event channelCreate .setauthor - discord.js

is there any way to put the user who created the channel in .setAuthor? I searched in https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/GuildChannel but found nothing
client.on("channelCreate", function(channel) {
const logchannel = channel.guild.channels.cache.find(ch => ch.name === "logchannel")
if (!logchannel) return
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Channel created)
.setDescription(`Channel <#${channel.id}> has created.`)
.setAuthor(//user who created the channel)

I think it's best to use the AuditLogs, you may want to take a look at it.


How do I display local image with discord.js message embed?

I'm working on semi-gacha bot command where you can pull characters and so on. I want to display the characters image after the user pulls and here is where I get stuck, it just doesn't display anything and I found what looked like the answer on here, but it didn't help, as I would get the same result and I don't get any errors, so I don't know what exactly is wrong. I have tried printing out the result of MessageAttachment first:
const attachment = new Discord.MessageAttachment('./chars/1.Jakku.png', '1.Jakku.png');
and I get: undefined, anybody has any ideas of what am I doing wrong? And yes, I have discord.js library imported.
Relevant part of the code:
collector.on('collect', reaction => {
//new embd
const newEmbd = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
// gacha logic
if (reaction.emoji.name === 'βœ…') {
const values = Object.values(chars);
const randomChar = values[parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random()*values.length))];
const attachment = new Discord.MessageAttachment('./chars/1.Jakku.png', '1.Jakku.png');
const charData = randomChar.split('.');
.setTitle(`You pulled: ${charData[1]}!`)
pulled = true;
} else if (reaction.emoji.name === '❌') {
.setTitle('Time for gacha!')
{ name: 'Result:', value: 'You decided against pulling' }
You need to use the correct syntax for attaching files as per this guide
const exampleEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Some title')

Discord.js Forward DM message to specific channel

So, I need a way to forward a message sent in the bot's dm to a specific channel in my server.
this is the code that I got so far:
execute(message, args) {
if(message.channel.type == "dm"){
let cf = args.join(' ')
const cfAdm = message.guild.channels.cache.get('767082831205367809')
let embed = new discord.MessageEmbed()
const filter = (reaction, user) => ['πŸ‘', 'πŸ‘Ž'].includes(reaction.emoji.name);
const reactOptions = {maxEmojis: 1};
.then(function (message) {
.then(() => message.react('πŸ‘Ž'))
/**** start collecting reacts ****/
.then(() => message.awaitReactions(filter, reactOptions))
/**** collection finished! ****/
.then(collected => {
if (collected.first().emoji.name === 'πŸ‘') {
const cfGnr = message.guild.channels.cache.get('766763882097672263')
else {
message.channel.send('Send me this in the dm so you can stay anon')
.then (message =>{
message.delete({timeout: 5000})
But for some reason that I can't seem to understand, it gives me this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'channels' of null
If anyone can help me, that would be greatly apreciated.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the bad english
The error here is that you are trying to call const cfAdm = message.guild.channels.cache.get('ID') on a message object from a Direct Message channel ( if(message.channel.type == "dm"){)
DMs don't have guilds, therefore message.guild is null and message.guild.channels does not exist.
You will need to first access the channel some other way. Luckily, Discord.js has a way to access all channels the bot can work with* (you don't need to muck around with guilds because all channels have unique IDs):
client.channels.fetch(ID) or client.channels.cache.get(ID)
(I have not tested this but it seems fairly straight forward)
*See the link for caveats that apply to bots in a large amount of servers.

How to separately edit multiple discord embeds?

I created a discord bot with the goal to generate reactive embeds with emoji-buttons. My problem is all the embeds created with the bot are modified simultaneously once a 'button' is pressed.
Below a pseudo-code of my bot:
const raidEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() //create the embed
//some code to fill the embed
message.channel.send(raidEmbed).then(embedMessage => {
//more react to create all the 'buttons'
client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => {
//some code to do stuff when the right 'button' is pressed
//then reset the button with this code:
if (user.id !== client.user.id) {
const newEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
//code to create the new embed
I don't understand why all my embeds are linked together and how to fix this issue.
Your embeds are not all linked together. The issue here is that you are using a global event to check for reactions. This is the part of your code that is the issue:
client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => {
//some code to do stuff when the right 'button' is pressed
//then reset the button with this code:
if (user.id !== client.user.id) {
const newEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
//code to create the new embed
What this part of your code is doing is whenever a reaction is added to any message, all of your embeds are edited. This means that even adding a reaction to a message that is not an embed will cause all of your embeds to be modified. messageReactionAdd is a global event, meaning it applies to all messages, not just your embed messages.
The best solution is to use a reaction collector instead of a reaction event. Reaction collectors are created on specific messages, so only the embed you reacted on will be modified.
Here is an example with your code, it may not necessarily be a working example but it should give you a general idea of how to accomplish this:
const raidEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() //create the embed
//some code to fill the embed
message.channel.send(raidEmbed).then(embedMessage => {
//more react to create all the 'buttons'
const filter = (reaction, user) => (r.emoji.name == "❌" || r.emoji.name == "β­•") && user.id === message.author.id;
const collector = embedMessage.createReactionCollector(filter, { time: 15000 });
collector.on('collect', reaction => {
//some code to do stuff when the right 'button' is pressed
//then reset the button with this code:
const newEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
//code to create the new embed
You can also use the filter to narrow down which users' reactions should be collected as well as what specific reactions you want to collect.

Discord.js How can I edit previous bot's message?

so I am trying to make a ROSTER command. The command is $roster add/remove #user RANK. This command basically should edit a previous bot's message (roster) and add a user to the roster to the RANK in the command... This is my code so far, but I haven't managed to make the roster message and the editing part of it and the RANK system. If someone could help that would be very amazing!
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "roster")) {
if (!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.channel.send('You do not have that permission! :x:').then(message.react(':x:'))
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length + 7).split(/ +/)
let uReply = args[0];
const user = message.mentions.members.first()
if(!uReply) message.channel.send("Please use `add` or `remove`.")
if(uReply === 'add') {
if(!user) return message.channel.send("Please make sure to provide which user you would like to add...")
message.channel.send(`you are adding **${user.displayName}** from the roster.`)
} else if(uReply === 'remove') {
if(!user) return message.channel.send("Please make sure to provide which user you would like to add...")
message.channel.send(`you are removing **${user.displayName}** from the roster.`)
Sounds like the .edit() method is what you want.
Example from the docs:
// Update the content of a message
message.edit('This is my new content!')
.then(msg => console.log(`Updated the content of a message to ${msg.content}`))
To edit your bots previous message, you need to have a reference of the message you want to edit. The returned reference is a promise so do not forget to use await keyword. you can then use .edit() function on the reference to update you msg.
const msgRef = await msg.channel.send("Hello");

Discord.js delete messages from specific UserIDs

So I'm having some problems with the code, I am trying to have the message.author.id match a list of IDs in a const then do something.
const blacklisted = ["644298972420374528", "293534327805968394", "358478352467886083"];
if (message.author.id === blacklisted) {
const blacklistedMSG = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`You are currently Blacklisted. This means you cannot send messages in Any server with this bot.`)
message.author.send(blacklistedMSG).then(msg => {msg.delete(30000)})
When I have it like that, it doesn't do anything and there are no errors in the console about it. But when the code is this:
if (message.author.id === "644298972420374528") {
const blacklistedMSG = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`You are currently Blacklisted. This means you cannot send messages in Any server with this bot.`)
message.author.send(blacklistedMSG).then(msg => {msg.delete(30000)})
It works and sends the user an embed and deletes the message they sent. Not sure what's going on with it. Thanks in advance.
You are making a direct comparison to the array rather than checking to see if message.author.id is in the array.
Instead of
if (message.author.id === blacklisted)
if (blacklisted.includes(message.author.id))
