray[3][2] - &myArray[0][0] is the distance between them, measured in units of double. However, the standard requires that pointers being subtracted must point to elements of the same array object or to one past the last element. (Also, for this purpose, an object can act as an array of one element.) However, myArray[3][2] and myArray[0][0] are not in the same array. myArray[3][2] is in myArray[3], and myArray[0][0] is in myArray[0]. Further, neither of them is an element of myArray, because its elements are arrays, but myArray[3][2] and myArray[0][0] are double, not arrays.
Given this, one might ask how (char *) &myArray[3][2] - (char *) &myArray[0][0] can be expected to work. Isn’t it also subtracting pointers to elements in different arrays? However, character types are special. The C standard says character pointers can be used to access the bytes that represent objects. (Technically, I do not see that the standard says these pointers can be subtracted—it only says that a pointer to an object can be converted to a pointer to a character type and then incremented successively to point to the remaining bytes of an object. However, I think the intent here is for character pointers to the bytes of an object to act as if the bytes of the object were an array.)

why sizeof unsigned char array[10] is 10

The size of char is 1 byte, and wikipedia says:
sizeof is used to calculate the size of any datatype, measured in the
number of bytes required to represent the type.
However, i can store 11 bytes in unsigned char array[10] 0..10 but when i do sizeof(array) i get 10 bytes. can someone explain explain this behavior?
note: i have tried this on int datatype, the sizeof(array) was 40, where i expect it to be 44.
However, i can store 11 bytes in unsigned char array[10]
No, you cannot: 10 is not a valid index of array[10]. Arrays are indexed from zero to size minus one.
According to C99 Standard When [sizeof operator is] applied to an operand that has type char, unsigned char, or signed char, (or a qualified version thereof) the result is 1.
That is why the result is going to be ten on all standard-compliant platform.
No, the valid indices will be 0-9 not 0-10, it will store 10 elements not 11, so the result of sizeof is correct. Accessing beyond index 9 will be out of bounds and undefined behavior, the relevant section of the C99 draft standard is 6.5.6/8, which covers pointer arithmetic:
[...] If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the behavior is undefined. If the result points one past the last element of the array object, it shall not be used as the operand of a unary * operator that is evaluated.
Unlike the C++ standard which explicitly states an array has N elements numbered 0 to N-1 it looks like you need to dig into the examples for a similar statement in the C standard. In the C99 draft standard section, the example is:
int x[3][5];
and it goes on to state:
Here x is a 3 x 5 array of ints; more precisely, x is an array of three element objects, each of which is an array of five ints.
unsigned char array[10];/*Array of 10 elements*/
which means
so sizeof(array)=10 is correct.

Subtle differences in C pointer addresses

What is the difference between:
*((uint32_t*)(p) + 4);
or is there even a difference in the value?
My intuition is that in the later example the value starts at the 4th index of the array that p is pointing at and takes the first 4 bytes starting from index 4. While in the first example it takes one byte every 4 indices. Is this intuition correct?
The p+4 expression computes the address by adding 4*sizeof(*p) bytes to the value of p. If the size of *p is the same as that of uint32_t, there is no difference between the results of these two expressions.
Given that
p is an int pointer
and assuming that int on your system is 32-bit, your two expressions produce the same result.

Some pointer clarification [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
C question with pointers
I need some help with pointers, specifically the following example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int *i, *j;
i = (int *) 60;
j = (int *) 40;
printf("%d", i - j);
return 0;
This code generates 10 as output. I just need to know what exactly i - j does here.
i and j point to memory locations 60 and 40, respectively.
What you're doing here is pointer subtraction. If i and j were byte pointers (char *), i-j would be 20, as one might expect.
However, with other pointers, it returns the number of elements between the two pointers. On most systems, (int *)60 - (int *)40 would be 5, as there is room for five 4-byte integers in those twenty bytes. Apparently, your platform has 16 bit integers.
The program is probably supposed to print the pointer difference between 60 and 40, cast to pointer to int. The pointer difference is the number of ints that would fit in the array from address 40 to address 60 (exclusive).
That said, the program violates the C standard. Pointer arithmetic is undefined except with pointers pointing into the same (static, automatic or malloc'd) array, and you cannot reliably print a pointer difference with %d (use %td instead).
This is pointer arithmetic, the code i - j subtracts two pointers to int. Such arithmetic is aware of the data sizes involved, and so in this case will return the number of ints between the two addresses.
A result of 10 indicates that you're running this on a system with 2-byte integers: 20 memory addresses between i and j, and your code prints 10, so there are 10 2-byte ints between the two addresses.
But on another system, with 4-byte integers, this would print 5: 20 memory addresses between i and j, so there are 5 4-byte ints between the two addresses.
printf("%d",i-j); return 0;
both i and j are pointer to an integer.So they follow pointer arithematics.
As per pointer mathematics pointer to an integer always shift sizeof(int).I
think you use gcc compiler where sizeof int is 4.So 60-40=20 but as unit is 4 so out put is
but if you use turbo c where sizeof int is 2.then out put is 10.
if pointers are included in some expression evaluation then they follow pointer arithematics.
i an j are the pointer to int variable, that means which is going to store virtual address of an int variable.
If we do any pointer arithmatic on this variable it will preform based on size of the type of variable which is pointing. For example i++ will increase the value from 60 to 64 if size of int is 4 bytes.
So you are getting 10 for i - j, that means size of int is 2 in your environment. Always i - j will give you how much element(of type int) that can accomodate in that range.
So between 60 and 40, we can store 10 elements of type int if size of int is 2 bytes.
First, two integer pointers are declared which are called i and j. Note that their values are memory addresses to where pointers are stored, not integers themselves (the concept of a pointer).
Next, the pointers i & j are changed to 60 and 40, respectively. Now this represents a spot in memory and not the integers sixty and forty because i and j was never dereferenced.
Then it prints the memory address of i-j which will subtract that two memory addresses.

C array address confusion

Say we have the following code:
int main(){
int a[3]={1,2,3};
printf(" E: 0x%x\n", a);
printf(" &E[2]: 0x%x\n", &a[2]);
printf("&E[2]-E: 0x%x\n", &a[2] - a);
return 1;
When compiled and run the results are follows:
E: 0xbf8231f8
&E[2]: 0xbf823200
&E[2]-E: 0x2
I understand the result of &E[2] which is 8 plus the array's address, since indexed by 2 and of type int (4 bytes on my 32-bit system), but I can't figure out why the last line is 2 instead of 8?
In addition, what type of the last line should be - an integer or an integer pointer?
I wonder if it is the C type system (kinda casting) that make this quirk?
You have to remember what the expression a[2] really means. It is exactly equivalent to *(a+2). So much so, that it is perfectly legal to write 2[a] instead, with identical effect.
For that to work and make sense, pointer arithmetic takes into account the type of the thing pointed at. But that is taken care of behind the scenes. You get to simply use natural offsets into your arrays, and all the details just work out.
The same logic applies to pointer differences, which explains your result of 2.
Under the hood, in your example the index is multiplied by sizeof(int) to get a byte offset which is added to the base address of the array. You expose that detail in your two prints of the addresses.
When subtracting pointers of the same type the result is number of elements and not number of bytes. This is by design so that you can easily index arrays of any type. If you want number of bytes - cast the addresses to char*.
When you increment the pointer by 1 (p+1) then pointer would points to next valid address by adding ( p + sizeof(Type)) bytes to p. (if Type is int then p+sizeof(int))
Similar logic holds good for p-1 also ( of course subtract in this case).
If you just apply those principles here:
In simple terms:
a[2] can be represented as (a+2)
a[2]-a ==> (a+2) - (a) ==> 2
So, behind the scene,
a[2] - a[0]
==> {(a+ (2* sizeof(int)) ) - (a+0) } / sizeof(int)
==> 2 * sizeof(int) / sizeof(int) ==> 2
The line &E[2]-2 is doing pointer subtraction, not integer subtraction. Pointer subtraction (when both pointers point to data of the same type) returns the difference of the addresses in divided by the size of the type they point to. The return value is an int.
To answer your "update" question, once again pointer arithmetic (this time pointer addition) is being performed. It's done this way in C to make it easier to "index" a chunk of contiguous data pointed to by the pointer.
You may be interested in Pointer Arithmetic In C question and answers.
basically, + and - operators take element size into account when used on pointers.
When adding and subtracting pointers in C, you use the size of the data type rather than absolute addresses.
If you have an int pointer and add the number 2 to it, it will advance 2 * sizeof(int). In the same manner, if you subtract two int pointers, you will get the result in units of sizeof(int) rather than the difference of the absolute addresses.
(Having pointers using the size of the data type is quite convenient, so that you for example can simply use p++ instead of having to specify the size of the type every time: p+=sizeof(int).)
Re: "In addtion,what type of the last line should be?An integer,or a integer pointer??"
an integer/number. by the same token that the: Today - April 1 = number. not date
If you want to see the byte difference, you'll have to a type that is 1 byte in size, like this:
